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Did anyone see the video she made the other day where she had a jar with about 7 cases of Loops in? They aren’t cheap either, it’s probably a couple of hundreds quid worth of ear plugs. Beckie is a white middle class woman, she is so privileged.

She had 4 kayaks for Pete’s sake! Even if they are 2nd hand they certainly aren’t cheap. I couldn’t even afford a place to store them let alone a kayak.
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Also she did seem happier at home honestly. She used to do art videos and the like and seemed more stable in general. She moaned yes but if feels like she has only moaned since being alone in her own home as she says.
She might be happier but I think there is a reason her family got her the flat. Every S
symptom and disorder she makes up has the function to force others to take care of her. Her parents, other british youtubers, her church, her dates, her kayaking group... that's why she is so upset right now: her behavior does not work, nobody cares and she is lonely and miserable. Yet she is unable to approach others in a normal or positive way.
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Her latest stories are so obnoxious, she's literally just describing thoughts she has about how the world could be a better place, and then says "and this is me all the time! this level of brain activity is normal!" as though she's just been inventing new laws of physics or found the solution for world hunger. Does she really believe that other people don't have complex thoughts without some kind of diagnosis? Who am I kidding, of course she does. I'm sure she thinks everyone else's brains are just empty. Only Beckie thinks about complicated things because she's the deepest, most special person who ever existed.
Also what a coincidence that her migraines have "calmed" just after we were discussing how all the sumatriptan might stop her from getting stimulants...
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The driving video kind of upset me honestly. I’m autistic, not too much younger than Beckie and, if she actually is autistic, quite a similar level with a lot of similar traits, and I can’t drive. There’s a bunch of reasons for it, and they do tie back to me being autistic, and that video massively feels like a ‘woo look at me, I’m one of the smart, cool, able autistics!’ to me.
Sure, im probably taking it too personally, but I don’t really see what other reason there is to post something like that? I’m all for celebrating autistic people’s achievements, but she’s been driving for years, and though I don’t personally, lots of autistic and other neurodivergent people can drive just fine. I mean, we’re literally everywhere, there’s an autistic person flying a plane somewhere, but that’s obviously no where near as incredible as a privileged British woman driving a car
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By putting something like Ds in your profile you are opening and inviting sexual conversation almost. That should be something disclosed as you’ve gotten to know someone if you are uncomfortable with sexual chat
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Isn't being sick in a bucket like an emergency last resort when you're in a house with a toilet? Or can't she get past all the kayaks in time?
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Beckie does a lot of things that make me irrationally angry, like the SHWOOO noise she does almost every bloody day.

But for me, the worst one is the way she ends almost every video by saying "there's SO MUCH more I could say but my brain is just-" and then does an explosion thing with her hands. Just shut the fuck up Becks, stop acting like you have the most UNIQUE and SPESHUL brain in the whole goddamn world.
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Her latest story about her downloading an erotica app 👀 …well it’s something lmao

As per usual she is complaining that nothing is designed for her unique brain in mind.
I genuinely cannot think of anyone less sexual than Beckie. Full disrespect but she’s about as sexy as soggy cereal
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Chatty Member
Whenever I see her sickly cat posts I always remember once when she said ‘’I want the cats to know the bed is a super safe place to explore touch and cuddles’’ 🤢🤢🤢
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Just a little message to Beckie for next time she's reading here to check for non-existent dangerous threats... if you want more Sensations, you can buy a bigger packet. Usually from the same aisle as the small packets. This should provide you with an ample amount of crisps, and you can avoid feeling cheated and outraged by the predictably small amount in the small bag. Hope this helps x
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I'm not saying you can't have difficulties but comon Beckie is making it sound like she has been begging on the streets for years, when she just have had trouble keeping friends and not had many boyfriends. All which could have been fixed if she once realized she needs to work on herself!!!
She can blame autism for all of that, but that would still mean she would be a really successful autistic person. She is not in the gutter with the rest of the people, she is basically a 1%er that acts like she's starving homeless person! Beckie you have a job, a apartment and a bunch of hobbies! She sounds so spoiled pretending driving is a big thing when she's been doing it for years without ever mentioning it! She's cosplaying Neurodivergence but like retroactively.. Its so fucking weird to me
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I sincerely hope she goes through early menopause and no children are subjected to her as a mother.
Harsh, but agreed.
I genuinely do not understand her.

I paid 600 pounds for a private ADHD assessment, they saw me within 2 weeks. Was it a lot of money? Yes. Was it worth it to skip the NHS waiting list? Definitely.

Beckie, stop overpaying your mortgage, stop buying more kayaks you don't need, save up for a few months. You'll have the bloody money.
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Says she doesn't like sex, downloads an erotica app, complains that it's not for her. She's creating her own problems on purpose at this point. It's like ordering a vindaloo when you don't like spicy food and then complaining it's too hot.

"I don't want gorgeous men in my ears talking to me who are in a studio recording. I want love." Okay but Beckie hun what did you expect? I'm pretty sure the app didn't promise instant true love. It promised men saying spicy things in your ears, and that's what you got.
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Beckie when first diagnosed as autistic:
“I don’t want autism to define me. I don’t want it to be all I talk about”

Beckie every day since being diagnosed as autistic:
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"I deserve better". No, you actually don't because you are a shitty person who never does anything for anybody else or spends a second thinking about anyone else. So no, the universe does not owe you other people doing that.
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