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I See You Baby

Well-known member
I know she’s had a LOT, but what’s everyone’s most cringe Bex moment? I think mine is when she decided she should be a “voice actor” and kept posting videos of her reading her horrific poetry 😂
I don’t know if this qualifies but it was when she chose the @ of wolfnsunflowers; she had a whole debate on her timeline about what her new name should be and eventually settled on that because she loves wolves and sunflowers - aka look at me, I’m so lovely and sunny like a flower, but I’m also so edgy with my wolffish wild side.

I can only assume @cockngrifting was already in use.
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All deleted now but it’s so grim she’s willing to share all this with her creepy Twitter crew
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View attachment 2924591View attachment 2924592
But but but he doesn’t need someone watching over him to do that list in the morning routine, does he? Allowed in the kitchen without supervision. Nay, encouraged, as I’m sure your lie ins are more regular than you waking before him. Which seems very at odds with your claim, Rebecca. Very at odds indeed.

Also he is allowed to GO OUTSIDE ALONE with the dog while she slumbers peacefully. Which means he knows how to unlock the door. And not to abscond. Otherwise this wouldn’t be on his to do list, would it? That would be very irresponsible.

You have lied on those forms. You have committed benefit fraud.

And I didn’t know he was on high rate DLA because of some imaginary person who knows you. I know because YOU shared it on Twitter, you idiot. Liars need good memories.

The fact that the end of that eligibility passage (which you’ve obviously written your claim using in order to match “higher needs” when it’s quite obvious he does not have them) is regarding children who are dying. You’re a bit sick in the head, Rebecca. Sick in the head and greedy.
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I've been to many festivals and never managed to sleep in. Soon as the sun comes up, tents get hot and sweaty and then you have all the noise outside. I guess if you're in a hotel though, that doesn't apply...
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He had every right to walk in when there was no answer at the door with the 0.001% chance she wasn't just being her lazy arse self

View attachment 2933296
Wow this is actually horrifying. It doesn’t matter that you think your 8 year old wouldn’t take that medicine, you just don’t even let there be a 0.01% chance 😐 There’s no justifying this, especially when he is prone to lashing out and having meltdowns, she can’t possibly say she can predict how he will respond every time. Surely that evolves as he gets older too.
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How dare they hate me? I SAID my brochure would take a bit longer for the QUALITY!

I'd rather take seven years to get it right than publish two and a half years after I spent the money.

Those gobshite haters.

Anyway I have NOT shopped any of the 50.5% of brochure photos that look the same.

I nearly died and here's potato and leek soup. I am a fucking MANAGER and 14 years ago I did well in exams!


- citation: Bex Kitchen, May 2024.

- see also: grifter lunatics on X
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On what planet is £36 for nails not a complete extravagance?
Btw, not saying people on benefits should not be anle to have, or do, things which make them happy and feel nice. Just that actually when you earn an additional 600+ then yeah, you should pay your council tax like everyone else. If I do overtime I pay tax on the extra. She's still presumably eligible for single person discount etc.
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My son (autistic/ADHD) got DLA as a child...he got Middle rate care and Lower rate mobility.which was about right for his needs. He struggled in school and had an EHCP but finally needed a special school.

He's now 21 and in receipt of enhanced rate PIP. He cannot get on a bus or plan a journey alone , he has overwhelming anxiety to the extent that if we are in a crowded place he has to hang on to me. We tend to avoid crowded spaces. He loves animals and his favourite day out is the zoo when it is pi**ing down as hardly any other people go 😂 . We get soaked - cheers son. However, it never ceases to amaze me how many animals native to hot countries cheerfully accept the rain.

Back to Bex, her darling son likely does have difficulties but if she is sleeping in then it's no surprise that he is grabbing what he can when hungry - especially if he is incapable of preparing his own breakfast poor kid.
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She does less with her home schooled child than my mum did with me and my siblings alongside her part time job and our schooling. She was also always awake before us, we didn't have to entertain ourselves gaming until she got up, or find our own breakfasts.
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No sense of direction. Give me fucking strength. That's been a thing that's older than god's dug and it isn't necessarily indicative of ND. It's a very regular thing that some folk have or haven't or are so/so with. It's a very real and not at all related to neurodiversity reason that some folks are, for example, good at particular sports.

It absolutely rips my knitting this total desperation to be neurodiverse. It isn't an easy thing, at all, and it completely removes the possibility for difference (ya know, actual individual difference and unique quirks between humans, which if you've read your OU books properly Bex, unless you haven't got to that chapter, is a THING) between people and seems weirdly at odds with the folk happy to label each other whilst on the other hand raging against being 'labelled'.
THANK YOU. I can't read a map. I like to fiddle with whatever is in my pocket/a pen/doodle during meetings/long talks. I get irritated easily in places with loud music/lights. I absolutely love my own space.

I'm also not autistic or any other kind of 'neurodivergent'. I'm just a person with preferences and a personality. And when I'm put in situations I don't like, I grit my teeth and bear it - because I don't believe the world has to bend to me.
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The big day has yet to arrive folks
View attachment 2971101
Wait, whaaaaat?! She’s marrying herself! Hahaha! This is priceless. Not even Jack Monroe has such a high opinion of herself. There is such a thing as too much self love, Bex.

Can you imagine the reaction of the photographer she booked with. Are they expecting a second party to show up, as is traditional for a wedding shoot? Where is she getting a dress from? Has she got three in a cupboard somewhere, like Miss Havisham? So many questions! I really hope she posts the results. It’s all completely batshit.
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Euuuuurgh NO. NO NO to those 'hugs'.

In all our diverse Tattler lives, it's nice to know we'll never need a squeezy, or gentle, or god forbid BIG hug from a creepy pocket rodent.

Admittedly a low bar, but a helpful life measure when any of us ever feel like life is chaotic.
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I mean, I've done something to my back and all my months off sick mean that I've been getting myself little treats here and there. I do not begrudge anyone anything, hell I felt so guilty when we even went to the strictly tour

but, excuse me?? Camping? in a tent? trudging round muddy fields? With a fractured spine??

seriously fuck off
Live image of Bex with her multiple mobility aids (she's pointing at the sky because she's unable to follow even familiar routes without serious anxiety)

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I See You Baby

Well-known member
I’m surmising here that someone was good enough to stay at her house and take care of the kittens and/or OJ and instead of being eternally grateful that someone gave up their weekend to help, this horribly entitled cunt is bitching about them daring to move things round in her home.

I’ll leave a casual reminder that her previous landlord said she was a scruffy dirty cow when she lived in their property too here…
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Imagine earning if an extra £600 a month on top of your benefits that you are able to comfortably live off due to your lies regarding your sons, and your own ability, and thinking that you still shouldn’t have to pay just one of your own bills. Twat.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Oh just fuck off with your 'no sense of direction' shit. She always does this after yet another expensive jaunt.
'Had such a lovely time but to justify my huge level of fraudulently obtained benefits I'll pretend I panicked/got lost/was anxious/was so tired afterwards'.
She's taking the piss. And where's the book you thieving c*nt?
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I See You Baby

Well-known member
No - you absolutely should not be paid for making the decision to have a child and then sit on your fat arse all day throwing Minecraft workbooks his way whilst lying about your and his abilities, or lack of.

“The state” should not support you for being too lazy to get your child to school on time. The benefits system is a safety net, not a lifestyle choice.

By all means, flog your fanny to make a living, but then don’t be surprised when you’re expected to pay a bill or two with the proceeds.

People like you make decent people sick. I’m not surprised you’re the family disappointment.


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