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oh just fuck off Stacey you desperate, coat tail riding non-entity.No one is discussing legitimate claims for benefits or legitimate go fund me pages for those genuinely trying to fund treatments. Just fuck off and stop trying to make a name for yourself !
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Yayyyyy Lizzie England just posted that her daughters growth on her face isnt cancer! Thank goodness!!!! Good news!
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Ah yes I remember reading Lisa and Francesca’s blogs. I often wonder how Lisa’s husband is doing. He had a Twitter account before, but it seemed to have disappeared when I looked for it again.
Lisa was one of my best friends: losing her was a huge loss to us all. Pete was doing well last we heard from him, but I won't comment much as he chose to step back entirely from online.
It's so wonderful to here Lis being brought up so many years later; we talk about her frequently, and hearing others mention her makes it feel like she's still here.
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I don't think I have ever disliked someone as much as Steve Bland...just seen they are doing a you me and the big c recording talk about all things cancer (even though cancer couldn't be further away from your perfect new life) and to talk about Deborah and her legacy.
What about your wife steve....remember know who created you me and the big know the woman who practically gave you your current job and life style you absolute womble c*ck!!!

Sorry I don't know what just came over just infuriates me.

Sorry I don't know what just came over just infuriates me.
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Ive worked in endoscopy unit and we frequently did 20+ endoscopies per day and would maybe see at least 1 malignancy per list ( both upper and lower GI endoscopy )....I think Rich's accounts are very dubious! ...the ketamine he'd been given would leave him with retrograde amnesia for one thing
I'd frequently sit in with Dr to give results and then be there to go over treatment / info sheets and have never sobbed into a patient's shoulder!...although I may have given them a hug when saying goodbye ...but definitely not in the procedure room
likewise I've sat in with Drs when they've broken bad news to a patient to tell them their final chemo has failed and there are no other options....I have cried on these occasions as I'm human and I've built up a rapport with patient and their family , often over months of treatment...I can still remember many of these patients even years after they've died
However after 20 years in oncology ( and more than 35 years in NHS) I think I've just about reached the limit of my emotional capacity and am now physically and mentally exhausted and will hopefully be retiring in the next 12-18 months
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To those that have cancer and are on instagram and are reading tattle.

There are many tattlers on this thread that also have cancer and some even stage 4 like yourselves.......

Just needed to put that out. They are in your situation and can relate......
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Grace Kelly

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I was lead to this thread because Nadia Sawalha from Loose Women has reposted Lizzi’s post, although I’m aware of Lizzi and some of her story I don’t follow her…she’s not my cup of tea. But what always surprises me about people who identify / consider themselves as influencers is that when they achieve what they want, they will talk about how much their followers know them but as soon as their egos aren’t being stroked or they’re called out, the narrative shifts to "you don't know me or anything about my life!"
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It’s a tough job I know and it’s not for us all - but I’m sorry I don’t believe in teary eyed nurses at the colonoscopy - it’s something they see and deal with and I’m pretty sure they don’t cry every time something shows up…especially as originally he’s saying it was given as a stage 1/2. Happy to be corrected but I just don’t buy it. They are professionals and most I’ve come across manage to maintain empathy and kindness without weeping over strangers with what was at the time, not the worst diagnosis it could have been.
I think he’s basically re writing history as he wants it to be seen, not necessarily as it actually was. Truth mixed with grandiose thinking. Im still hanging in there reading, because to me, that’s the issue. Things just don’t add up entirely - not compared with the videos. I don’t begrudge a dying man writing in any way he so wishes if it gives him comfort. And I know I don’t have to read it. But it’s almost fascinating to see how much spin and twist someone will put on things, the only goal of which appears to be feeding their own ego.
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Bloody hell - just popped out to Morrison's and came back to all this. LE is really an attention-whore, I think, so perhaps the best thing we can do is to now starve her of attention. As for SH - ANOTHER of those school-mean-girl types. I know that look so well. Big, brash, bullying, bolshei types. Can't stand 'em. They confuse ranting, shouting and being opinionated for being strong. They are so off the mark. Being strong is actually dealing with your stuff privately and not splashing it all over the internet imo.

And by the way thank you, LE, for your advice on how we can all be nice people, maybe do some volunteering. How do you know that we don't?
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I honestly dunno why these people go off on these mad tangents about tattle. It serves no purpose. Is anyone here going to stop posting because of it? No. Is tattle going to be shut down? No. You simply cannot stop gossip and chatter. If you make a choice to plaster your life online for thousands of strangers to access then im afraid you are also allowing those strangers to pass comment and make judgments on what you share. If you dont agree with that, if you dont like it, if it upsets you then that is on YOU. You are under no obligation to share your life online with strangers, so either stop doing it or learn to live with the fact that the public who consume your content can say whatever they like about it.

