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VIP Member
So sorry I totally missed this. You okay?
I wanted to ask something that’s quite sensitive then delete it but I’ll just ask it in a different way. I’ll just reword it.

If a 3 year old won’t take their treatment and you can’t convince them with any nice measures, would you insist if they were in extreme pain? I don't mean physically force, it wouldn't be possible, but use 'if you don't you cant have...' or 'you'll end up in hospital' or whatever scary, threatening type of language until they concede.
My thought is no, it’s damaging/traumatising. Someone else argues they're too young to make the decision, it's medical, they wouldn't consent to an injection either but it has to be done, in their best interest no matter what it takes.
What do you think?
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I went armed to the appointment and the consultant talked over me a lot! She tried to suggest it was just constipation but I said I didn’t agree. I had been writing down every time she had been for a poo (or not!) for the last week or so, she takes laxatives every day and struggles to go. Anyway she wants me to treat her for impaction( again), did 5 sachets today, 6 tomorrow and up it daily until we get pure liquid. And then she wants me to do dairy and soya free for 3 weeks. If no change she will refer her to the surgeons. However I don’t actually know what for as I couldn’t get a word in edge ways! Will email her to find out, but guessing a camera?. Xx


VIP Member
Has anyone’s child ever been on a medication in tablet form and managed to get them to take it successfully? (4 in July)
Thankfully haven’t had to try, but a suggestion I’ve seen is to use tic tacs to practice with.

Is there no other option, or is it that the GP doesn’t want to prescribe and/or pharmacist doesn’t want to provide possibly due to cost?


VIP Member
I went armed to the appointment and the consultant talked over me a lot! She tried to suggest it was just constipation but I said I didn’t agree. I had been writing down every time she had been for a poo (or not!) for the last week or so, she takes laxatives every day and struggles to go. Anyway she wants me to treat her for impaction( again), did 5 sachets today, 6 tomorrow and up it daily until we get pure liquid. And then she wants me to do dairy and soya free for 3 weeks. If no change she will refer her to the surgeons. However I don’t actually know what for as I couldn’t get a word in edge ways! Will email her to find out, but guessing a camera?. Xx
I think a camera yes. Maybe under general anaesthetic due to age?

Have you done no dairy/soya before? Shout if you need any suggestions of subs for anything. Mine has never eaten dairy, soya or egg so I know the good treats 🤣


VIP Member
It’s actually upon speaking to play therapy and saying how I was concerned that we cant get enough Picosulfate in them and I’m really not sure what the soloution is 😬 managing more than 2.5mls is near impossible. Movicol has been flat out refused for a long time and any sort of liquid medicine is a huge huge battle.

I said I’d be willing to try anything really and they suggested Bisacodyl (I’ve seen the tablet and it’s actually probably half the size of a tic tac!) so we’ve been given a leaflet with info on how to practice taking tablets and work up to the right size but I’m really not sure how easy it’s going to be with such a young child!
In situations like this, I am not above bribery.

To get used to an inhaler here I bribed with Haribo which I never ever allow so it was a massive treat (5 year old). Other things I have bribed with a comic and we know how desperate I must have been as they are £££ now 😂

I think it’s worth a try, and it’s just about finding what makes it seem worthwhile to them to try.

With tic tacs you could make it a game. Look mummy will go first, bet you can’t do it too! Oh you can? WOW! That’s amazing, better than mummy!

Also to swallow it with could you offer a ‘special’ drink like smoothie or v weak squash? Chocolate milk? Something exciting.

Also, sometimes we just have to do it. But I know in this situation there’s a need to avoid any trauma or negative associations, or you lose your only real option. It’s so hard. I would trust play therapists info to guide you ❤
Also, if possible, pick a strategy and stick to it as eventually it will be okay, with consistency and expected boundaries.

I’ve made the mistake before of trying one way, then a few days in getting so stressed that I’ve tried something else and it caused more problems.


VIP Member
Has anyone’s LO ever had a planned hospital admission to “help” as they are running out of options at this point?
We haven’t, managed to clear impaction at home but honestly I’d have taken any option by that point although I think it would have felt a big thing. How do you feel about it?


VIP Member
Consultant thinks we are nearly at that stage as movicol and the like has been completely refused for a long time (to the point of them refusing to even drink plain water etc). We are now at the stage where water intake is fine so don’t want to risk it again, plus they have always been a medicine refuser (even hates Calpol etc) but we are managing to achieve a small dose of Sodium Picosulfate daily and have done so for almost 6 months now. Which is a huge huge breakthrough.

Still not achieving movement anywhere near daily, so they think we might need to start over from scratch and a hospital admission would help as they can get the play specialists, psychologists etc involved too due to the knock on effects. It’s clearly a chronic issue that has now had a psychological impact and is causing them to also withhold due to being scared of the pain/medicine etc.

Consultant is very aware of my particular situation (3rd trimester with twins) so thinking hospital admission sooner rather than later would be a good idea. I desperately want to get on top of it and help them (especially as due to start school in Sept) but feels so extreme and I know they will be absolutely terrified x
It’s so hard trying to know what to do. What the ‘right’ thing is.

Play specialists are amazing, they make such a difference. But it’s still a lot.

Do you know the plan if you did go ahead? Eg little by little or one big initial action to clear and then maintenance (if that makes sense!)

It’s really good that the consultant is being proactive. Do you think they would be making the same suggestion if you weren’t pregnant? That might help the decision, if you know it’s what would be recommended anyway.


VIP Member
Not at this point. I am going to ask when I go in two weeks. The consultant seems to think it’s just constipation. But I’m not convinced!
If you can, try recording when she’s upset / in pain / straining to go so you can show them what you and seeing at home.

Also on coeliac, if the bloods are inconclusive or negative, ask about IgA level as it is possible to have a negative coeliac screen because of IgA deficiency (this should be checked automatically but often the result isn’t given)




VIP Member
Has anyone’s child ever been on a medication in tablet form and managed to get them to take it successfully? (4 in July)