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aaaand here it is 🙄
Not Molly acting like she’s actually had hardships in life when she did more for her 21st in a pandemic than most do for their birthdays not in a pandemic
View attachment 861229
am i reaching or does this feel a little bit… unsavoury? idk if thats the right word but its this whole song about taylor and jakes relationship being a bit messed up, especially with the age gap, and shes somehow managed to twist it into something about her yet again? i understand the fun of being able to sing dancing queen when you turn 17 and 22 when you turn 22 (like we didnt get bored of that before it even started) but this one seems a little bit gross.
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guys idk if its been said but 10:46 the london trip for her bday the clip shes like 'party starts HEREEE' and then it goes to 'they were closed' ive just laughed out loud at her. why would you include that ahhhh i cant thats embarrassing
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Does she actually know the word “vegetarian”… I’ve literally never seen her say it or use it.

calling herself a “veggie” just grinds my gears
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has anyone realised that in her new intro theres no mention of "beauty spectrum"? i don't blame her if she wants to go by molly thompson now lol but surely you'd change your actual youtube name alongside.. unless she's trying to relate her name with beauty spectrum first in case she does both and people don't know who she is by her name lol
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preferably something

Active member
Just got round to watching the alphabet travel video, and it was just so boring and underwhelming (not that I had very high expectations)

I agree with what others here have said, it would’ve been better as a series, as we barely saw many of the towns- it felt quite rushed to me? all she could say about some of the towns was that they had free parking or a costa, riveting content 🙄😂

it also doesn’t help that Tom has 0 personality and adds nothing to the videos- perhaps a little harsh but not untrue 😂
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Sorry don’t know if anyone’s already posted but she rebranded her Instagram @ to Molly Thompson? Has beauty spectrum finally left the building
she literally must’ve changed it in the last 30 mins because the screen shot I shared says beauty_spectrum but now her Instagram is definitely molly_thompson… I guess that’s what the balloons are for.

i predict she will quote Taylor swift and say “the old Molly/beauty spectrum can’t come to the phone right now, why, oh, cause she’s dead”
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if i see one more reel of her playing with her hair and moving her arms in and out im going to spontaneously combust
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Active member
I don't get how asking for quorn & different milk is fussy? 🙄 Why can't she keep her mouth shut whilst eating & talk when her mouth is empty? 🤢 She's got some weird and disgusting habits. I don't get why uni homes chose her to advertise, especially when she's not at uni & never experienced the full uni life.. or was it Harry they chose but Molly is taking over? She literally advertises anything/everything even if it's irrelevant to her 🙄.
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Pretty sad that she has nothing else to celebrate so makes a huge fuss of changing of her YouTube name (that most creators did many years ago without a big song and dance)
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I don't get how she says Tom and her aren't doing gifts because they're saving up for travelling, but then they do at £50 stocking and they're also exchanging 2 gifts today? How much do they usually spend on each other???? £50 for some random trash sounds like a lot to me
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VIP Member
she was so harsh on tom in that video, she can't stand when he can do something better than her!! and she does weird zoom in when shes quirky boissss obviously its hilarious
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Iconic Member
Physically 22 but mentally 14 is a vibe. 😐
Hearing Tom say Mama Mia was “such a vibe” and quote Harry Potter,

made my vagina cry 😐 never in a month of Sunday’s.
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Why doesn't she change the youtube name? beauty spectrum doesn't make sense, and she doesn't even like it
loadssss of YouTubers changed their usernames a few years ago when YouTube allowed you to do it. It’s surprising to me that she wouldn’t have got rid of the silly name as soon as possible… I can’t think of a single other YouTuber I watch/enjoy that doesn’t just use their name
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I think A-Z video didn't go as she planned, I think she was hoping for more views since she's still rambling on about it & trying to promote it 😂.
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Liv's party theme is 00s and late 90s films, our Mols has gone as Cher from Clueless ... which came out in 1995, does she actually get anything right?! She's so basic it's actually painful
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