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Active member
High support needs child out unsupervised and getting bullied but sure the important thing is those kids not knowing about an unusual schooling situation. They should have known better than to tease another child, sure but not everyone needs to know the xbox and art curriculum at Bexwarts school for griftcraft and robberyView attachment 2988512
"Bexwarts school for griftcraft and robbery" 😂😂😂 surely the next thread title ??
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Chatty Member
I think this whole group of grifty poverty/disability faux-intellectuals is all a massive cope for people who have spent their life looking down on, and believing themselves to be much more clever than their peers - and yet they haven’t achieved anything and done very little with their lives, for the most part through sheer laziness. I think overestimating your intellect has you think you’ll have things handed to you on a plate.

They’ve created a bubble in which they can still be experts, the smarts ones who can continue to judge everyone else, without having to get off their arses and actually do anything.

I think Bex’s biggest issue is she really isn’t as smart as she thinks she is. Genuinely believed she is such an amazing chef and writer that this little project was going to make her a star (which let’s be honest, even if she does publish it, it isn’t going to change anything for her). She simply thinks she too good for a normal job.

Rants over for today - she’s an absolute twat
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Here's a list of hugs the rat has offered Bex over the years - which one would you least want to be a recipient of?
  • Hugs
  • Big hugs
  • Big big hugs
  • PPE hugs
  • Squeezy hugs
  • Solidarity hugs
  • Big gentle hugs
  • Big squeezy hugs
  • Giant hugs
  • Big warm sunshine hugs
  • Virtual hugs
  • Super gentle hugs
  • Hugs and pillow fort
  • Congratulatory hugs
  • Happy dream hugs
  • Hugs (super gentle)
  • Gentle supporting hugs
  • Most careful healing hugs
  • Gentlest of hugs
  • Calming hugs
  • Armoured hugs with warm fleecy interior and steel plates and barb wire on the outside
  • Warm, gentle and protective hugs
  • Stealth hug
  • 240V hugs
  • Hugs for us all
  • Lemon and paracetamol infused hugs
  • Air hugs
  • Paracetamol laced lemony chocolate hugs
  • Hot water bottle hugs
  • Loving warm coffee hugs
  • Big time travelling hugs
  • Caffeine hugs
  • Axolotl hugs
  • Big bear hugs
  • Big weighted blanket hug
  • Softest and most gentle hugs
  • Hugs all round
  • Hazelnut laced hugs
  • Big empowering hugs
  • Big sleepy hugs
  • Emergency internet hugs
  • Gentle coffee infused hugs
  • Quick goodnight hug
  • Ice cube hug
  • Lucozade infused hugs
  • Hugs and giggles
  • Big proud hugs and hair tussle
  • Softest of internet hugs
  • Night night lavender hugs
  • Loving hugs
  • Morning hugs
  • The largest and warmest hugs
  • Causality crushing hug
  • Gentle bedtime hugs
  • Huge crushing car based hug (did MM cause The Crash?)
  • Hugs on standby
  • Wordless hug
  • Extra hugs
  • Hugs and nose boop
  • Hugeist of huge hugs
  • Huge and most huggiest of hugs
  • Hugs and good vibes
  • An extra hug
  • Haha
  • Sick
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Chatty Member
Bex...a quick reminder that absolutely everything we know about your child is as a result of you publicly posting it on the internet. The digital footprint you're so concerned about is all your own doing.
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VIP Member
I think that is why I find Bex so entertaining - she is such a ridiculous character.

On one hand she is desperate to be a yummy mummy wholesome home schooler (especially performing in public, when in earshot of strangers) - with the cleverest “kiddo” to ever take a breath. Mix in Right on Bex with her insistence that laddo was NB until he found his voice, for extra kudos.

She then wants to be slut hun - desperate beyond belief for cock (and pretending to lez up for the titillation impact and because it means she can claim some more sexuality labels). BDSM/furry/kinkBex depending on who is sniffing round her (for sale - she WORKS really hard at that, you know!) bum hole. Never mind that this directly contradicts TraumaBex - the most abused girl ever. So abused there is barely a therapist that can cope - they are all in awe of her survival skills! As are we - after all we do have “nearly died twice” Bex too - with the most painful bruises ever!

