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I’m glad she keeps repeating how long it’ll take her to get home. What an epic journey she’s on. And thank fuck insta will be with her every step of the way to document this momentous occasion

What a hero
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Anyone remember from a while back when she launched her "exciting new business venture" which ended up just being a big ass slab of melted chocolate with other chocolate plopped ontop, stuck in the fridge, wrapped in a bow and tried to sell it for gifts.

Lasted two days until she realised she was too lazy to see it through and pulled the idea

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The constant fucking tapping of those tacky nails 😡😡 makes me want to snap each one off of her!

I got the impression she was trying to be like Hinch, the way she was wiping her sink that way, her mannerisms, the way she was talking, obvious she hadn’t got a fucking clue but very hinch like at the same time. Just me?

I had to laugh out loud to myself watching those stories, tells everyone she cleans everyday, wipes dry sponge around a dry sink, sponge comes up filthy 🙄🤣🤣

She’s so fucking rude, and so is her common mate Dawn if that’s how she speaks about Beggys followers! Oh you meant on here didn’t you, trampy! yeah it would be a fix you daft bitch because half the time you don’t randomly select names do you!! Stop fucking tapping!! Jesus Christ. Do you think she sits at work all 4 hours of at her cash til just tapping those bastard nails?!!
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Wtf was that floaty knee bendy dance in the mirror 😂😂😂😂 ive had it with this cunt i really have she looks like a fucking tee-pee
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Her grid post. “Me time” the 2 things she treats herself too every month. What about all the other shit and tat she buys?? All the clothes, the £200 bag! Christ I buy something for the house I see it as a treat to myself as I like the house to look nice 🤣 I couldn’t afford to have my nails and lashes done every three weeks 🤣 maybe I could if I went to her beauty salon because based on the quality they can’t be expensive!! 🤣
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She really believes the shite she writes and talks. I just want her to shut the fuck up, the patronising Cow. Who are these hundreds of people that aspire to be her, have her house & lifestyle? Sad sad sad fuckers. She has serious delusions of grandeur. I would rather look around my house and know that ive paid for every item, than look around and know I have all that shit because I was a ponce 🤮

Enough now, im fuming. Does the scrawny cunt think Domestic violence is funny? More women are killed each year by their partner than any other street murders!! Im shaking with temper. You absolute moron 💩💩💩
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Early menopause and due on. Ugh. If you are still having regular periods it won’t be menopause..... please Becky don’t belittle menopause it’s been hell for me.
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Laughing at Jason’s clothes when her wardrobeS look like the contents of a 3 year olds dressing up box? Making a point of him eating the toblerone she brought back for him.. what was he supposed to do with it, shove it up his arse? She’s always making little jibes about his appearance, fat shaming him and laughing at his clothes and she does the same to Dawn too. Probably to make herself feel better. ‘I’ve been on the go constantly every day for the last few days’ oh god yeah I know, it’s such hard work being pampered and taking naps 😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️
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How many times does she wanna tell us she’s due on the dirty old scumbag 🤢 ‘I’m due on and I think I’m going through early menopause because it’s hot’ sorry but how can you be due on and be going through early menopause you thick prick. I’m feeling hot today, must be early menopause. How ignorant and stupid can you get. And by the way Beggy nobody wants to know that you’re due on, they also don’t want to know that you’ve had or are about to have a piss, and we certainly don’t want to know about your bloody, puss filled blisters! You’re a dirty disgusting freak and you need your head testing. She’s literally laying there waiting for a text from Dawn cos she can’t wait to get a drink down her throat. Funny how she’s ‘so looking forward’ to her holiday after she’s been watching everyone else on insta on theirs. She just has to copy and be a part of what everyone else is doing doesn’t she. She can’t just be happy for people, she has to be bitter and go on about her own holiday. Yet she’s always spouting on about ‘Don’t try and keep up with the Jones’s’ (I fucking hate when she says that). Has she never seen rain before? Does she think we don’t have windows? Guess what beggy, we do know it’s hot or it’s cold or it’s raining or snowing without you having to tell us you fucking stinky bollock. Go and get pissed at 11 in the morning and then moan you’re going through the menopause you absolute thick shit. You probably feel crap because you don’t look after yourself. Ever thought of that? No. Because all you think about is gin
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Hilarious that it’s her day off and Jason’s already effed off out on his bike. Poor bloke I bet he wishes he could spend time in his own house which he pays for without it turning into a kids colouring book or filled with the cacophony of screeching and embarrassing dancing in the mirror and general attention seeking from that batty old scarecrow. Omg she’s so cringe why is she even bringing up arguments between her and Jason and screeching about it?! Just shows what a selfish cow she is, if she wanted to watch telly she could have gone downstairs and let him sleep. The fact she’s telling 60,000 people making out her husband is violent is disgusting. When people ask you not to record them for your Instagram it’s for a reason! It doesn’t mean you can sit and slag them off instead. You’re scum of the earth and should be ashamed of yourself. I hope you delete that story as it’s completely unneeded. If I posted every time me and my partner had a row on Instagram I’m pretty sure he would leave me and I’d have no followers left. There’s absolutely no need to share that and it just shows the absolute disrespect she has for Jason. She shares way too much to complete strangers! If these are the lengths she has to go to to get a bit of attention or to create content she needs fucking help.

The way she goes ‘Right’ and then spouts on about how to do this and how to do that. No one fucking cares. If we all took advice from Beggy we’d be living in cloud cuckoo land and up to our eyeballs in debt, our kids would hate us and our husbands would leave us. Every day for the past 3 days she’s gone on and on dictating to her followers with her patronising bullshit. Beggy even your kids have admitted that you lie and exaggerate things. You’re a bullshitting moron and you need help. Nobody has messaged you asking about anything, you’re just desperate to sit there giving your unwanted crappy advice. ‘I spend between 3 and 6 hours a day on Instagram’ when you have a day off which is most of the time it’s more like 12 hours a day and this is the reason your family don’t like you. But you don’t care because you’re addicted to Instagram and you can’t put your phone down for longer than a minute. You live a sad, lonely life and you like to pretend you have this loving happy family life. Both of your kids slag you off and it’s quite clear Jason can’t stand to be anywhere near you. So you sit at home on your own talking to your best friend - your phone.

She works full time 😂😂😂 she has more time off than anyone I know! Beggy the bullshitter lying through her wonky tic tac teeth again. She’s clearly not had a shag in a while cos she’s getting turned on by a fucking Reed diffuser. Tap tap tap ‘it’s just so SEXXXXYYYY’ 🤢 poor poor Jason can you imagine that wrinkly bag trying it on with him, breathing all over him with her alcoholic dragon breath.
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I won’t tell you how much I drank as I’ll get judged for it...
And off she goes to buy more booze! No wonder she looks like a dried up old chamois leather with all that alcohol in her system!! 🤢
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Is she really that thick? "Im a 7 but theyre coming up small but if I get an 8 theyre too big" ..... probably means your a 7 and a half Becky :unsure::rolleyes:🤭

Also does she know she sounds like a foghorn shouting on her stories about a Christmas tree in July! Jesus I had to turn my phone volume down 🙉
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