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VIP Member
View attachment 621885Because he’s fucking shameless and doesn’t spare a thought for people who actually have to buy yellow sticker stuff as it’s what they can afford. Buy some yes, but don’t empty the shelves.
Greedy, inconsiderate bitch. There are people who rely on reduced produce, and she's there taking multiple of everything. Take one or two (or none at all) and piss off. You're not on the breadline.
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She keeps posting things specifically for us 😂 “been out with the kids all day” - welcome to the real world Robbo. It’s called being a parent
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Can anyone tell me how isolation is any different to her usual day?! Other than the fact she looks like she’s actually doing more with the kids by having them in the garden!
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She’s thinking Vegas if Mexico is cancelled and her kids get a rotation as to who goes on a quick weekend break in the UK. Honestly her parenting disgusts me. Can she go any lower ffs. I feel so sorry for her children. I really do.
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It’s like her whole attitude though, isn’t it. Mason is going around in Ivy’s old clothes while she’s constantly ordering herself new clothes.
This! She has an attitude where seems to think she is hard done by not going holiday during a pandemic. She is so entitled. She forks out for brand new clothes and long haul holidays yet won't buy in date food or clothing of his own for her son. Her priorities are way off.
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'Under the care of a neurologist' God she is fucking dramatic, yes migraines are awful but she words it like she has a disease which makes her severely vulnerable or sick. Woe is me everyone.
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Not everywhere. And they might be staggering start dates for the new reception class. Of all the shite Robbo talks this seems fairly unremarkable
Oh I wouldnt say its at all remarkable. I'd not actually heard of anywhere with August start dates, learn something new every day!
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Oh god, retirement banners, Christmas wrapping paper and yellow sticker presents. I’ve just shown my mum the photo and her response was “oh that poor girl”
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Active member
Also irritates me how she refers to herself as 'midsize' all the time. She's, what, a size 10? No shade at all, I'd kill for her figure, but she isn't a 14/16 which I was lead to believe midsize meant.
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I feel like she’s slowly trying to become an influenza so she can give up her 2 hours a week of pot washing at Wetherspoons. Never gonna happen.
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Chatty Member
I think that’s pretty shitty to use a 3 year olds birthday money to buy a piece of furniture but then this is Slobbo we are talking about here!
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VIP Member
No, Robbo, you won’t have the shits from drinking dirty water. All those dodgy yellow sticker dinners have given you immunity from everything gastro-related. And stop rolling your bloody eyes, it’s not cute, it’s not funny and you’ll do yourself damage.


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I wondered that. I think it is.

No body shaming from me but she knows how to work an angle for her mirror shots.
Yeah exactly. I have a similar figure to her and am all for owning it and being confident especially as my arse has grown infinitely over lock down 🙃 but come on, she is such a catfish in her mirror pics!
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Well-known member
Another patronising body positivity story today about wearing a bikini in the garden. Thanks for telling us Yobbo, honestly no one is looking up to her why is she giving us all a pep talk about what to wear and how to be confident?
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