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How embarrassing. The apple certainly don't fall far grom the tree does it.
I mean, just why? My arse has cringed itself that much it's prolapsed.
She's got to be in her mid-70s???

Gawd, how fucking embarrassing....

Fucking shoot me, if I get like that....
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Again with photographing sick kids… why can’t these instahuns just give their poorly children privacy and quiet, why is she pulling a weird bottom lip out face?
She couldn't give a toss about him, but it's handy he's ill for the insta awwws and clicks......

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Wiki Ref: 17/06/24

Another Zoom Meeting tomorrow night after another two 'recruits' have joined the 'travel scheme'. "Let's have a tipple". 🙄 She definitely has a drink problem and no doubt they will put her on mute again because she just embarrasses herself and chats utter shit.

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With a bit of luck she will make herself enough “money through” travel to get her bottom set of turkey teeth.

Can she not get a sponny? Too irrelevant?

Charlotte seriously, save up. It’s an investment!

You wouldn’t get one ear pierced, one boob one finger of a Kit Kat so why why did you only get the top done?

Those pearly whites are fuck all when the downstairs neighbours in the same mouth resemble a row of condemned houses. 🦷
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Chatty Member
“How many times in a day do you think he says mummy guys?”. Perhaps if you actually interacted with your child properly and every single fucking interaction wasn’t done via a screen and for strangers he wouldn’t NEED to keep trying to get your attention in whatever way he can. She is beyond thick, what she is doing to those poor children is abusive and so damaging.

Those poor children have every single waking moment recorded and their mum talks to them through a phone screen rather than directly and with eye contact and that would be damaging for any child. The fact she pimps that footage out for millions of strangers is despicable. If social services are not involved they absolutely should be. Right now the children don’t really understand but I can’t imagine how damaging it will be for them as they get older and the content for public consumption just keeps churning out. Literally hundreds of hours worth of what should be personal moments out there forever.
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Jesus wept, the wrinkles!!! 😳 what age is this one meant to be again?
She’s 31 - all that excessive drinking, smoking, processed food, cocaine and not wearing any SPF will catch up with you one day 😁 They also look worse because of how heavy and badly applied that foundation is. Plus she hardly has the best genes…..Tracey looks like a dug up corpse and Les was’t exactly an oil painting bless his soul.
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our trace

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Taking the piss out of his Aldi protein yogurt when Aldi have just kept her electric on for another month with that shit ad of her skipping about the store.
Laughing at him actually tracking food and macros and staying accountable when she sits like a deflated flump on the sofa, wheezing and snorting and probably stuffing family size packs of choc choc and skips in her face and pretending she follows her own scam.
Fucking Bec Bec
She’s just a big pig,loud obnoxious pig.
She doesn’t even shop there,it’s either booths,or m and s.
Honestly she’s such a scam artist,how can people not see through her is beyond me.
Her followers must be as thick as mince.
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Matt sleeps in the other shit heap of the room because he snores apparently like his dad,
Loud mouth chazza yet again in denial that matty hates her,if so why is he still messaging harro 🤔Harrington and pob are going live soon,wait for chazzas face,Harrington is a cheat who needs exposed.
Haaa matty lad is barred from lytham unless with her 😂
Give us more, give us more!!!!!!
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Infuriating. She didn’t even fucking like her and now she’s a supposed ‘swiftie’ fuck off.
she also looked like a right dickhead next to the other women that were invited.
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Kim Barnes is rough as fuck. She always has a can of Strongbow in her fucking hand!!!

Tarot reader my fucking arse!!! 😂😂

Gurning Giffen's skanky mother!
I was at a very low point in my life , so low that I actually got sucked into getting a reading done off this woman . OMG ! I've had readings done before with other mediums and let me tell you this woman is the worst of the worst . The 'reading 'lasted all of 20 minutes and afterwards I sat there and cried as I knew I had been scammed . I messaged her telling her how upset I was and asking for my money back but she just blocked me . Horrible fraud of a woman taking advantage of people.
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View attachment 3009820View attachment 3009821View attachment 3009822View attachment 3009823View attachment 3009824

She’s about as sexy as a used tampon. Probably smells like one too.

Her total lack of muscle tone is really noticeable for someone who exercises regularly 🤥 Notice in every one of these she has pulled the knickers right up to hold in her fat gut. Her legs are nowhere near as slim as she photoshops them to be either - she’s dumpy, saggy and has a gut the size of a tyre due to all the processed food and alcohol she puts into her gob and the fact she does ZERO exercise.
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our trace

VIP Member
All that little boy cared about in that video was his own space, with a tv & bed. Not his clothes, wardrobe, vintage car, bedside tables, giraffe from the old house. No excuse Chazza for it to have taken this long to provide your son with a bedroom shame on you! Clearly ran out of money to finish it, so now scrounging on the gram for something to finish it. SS have definitely got to her this time.
All that little boy cared about in that video was his own space, with a tv & bed. Not his clothes, wardrobe, vintage car, bedside tables, giraffe from the old house. No excuse Chazza for it to have taken this long to provide your son with a bedroom shame on you! Clearly ran out of money to finish it, so now scrounging on the gram for something to finish it. SS have definitely got to her this time.
I would be extremely embarrassed if that was me,I would come of Instagram immediately,especially the fact that social services were calling me,and as for Noah basically having an adult’s bedroom that’s just ridiculous.
Bunk beds and toys is all that is needed.
Stupid cunt.
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Chatty Member
They are failing those kids. Noah should be able to hold a pen properly ffs 🙄 (I won’t get all mumsnet) Poor bairn. Charlotte you are a lazy scumbag and an embarrassment to your dad’s legacy!!
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Who calls their children their besties 🤮 saddo. Agree with other posters if she was honest about her life and weight she’d be more relatable. Her content is so false and boring, surely she’s tired of keeping up the act she’s 5 stone lighter than she actually is, wealthy and in happy relationship
She used to be more honest about her weight when she was pushing the "chunkeh but funkeh" narrative. She's switched it up since then because she got herself on the skinneh jabs and pretended she was bang into health and fitness.🥴

Shes currently trying to repeat the same narrative but she is struggling this time around.. maybe because ozempic has met it's match with this greedy bastard.. so she heavily relies on angles and filters.

It's ok though because she can only lie to herself for so long. Imagine when she's 40 ! She'll be HUGE! 😂

The karma train is coming CHOO CHUFFING CHOOOOO 🚂
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