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Get dressed and do something proactive with that child you lazy munter.

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Just come across this on the Amanda Harrington page and it feels like it’s exactly what Chazza has said about her ‘stalkers’ almost like Chazza is reading a script as she has little imagination herself

I thought the same when I read it too... Both a pair of embarrassing arseholes.
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She thinks everyone is as thick as she is 🤣 you can tell her eyes aren’t completely closed. Stupid cunt!

I’ve tried 3 times with the video for receipts🙄

@CrazyBaldhead you’re better at getting the video evidence
She's just a cunt. Clearly looking at her phone screen to see. I'm more surprised that she can add 5+5. She's not bright.

Tell tale tits get split lips,just an old saying so think Sam is in trouble xx
What makes you think that hun?
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Why are they always filming that child in the bath either on his own or with matt in it? Surely she realises the sick creatures that are online that she’s exposing her child too? All parents do it but it’s not put on social media ffs does she think it’s making them look like good parents it’s not chazza your just exposing your son to sick people online to share your videos around
Honestly blows my mind that people do this. I had an old work colleague who used to post photos of his daughters potty training and actually share photos of them on the toilet. Very bizarre behaviour😳
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Chatty Member
Just wanted to add:
Billie gives the impression that she has a solid relationship and her children are well cared for - IE reasonable goals within your own life.

Charlotte gives the impression that she is a drug addled alcoholic with a dire and unstable relationship, with a son who is sad, exhausted and unhappy - IE Don't touch with a bargepole.
Completely agree with your posts about this you’ve hit the nail on the head 👏🏼 I just know they’re under the same management and with Charlotte’s zero talent and everything you’ve listed above I think they’re trying to flog her from a family angle as that’s all she’s got (even though like you said that’s unstable as we know)
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Get that dummy out of that kid's mouth. He doesn't need it.

At this point Pob, you're just embarrassing yourself. Sort it out ffs!!

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Struggling to conceive aren’t you darlin,your pezza keeps coming.
It’s a blessing because your a shit and dangerous mother to poor noah.
And stop saying you don’t give a shit about what is said about you because that’s not true you care a lot and cry a lot about all The haters.
Acting all tough lol,and yes Matthews parents don’t like you they tolerate you because of the kid.
If only you knew how many of your circle think your tapped in the head.
Weird woman.
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our trace

VIP Member
Why has she got a black headboard on the kitchen wall lol,what a tacky kitchen and that chav bar I’m sorry no classsy just brash.
These two make me laugh 😂 it’s so obvious it’s all fake and pretend for the camera.
Noah will snap his neck one day with those stairs and then what char set up a go fund page to buy noah a new you idiot
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So, yet another chavvy 'do' today, more sugar for Nowhere, a massive roast on her 'Belleh Blaster' and cardboard Les getting kissed again! Poor Nowhere still running around late again too.

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She's really winding Pob up about that girl in Love Island. He's getting really aggy! (First clip).


Sorry for the poor quality but I had to compress it 🤣
Pob doesn’t seem too happy does he 😂 I bet it’s always like this chazza goading him. I bet he’s gone back to the old house he can’t stand her!!!! 😂
Great minds think alike! I've posted this too. He was really getting aggy!! 😂
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granite grandma

Well-known member
She can’t even be arsed to do the 15 min work out daily and post a new video DAILY and post a weight loss photo monthly. Why promote something but not actually do it and show the results yourself? The idiots in her comments saying they’ve signed up are as thick as her
💯 she is lazy and will do the barest minimum
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I tried to find the 1992 This is Your Life for Les but failed. I was interested to see if Trace appeared and how it compares to the 1971 version.

I’m just about old enough to remember Blankety Blank, the mother-in-law jokes and a tabloid story of a toddler Charlotte in a cot with a full body cardboard Les stood beside it but not a great deal else.

Seeing Meg for the first time in the first TIYL footage she looks like a very lovely women very supportive and rightfully proud. Seeing Les’s reaction to receiving the Big Red Book and how taken aback he is to the praise he receives on the show speaks to his lack of ego.

He would be beyond cancelled today but he was of his time and I hope history will remember him for that and not this shitshow:
I've tried looking again too for the 1992 TIYL and I can vaguely remember watching it back then!!! Baby Charlotte was brought on at the start and she was then taken backstage to a nanny. Our Trace featured on there but unfortunately this is the only photo I could find but no clip. 😒


She really doesn’t help herself she’s 100% jealous and pissed off because a girl is on tv and he’s watching it (bet she was the one who forced him to watch in the first place, not that he’s complaining!) why even record that? I bet she’s sulking in bed now and will have a sudden ‘I’m ill’ pj day again tomorrow

who’s this new follower? Business partner? I thought it was just her and Matt 🤔
Interesting. Good find. I found her LinkedIn and she has her own tanning business. 🤔

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Glad to see the begging for a removals company didn't work. They should've started moving their stuff out ages ago! She really needs to start giving that child some structure and tell him NO. My God do I feel sorry for his teachers and other children in his class. He'll end up a nightmare!

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