Conspiracy Theories #23 One of us! One of us! One of us!

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Anyone else follow Jikkyleaks?


Also after speaking to a friend yesterday, does just believing one vaccine may not be as safe as promised really make me a conspiracy theorist?

Is there a peer reviewed study for how many I actually need to believe in to be a TRUE conspiracy theorist ?

Are my TERFy views also considered against me?
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Random question: but how many hours is reasonable to be without electricity if you rent?

It went out at 11pm yesterday. I messaged my landlord at 1pm today, before I was leaving. I just thought it would come back on its own. I won’t be home until late evening, so have no idea if it will be fixed when I come home. he hasn’t messaged me back.

I‘m not worried about the food in my fridge or freezer as it was pretty much empty anyway. Bar my tartar sauce and ketchup and a random cucumber.
I'm not sure, there must be something in the tenancy agreement to protect you from this? Glad he fixed it, still sounds like you were 24hrs without. Not on really, if you'd have had a full freezer and are presumably paying a fortune like most tenants now.
Anyone else follow Jikkyleaks?

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Also after speaking to a friend yesterday, does just believing one vaccine may not be as safe as promised really make me a conspiracy theorist?

Is there a peer reviewed study for how many I actually need to believe in to be a TRUE conspiracy theorist ?

Are my TERFy views also considered against me?
Yes Rainbow! By simply believing that 1 vaccine doesn't make sense and not rushing out to get it, you instantly become a fully fledged tin foil hatter obviously! (according to those who sit on their high horses, patting the mob on their backs & dishing the labels out)

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I don't even know what a terf is 😂. ( but I am a born under the least vaccinated star sign 😂).Aren't we all just individuals with different opinions on different things...oh silly me how old fashioned I am, apologies.
Hasn't everything been proven to NOT be a conspiracy theory ( but at the same time A conspiracy) involving the covid 19 vaccines? How much information has to come out before some people accept the truth and stop the name calling.?
I've always believed not to believe as most things are proven to be bullshit after the event .e.g.It's not a conspiracy theory to think that most modern war narratives are built on agendas and lies, that the real baddies are the " goodies ". Its reality. Unfortunately most people don't want to know the real truth as it's too unsettling. Labelling and ridiculing people makes it soo much easier to dismiss and concentrate on the shallower things in life. But hey whatever gets you through life I say.


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I love my friend (his star sign is number one on that list) , but I guess I just left feeling a little bit judged.

“I don’t feel like your thinking is extreme at all, the only area that’s true is your conspiracy theories”.

That he found conspiracy theories dangerous. “They’re all a truth, not necessarily THE truth”.

“The government can lie to us, but we don’t know the reasoning why, that’s not what we’re privy to.” Sometimes there are times they’re protecting their own interests, no doubt but It’s much more complex. You’re not running a company, you’re running an entire country. Sometimes that lie might be to stop widespread panic or they’re just hoping that something blows over. I think lies are genuinely told in the best interests of the public.” 🙃

He also told me AstraZeneca made no profit at the start. £37 billion still says otherwise.

The only thing I’ve spoken about with him has been the vaccine and my brother’s reaction. Nothing else. Why do I have to justify other stuff I don’t believe in like that our old Queenie was a lizard.

Going to obviously let this drop with him.

Anyway I’m rambling, but I’m just honestly so glad and grateful that I found my #Tribe. That I don’t have to explain myself and was believed instead of being dismissed about what my brother went through.

In the words of the OA: “ I survived because I wasn’t alone”.

P.S Sorry hun = TERF = trans-exclusionary radical feminist : originally used with reference to radical feminists whose advocacy of women’s rights excluded the rights of transgender women, and initially intended as a neutral term.

My views that women need and should always have female only spaces is also extreme to some.
I feel like my landlord is relatively nice, so I’m still grateful. Maybe it’s just because I pay early, but It’s crazy how much variation there is outside of London. My rent is almost half what my youngest sister is currently paying in Brighton. I do have a small place most might not like, but I’m not super fussy. It’s got an old 1970s vibe which I don’t mind. Lots of mismatched furniture which doesn’t gel well 😂 .
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Seems apt:

"You know, I majored in comp lit and it's possible, it's very possible to read a book without reading it in the traditional straightforward manner."

