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She works with the Fingal county council in the Ukrainian section

Her account is literally 99% reposting others content desperately trying to be modern and on trend. She is embarrassing
Shes only in that department a few years though. She was in housing before that.
Handy job though that shes able to be online posting shite all day.
Its hilarious if she thinks shes adding value to peoples lives im sure shes doing it for the free lipstick. She practically begged for the look fantastic af link.
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Octomom posting to follow her trip away yet not post on her Facebook page about the cruise. You wouldn’t even think she went. I’d say Rebecca Kelly (everywherewego) is fuming she invited either of them.
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Oh god what a nightmare of a ‘holiday’ 140 hours driving around northern Brittany in March?

Only thing that can save this now is a free entry 16th century stamp collection visit and a share bag of crisps between the 20 of them
Another dope. Hope someone is minding their dog this time.
She’s well known for her animal abuse


Well-known member
I didn’t realize that Sue was still in social housing - I assumed she had bought her new house and actually thought fair play to her as that would not have been an easy thing to do (for anyone, but especially on one income).
Given Sue’s boys are in their twenties and that she appears to have a great job (she has mentioned a few promotions/panels in recent years), why would she have been given a new house? (genuine question!) I assumed that she was also really making a killing on those AF links and again thought fair play to her 🤣 As the @P1nkie! above says, if Sue has the money to go on so many holidays and buy so much make up/clothes and go shopping in M&S and Avoca surely she isn’t eligible for social housing? If she is, the system is even more broken than I thought 🙈 I’m absolutely not throwing shade at social housing, but given the housing crisis, I just assumed the income limit/ dependent requirements would mean that people in social housing typically can’t afford such regular M&S/Avoca trips and holidays (obviously everyone is entitled to a treat, I’m
not saying people in social
housing shouldn’t have holidays or shop in nice places, but these are routine for Sue). We are a two income household with a mortgage and those things are rare treats for us. This also isn’t shade at Sue, she is obviously entitled to a house, I just don’t understand the system and assumed the income limits were much lower than they are.
Yeah I probably shouldn't have mentioned social housing as I don't know FOR SURE that she's living in a social home. I believe she is, and she has never mentioned mortgage repayments.
All the same, yes she is entitled to spend her money how she wishes, but I felt really low watching that story, thinking about how I have to make very informed choices in the supermarket and she's buying €50 worth of bits for dinner in Avoca.
My post was about her story made me feel, and I probably should not have posted 😊


VIP Member
Its interesting there's already much more stories from a holiday Octomom paid for herself then a press trip she was paid to be on. I would be really angry if I was the person who hired them.
Thought the same,
The sister has shown more of that theme park (a Collab) than she did of the boat. Her motives are very clear. Happy to enjoy the freebie of the cruise but only willing to "sell" what she thinks other parents might buy so that it will benefit her and her brood.
Exactly this, when will people wake up to what these lot are like?!