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Reports in the media today are saying Sam will not get millions in the divorce settlement because he didn’t wait until they were married for two years, but he’d have been entitled to that if they’d been married longer. To me, if true, that indicates he has ended it because of Britney’s antics and behaviour - if he was just gold-digging and faking the relationship all along, why wouldn’t he wait only a few more months more to get a bigger payday? I think she changed so much since the conservatorship ended and is a nightmare to live with, and he’s truly had enough.
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Beverley Macker

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Didn’t her kids say they woke up to her stood in their room with a knife once?
Terrifying. I feel sorry for everyone involved really.
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Perspicacia Tick

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I'm still inclined to think that Sam had no idea what Britney would be like off her meds and he's just decided this Britney is not for him.

I don't know if he's a gold digger (and I don't think anyone would care if it was a famous man in his 40s with a much younger woman) but I do think he at least liked the Britney he spent the first 4 years of his relationship with. He didn't post her much on Instagram but if you scroll back to 2018 - 20 the posts of them he did share were pretty normal couply stuff. Cute filters, award shows, working out together. She looks fit and pretty well put together.

He was just a little boy (possibly living in Iran?) when Britney meltdown 1.0 happened. The swift deterioration after they ended her conservatorship must have blown his mind. Plus the Cade thing is just gross.

I don't blame him at all for leaving her. I do worry for her though - there's literally noone left to watch out for her now. Except her crazy stans (and they think she's a deepfake dead robot body double so good luck with that).
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Controversial take, I know. I'm glad they're splitting. This could trigger something big and whilst that is not something I'd want anyone to go through, the only way she'll get the help she needs is if she hits rock bottom at this point. But to be honest I fully expect there to be a new toyboy by September.

Also, I'm half expecting it to come out that they were never even legally married anyway.
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Honestly I don't blame him one bit for leaving her, I know she's got severe mental health issues and all, but the way she handled the fall out with her sons and the manky videos she posts on insta just screams that she's hard work to live with and be around.
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Beverley Macker

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She’s been sued before by a security guard for asking him to shag her, and apparently getting naked in front of him. She settled out of court.
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Perspicacia Tick

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No diminishing if true. What about all the abuse Britneys had to go through and most probably still is going through to date!! They’ve all pretty much got away with it. I believe Sam’s guilty of a lot too. I mean these recordings for a start. She’s clearly mentally ill.
The only evidence we've got that Britney was ever abused is things Britney had said. There's been no lawsuits, noone has spoken out to verify her version of events. She's been caught out in lie after lie. Rampant overexaggeration. There have been numerous reports from lots of different people of her being inappropriately sexual towards others.

I think some of her issues come from being a child star - and that's something her parents definitely should have protected her from. But a lot of them come from just her being her, probably as a result of mental illness (possibly hereditary) and being an addict and a not very nice person.

I find it really hard because my general stance when women say awful things have happened to them is to believe them unless proved otherwise. That's where I started with Britney... but I dont believe her any more. I think she relies on people just believing her and gives zero shits about people who get caught in the crossfire because she honestly believes that she's a victim. And for the most part she's unfortunately not.
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I'm confused these days as to why mental health has become the get out clause for all kinds of shitty or inconsiderate behaviour. For instance in the UK we have our very own Pwicey. I've seen many people on Facebook, Instagram and tiktok claim that we need to leave Britney alone because she's mentally ill and in need of help. Okay. Well. She had help. Everyone wanted her free. She's free and she doesnt want help. Now what?

Being mentally ill doesn't exclude you from real life consequences. She was once the biggest star in the world and couldn't fart without someone approaching her for either a pap photo, a news story or an autograph. She knows how distressing it can be. She has little to zero care for anybody but herself and whether or not that outlook was or wasn't caused by the strict, inhumane terms of her conservatorship is now irrelevant because she's not tied by that anymore.

I'm mentally ill and more often than not, its unmanageable. But I have a responsibility to get my shit together and not act a fool otherwise there are consequences. The consequence in the latest round of whataboutery by Brit is embarrassment and a bruised ego. She ran up to that kid expecting to be welcomed with open arms because, to her, its still 2002 and sadly she approached it completely wrong. Not his problem, nor is it his security guard's who was paid to do his job and already apologised for the incident. She should know better.