Also - love how the beige fence sitting twats like Nicki Newman & Laura Boobless are liking her posts & commenting on it but neither have the balls to publicly say anything directly about it themselves!!
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I don’t agree with the whole “I have cancer so why shouldn’t I take the moneyyyyyyy” attitude. It’s selfish, manipulative and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Many of these influencers are full on with creating stories for “affect” and will then strategically place ads, thus taking advantage of kind souls who are also STRUGGLING to make ends meet.

Sure, we are adults and can choose to donate or not donate. We are all grown here. But the way in which a lot of these influencers extract money from others doesn’t sit right with me.

It’s often calculated and unethical IMO…

As an example, only on Instagram will you see a mother post a video of her visiting her babies grave, followed by a hello fresh ad, and a link to buy some overpriced deodorant.

This is the world we live in now.

I’d rather go to the food bank and have my dignity in tact, tbh.

Another thing that concerns me, is the amount of cancer influencers who seem quite capable of dancing around, prancing about, jumping up and down etc—If they are this mobile, surely they can find some part time work at least?

They seem to forget that there are plenty of people in the world with chronic illness, who don’t believe the world owes them a favour, and go to work in pain. They too worry everyday that they will not have a nest egg or a “legacy” to leave behind. But they get on with it anyway. Why do cancer influencers think they deserve more than these people?
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LE raises an interesting point (as a side note I have nothing bad to say about her - I don’t find her particularly problematic in the realm of cancer influencers but anyway) that the difference between tattle and cancer instagrammers is that they’re held accountable.. that couldn’t be further from the truth. So many cancer influencers do extremely shady questionable things literally daily- it’s impossible to hold them accountable because literally any ‘negative’ comment on anything they do would either be deleted at the speed of light or would cause a pile on (ie people on Instagram who get messaged by sheep crying troll). It’s impossible to have any type of conversation that’s deemed negative. Honestly if influencers didn’t exist / weren’t so fucking shady then tattle wouldn’t exist - and that’s the truth of it.
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And as for SH, I have literally never known a woman who hasn’t had cancer to be so involved in every single cancer influencers world. Your husband died, it’s bloody sad and cancer sucks but honestly get on with your life!! She’s acting as though she has 505 threads on tattle focused on her when the reality is that she has a few comments every blue moon written on her. In fact I’d go as far to say that she’s prob spoken more about this website than we have about her 😂
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View attachment 1873896

oh just fuck off Stacey you desperate, coat tail riding non-entity.No one is discussing legitimate claims for benefits or legitimate go fund me pages for those genuinely trying to fund treatments. Just fuck off and stop trying to make a name for yourself !
Also honestly fuck these people thinking they have a monolopy on grief or cancer and assuming we're all just random people with no connection or invested interest in the disease.

To be completely honest Stace, while it's sad that your husband (who didn't seem to like you much) is dead - least you arent living with terminal cancer yourself lass. She'll be riding on the coat tails of her dead hubbie for years at this rate as she is clearly gagging to fit in.

But, again, literally no one on here mentions Stacey Heale either. I barely knew who the woman was. No one cares enough to regularly bitch about them.

Imagine being so desperate for attention you actively try to fight a gossip site, who aren't talking about you or bringing a fight to you, for absolutely no real reason
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I’m sorry but whilst there’s homeless people on our streets, children in poverty and more households than ever not being able to have food and warmth, there is absolutely no place for people to ask for money so they can go on 5* holidays and see the world.

Yes it’s peoples right to donate or not but there’s also a lot of manipulation and a little coercion that goes on to raise these funds and that’s where it’s wrong.

We can all create a sob story/spin a narrative and then say ‘well it was her/his choice to gift me ££££ so I can play first class to Barbados’
No, it’s not okay, how do you know that the person gifting doesn’t actually need that money but feels so bad and compelled to help a dying woman out with funds for her next holiday/clothes etc because she has compassion and kindness, then she gives money that she doesn’t have because she thinks someone needs it more (when they don’t).
Go fund me’s need more regulation. They are wonderful things when it comes to crowd funding for emergencies but for frivolous shite they are vile and slightly edged with fraud and deception to get what people want.
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I understand starting GFM's for potentially life saving experimental treatments not available on the NHS, but living lists give me the ick.
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So for those of you that never went over to the Bowelbro thread and saw it all kick off (from page 17)….Lizzie England and Lauren Mahon have been named by Bowel Bro as ambassadors for his new website (coming soon) called tittle!
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