And let’s not forget appropriating all the fuck buddies personality traits in a desperately transparent attempt to ensnare a fourth fiancé. Trying to outdo Jack on rings, are we Bex? (BTW - how’s the growing going Bex? The raised beds? The veggie growing - remember when you were into all that because of plant boy?)

On top of that we have Disabled Warrior mum and campaigner - how dare you criticise her buying takeaways all the time - don’t you know she is disabled? You horrid ableist scum! How can she be expected to work - and fit her beauty appointments in?

And the contradictions are outstanding! Skint momma having to chase every disability discount to afford a semblance at life - was it four holidays in the last 12 months we counted?

Let’s not forget Bex “Hermione” Kitchen - academic extraordinaire - the cleverest girl to fail at academia ever.

Then throw in best cook ever with her “banging” mediocre food covered in whatever she can sprinkle on to hide the burnt offerings. So good she had the audacity to pretend she could write a book about it - and stole £6k from well meaning, gullible and sleazy alike - no discrimination on who threw a few coins into that pot, you can bet your life!

Sprinkle in a bit of bitching about the other grifters here - on at least two accounts….and then pretending like she doesn’t deserve her own place here!

Bex truly is the gift that keeps giving! More personalities than a half decent Saturday Night at the London Palladium (1 disabled and one carer ticket please) - all in one Twitter feed!
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Hold my beans

VIP Member
Wait until those kids find out his mum sells pics of her fanny on the internet. "Educate your kids about sex work, people"
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Surprised to see this from our super smart super ND super mum of ND child. My friend has a care experienced child (now adopted) who would literally eat until they explode. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out why that is. Tone deaf and thick as mince. The privilege shines through. Most single parents don't have the equivalent of a well paid full time job in benefits, so, in a cost of living crisis, I'd imagine kids eating everything in sight (teenagers?) is less than ideal. Why does noone ever call her out on this shit?

View attachment 3017945
Didn't seem that chill about the 'movie' night snacks at the time.

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Argh it's hardly 'restricting food' to not want your children to eat all the nice stuff from your house in one go. Why does she make out other parents/carers are horrific monsters for having basic rules? 'Food is a human right' oh piss off.

And of course her not wanting to get up to deal with kiddo is a medical condition. Of course. Not just a preference. Honestly nothing will convince me she didn't keep him off school because she didn't want the commitment of being up at 7am at the latest every morning.
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I See You Baby

Well-known member
Well Tattlers, I’ve had to wait until my lunch break to post this, so stop what you’re doing and get ready to have your mind blown.

One of Those Women ™️ received an anonymous message from a Facebook friend of Rebecca Kitchen this morning with the attached screenshots and shared it with our group. I don’t think it needs any further comment:

“Actually lost for words at her latest stunt. The "highest needs, severely disabled" child left alone yet again while she sleeps the day away with the DOOR UNLOCKED so anyone can walk in - she's lucky it was his father, even if he was being an arse. What if that alleged real life stalker had tried the door? Or just about anyone with bad intentions? She actually makes me rage inside, truly. Particularly with these claims of Oscar needing such high levels of support and supervision, yet she's happy to leave him alone, door unlocked so anyone can walk in (or leave) with no issue, while she's snoring her smug face off in bed in the middle of the day.

She shared this last night, but it was way too late to do much bar screen grab in case she realised how ridiculous it was to post her latest screw up on social media. I have to wonder how often this happens, with Oscar on his own not just in the morning but throughout the day, and how often that door gets left unlocked while this goes on. It's only pure chance that David turned up and created a scene that led to her sharing it online, how unlucky would you have to be that the one and only time you slept upstairs while your kid gamed the day away, you just happened to leave the door unlocked for the first time? Reeks of habitual neglect and her posts about how utterly wonderful she is as a mother and how much better she is for "home educating" (plugging in a games console) Oscar are just an actual piss take now. Despicable, lazy excuse for a parent, she really is.

