It's my understanding that she has no formal training
I think you're right, judging from that list.
'I qualified in CIBTAC' is meaningless. Clicking through, CIBTAC is the awarding body. It's like saying 'I qualified in OCR', rather than 'I have a GCSE awarded by OCR'.
Biologique Recherche sounds good, but it's a brand. As a degree isn't necessary to work on counter, the courses won't be at postgraduate level.This is like saying 'I did a postgraduate course on how to use the clinique computer'.
'Insured internationally' isn't a qualification. This just means she can rub cream on people across Europe and if they sue because it goes wrong, the insurance will pay damages.
That list is embarrassing. I'd say apart from a few day courses on selling a brand, she's got no qualifications for any of this. Which makes her the perfect schiller, because she has no basis on which to challenge brands claims, she just parrots what they say to her followers.
At Steiner School?? Huh?!
She's going back a bit... I worked on Wardour Street 20 years ago, and whatever this Steiner School was, it had shut down by then.