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It's all so - grabby. The living lists are not actually about true, meaningful experiences. Luxury travel does not equal meaningful. I might start a GFO - a Go Fuck Off account today, I reckon. Rather give my hard-earned money to a foodbank or a decent charity.
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Chatty Member
I know Adele Roberts isn’t mentioned much on here but having seen her post today I still think she’s just wonderful. She was really hoping to get the go ahead for stoma reversal, sadly they’ve said not yet. Is she crying about it? Absolutely not (in public anyway) she’s just getting on with it & still raising awareness for her community & what they face daily. More influencers could take a leaf out of her book
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Has she lost her mind a bit because she is blowing this out of all proportion? Or is this some kind of attempt at driving up views to her page as it is all a bit bonkers now?

Before she kicked off yesterday, I have only ever seen a couple of negative posts on her and can barely remember when or what they were about.

Seriously love, I don't think we care or talk about you as much as you think we do. Stop trying to poke a bear for attention.

Oh and you aren't the only person in the world with terminal cancer sweetie. You have your place to vent. We are allowed ours.

I also like the fact that she decided to kick off yesterday, randomly, when we were mainly talking about the death of another cancer influencer. Which was nice of her.

Kinda bored of hearing her name, given I don't follow her.
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Lizzie nearly ALL your followers are anonymous regardless if you can see their name or not! You don’t know them, they could be anyone! Unless you know them in real life then they are the same as people on here. Yes they may have a profile with their ‘real name’ but is it really their real name? Who knows, like anyone on SM they will only ever show their positive side. We know full well many influencers are on here too. Actually, the fact that, as a former police officer she’s happy posting stuff about her young children online and showing them, knowing, I’m assuming, full well the type of people that lurk on insta looking for images of children should be more of a concern then a few people who judge her, on a gossip site for how she may or may not exploit her followers because she has cancer. Again, just my opinion and not fact.
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If we aren't allowed to grow and learn from our mistakes without being permanently cancelled then we all may as well be cunts who only ever do what we want. Give the bloke a break. He did what was wanted and you still aren't happy. It's starting to look more like jealousy than accountability.
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I honestly dunno why these people go off on these mad tangents about tattle. It serves no purpose. Is anyone here going to stop posting because of it? No. Is tattle going to be shut down? No. You simply cannot stop gossip and chatter. If you make a choice to plaster your life online for thousands of strangers to access then im afraid you are also allowing those strangers to pass comment and make judgments on what you share. If you dont agree with that, if you dont like it, if it upsets you then that is on YOU. You are under no obligation to share your life online with strangers, so either stop doing it or learn to live with the fact that the public who consume your content can say whatever they like about it.

Also - love how the beige fence sitting twats like Nicki Newman & Laura Boobless are liking her posts & commenting on it but neither have the balls to publicly say anything directly about it themselves!!
Fascinates me Nicky has never said a thing when she gets talked about arguably the most. Suspect she doesn’t want attention drawn to some of the stuff thats said I.e. her necklace funds?
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I think LE, just like BowelBro, fancies herself as some insta-influencer and wants her own thread on here.
I’m not on every chat here, but from what I’ve seen no one has had bad stuff to say about her, so I’m thinking there’s another reason she’s using the ‘tattle slagging off’ post. Maybe she thinks it will get her more donations into her gofund me.
Not from me she won’t. I find it really unsettling to see people who are better off than myself being given money for luxuries. Many people die without having the chance to leave anything for their kids.
And she has a little business and is able to earn through that business. Or even work part time when her kids are in school.
Cancer doesn’t automatically entitle you to freebies and luxury because you’re dying. Wake up. We’re all dying, and none of us know when.
Some people just have no shame.
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Well I don’t know about any of you. But I just sat here and bawled my eyes out at Rich’s video. I despair for him, I really do. I just wanted to reach through the phone and hug him. At this point, it doesn’t matter if you don’t like him. This is a human to human conversation now. But gosh, my heart. I have a feeling he has been putting on a brave face for a while. But I absolutely predicted that this would happen after saying goodbye to Jamie Murphy. I’m not 100% certain it was a good idea, but I guess it doesn’t matter now.