This is the real Britney. And like others have said, it's actually not too dissimilar to the Brit we saw pre conservatorship. She's free. Woohoo.
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I have no clue about whether her marriage is sexless or not and more to the point, I don't care. However I think Britney and her overt antics are about as sexy as a dead fish. I just want to give her some clothes and a bottle of shampoo. It's tragic looking at her, she is not an empowered woman who is at ease with her sexuality, she's an attention seeker who's trying to appear edgy and relevant
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Perspicacia Tick

Chatty Member
JL has flailed from career to career and I wouldn't call it successful. She doesn't realise not everyone needs to be famous. She's the epitome of a nepo baby. She invested a 1m payout she got for selling photos of her first kid into a music career, that didn't work out. She has now been on reality TV and a bit part on a TV show, clinging on desperately to be six figure famous. Jamie lynns husband is also older than Britney, and her mother matchmade her with wealthy families for financial security. JL comes off badly, at the start of her music career Brits fans were supportive and it was so half assed. I still think the most vulnerable and affected has been Brit.

Surely with all the life lessons JL has has by now, she should know to pursue a diff career, also her big self produced tele-movie came out and because of the Sag strike she hasn't been allowed to promote it. This is the end of the road for her.
Maybe she acts because she enjoys it? You know, like the other hundreds of thousands of actors who carry on acting even though (the horror!) they never become A list.

Heaven forbid a person tries out more than one career. She should hang her head in shame and prostrate herself before the stans for having the audacity to be Britneys little sister. The absolute nerve of her.

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As sad as it is I am starting to believe Britney is the problem here, she’s never had great relationships with anybody, she’s been in countless relationships with men that never last, doesn’t appear to have any close friends and has never had a great relationship with her family. She’s pushed everybody away even possibly people that are genuinely trying to help her. Judging from her instagram posts she appears to just blame everyone else for the way she is and for things that have happened and to an extent yes her family and anybody around her that was enabling her are at fault too but she’s just as much to blame as well like she doesn’t appear to be doing anything to help herself and I’m sorry of this sounds harsh but you can only blame everybody else for so much, you need to take accountability for yourself as well and your own wrong doings.
I agree. Her past relationship history is very telling. Also, the fact her sons want nothing to do with her and she hasn’t woken up to the fact that she could’ve absolutely done something to try and mend that relationship is terribly sad for all of them. Once you become a parent imo you have no excuses not to try and get yourself the help that you need in order to try and mitigate the damage on your kids.
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I feel horribly sad for her that no one is in her corner.

There will be a line of unscrupulous men waiting to take his place though - that's the worrying part.
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Scotch Mist

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I was, and still am in the Free Britney camp. My reasons for that remain the same; Britney should be able to live her own life, and learn by her own mistakes, as we all are.
She has, at the very least, some wherewithal, and I believe she has the financial resources to pay for whatever treatment she needs. She could, at any point, seek help, but doesn’t.

She is an adult living with a mental illness, but I don’t think conservatorship is the answer.

She should be left to do as she pleases. I don’t think in this circumstance it is right for another human to step in and take control of her life.

I don’t think Sam is a gold-digger either.
I think she does need someone to step in and help because its clear that Britney is severely mentally unfit. By this I don't just mean her bipolar diagnosis but to be blunt she is thick as a brick.

I remember seeing her being interviewed years ago, before she had the meltdown, and was shocked at how dim she was. I know someone who has bipolar who is very intelligent so the mental illness is not the whole problem here. She is obviously 'special needs' and has always been like this. Of course this was 'managed' by her parents in her youth.

I also think that her lack of mental capacity has probably been exacerbated by drugs over the years.

She's incapable of making rational adult choices. What sort of woman prioritises dancing in skimpy underwear on social media over her sons? They have now moved to get away from her because they are so embarrassed about her behaviour.

Britney clearly cannot function without some guidance.
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I don't like the crap instantly blaming the bodyguard because she's a woman. She's a 40 year old woman approaching a teenager from behind. She's also extremely manic. This could be life or death had she been a rabid fan with a knife. And had she been male and the teen female, noone would be blaming the bodyguard. I'm not saying what he did was right, I reserve judgement without proper footage. But I don't think you can automatically say it's unacceptable just because she's female and smaller than him. You don't have to match weight and gender to be a threat to someone. She should know that after years of being swarmed by people. The reality is she just thinks *everyone* wants to be approached by her.
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Perspicacia Tick

Chatty Member
Please, she 'snuck' up on him like the child catcher offering lollipops and it didn't go the way she planned? So now we have a weird insta monologue requesting that people in the public eye treat others with respect.

Like she did with Selena Gomez... or Xtinas dancers... or her sister... or her own children?

OK then.

And now her rabid stans are harassing some 19 year old who probably hasn't got a clue who she is. Just another day in the life of Britney Spears.
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From TMZ:
She's not speaking with her siblings or her dad, and we're told there are no friends around to support her. Her children have moved to Hawaii, without saying goodbye. She hasn't spoken to them in a long, long time. As you know, her conservatorship had doctors, specialists and a team to make sure her day-to-day ran smoothly ... that's all gone now. She's alone in her house.
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