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This is probs gonna be a long comment be warned 😂
A friend sent me this loons tiktok when her whole bowel saga began as I have been in a similar boat. I had cancer in 2015 at the ripe age of 20, had 3/4 of my pancreas removed, spleen and gallbladder in one go and nearly died from complications but I’m still here, 7 years NED!!
a year later to the day of my surgery I had emergency surgery as I had a small bowel obstruction, I was throwing up the contents of my bowel uncontrollably and I have primary adrenal insufficiency. I was 21 and had to consent for a stoma, luckily woke up without it and they saved mt bowel and removed the scar tissue. I then had a subacute obstruction, same symptoms but caught early treated with complete bowel rest, ng tube and gastrograffin (contrast dye and mega strong laxatives!) and it cleared. Since then I’ve had another major operation to rebuild mt abdomen. 10 days later I was in theatre having the repair undone, 40cms of mesh removed and had to consent for my abdomen to be left without mesh and with a stoma due to scar tissue again. It just loves mt small bowel. Luckily woke up with the mesh replaced and no stoma. I’m now having frequent subacute bowel obstructions regularly requiring admission, ng tube. Bowel rest and gastrograffin and laxatives down the tube which works. I also have IBD- UC and also a lazy bowel due to opiates prescribed due to cancer and chronic pain. My intake is minimal and more often than not my bowel works. I’ve also had many episodes of ileus where my bowel stops working due to trauma, handling in surgery etc.
how the hell she managed to go on for so long with no bowel nonevent, allegedly. Despite all the laxatives and bowel prep, did she even take them or do anything to help herself?! Necking Imodium and opiates will fuck your bowel motility sideways and she seemed to relish the attention she got from being “sick”. I will do anything to avoid surgery although I desperately need more which is in the pipeline to do a complete abdominal wall repair and reconstruction, again with a hernia repair.
I would give my left arm to not have any illnesses. Whenever I have an obstruction I get completely terrified of surgery resulting in a stoma, for me it is a massive fear. I have little peripheral access so have piccs whenever an inpatient or femoral and central lines which save my life due to needing masses of iv steroids to keep me alive. Why was she so defensive about having one?!! She could get IV morphine, every opiate users dream. I usually end up with a PCA of fentanyl which works well but she’s on another planet. Crying on tiktok saying her pain relief wasn’t working…as she took it. Give it a chance babes.
every hospital admission is traumatic mentally and physically as my life which I’ve rebuilt has to go on hold.
she clearly has munchausens or some underlying mental health condition. The fact she is pretty much the Poundland version of QVC astounds me, particularly when she took her shite to shell out into the hospital?! If she was in a ward with me I’d probably end up ramming her phone where the sun doesn’t shine and threaten her with a drip stand to be quiet. I don’t think she understands how having a stoma will affect her long term and I’m honestly in disbelief that someone operated on her when the issue is likely caused by eating Imodium like sweets and taking as many opiates as she can, it’ll just happen again. I’m gonna delve into her previous thread as I’ve read it’s wild. I wish she knew what it is like to live with debilitating and life limiting chronic illnesses and understood how it impacts every aspect of her life.
im 27 with a stomach that looks like it’s been hacked at by a blind mouse with a Stanley knife, I’m currently having a subacute obstruction but I’m not on tiktok begging for attention of validation selling a shitty shower head or sliders from shoe zone. Whenever this happens I have to put my life on hold that I’ve spent time rebuilding. I went from working full time in the NHS and going out, festivals, seeing friends and going to the gym to being in hospital with a tube up my nose, nil by mouth having gastrograffin poured down said tube, iv meds and bed bound. However, Cherine wouldn’t understand as she has no life except for being “unwell” and selling tat you’d find in poundstrecher.

cherine if you read this, grow up and sort your life out. Maybe ask your gp for help with your addiction instead of a fucking go fund me cause your lazy ass won’t fund anything for herself. get help babes.
Soz for the rant x
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Wee Toots

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So I've got some tea 🍵 on Cherine.

All the staff are talking about her, and what a riddy she is for being in there constantly.

And she is banned from a handful of wards in the Royal due to her behaviour and for filming staff and other patients when she's been in previously.
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She isn’t interested in that because she will still be paying it herself. Amazing how she can’t afford to save for private treatment but can fuck off on holiday every few weeks when her & wee wifey do not work 🙃
No bother Maria, do u not think the millions of others on waiting lists on the UK can’t keep on going with the pain they are in? Fuck them, the world revolves around Cherine & everybody should pay for her operation when maybe if she looked after herself a bit better post stoma op then she might not have this hernia 🙄
The stoma was unnecessary in the first place. We all called this sort of shit happening back when she was really gunning to get her shitebag. People like Cherine are a complete waste of resources and time.

What i don't understand is how that wife of hers with her 4 wisps of hair can put up with Cherine feigning illness, when she herself looks like the fucking Crypt Keeper? Surely she's no well. She looks more ill than Cherine ever has.
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I am the music man, I come from Cranhill way, what can I play? I play nothing.