His situation has really made me look at the concept of “ambition” from an entirely different perspective. To think he could be sitting in the most beautiful home, with a cinema etc. When really all he wants is to live and be with his wife. He would give it all up in a heartbeat. It’s easy to look at someone’s achievements and think you have failed in life. I’m sure we have all done it at some point. I definitely have. But really, it’s all bullshit. Achievements, materialism and being ruthless with money etc, doesn’t mean anything in the end does it? Because when all is said and done, being able to breathe air in your lungs and love and be loved by the people closest to you is all that matters.

He says he feels hopeless. Well, I’m still hoping for him.
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Shes off on one again….! But apparently she’s never coming onto read tattle ever again so…… what’s the point?! 🤣
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I actually do sympathise with lizzie a bit on this one, weirdly enough.
Even when you know something like this is coming, it's honestly shite and feels so final - like your life has been written off. I also hadn't worked for ages but I remember getting a similar letter and I just solidly cried for about an hour, because what was the point now. Cancer just takes everything.

You have to be pretty mentally strong to not have a bit of a breakdown over it - as I think she did yesterday, maybe misdirecting her energy somewhat. I imagine it's easier to lash out at tattle than the police force.
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What I've always said and find very interesting (I'm sure there'd be a good study here somewhere, no doubt influencers will be one day!) is that the kind of people who become influencers are the type of people who absolutely cannot handle people having negative opinions on them. To me that makes no sense and they are the *last* people who should be putting their lives out there. That extends even further to cancer influencers who are the same, but also add the element of deciding to document their health journey, then getting affronted when people expect transparency (again, not talking about Lizzi, don't know her, but certainly people like Tiffany etc). Like honestly guys what do you expect? You've chosen this life as your 'job', you can't just pick and choose which parts to do and then expect people to not get their backs up about that. Again, the same with GFMs. Most people I know would sooner pick up trash with their bare hands than ever beg for money, but the people who chose to put themselves out there, then get pissed off when not everyone agrees with it. Just be appreciative you know that so many do want to help you? It's so fucking entitled to focus on those who don't.

I know they like to say the whole be kind you never know what's going on, but that applies to everyone and they are some of the rudest people going. Happy to lap up the praise and take money from people, but no critique. That's not how life/careers work. Then put people on blast for their followers to attack when we keep it all here, where none of them have to come. They are the real trolls.

I can honestly say if I was an influencer I could not give a flying fuck what people said about me. Their opinions are theirs to have and I respect that fully. I'm content enough in my own sense of self that I don't crumble at the words of strangers. That being said - I would also take on board if many people were saying the same negatives that maybe I do indeed need to address something within myself. None of these folk seem capable of this. They elevate themselves to an almost god like status that because they have cancer they are untouchable and worth more than the rest of us. No. As we've said many times, we wish *all* of them well, but that doesn't mean everyone should sit silent and worship life choices you choose to publicise and profit from.
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Farmer Sam

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Just found this thread (I’m a bit slow 😂) and feel soooo reassured it isn’t just me that finds Steve Bland aka Mr Blandy to be ick making. I cannot believe how he has air brushed Rachael out of his life, out of his social media presence - everywhere. I mean - he only got the gig on the podcast when she died. Who is he? He’s not that great a broadcaster I’m afraid, although neither is talk too much shite gobby Lauren IMO. That podcast was terrific in its early days - honest, emotional, informative, funny. My Mum was dying of cancer and it was a huge support.

Steve Bland tho seems to have forgotten Rachael began it, nurtured it and was his wife! I know we all grieve differently but when he married Amy and captioned his post the best day of our lives I felt so sad for Rachael’s memory, for Freddie. Selling her shoes, moving house, marrying and within a blink of an eye having twins. Wow - does he even acknowledge her existence? He makes me feel slightly nauseous. And this is bitchy but why don’t Amy’s friends tell her that yellow hair and almost black eyebrows are a BAD look. 🤷‍♀️🙈
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LE saying she doesn't want her loved ones to read Tattle comments about her after she's gone. Ironically, if she hadn't just plastered those comments all over her IG feed, they probably wouldn't have done. Sigh.

