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VIP Member
If SJ is using this time as a little break from the "hate-site", it seems to be working really well. It's clearly been proven now that as soon as she stops vlogging we all stop talking about her.
I’m wondering if she has taken this extra time to school Flip on how to behave when they film. Long discussions on how to/how not to behave so as not to provide fodder for the “hate” site, or piss off the grannie nazis. Here’s a partial list I’m sure she’s compiled:

1. Please take the beanie off at least half the time.
2. Do not, I mean absolutely do not, do the Charleston again.
3. Develop a new hobby, please. We can’t have anymore hedgehogs in the chateau. Maybe you could like Gucci jumpers or something?
4. Please stop talking about your food allergies. They are all over the map and no one has ever seen you whip out the epi pen and you eat literally all the stuff you say you are allergic to.
5. Do not, and I mean DO NOT talk about our age gap. I’m hoping you will just age really rapidly and people will stop talking about it.
6. Do not take off your shirt. That’s Anne Marie’s job. Really. He’s got it covered.
7. Could you try not to snort? I know it’s hard. I know. I love it, but some people just don’t.
8. Stop talking about my mother. It was weird before, and now it’s just cringy.
9. Can you just pretend to wash dishes sometimes? You don’t really have to do it. You can just pretend for a few minutes while I film it.
10. Also, can you pretend to build some fires or fix something every once in a while?
11. While we’re talking pretend, can you pretend to like Michael more when you see him. It’s not coming across in the videos.
12. Can you also pretend to be pursuing your acting/singing career? It’s starting to look like all you do is go to Emmaus and do my hair.
13. Can we get some footage of you handling my social media. Actually can you work on my social media, it’s getting kinda stale on my Insta.
14. Could you possibly learn to cook some edible food? Could you also maybe buy some food sometimes? How about paying part of the light bill?
15. How do you feel about hair transplants?
16. Could you maybe stop wearing my clothes? Never mind. You can have them.
17. Could you maybe stop talking about your grandparents? Did you have any friends growing up?
18. Also, if it’s not too much trouble could you stop mentioning Christie’s? That was a while ago and it didn’t go very well and I don’t like thinking about it.
19. Could you stop using “our” when you talk about the chateau? It’s kind of pissing off the people who paid for it.
20. Please don’t touch me when we are filming. Unless I fall or something. I want everyone to forget you’re my unemployed, unworldly, unskilled, underhanded, underworked, sexually ambiguous boyfriend. You’re just a boy who is my friend. That’s all I want them to think about. I don’t want them thinking about how I lied to them for over a year, and that you came here as a volunteer with a sketchy plan to bed me that you cooked up with your mother. No, no, no, no, no I can’t have them thinking about how unseemly this all is. The speculation will just make me have to go out on walks where I scream at the trees and cry all afternoon after I wake up. It will probably wreck my Botox or cause my fillers to shift somewhere they are not supposed to be.

Okay then, let’s curl up in bed with eBay and see if we can find a paarrfect Bernardaud service for 20 for under 4000€ we like, alright?
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omg how is this possible...i read this morning..we did the fundraiser for the children for Sinterklaas was a great succes ..and the thread is already closed.. ..i guess i have to read back..we had a very good day..all the people involved had the same good and positive vibe..we also had a great time..they all donated we can make a lott of unfortunate children happy when Sinterklaas is coming..after a lott of work not only by myself i have to say..i can relax with a nice glass of wine..and do some catching husband is sleeping on the sofa in front of the fire..he also did a lott of was a busy day..but also a very good one..Tattle is my guilty husband thinks its stupid to follow that sillly woman..but i somehow like it.. ;)
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Chatty Member
I would recap the previous thread but is there much to recap? We didn't even get reprimanded by a moderator for turning it into a chat room.

From my poll we see that most of you think the toy boy will be abandoned early next year but many give it a bit more than that. No day to kill a squirrel like today, I say.

There really wasn't much to talk about in the flog front:

-Stefanny ate in a posh restaurant with DTM, and he is getting more criticism than ever before. Finally someone who knows someone confirmed that Stefanny did indeed graduate.

-Stefanny run around the uninhabitable farmhouse in a weird towel turban and nothing really happened. Armoire got a little bit of flak and it was questioned if he's really a nice person at all. We also learned that Stefanny and Nutty should not be give access to axes.

-Teabeg made Halloween videos weeks late. Did someone actually watch without fast forwarding?

-Biffy went to a brocante for the 11th millionth time.

So boring was the flog offering that Tattlers rehashed old subjects and focused on forum politics. Good time to remind everybody to read the rules.

Oh, and I guess cranberry sauce was the new pie?

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The first one popped up was Selmars vlog..he was very honest and moved..i also made some stupid mistakes in my life businesswise but i had always something to go back to..and it all didnt givemuch damage... but it hurt my selfasteem a was all long ago..and i am glad i made those made me a better person..and made me feel i have to be gratefull for everything i have..and that there are other persons who are not so lucky..and that we all can help..if we really want to..
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Dan doesn't like gardening. There's none of that enthusiasm what we see when he talks about drones, cameras etc. If gardening was his passion we'd seen a very different garden by now, it's just another job bringing bread into table. Maybe Dan's hired as a chef for next season's dinners at Lalande? Maybe Steph recommended him to someone and it was a thank you meal for it? We'll see. I don't think the Bosi restaurant has anything to do what will be coming.
I think Dan lost interest in the garden when Davy was brought in, with his pie in the sky grandiose ideas. Dan sees the foolishness there.
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Definitely Maybe

VIP Member
Apologies if this has been mentioned before, BUT SJ is removing external shutters from some of the windows because they’re not in keeping with style/age of the chateau, yet is putting panelling in the grand salon , which it wouldn’t have had originally !!!
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I may be in the minority but I fail to see the attraction of panelling in such a small room with such low ceilings. To my mind it will look too heavy, dark and cluttered, then again she does seem to like the overstuffed look.
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Many American fans are not happy with BJJ's comment. These comments are a sample. Same, holds true, with his filming/editing skills.

