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Imagine dealing with PTSD/PPD etc after a traumatic birth, struggling to bond with your baby, dealing with all sorts of feelings of shame and guilt and then watching SOMEONE ELSE breastfeed your baby. I understand why people think it’s a good idea to begin with, but there are just so many reasons as to why this could go wrong/cause issues.
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This is so weird....why has she had her gf egg put in her ?
I know they’re cringe but I think it’s a bit harsh calling this weird. It’s called shared motherhood and it’s a valid way for lesbians to both experience the pregnancy, for example I’ve considered it with my own partner as she might not be able to carry, but I can, and it would mean we could still have a child that’s biologically hers (and 50% the donor) even though it would be me who is pregnant and give birth etc.
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Absolutely no surprise at all that they’re struggling. Babies do not fix codependent toxic relationships!
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I’m glad there’s a thread because I’ve followed them for years and always been so confused, mostly about how Caitlin’s poor physical health dramatically improved as soon as she got famous on tiktok. I followed her on Insta and she used to be in a wheelchair as she said she could hardly walk, posted about wetting the bed because of bladder issues, posted about a heart condition etc etc. Can’t be bothered to count but she’s claimed so many different physical and mental health conditions in the past. And now seems to have dropped them all, as soon as she gained followers

it’s very bizarre
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Tbf at least they’re clearly putting their all in trying to breastfeed and I genuinely see them giving it a good go given they have the time, breast is definitely best and only something like 3% of women genuinely can’t breastfeed for medical reasons
there's nothing wrong with formula feeding. Fed is best, can you honestly tell between adults who was breast fed, when you discount socioeconomic standing and class? also try being on medication you can't breastfeed on...
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Apparently they’re struggling with their relationship at the moment.

Stop spending all your time on your phone and focus on your newborn and enjoying your time as a family.
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The inducing lactation thing is so bizarre imo (and I’m not being discriminatory, I’m also a lesbian). It’s bordering on delusional.
Whether Caitlin likes it or not Leah is the baby’s birth mother and who the baby will have the strongest bond with, and Leah will probably be more bonded to the baby too. For Caitlin to act as if she’ll play an equal role in the baby’s early weeks/months is just stupid. Caitlin is so self centred.
I hope Leah has parents/sisters who can support her post partum if she needs help because I doubt Caitlin will be any use. I can imagine her hogging the baby and just leaving Leah to cope if she’s struggling after giving birth.
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Chatty Member
Omg I’m so happy I found this thread. I’m convinced these two are asexual who have partnered up out of convenience! They have absolutely 0 chemistry. Their relationship is fucking weird man
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Ok as much as they fucking annoy me 🤣 I did just tear up a little bit of the giving the baby to Leah and he was crying and when he heard her voice he stopped 🥺 it was sweet. But my god he has one loud cry 🤣🤣🤣
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I’ve come here to find their thread because I am SO shocked they are posting every day whilst looking after a newborn, why aren’t they taking at least a month break, or just posting every few days?

I remember when I had my first, my life was turned upside down, I was devastated for a while, wondering if I’d done the right thing. Of course now that’s a total distant memory and those feelings very quickly disappeared. But what I’m trying to say is, I can’t imagine having to be up and performing for social media whilst I had these feelings going on.

I have just had my second baby via elected c section and when I saw the video of her dancing ever so slightly I thought she must be legitimately insane. I wish they’d put their phones down, enjoy this time and soak it all in, it goes way too quick and you don’t get it back.
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Playing devils advocate here a little. My wife and i had our baby boy last year via emergency c section. I was the first one who held him and done skin to skin. Mainly cause they was stitching her up but we agreed it was really important that i get that first cuddle as the non carrying parent? We struggled with infertility and finally my wife stepped in and said ill try to conceive this cycle and it happened. As happy as i was, it didnt mean i wasn't insanely (silently) jealous everyday that my wife got to have this beautiful bond with this baby and its something ill never know. So i felt it was important to hold him first. I know its different to them in a sense they said they will be using Leah’s egg (my wife’s was her own) and then Caitlin will carry but i can say from a same sex relationship its hard to feel so helpless somedays and even a little left out.
Im not Caitlins biggest fan but i think its nice she got those moments with just her and the baby when Leah’s had him for 9 months. Just my opinion as i went through something similar.
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literally everything is about Caitlin right now. It’s her voice in videos, her holding & feeding Oakley, her being the absolute centre of attention whilst honestly Leah looks miserable. If I had given birth and I had a partner like Caitlin I would honestly be quite upset!

I don’t understand why they’re filming so much content when they should be in a newborn bubble adapting to being mums. Leah will need much more time to adjust from a hormonal & physical point of view than Caitlin seems to understand.

Also I really hope that Leah chose not to share herself breastfeeding out to her own choice and not because she felt pressured by Leah to not show that.
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that latest video really bothers me. About their last day as a couple / just two.
The way Caitlin looks at leah, her mannerism, everything she says… it seems less about love and all about content creation and HER baby.
even the way she put the bassinet in the bedroom and laid down stroking it. It comes across like all Leah was was an incubator to give her HER baby. The fact that she’s forcing breast feeding as well. I get it’s to make them both feel included but the way she is pushing it makes it seem like she intends on breastfeeding more than Leah.
something about it all just gives me the creeps.

I absolutely adore Leah, she comes across so kind, sweet, gentle, genuine! But Caitlin .. she weirds me out a bit. It makes me concerned.
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Okay, so I find the whole inducing lactation thing odd. In one of the comments Caitlin said she’s going to induce lactation so she can bf at night to give Leah a break BUT whilst Caitlin is feeding the baby, Leah will have to be up pumping to maintain her supply anyway so I don’t understand why Leah can’t be the one to breastfeed and Caitlin does other stuff to help out like changing baby’s nappy, making sure Leah has a drink and snacks to hand whilst she’s bf baby…
Caitlin’s a very strange person and I find her very unsettling throughout Leah’s pregnancy 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Surprised. I feel like it’s a bit mainstream and chavvy (sorry but I know a rough as hell couple who have named their son it haha) for these two. I thought they’d be a bit try-hard and go for something ‘alternative’.
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