We've had so many discussions on here about the pros and cons of putting your whole life out on social media for people to see. And with some people (Nicole, God rest her soul, lovely Monique, dear Emily Hayward etc), what they post is humbling, or educational, or just damned admirable. When posters go into the murky waters of advertising, freebies, links, taps, clicks, whatever, then I think that they have to be prepared for reaction. In short, if you don't like the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
Honestly, I think she is just having a bad day. It feels a bit reactive like me when I get some shite cancer news in the morning and everyone is an enemy. I don't think anyone was saying anything that bad about her.

I don't think LE is at the 'absolutely taking the piss stage' in terms of asking for cash like people like multimillionaire BowelBro or Nick Nack 'I take 15 holidays a year to exotic places on other people's money' Lou. It's just, unfortunately, people are getting a bit more cynical to fundraising and gofundmes due to (relatively) privileged people like this doing this, with zero subtlety or room reading, amidst a cost of living crisis.

She needs to read back a few pages as we were all wishing her daughter well and everyone here felt awful for the family a mere few weeks ago when she thought her daughter had a tumour.
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The jaundice was the worst sign with my Dad, he went from NED to sudden jaundice mere weeks apart, extreme pain and nausea (tbh what Rich is describing) to cancer everywhere, hospice and dead two weeks later 😞

God I fucking hope it isn't progression, just after he finally had a plan too. He seems to spend his life having his hopes raised and the very next second completely torn down. It's so fucking unfair.
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Rich’s latest update. I’m not ashamed to say I sat listening to it, feeling like I wanted to cry for his situation. To think he cooked for NINE people while going through sepsis, is unbelievable. He is so poorly. He recognises he was discharged too soon though. Very very sad for him. I really do hope he gets better in the next 10 days—so he he can at least spend Christmas Day with his wife at home.
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Everything from Nat Woodward is a bit barbed at the moment isn't it? Did she really need to say this? Especially if, as she claims, she knows people meant well.

I can totally understand why she might feel a bit bitter and angry at the moment, but you wonder whether social media is a useful place for her tbh.
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Omg Lizzie stop!! The biggest problem here is a lot of people on Instagram use it as a job, they ARE the Brand and can be called out on the shit from time to time. The whole ‘ lifestyle’ a lot of these so called ‘influencers’ portray is as much damaging to people as words are on this Site. I am a child of a parent who committed suicide, it is a lot more complex and I wish people would stop using it as a way to bolster their arguments. As a person I have always liked Lizzie, how she chooses to spend her Gofund me is up to her, personally I would rather keep it for any treatment but that’s me. The like of NNL and Tiffanythinks who have really raised questions on here are again a ‘Brand’. Yes they are people, but they are selling and if people have issues with their behaviour, then where else can anyone say it? Blocked on their accounts, called trolls for asking reasonable questions. When you have family going through the same stuff you of course follow accounts with the same issues, however most people on Tattle have the capacity to question and voice concerns about certain practices of these people and do not blindly follow.
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Moaning in the current climate about money when you can afford non essentials all by yourself is what gets annoying. Nails. Lip filler and a new car and a paid for pedigree pouch are not essential items. That’s called choices We all spend our money how we wish to at the end of the day. But why should others be then guilt tripped into contributing to your own personal begging bowl so you can have a holiday? It’s ridiculous. I know GFMs are a choice to donate to, but there’s plenty of gullible folk out there who really would give their last tenner to these people. Leaving themselves without or struggling because they feel so terrible seeing the sob stories. It’s manipulative. If you’re that desperate, there’s no shortage of charities that can help. Except these type of people know full well they wouldn’t qualify for anything as they already have plenty. Ffs this is like living beyond your means and taking no responsibility for yourself. Holidays are not a god given right, sick or otherwise.
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