She was outed for this fantasy on the previous threads 🤣🤣 playing guitar. CRINGE, I think her creepy maw was involved at one point.
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Just caught up on this thread It was definitely worth it. I am howling 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I’ve seen Cherine & wifey irl in the forge. Those filters need an award btw. Both their hairlines run parallel with their ears
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Just seen the video looking for "advice on go fund me" Well cherine doll and enablers lets break down what u just spewed out your gub !
You say you had an operation cancelled because you got covid and your health .... but running around asda with covid buying toastie makers but u can go out with covid and you had to do all they videos calling everyone trolls who disagreed. A, if an elective surgery planned if had covid of course it wouldn't go ahead ... B you just spewed out saying cancelled because of your health reporting ckd stage 3, asthma/ copd so if you are so bad are you fit for surgery????? But we all know you fantasise and deliberately create symptoms.... C, you had to slip in wee wifey is your carer .... surprise surprise cant do anything but can fuck off on holidays, dance around, run about shops we all have fucking eyes and DWP will have eyes as well ! Big brother is watching for ever claim and review !!!!
So make your mind up hen ! From a private perspective it's more than likely going to be the same consultant from up the Royal doing there weekly sessions private you see if you do con the enablers for a consultation fee. Cherine doll you must know private you will be struggling to get anyone to touch you with a barge pole with your fictional and self inflicted aliments. There's no HDU in private hospitals so if the shit hits the fan during / post surgery you wake up in the Royal or the betty, you claim your so ill you must need an hdu bed post surgery..... what a rare wee laugh it would be waking up in the royal with everyone you see all the time during your constant wee trips up there !
I can tell you aswell you big beggy bastard anyone daft enough to give to a go fund me for you might come across the real Cherine when googling your name , you make me sick ye rank rotten fucked up piece of shite......... sorry tattle hoosewifes for my big long screed there... need to write essays on this fanny no short way for me to condense her down
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begging for money on the internet? Check

wearing nappies? Check

Munchausens? Check

Look, all I’m saying is, have any of us ever seen Cherine and Chelsea Wright in the same room at the same time?
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God this thread made me laugh. Cherine is the reason i found Tattle. I googled her name back in the day because i couldn't believe people weren't talking about this absolute nutjob, and it brought me right here. 😭

My favourite wee Cherine-ism is when she told everyone she was going to be a Guest Judge on Drag Race Uk. 😂😂

Cherine did what I call the Full Dee Maxwell. Somebody told Dee once that she was funny, so she decided she was a comedian.

Somebody told Cherine once she was a shitebag, so she went and got one installed.
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Adele Roberts just ran the London marathon and broke the record time for running with an ileostomy, this was 12 months after finishing chemotherapy!!.. she raised so much money for bowel cancer charities. Beggy Cherine needs to get a grip! Nothing “brave” about that crackpot benefit scrounger!
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Sorry Cherine, no reversal for you. Queen Tracy Hunter aka Slabbery Chops has spoken. You know it's bad when the Bean Queen herself thinks you're a con artist and roaster.

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Active member
So I've got some tea 🍵 on Cherine.

All the staff are talking about her, and what a riddy she is for being in there constantly.

And she is banned from a handful of wards in the Royal due to her behaviour and for filming staff and other patients when she's been in previously.
My best friend works in the Royal and she is a complete nightmare!!
They all fight over who has the bad luck to go and see her.
She’s told me so many stories about her and her antics
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Time to launch Scottish Tattle mass reporting of the GFM - Stayace fell victim to it lately, had her’s removed. She wanted money for medical cannabis for her cancer that has not been diagnosed 🤷🏽‍♀️
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I'm fuming at this entitled arsehole & have also reported her GFM.
Taking advantage of people just as COL payments are about to be made - how anyone can put their hand in their pocket to fund this liar is beyond me.
She got what she wanted last summer, now having a stoma doesn't seem to suit her and seems like the hospital are not gonna give in to her this time.
She can traipse up to the hospital chasing pain relief as many times as she likes, it's not going to get her any further up the waiting list.
The reason why she's always in a side room & not a ward isnt just to give the other patients peace from her, it's coz she's fond of the contents of their purses - aren't you Cherine??
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Begged them to give her the ileostomy because she was pouring the clean prep doon the toilet likely, made zero alterations to her diet and lifestyle, now it's coming back to bite her on the arse. You reap what you sow Cherine. How about maybe not go on 6 holidays a year, weekends away, takeaways, meals out, trips to the Fort, buying all manner of shite off TT shop etc.......?
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She’s needing tae see a doctor about the shite coming oot her mouth never mind anything else. Fucking crackpot that she is!
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She's an infuriating bastard eh begging, me and my man both work full time got 4 kids between us, house with a mortgage, car with payments (needed to run bairns to all their clubs) and we got our electric/gas bill in today and I cried because I really don't know how we can sustain all this and food shop going up. Then you have this clown who doesn't work and spends all day on tik tok it's fucking disgusting 😤
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She’s getting on my last fucking nerve. If she sets up a GFM post it on here so we can all report it. She’s a fucking chancer.
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She’s had weighted hoolahoops and stomach toners from her tiktok shop on her belly days after the surgery nae wonder she’s got a hernia. It’s leverndale she’s needing
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