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Yeah! Who on earth is doing all these things a couple of weeks after having a c section? And she’s been on a night out already. My baby is a few weeks older than hers and there’s no way I could of left him when she did! She’s too much
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Omg glad someone posted about her
She was out at the farm 5 days after her c section
I hope no one pregnant follows her as it’s so unrealistic
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How someone can leave their very young children to go on a night out is beyond me
And drinking alcohol could seriously hinder her c section recovery
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Anyone see her stories the other day she’s ended up with an infection in her c section scar. Yes Chloe because it was too soon to be on a night out. Also is she being paid by protein world? She does a swipe up every day and has a code. Saw her doing ad the other day finally but she put *ad instead of #AD. She puts a mean girl act on.
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Is that to me? Or about her
As I’ve had a c section this year
Definitely wouldn’t have gone on a night out drinking after 2 weeks
Sorry I didn’t make it very clear - totally to her. I had a section with my twins and I barely got out of the house within 2 weeks let alone drinking on a night out!
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For me, its the stories. Why does it take SO long to say the most simple sentence

Hi guys, so I thought I would just pop on today to show you *point a*... anyway *point a*.. so as I was saying *point a* .. so yes *point a*.. so yep *point a*

Erm ok?? Plus the lip smacking when talking.o_O

On the other hand her children are super cute!
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The girls positioning in the car seats is actually shocking.. They should still be rear facing & reclined which would stop them slumping so dangerously like that.
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Goes out loads after section. Gets infection in section. Moans about infection. Goes out again.. everyone deserves a break but bloody hell surprise her newborn even knows her. And the car seat is awful.
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Why is she and all the other ‘elite twin/triplet’ mums taking it in turns to post about them all. Every day I’m seeing them all post about one at the same time like it’s on some rota 🤷‍♀️ Also, I had a section with my boy and there is no way I’d want to 1. Leave him so young while I go out and 2. Risk my recovery! Madness
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She's out again ... I don't begrudge anyone a social life but I genuinely don't know where she finds her energy from, esp in this heat. 3 babies + a dog + she always looks amazing. Is she hiding a nanny ? She never mentions her husband much, assume he's at work. Grandparents must help A LOT!
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I am jealous of her she looks amazing am a hot sweaty mess I only have a 15 month old and am knackered I honestly don’t think she gets much help think she just used to it
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She is just such a mean girl 😂 with a huge forehead. I don’t know how she manages to get out so much on nights out my baby is a couple of days older than hers and I’d feel awful leaving them all the times she has. And as for the lifestyle she try’s to portray her house isn’t that great her living room is tiny surely you’d need that space for the size of your family?
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