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Lizzie needs to remember, just because someone has cancer it does not automatically make them a decent person. Yes tattle can be OTT sometimes, but a lot of the time it’s people who genuinely have questions about things but cannot ask because they are shot down in flames by the ‘fans’. Influencers create echo chambers. Just as they say we don’t need to follow or watch, they don’t need to read here. This is a gossip site, some negative and some supportive. I will say this, if you put yourself out in the public domain though people will have an opinion of you, good or bad. Those sticking up for influencers, saying how wonderful they are, are in no more of a position to judge that than we are of saying we think they are greedy, if we adhere to the narrative of they only show five minutes of their lives and we don’t know them. When violet was poorly there were many on here who felt sick for Lizzie.

Is this woman OK? Nobody on this thread has ripped into Monique. Unless I missed something. I think we all agree that she was such a pure soul!
That’s bullshit 🤬 Everything I ever read were people feeling heartbroken for her, also Monique only had the best intentions sharing her story.
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I think one of the reason why Nat can't move on is because her PE was palliative, she even wrote about it today on IG saying that she will never be cancer free, only NED. I think it must be really hard for her to put it behind knowing that probably sooner than later her cancer will come back, she's 2,5 years NED I think, she knows that 5 years of being alive will be a great statistic in her case and it's sad because she's halfaway through. She may be bitter I agree, but at the same time I find her very brave, she's really educated about her disease, I didn't see any form of denial from her since the beginning and I must say, that I admire her for her friendships that she has made with other stage 4 cancer patients. A lot of them died, she went to the funerals and mentions them from time to time, can't imagine what it's like to loose friend after friend to cancer. So while I agree with a lot of what you are all saying about Nat I still like her very much, admire her very much and I wish her many years to live. I don't know if I would decide on PE knowing that it will not cure me, it really takes a huge amount of determination and bravery.

Edited to add: I strongly agree that she should find a job or volunteer, it would help her mental health a lot.
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Thank god he has his own thread. Sick of seeing endless comments about him...he's just not that interesting 🙄
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At least Rich openly admits to going private. That’s more than bowelbabe did.

Have a look on the nicknacklou threads if you want to discuss a cancer instagrabber. He’s not got a patch on that madam.
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It's all so - grabby. The living lists are not actually about true, meaningful experiences. Luxury travel does not equal meaningful. I might start a GFO - a Go Fuck Off account today, I reckon. Rather give my hard-earned money to a foodbank or a decent charity.
That’s what just baffles me about it. The pure brass neck on them, to literally be taking money hand over fist to splurge on umpteen luxury holidays, they have no shame!!!!! I could almost understand it if it was literally for 1 holiday of a lifetime with loved ones before passing away, but to essentially make a list of 20 or 30 extravagant holidays, experiences, days out etc and then take money from people to fund it by using a cancer diagnosis to emotionally squeeze people to donate is just shameful. Particularly when these people are all generally middle class, financially comfortable with family or partner’s earning decent money. I honestly dont know how they aren’t mortified by the sheer gall of it!!!
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Hey dad was widowed and with that my Mums hefty pension withered into the never. He himself had to retire early but Mums pension saw them thru. Now he is a struggling pensioner with no means to go out and earn. And there was no GoFundMe solution to my mums illness either....there was no treatment. So how about, go fuck yourselves when tarring us all with the little troll badge. A lot of us have been in or ARE in the same situation, the only difference between YOU scroungers and us, is our understanding that absolutely no-one else is responsible for providing luxuries in our lives. You want your holidays, go out and earn the money rather than sitting home moaning. These are the same people who described themselves as stage 4 cancer 'thrivers', they're just unable to thrive when it means earning the money themselves it seems....
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LE saying she doesn't want her loved ones to read Tattle comments about her after she's gone. Ironically, if she hadn't just plastered those comments all over her IG feed, they probably wouldn't have done. Sigh.

We've had so many discussions on here about the pros and cons of putting your whole life out on social media for people to see. And with some people (Nicole, God rest her soul, lovely Monique, dear Emily Hayward etc), what they post is humbling, or educational, or just damned admirable. When posters go into the murky waters of advertising, freebies, links, taps, clicks, whatever, then I think that they have to be prepared for reaction. In short, if you don't like the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
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Somebody who gets lip fillers, brand new cars, and pedigree puppies is clearly not short of a bob or two. Not to mention all of those lovely holidays she goes on.
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Oh jesus - Laura filming herself gurning & crying…… major eyerolls.
Don’t mind me, just sitting here trying to imagine myself getting my phone, unlocking the Home Screen, going to my camera app, and then holding it up to film myself crying (so I can do a reel). 👀👀👀
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Lizzi's comment about how you never know what somebody might be going through behind closed doors, is true. But the same could be said for people on this forum too. I've come to realise that some people on here have some truly massive stuff they're going through. Maybe she could think about that a bit too. Plus people on here were genuinely shocked and concerned for her little girl recently and I saw only nice things written about that. So sometimes we kick off on here, or get a bit arsey. But, can LE honestly say that she's never kicked off about anything, or got a bit arsey? Is she an angel the whole time, with never a bad word to say about anything or anybody? Doubt it! So the non-judging thing needs to work both ways.
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I unfollowed BB because he and I have what sounds like identical cancers but he got on my nerves in the end with his too-ing and fro-ing. Now reading all the above I went and had a look at his page. I had sepsis back in Feb and nearly died. As a result I have a complete phobia of hospitals and have panic attacks every time I'm going to chemo, blood tests etc so I can understand why he doesn't want to go yet. But this is his life!!! He has to realise that he is severely ill, he can't just wait another 4 days!!! All cancer patients have a number we can ring anytime that goes through to a cancer ward and they literally tell you what to do. Also don't know if it's just my hospital but I've never ever had to wait in A&E, you get rushed through being a cancer patient. He is so stupid not to ring that even. Hope he gets there eventually 🤷‍♀️
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I think social media has created a monster whereby people who have been dealt the worst cards in life - terminal illness at a young age - think the least they deserve is some crowdfunded money for holidays and mortgage payments. It’s so widespread it’s almost the norm.