As much as I believe kids belong with their families when it's safe for them, I'm starting to think Oscar would be better off in foster care, or a special guardianship with a family member that actually cares for him. She's insidious and would never actually improve herself or change, she's a genuine narcissist and I don't say that lightly. She's smart enough socially to know exactly how to fool the casual gaze, and puts on such a show when she wants people to believe she's one thing or another. Social services would struggle immensely to catch her out, and I doubt Oscar will ever actually receive the intervention he needs due to this, but christ he needs it. He needs to be away from that self absorbed, negligent, malingering chameleon of a "mother" and be placed with a functioning member of society. Likely there's a lot of damage done already, but perhaps if he was placed in school with staff understanding his background (his real background, not whatever nonsense she spouts to sencos and head teachers to make her seem like mother of the century and him seem like the most disabled neurodivergent child to ever exist) and with experienced foster carers who could get him properly involved in society and give him some routine and boundaries, he'd likely thrive.

Sorry, this has turned into a proper ranty rambling essay. She makes me sick, really bloody does.”


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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Strangers knowing his name might mean he'll trust them (which is a possibility), but also without his name a stranger could say 'oh hallo you're Bex's little boy aren't you? How are your two new kittens? It's a shame you couldn't go to Legoland because of the rain. Mummy told me you're still enjoying forest school'.
It is horribly easy to build up a picture of someone when their parent spaffs their private life all over the bloody Internet. Personally I'd worry more about creepy Internet uncles than anyone here.
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Hi Rebecca Kitchen, I see that your inner critic tells you you’re fucking your child up.

She’s correct. Look at the reams and reams of evidence, not what your therapist says after the Bex eye snapshot you’ve given her of your parenting. And do better.
If I was entitled to any benefits (I’m not apart from child benefit), I would fully expect them to be taken away if I made an additional (almost) £700 a month (all the while declaring myself unfit to work).

The sense of entitlement is unreal here - Rebecca genuinely thinks her bills should be paid for her and that anything she deigns to earn should be hers to fritter away on tacky clothes, garish nails and takeaways. She’s a Daily Mail wet dream (not a compliment, before you pop it in your bio).
Hey Bex, £600 is half some people’s (worked) monthly take home for full time work. That on top of everything else you get… I think you need a big fat dose of reality.
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"But Bex, I was just setting up the recording studio in your room so you could get straight on with the audio book as soon as you were back. I thought you'd be pleased!"
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I See You Baby

Well-known member
This sounds very much like someone who doesn't actually know the little fella very well. I hope to goodness she hasn't got her special man friend looking after him.

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That isn’t a woman, the vernacular is all wrong. Best guess, that’s her next victim, presumably not a plus one due to her only knowing him for five minutes, but fine to babysit kiddo until the evening do.

Rebecca Kitchen, if he’s not been in your life long enough to be invited to your friend’s wedding, you have not known him long enough to leave him alone in a hotel room with your child, you negligent dickhead.
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There is something quite upsetting about sharing a picture of your kid playing with you on a school weekday, from an almost entirely deserted indoor play area - boasting about him playing with the worlds greatest mamma - when he should be playing with friends, and learning, and developing social skills and memories that don’t entirely revolve around a neglectful cretin and literal thief.
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Me thinks she has a little bit of a cruel streak when it comes to child punishment. He took some sweets. Maybe if she’d woken up in time to help him with breakfast he’d not feel the need to root through the cupboards for something. But no, it couldn’t possibly be her own fault. It’s her high needs child who can’t be left alone except when he can be, when it suits her 🙃
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waffle maker

VIP Member
The baby groups are for the mums, not the babies. Being a first time mum is hard, having two under 2 is hard. So many mums I know struggled with postnatal depression, or their husbands ran off, or they were broke, or they had a sick baby. I went to loads of baby groups at sure start and was too wired to make life long friends but the groups got me and a load of other mums through some very hard days. No idea if they were right wing, we never got on to politics!
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Hold my beans

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How amazing that a child with high level needs and sleep problems can be left with someone they hardly know in a strange place overnight
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