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Chatty Member
On one hand it is great news for Starmer as it will make his job easier but on the other you have to worry about how much more damage the new PM will inflict on this poor beleaguered country before the next election. It can’t come soon enough!
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Boris Johnson is showing the nation what an unintelligent man he actually is. He;s not a "genius". He's very slow on the uptake and when he can't direct the narrative he is floundering all over the place. He's not being allowed to deflect. he's not being enabled by sycophantic supporters. The Emperor's New Clothes are on full view.
There's never been any sign of the immense intellect that he's said to have...said to have of course by Boris himself.
It's difficult to believe anything associated with him now, isn't it? I felt sorry for him at the time.
You should never feel sorry for someone who has no regard for anyone but himself, who has a very tenuous relationship with the truth. He's a feckless narcissistic psychopath.
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Usually countries only help out certain other countries cos of the future spoils they can get out of that country. Or they cause the problem in the first place to destabilise a country with sumptuous resources, so they can then plunder it under the guise of "helping out" that country.
When a man that would sell his granny for a fiver suddenly develops a love for a foreign people it makes me question things, especially as he’s done nothing but gaslight and shit on his own.
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VIP Member
I don’t think he ever had any intention of running again. It looks like he has quite a nice life travelling to all these lovely places, this was all for attention.
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Anyone watch tonight? FFS I am so not Ready for Rishi, fucker can't stop talking - and smirking. Liz Truss does very weird things with her hands and is vaguely robotic. Kemi and Tom both seem out of their depth, although that could be due to Rishi talking over everyone. Penny Mordaunt is um, physically imposing, if not mentally. Dear god, are these really the best??
Yep. If Sunak or Truss get it, you can probably hear the champagne corks popping in Keir Starmers office.
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I think he knows that no one dare question whether he was actually as ill as was professed. It's his trump card. I would love to see him challenged on why he didn't have more respect for covid after his alleged brush with death. I'd love to see his medical records from that time. They've probably been shredded for "national security" purposes.
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Jennifer Acuri likened having sex with Johnson as having a bin bag of cold custard rolling on and off her. I have immense pity for poor Carrie.... 😏
I don't really...Must be like being married to Henry VIII? Close your eyes and think of England whilst enjoying all the trappings of corrupt "wealth"and churning out the progeny until you're replaced by a younger model.

I feel sorry for Marina and for his acknowledged older children. Imagine the shame of being "sired" by a disgraced Human Hog
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Winthropp Tuesday

VIP Member
You were expecting emotion? About members of the hoi polloi? From that soulless piece of shit?
If he doesn’t give a fuck about his wives and children you can’t surely have thought he gave a fuck about anyone else?
Unsurprisingly the only bit of emotion he showed was when it came to talking about his stay in hospital. Because he’s the only one who really matters. Bastard
Fair point, well made. I just didn’t see any emotion at all - hence the comment, there is always, ALWAYS a hint of a smirk on his face.
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VIP Member
I do wonder whether having rock bottom expectations will work in her favour. Even if she is a tiny bit betterthan horrific she will do better than expected. I wonder how many people will still vote Tory even once Jacob Rees Mogg has taken away all their employment protection and Tgerese Coffey has made a hash of heath? It's not just her it's going to be her dreadful and nasty team too. Its worrying. She is so clearly out of her depth. She couldn't even get through her pre prepared victory speech without fluffing it, even though she has been expected to win for at least a month.
Coffey made a hash of her own health a long time ago.
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VIP Member
Shock horror. The man we were told needed to stay on as caretaker PM has ditched a COBRA meeting about the heatwave for a party.

Where have we heard that one before?
Let's hope they barbecue him as a hog roast on a spit..Great farewell party! He'd probably be a bit grisly in places though..Maybe he could do with a bit of levelling up to tenderise the loins?
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
she is grim! petty and embarrassing what mentality to have, how the hell did her and the buffoon ever get elected
Because unfortunately, morons are still allowed to vote.

So we’re down to the next PM being weaselly fuckhead Sunak or the clueless Thatcher tribute act.
What’s the opposite of an embarrassment of riches? Is it just an embarrassment?
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VIP Member
A possible plus of getting her is that the country could well be in a rioting / industrial action meltdown by Spring and headed to the polls sooner than with Sunak. She (and her team of morons) couldn't run a whelk stall. James Cleverly as foreign secretary... he's whatever the opposite of nominative determinism is. We'll be at war with France by April.
We are not a particularly rioting nation though well apart from the Poll tax riots in the 80's but on the whole we allow these awful people to walk all over us. I agree that she couldn't run a whelk stall.
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VIP Member
I think a vet would recommend darting him followed by castration at this stage. Might make him less restless and agitated.
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VIP Member
Wish people would shut up about another GE its the least of our worries and with keir being leader of the opposition tories will get back in anyway and seen a comment on fb under sky news or bbc saying let the people decide we did in 2019 😂 i feel we need to concentrate on getting through this winter and out the other side before even thinking about a GE
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Chatty Member
He wishes. He tried to make himself relevant a couple of times during this election but nobody bit, so he's shuffled his massive arse off on holiday,
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It's so funny (read: annoying) that now he's on his way out, people (read: the media) are turning on him.

How is his "advice" to save £10 by buying a kettle any more annoying or insulting than him saying the UK's trade deal with Australia will give us TimTams or him saying Dominic Cummings broke lockdown rules because he's a "good father"?

BJ has been chatting shit not just during his premiership, but his whole political career but only now that he's going he's "the worst PM".

Anyone with a brain and critical thinking skills could have told the public that in 2019.
He still think he can come back (by popular demand). He's ensured that the next PM will be Truss, who e thinks will be so useless that the country, not just the party, will plead for him come back.

He's deranged.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Ah so that's where this photo came from then (before it was photoshopped)

Dunno why she's popped up again all of a sudden
No amount of pisstaking is going to make up for the fact that ridiculous woman not only shagged Johnson, she accepted public money for doing so.
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VIP Member
He doesn't look well. Bit insensitive to ask but would he get a state funeral 🤔
He's a disgraced former PM. Let his pal Zelensky fork out for fancy funeral in Ukraine as he's so loved there?

View attachment 1670222

Why the fuck would anyone release this as an image of someone who some loonies want to have as their next leader?? o_O o_O o_O
This is the only person-allegedly- who can lead the Tory party....Says it all really.

His hands look remarkably smooth though....He's never done any washing up..Just rinsing perhaps?
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