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VIP Member
I was trying to sob quietly in bed so I didn’t wake my husband 😂
I read My Dark Vanessa last year, it’s a very uncomfortable read. I felt like shaking the main character 😣
You did better than me, I couldn't quieten my crying!

I agree, but I can also see how Strane manipulated her and how that's still affecting her in her adult life. He's vile.


Chatty Member
Glad you agree about the title. I had a look at Wikipedia to see if the others have different ones in Swedish and it looks like they’re the same, because they were published after his death. (And the last 2/5 were written by someone else).
But I found this, which more or less confirms that it was an unpopular decision that came from the publishers

“Both Larsson's longtime partner Eva Gabrielsson and English translator Steven T. Murray have said that Christopher MacLehose(who works for British publisher Quercus) "needlessly prettified" the English translation; as such, Murray requested he be credited under the pseudonym "Reg Keeland".[7] The English release also changed the title, even though Larsson specifically refused to allow the Swedish publisher to do so, and the size of Salander's dragon tattoo; from a large piece covering her entire back, to a small shoulder tattoo.[8]

I was very anti the first English film adaptation in principle. The idea that people were too lazy to read subtitles was what bothered me rather than any sentimentality towards the Swedish version which I found rather average. I ended up seeing it for lack of anything else on and was surprised by how good it was - much better than the Swedish I had to admit. The follow ups were very dull tho.
I think they only made the Swedish series follow ups didn’t they ? I was working in a cinema when the third was out so saw it that way , not really understanding the context and remember thinking it was less ‘girl who kicked the hornets nest’ more ‘men talking in rooms.’
Yeah once I found it was written by someone else and it wasn't as good, I saw very little point in carrying on with the rest of it. Also just seemed it was to make money rather than for the love of writing!
I can totally understand being anti the English version if the reason is just because of subtitles this pandering to English speakers is insane. But yeah I think the follow ups are only in Swedish, I've never seen anything further regarding Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara (whom I love) but I probably wouldn't watch anymore because as much as I enjoyed the books, I found watching it very disturbing. They were good but too dark for me.


VIP Member
Enjoy your little beauty, honestly it'll become your best friend, especially during these days.

Small tip, keep your Kindle on Airplane mode whilst reading as it saves the battery.
I love my Kindle but never thought of that, thanks for the tip :)

I'm reading My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell. Only 10% or so through at the moment but it's quite gripping. Before that I read The Night Circus which was slower moving but a real must-read for those who like magical / fantasy fiction, as the descriptions were mesmerising!

I liked it but to be honest I wouldn’t have started it if I knew how it was going to end 😂
For the last few chapters I could only read a couple of pages at a time so I didn’t get too upset. Even then, I was sobbing most of the time and had to force myself to finish the book 😂
Me too, I bawled massive snotty tears in bed and I'm so glad I read it in private.
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I've finished The psychology of time travel by Kate Mascarenhas. I loved it! It was free on prime reading and I'm so glad I gave it a go. 5 stars from me :)


VIP Member
Same I also absolutely adored her books as a child and a teen! I met her once at a book signing and she was very nice
Aw that’s great to know! She was a big influence in my life growing up. I didn’t quite realise just how many books she’s written! (Over 100 novels!) there’s so many I haven’t read because obviously I grew out of them at some point. I’m interested to read some of her newer ones too!


VIP Member
Richard Ford - The Sportswriter. read a long time ago (you do not need to be sports mad) and loved it.

Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
Audio Book Im just about finishing Education by Tara Westover. I tend to only listen to Non Fiction/memoirs, I cant focus on fiction when listening weirdly. I have The Five - The untold lives of the women killed by Jack The Ripper by Hallie Rubenhold thanks to Amazon giving me 3 months audible at 3.99 per month.

I finshed Caitlin Moran - How to be a woman, last night, Id been reading it for months. It was just meh. I really didnt enjoy it, cliche and lazy writing.

Started Three Women by Lisa Taddeo this morning, I usually prefer my non fiction books in audible form but Ive been pulled in by this. I've read 40% already. Has anyone else read it?


Active member
Sorry for the hijack but I’m looking to get into a fantasy series. I normally read thrillers however I want to broaden the genres I read and fantasy looks so fun but I’m scared I’m going to be confused with the world building and amount of characters. Any recommendations for fantasy, or other great first books in a genre would be appreciated!


VIP Member
I am now reading interview with the vampire. It's not too bad but I don't find it easy to read so it'll probably take me some time to finish it.


New member
I usually read True Crime or Crime Fiction/Thrillers but I decided I needed to read a few more of the classics. I downloaded 1984 on Audible but I really can't get into it. I don't know if I would like it better if I was actually reading it as opposed to just listening.


Has anyone got any recommendations for a good thriller , I loved the family upstairs and looking for a good murder mystery based in uk ? ( I really don’t love books based in the us - weird I know! )
Samantha Hayes has a few based in the UK


VIP Member
I’m currently reading the Eve of man (the first one) has anyone else read it?
Yes I really enjoyed it. If you like YA dystopia then you should like it

I didn't think the sequel was as good but I will still read the third haha