Yes I know I deliberately posted from a Dr the others don't just because you know I #lovethedrama .
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I think most of the world's population has scar tissue from lockdowns.
I think those who chose not to get vaccinated have extra scar tissue from how they were treated by people close to them and people unknown to them.
Those negatively affected by the vaccines are fighting to be heard.
Just thinking of the cruelty that people were needlessly put through regarding dying loved ones makes me feel sick.
All in the name of health.
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Moderna's turn:

“As a result of Defending the Republic’s (DTR) successful Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), we are excited to announce that we are releasing nearly 15,000 pages of documents relating to testing and adverse events associated with Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine ‘Spikevax.’

DTR filed its FOIA lawsuit after the FDA denied the expedited production of Moderna COVID-19 records, stating there was no compelling need or urgency for the public to review this information. This spring, DTR reached an agreement with the FDA for the production of approximately 24,000 pages of some of the most important records submitted by Moderna in support of its Biologics License Application (BLA). This is the first part of that production. Later this year the FDA will produce approximately 8,000 more pages of Moderna documents.

The FOIA production included a 2017-2018 Moderna study (which was submitted as part of the Spikevax BLA) entitled “A Single Dose Intramuscular Injection Tissue Distribution Study of mRNA-1647 in Male Sprague-Dawley Rats.” (The mRNA-1647 vaccine was developed before Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine.) The purpose of this study was to “to determine the tissue distribution of mRNA-1647, when given once by intramuscular injection to rats” and to determine the toxicokinetic characteristics of mRNA-1647.”

Testing revealed that “mRNA-1647 was detected in all of the analyzed tissues except for kidney” with elevated levels of mRNA-1647 found in the spleen and eye. Notably, mRNA-1647 was detected in the brain and heart.
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I think most of the world's population has scar tissue from lockdowns.
I think those who chose not to get vaccinated have extra scar tissue from how they were treated by people close to them and people unknown to them.
Those negatively affected by the vaccines are fighting to be heard.
Just thinking of the cruelty that people were needlessly put through regarding dying loved ones makes me feel sick.
All in the name of health.
Still relevant:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.

Think the clip of a son moving his chair closer to his mother during a funeral service and being told to separate summed it up.
Everyone asks how did the everyday Germans go along with it all? How did we?

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Need to update my list:

Linked to period issues ✅
Linked to Alopecia ✅
Linked to other autoimmune conditions ✅
Linked to Multiple sclerosis ✅

Emergence of Post COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Diseases | IDR
We are reporting 31 patients with new onset post COVID-19 vaccine autoimmune diseases and a severe exacerbation of an existing disease.

" In 27 patients (87%) there was no autoimmune disease background and patients presented with new-onset disease (Table 1). Twenty-nine (93.5%), one (3.2%), and one (3.2%) received Pfizer, Moderna, and Oxford vaccines, respectively. Eight cases (25.8%) received one dose of the vaccine, eighteen cases (58%) received two doses, and only five cases (16.1%) completed all three doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

The average time between vaccination and new-onset disease symptoms was median of 7 days (3–21) in those who developed IMD after the first dose), median of 14 days (2–25) in those after the second dose, and a median of 19 days (17–22) in those after receiving the third dose, with most cases occurring after the second dose (54%)."

Set fire to that bridge. 🔥

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Omg that come back reply made me howl thanks. 🤣
So funny,so true.
(“I was ashamed of myself when I realised that life was a costume party, and I attended with my real face.”
Well, all I can say to that is... it takes a hell of a lot of courage and conviction to wear one’s “real face” to the masquerade.)

(Here are some things we’re supposed to believe—

Vladamir Putin just went completely stark raving bonkers and decided to march into Ukraine for no reason whatsoever. The U.S led NATO forces had absolutely nothing to do with any of it.

The Russians blew up their own pipeline; blew up their own dam, and will very likely blow up their own nuclear power plant as well.

The Russian forces are totally demoralised; on the backfoot and completely clueless; with no answers to Zelensky’s “Winston Churchill like” strategising genius.

Donald Trump is the most evil man on planet earth, and all and anything bad happening in the world, is HIS fault.

The vaccines are totally safe and effective.

The only way to achieve and maintain health, is via an endless series of synthetic gene altering injections.

The common flu mysteriously disappeared from the entire planet between the years 2020 and 2022.

Big Pharma is 100% totally trustworthy and only exist for our health and well-being.

Government health and safety measures cannot be questioned. Anyone who does
so, is a right wing extremist and spreader of misinformation; (and most likely a racist.)