It was interesting that when the Fuck Cancer Club (a short lived shared platform) started, Stacey was the only contributor who didn’t have cancer. It was all about riding on coat tails and raising her own profile.
It is shameful in my opinion.
My husband was in his late 20s when he was diagnosed stage 4. We had a joint mortgage but didnt have critical illness or life insurance (our fault, nobody else is at fault)
Yes its shit, really shit, but he is one of millions in the same position, along with those with illnesses (non cancer) where patients live with fatigue and pain day in and day out.
No way would I ever ask or expect others to pay for holidays or our mortgage! No chance. We don't need holidays, we can go for local walks and find free things to do. If I struggle to pay the mortgage alone? I will downsize my home. It is that simple.
I'm all for donating to those that are looking to fund support life saving treatment/ life extending treatment, but not donations to support lifestyle.
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Totally with the poster above talking about Steve Bland being so dislikable.

This latest shenanigans from the You Me and the Big C lot is just bullshit. Firstly, they are determined to stay on the gravy train with this live show. Why would anyone be interested in a live show now? Lauren hasn't had cancer for years, and Steve, well.....who is Steve exactly?

The husband of the woman who created the entire podcast whose name isn't even fucking mentioned in the blurb about the live show?!

I couldn't believe it when I read that ad for it and they talked about how the live show would be about the legacy of Deborah, but there was literally no mention of Rachael at all. Nothing. The woman who created the podcast. Honestly, at this point I'm starting to wonder if I am missing something? It's becoming so bizarrely offensive. I honestly don't understand it at all, how could you possibly justify not bothering to mention her? It's not Lauren's podcast, its certainly not Steve's and it wasn't even Deborah's. How can they do this to Rachael?
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I've got a stoma and adapted to it pretty well. Yes she (I named her Sally) sometimes explodes like in Tesco a few weeks ago,never been more mortified running out of the shop with poo running down my leg!! But she saved my life and I'm forever grateful. Also its great going out on long days, no need to find the loo it just does it itself 🤣 I saw Nat posted that without it she'd die etc but I think she really needs to believe that and think more positively instead of the moaning.
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Having Go fund me for holidays is not life or death. Setting them up to help pay for treatment not available on the NHS is completely different. Most children will want their parents around longer and have less ‘holiday memories’. This is why the get called out. NNL and the necklace…all money goes to charity, except the large amount going to her!
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I was thinking of Monique today, bless her. I watched a few of her old videos. She was so sweet, kind and patient. I hope she’s sleeping peacefully 💜
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Why are they continuing with the YMBC podcast? Lauren has been in remission for a long time and as for SB...the only reason he is involved is due to Rachael and he makes it quite clear that he has chosen to forget he was ever married before....ugh!
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Displaying your empty bottles of Veuve Clicquot, presumably for no other reason than to show how much money you have, is just pure wankery.

I wouldn't be having that if I were Lisa, it's cringe!
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Bowel bro showing his true colours again.

If you’re going to make a public Instagram, public forum, there’s needs to be an element of understanding you will get weird comments, off comments, ones that don’t feel appropriate. Just delete and block. Ranting about one comment that doesn’t look like it’s intended in a nasty, malicious way is just ridiculous if you’re choosing to try to be an ‘influencer’. Which bowel bro is. He could have simply replied that he’s still learning, will get things wrong and is just trying to raise awareness.

I honestly think he needs to stop the public social media if he’s going to react like that to a comment.

I know he’s going through utter hell, but social media is not the place to be in that circumstance with random comments coming your way. A private supportive Instagram of family and friends would be much more beneficial for someone in the vulnerable way BB is.
Hmm. I don’t 100% agree. Whilst I understand a lot of your points and I think his reaction is a bit OTT, I can also understand his frustration - his cancer journey has been wild, lots of different opinions, messy diagnosis’ and oncologists who have said one thing meaning another. He also has adhd and autism and so also has a different communication style. On top of this his most recent video is him extremely confused with terrible sepsis. Why does this person think it’s ok to comment on him providing accurate information? It’s totally the wrong time and unnecessary IMO. He’s not a cancer Wikipedia page, he’s a real person living through the hell of cancer and so there probably are going to be discrepancies. I actually think people are so entitled expecting him to vet every single video to ensure succinctness and complete accuracy. I’d probs have told her / him to fuck off too 😂
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