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Do you think I don't know about all that? Strangely all those sprouting the narrative can be as criminal as they like but those not ,have to be whiter than white. 🤣
I have no idea. I just thought it was interesting, seeing as I knew nothing about him before today. So what is your opinion on his credibility?
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My friends who work in vaxx research and infectious diseases are seeing spikes in BA2 which is the new covid variant, however 2nd boosters are still not recommended. They're predicting hospitalization spikes in late April to early May. We'll see how it pans out. I personally believe mask mandates are being abandoned now because politicians have elections coming up, plus they really don't care if we die.

I continue to mask cause it's warm, lowers risk of skin cancer, and I spent time in Japan where masking is normal if you have a cold or don't enjoy inhaling cigarette smoke.
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Attempting to moderate, tone policing, or telling people what to post is against the rules, please report, keep scrolling or ignore a user
Lies. Even if let’s say in your imaginary little world you did get them…

… do you have to reply to everything you are notified on? This thread clearly isn’t for you. So why constantly post back on it?

Why do these anti CTists work themselves up so much over the fact there are CTists? You didn’t explain when I asked last time. You instead accused me of “derailing” yet same thread weeks later you’re having weird private banter with other anti CTers on this thread? Why not use that time to explain why you get yourself so worked up about people believing different to you. What difference does it make to your world?
Instead of being hostile, defensive, dismissive and sarcastic. Answer the question, so we can understand the perspective of an anti CTer. Educate us on why it gets to some people so much?
It’s not a lie - if you post on a thread you get notified of other posts etc. I don’t live in an imaginary world thanks.

I can throw the question back on you? Why are posters on here bothered by what is said on the anti thread since people will comment here about it.

I simply think that some of the conversations here are farfetched - things that are shared are often not true/taken out of context.
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It’s a bit like every country using the phrase ‘great reset’. I guess he is saying that their all planting a seed for something going to happen, and when key phrases are used by different people, it’s implying the thing is going to happen…….everything to play for at this point…..
I get that, but in this case it was literally a direct quote from one person (Luke O’Neill) being reported by different outlets. That’s completely normal.
I love the way people go on about trump, failing to mention the absolute clown show the US now have in office. Biden can't even string a coherent sentence together and Kamala doesn't even know where Europe is!
I mean I lived through 8 years of screeching about Obama. I voted for none of them. Biden is a centrist. Same with Kamala. Trump is a democrat who knows how to stoke a republican base, and was very good friends with the Clintons. Pelosi pledges allegiance to Israel no matter of Washington DC falls. They're all in the same cabal.

Trump was always trashy and tacky to me. Never liked him or his silly tv show.

It's not actually a CT anymore. Lots of proof has been posted already on these threads
All that means is the CT op has been successful. Who benefits? I always ask this. Certain parties who want to see us with no freedom of movement or religion do.
How do you explain the WEF saying this and the plans they have laid out? I appreciate your point of view, even though it differs from mine, but I am struggling to see the connection between the WEF clear stating what needs to happen and the association with religious groups. Would you mind explaining the link for me, only because I haven’t seen any and wish to be enlightened.
Are you in the UK or fro, somewhere else? Only asking because you might be noticing more somewhere else then here…….
I am from Canada, but living in the southern US so I do see a different picture of it. As for the WEF, they just don't have the mandate. They're not a government organization. They're not a government They run a ritzy conference with $20 bananas for the elite to rub shoulders and think up ideal visions for the future (and not so ideal ones). Their plans are largely not going to be embraced because reworking our society to greener business or more social-oriented capitalism runs counter to all the big money donors that contribute to our politicians. Here's some info from an evangelical perspective:

I say that the concept of the great reset benefits certain parties is because the people who are speaking against the great reset down here in southern USA are the exact same people who are trying to restrict our freedom of movement, our freedom of speech, our freedom of life and business (I had to present photo ID and proof of address just to recycle some boxes down here under a strict conservative government, insanity!). The concept of the great reset sounds scary as all hell, so it pushes the wary back to the Church down here, and voting in strict strict conservatives who want no immigrants and no freedom of movement for any of us.

