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To respond to other posters on previous thread. Im voting for Henry because it’s not a general election and his political party doesn’t come into it. Nor does his financial status, it’s an entertainment show and I’ve found him entertaining.
Stop projecting.
Fuck yes. Sick of all the Tory bashing and prejudice. It’s his choice. Imagine someone said ‘I’m not voting them because they are a Muslim’ or ‘I’m not voting them because they are a meat eater’, despite the person being a good/nice/entertaining person on screen?
How do you know he’s not planning on donating it all (if he’s as well off as others in the thread have said?) or are you holding him personally accountable for the shit things that the Conservative Party leaders have done?

Do you know who Yinrun votes for or her political beliefs? Because we were all fooled by Trish.

I hope we all hold the same energy for labour whenever they get in , especially since Kier starmer has now said he will sack any of his party members who vote for a ceasefire today 🤢🤢🤢🤢.

anyway back to BB, sorry for the OT just find that whole negativity towards henry over his political party support so strange. They’re all cunts.
I’m pretty sure Henry even said he isn’t even a member of the Tory party.
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I voted for Henry. I don’t care who he votes for, I’m watching an entertainment show and I have liked watching him and I don’t think politics should come into it. I don’t know who anyone else votes for and it’s the same whatever tv show I watch, I don’t know who they vote for, I don’t know who every person I meet votes for, so why is it an issue to vote for Henry? And regarding his wealth… how do we know he’s rich? He was really happy to win the £1000 and said it would help towards rent, surely someone rich wouldn’t be talking about rent like that. Is it maybe his family who are rich?
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Shady Pines Ma

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I think because of how Jordan speaks, people forget his real background, that story about his dad was horrific and I can see why he has his barriers up.
So agree - he's curated who he is now as he carries a lot of hurt. I hope this experience can show him people love him for him.

He's a sweet soul deep down. It was sweet last night with all the necklace stuff but then I remembered he said to Henry that it's the little thing people do that mean a lot. He can't cope with grand gestures but ongoing warmth really means something :)

Never voted Tory in my life until last night and for all we know others might have views we don't agree with. Henry's just a decent bloke (although I like all the final 6 tbh)
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Please someone tell Yinrun he hasn’t been taken to face a firing squad and she’ll see him tomorrow!
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I think it's obvious Jordan likes Henry as more than a friend. But he's aware it's all on camera and probably wants to hold back his emotions until they leave.
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How is Noky being kept in over Matty? I can’t say I’m a huge fan of his, but he’s a damn sight more entertaining than “me me me“ Noky.
Absolutely shes such a boring non entity, what a waste of a place in the final. I’d rather watch Jenkin farting than Miss Meiverse
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Why did Jenkin get so narked with Olivia taking about his weight yet was fine with Chanelle calling him a fat f*ck quite openly to his face
The Chanelle thing was part of a bigger conversation. And, as you say, it was to his face.
Olivia discussed his insecurities behind his back to a group of people.
Couldn't agree more. You have to have your head buried in the sand to not see that EVERYTHING is political in life

People who say they don't care about politics piss me the fuck off

WHY don't you care about politics?

Not everyone in this group is from England. There's a lot of Irish here too. I am Irish and don't care much for UK politics. We've enough of our own to worry about 🤣
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Shady Pines Ma

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I honestly care about:

- How the house interact
- What I learn about them as people
- How fun/ shit the tasks are
- Who's awful
- Who's lovely
- What escapism they can give me from real life once I've put my kid to bed (mainly this tbh)

Henry's family is undeniably PROPERLY posh with a ridiculous amount of money - the signs are there from the boat to the holidays to the formal race enclosures which are invite only that you don't buy your way into. Some of the pics show him to look like a right knobber whereas others show him being simple and messing about with his nephew and cuddling his dog (albeit wearing a Rolex) and being adorable. I went to uni with many of em. Some were dicks who made me feel like an oursider, some are friends for life.

He says he's a Tory (not card-carrying) because that's his upbringing and it's just one thing about him like his awful dress sense - and the angle that probably got him on the show. I get it's an ideology but in your 20s life is a lesson and Henry lives in a bubble of luxury and (probably expensed) champagne. I haven't heard him say anything bad about anyone individally.

I think he's lovely and would like to see him do well. I also like a bit of romance so am championing 2 20-somethings having a pash for their and our entertainment. I just like what Jordan & Henry bring to each other. I allso support Jordan for his different life story as I can empathise with some of it. I hope they make each other happy in whatever this is.

Other than Trish's tweets nothing has really bothered me that much. Maybe I'm simplfying it by not being arsed about much else - hahahah

I also find these threads lovely & hilarious 95% of the time which is down to you lot and is pretty bloody good isn't it :)
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Wealth shouldn't come into who wins! Fuming I can't vote 😂 hopefully next year as it's popular in ireland !

Jordan is a solicitor so will have good pay- love if they put on Taskmaster lol
Matty when he's a consultant will have good pay.
noky will be a face for makeup / Skincare brand !
Olivia will be an influencer.

I like Henry the most. Forget about politics and what he's grown up as. He is the kindest and most genuine in that house.
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Scarlett O' Hara

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I think it's bananas to base the vote on who we/you think needs the money. There will likely be interviews and post show financial opportunities for most - except Trish. Base your vote on who you like, regardless of politics, or at least who you least dislike! 🫠
Amen. All this talk of who deserves the financial reward is doing my head in. We know little or nothing of the housemates financial status. (I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong.)!

Choose your winner on who you really like, not because of how high or low their bank account is. ♥
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I hope Noky goes tonight. She's absolutely insufferable on the live stream, I have to switch it off when she starts speaking. All she does is talk about herself. Even the secret room HMs were fed up of it when they were watching the main house. I want the last remaining days of the series to be enjoyable to watch and she really brings the energy down with her boring speeches.
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The live feed is on btw, but noki is giving one of her fucking PR me myself & I speeches 😴 so it could be used to help you sleep. Or you could count the number of times she mentions herself in a sentence to help you sleep, it’s very narcissistic. I really wish she would fuck off tomorrow 🙄
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