Perfectly healthy people of all ages dropping dead all over the world for no apparent reason whatsoever, is perfectly normal and has absolutely nothing to do with a “new; never before used on humans; largely untested gene altering medical intervention” that was rushed out within 6 months and has been administered to billions of people all over the planet since early 2021.

Mainstream media tells us the truth, and anyone getting their information from alternative sources, is a conspiracy theorist.

Politicians; multinational corporations and government institutions are totally incorruptible and collectively strive for the betterment of all humanity.)

Unfortunately a lot of people do believe these things .
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You also forgot the men are women narrative. 🤡

Gotta start with the young.

"Assumptions are not science.

Lies are not science.

Cover ups are not science. "

From the US covid inquiry opening .

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Experts call for urgent investigation as excess deaths spark ‘dangerous’ theories

"An urgent investigation is needed into why excess deaths are near pandemic levels, because the lack of an explanation is fuelling “wild and dangerous theories”, experts warn."

Government figures suggest the number of extra or “unnecessary” fatalities this year is higher than 2021 and 2022, and on a trajectory that could even surpass 2020.

Of particular concern is the 15 to 44 age group, where cumulative deaths are tracking above all recent years, including 2020.

Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty has previously hypothesised that rising non-Covid excess deaths could have been caused by a fall in heart drug prescriptions. But subsequent research has shown there was no such drop.

It was also claimed doctors’ strikes coincided with the jump in deaths. However, the British Medical Association said walkouts were not “the root cause”. It insisted: “There was no change in mortality trends during strike action.”

The latest figures mean that since 2019 more deaths are being recorded each week than the five-year average. Only a small proportion of these are now being directly attributed to Covid.


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Experts call for urgent investigation as excess deaths spark ‘dangerous’ theories

"An urgent investigation is needed into why excess deaths are near pandemic levels, because the lack of an explanation is fuelling “wild and dangerous theories”, experts warn."

Government figures suggest the number of extra or “unnecessary” fatalities this year is higher than 2021 and 2022, and on a trajectory that could even surpass 2020.

Of particular concern is the 15 to 44 age group, where cumulative deaths are tracking above all recent years, including 2020.

Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty has previously hypothesised that rising non-Covid excess deaths could have been caused by a fall in heart drug prescriptions. But subsequent research has shown there was no such drop.

It was also claimed doctors’ strikes coincided with the jump in deaths. However, the British Medical Association said walkouts were not “the root cause”. It insisted: “There was no change in mortality trends during strike action.”

The latest figures mean that since 2019 more deaths are being recorded each week than the five-year average. Only a small proportion of these are now being directly attributed to Covid.

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You’d think they’d be urgently investigating the causes anyway 🙄
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You’d think they’d be urgently investigating the causes anyway 🙄
Too busy trying to find out the causes of the TWO baby deaths spikes first?

Bad humour:

Remember when calling people ghouls was all the rage?

Does this count as a ghoulish comment?


Or this one? Thought it would be super rare anyway?

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I would crown some of that lot the Kings and Queens of ghoulish comments.
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Donkeys indeed comrade.

"The beauty of science is that it can provide answers to important questions especially when there is collaboration, sharing of expertise, reagents and results. "

This is the original tweet:




I've always said it's better to save the rats over the humans.
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Sorry rainbow, mistaken identity, I'm more into sending the love than "hurtful texts", does remind me of someone near though. As funny as she may be, she scares me.


One of the comments
" the under-30 conformity cult is driven by a clusterfuck of childhood vaccine damage and social media. Something like 35% of male americans born since 1988 are on the autism spectrum and have a hard time processing anything. Add to that the significant percentage who are on the fast track to a good social credit score and won't do anything that won't get them hundreds of “likes.” forget about hanging out with anyone who doesn't have the requisite number of IG or Tiktok “friends,”

Then there's another layer of brain damage from SSRI's..

on one hand, revolutionary movements have been co-opted for decades. Wasn't long before 60s radicalism was marketed as a t-shirt and a bong. then ten years later mtv was following madonna walking around the east village in her undies. But i've never seen anything like the last 3 years. Then again I didn't grow up in north korea or behind the iron curtain."
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If he can listen without letting his ego get in the way and without automatic name calling why can't others?



Some of the polio vaccine administered from 1955–1963 was contaminated with a virus, called simian virus 40 (SV40). The virus came from the monkey kidney cell cultures used to produce the vaccine. Most, but not all, of the contamination was in the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV).
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