Nora Fenn

Chatty Member
They can't quite make up their mind if the Russians are deadly killers or incompetent, if they have the most modern equipment or are fighting with WW2 equipment. Truth be told while we and the rest of the west were cutting back on our forces, Russia wasn't. They are making out Putin is a coward but also he is a raving madman who will "press the button" .. How are people not seeing how stupid it all is. People are sending arms to a country that has a larger army than we do and yet they apparently need to arm civilians (and criminal ones too) to help them fight. Putin could blow Ukraine out the water and yet hasn't

If people turned off the MSM and started listening to real political experts and historians they would have a completely different view on it all,
The west have been warned over and over yet they pretend Putin did this on the spur of the moment and without reason

Expert after expert

I’m not on Twitter so I can only read some of the thread, it’s asking me to sign in but from what I can gather it’s saying Russia wouldn’t like it if Ukraine joined NATO and would see it as a threat. But they haven’t? I know they wanted to join and I know the UK supported their application to join but as it stands they’re not. Maybe I’m being simplistic about it but how then is an invasion and the murder of civilians justified?
Aren’t these old videos and pictures actually being used and people trying to say it’s happening in Ukraine? I don’t see how that’s ‘trying to make a conspiracy’ out of it 🤔 will we use photos from previous pandemics and say this was 2020 because you know, same kind of thing 🥴
Reuters are also partnered with the WEF, Iv never mentioned Facebook or Pfizer. Someone keeps forgetting what I tell them #factcheck
I’m not forgetting. It was a sarcastic comment. 🙃

And not in reference to you btw.
People were not wearing masks en masse last autumn. Infact, I rarely saw anyone other than really elderly people in them. Social distancing or dare I say it, your own immune system probably did the job as opposed to the masks.
The events I was at were mask mandated for all. I saw no one at them w/out a mask on.

I go to about 10 of these events a year and have been doing so for well over a decade. I always get sick! Except this last year (didn't go in 2020). The masks made a difference.

I think masks are effective. But I really don't care if you don't wear one.


VIP Member
Just to clarify, the factchecking was for others. Not for me. 🤪 Your husband is not a Russell Crowe fan then? 🤣

Nor have I. Did not interest me. 😬
He passed on it because we were expecting a JJ Abrams production to start next month in Belfast, but unfortunately it’s been delayed till June now.

I haven’t watched GOT either 😉. I did try but it’s so not my cup of tea. My Husband only ever went to the crew screenings and he’d fall asleep 😆
facial recognition doesn't exist at the moment so pointless.

Covering just your mouth is not gonna stop you getting skin cancer.
Hardly anyone smokes now and only outside

If you don't wanna wear make up don't. That's just sad.

And people not asking you to smile. So your gonna wear a mask forever so people don't ask you to smile. Really extreme.

I noticed you never said to stop illness. But you also said you wear a proper mask and not just a cotton one. You could achieve all the things you said by wearing a cotton one. Or a hijab. How about a hat, or a balaclava. Why a medical grade mask?

It seems like you've convinced yourself that life is better with your face covered. It's all just a bit sad and I hope people with attitudes like yours don't infect the nevt generation into think wearing a mask is normal because, men can't speak to you.
You seem quite bothered by my wearing a mask.

Also facial recognition is everywhere, and we should be absolutely concerned!!!
Why? Why not enjoy the sun and the fresh air? What are you so afraid of. Are you gonna wear that thing on your face for the rest of your life?
Why does it matter? It's a personal choice.

Mask are terrible for wildlife. They litter our streets and oceans. They hinder children's development. They are antisocial and oppressive. They cause bacterial bronchitis. And they don't stop the spread of any virus. They are a waste of time.
So don't wear one! Problem solved.