Penny Sue

10 hours ago
Kind of a rude comment Philip... green must mean money to Americans??? And the up-close flip-flop on peoples faces in rapid succession... not great filming techniques. I understand you are trying to be more creative; but sometimes in these kinds of videos LESS is MORE? Take into consideration the different screens that people are watching your videos on. Phone screens are not so drastic as some watching on larger screened computers or even viewing on a large screen TV. Might want to keep that in check?


12 hours ago
I'm not saying this to be critical but because some other people might agree... I find Philips' comments from behind the camera really irritating and distracting. I think the cameraman or woman is supposed to be silent and discreet. If he'd like to join in, it's better that we see him on screen, and someone else can do the job of filming. This is a general rule for filming interviews or sit-down videos, and for a reason because I think this is the more successful format. As an audience member, I want to feel like Stephanie and friends are talking to me and not to Philip. Thank you.
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Playana Kobi
2 hours ago
I think it's also distracting because the voice/sound would naturally be louder because of the distance from the mic. It hurt my ears.


1 hour ago
@Playana Kobi Exactly! Everyone else before him stayed quiet, so I don't see why Philip can't. It's very interruptive.
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Clara Burnett

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They were filming a Christmas Advent vlog in London?
I myself am quite suspicious of SJ's decision of taking the Sundays in November off and not put her usual vlogs out. Everything is about money with her and this way she's losing money by breaking up her regular schedule (less views equals less add revenu) and also misses out on the cash from the premieres and live chats. She says she needs the extra time to prepare for the advent vlogs, but she has also stated those are prerecorded (started in the summer in Italy) and that the concept of her advent vlogs this year will be different, as in much shorter video's. Those vlogs should be ready to air by now. She must have found a way to make them even more lucrative, maybe by doing payed collaborations? From what I understand from my eyes and ears there's a lot of secretive whispering around the whole advent thing this year and there's not one storyline floating to the top just yet.
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Dippy Hippy

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I don’t have a problem with the age gap it’s the fact he was a volunteer and she made up a job and paid him to basically become her lover and consequently gave the lazy lad an excuse to abandon his studies. She has a tendency to be ridiculous and overly excited and he brings that out in her more which is fine when you are young but she’s heading to be a caricature of herself
I'm not comfortable with the deference she shows to his organising the ornaments in the kitchen. He seems rather obsessive in the way he decorates tables, and everything has to go back in its place on the dresser in a certain order. Everything is over thought and far too cluttered. Stephanie is a natural hoarder but Philip is making her worse. Philip seems to have the final say on everything. Its disturbing
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Quickly browsing Dan's latest vlog's comments.

I really think he should stop filming his children for his vlogs.

There are two posters in his comments section commenting on what happened in the studio and discussing about the kid's responsability.

One of these two posters is particularly vindictive against the kid - answering people who try to tone him down.

He says awful stuff about the toddler's being responsible and wants Dan to literally punish him - and to find out who was supervising him at the time.

I find the whole thing scary and wouldn't want my child and my partner to be targeted by a total stranger in this way - on Internet.

He really should think about this now IMO.
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Thanksgiving is just days away. When does Teabag arrive??? Where are SJ and BJJ??? Who will be invited for the feast??? Will Selmar and Tatty phone in their chateau purchase info??? Will that reveal be put on hold?? What room will they use for the dinner??? Will they all have colds???
What will fall from the ceiling or what ceiling will fall??? Will they have heat??? 🤔

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Dippy Hippy

VIP Member
Ollie's arrival has taken me back to the original, enjoyable vlogs, pre Philip. They were so much better.
I like Ollie, he's good natured and upbeat.
Such a contrast to the pretentious Phyllis.
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Penny Lane
1 hour ago (edited)
FOR PHILIP : Here are a few synonyms for BEAUTIFUL (so you can use other words....) : charming, cute, dazzling, delightful, elegant, exquisite, fascinating, fine, gorgeous, grand, lovely, magnificent, marvelous, pleasing, pretty, splendid, stunning, superb.


Explore Cape Town

3 hours ago
Ive invented a new drinking game - everytime the word hedgehog is mentioned on the Chateau Diaries... We drink!
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Thoughts on the latest CD episode? Besides the welcome absence of snorty...a tidy workshop, SJ saying she wants a pared-down decoration of the grand salon, progress on the chapel, an attempt to be part of the local community... is this all too good to be true?
Well, about the attempt to be part of the local community: this was purely driven by remarks made here. She thought it would be fun to go to the opening of the local cafe, only to find there that it was just a celebration of the founding of the organization that will try to achieve this. If she had informed herself in advance she would have known this and would never had joined in the festivities. She lied again about the fact that there had been no activity in the village since she moved in sixteen years ago. At that time there actually was a local restaurant, called Madagascar, where you could order homemade, easy meals.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
If SJ is using this time as a little break from the "hate-site", it seems to be working really well. It's clearly been proven now that as soon as she stops vlogging we all stop talking about her.
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Some comments on Dan's latest vlog telling him to stick to his house reno and stop filming travels and Lalande....

PS : Re. their colds, let's hope that Steph and Dan had a test before coming back to their homes, friends and family...
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