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She really is self absorbed twat! Does she realise that a lot of working mums, don't get to go to the gym everyday, and go for walk, and go to the beach for a midday swim, and sit around reading a book, she's extremely privileged, and it shits me that she doesn't even realise that.
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Oh ffs she needs to quit it with the singing. I can hold a tune but would I consider uploading it to my Instagram? Not in a million years. She just thinks she is shit hot and all her little minions fawn all over her, telling her how great she sounds. Stop Keiara. You are NOT what I think most people would classify as a good singer. She also puts on some weird accent/affectation to her voice. It literally makes my skin crawl.
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Chatty Member
***** VLOG RECAP****


Video opens with special k making coffee at 6:30am in those ugly Mr and Mrs mugs. Kurty hugs her from behind but sans stiffy this time.

The place is a tip with shit everywhere and we see kurty carry kitty out to it’s enclosure as special k has mind numbing convo about the weather to millar and lincydincy.

Another comment about it feeling “like Bali”….. have they ever been to Bali? This is the second time in 2 videos she’s compared warm weather to Bali.

So Millar wants her ears pierced and soecial k has made an appointment (first time in her life she plans an activity) for a place that does “both at once” aka, the local shitty piercing/jewellery combo store that do guns and not needles. C’mon y’all, guns are so 2000’s, anyone and their mum knows needles are far better especially for kids to make healing process (and piercing process tbh) better/easier.

So now they announce next year Lincoln and Millar are at school 5 days a week, and they are enrolling regan into their preschool program. I feel she’s quite young for that but who knows. 3 kids in private school settings now, time to sell some more crap special k.

Okay she just clarified regan will only go 3 days.

They talk about watching live island and having a raging night consisting of a Baileys on the balcony. Fuck me she is sheltered.

Regan is going to the shops in a dress grandma got her and Millar. It’s pyjamas. And she has it over the top of another outfit. What the fuck are these 2 drongos doing?! Why is regan wearing multiple outfits and then you’ll whinge about washing? Grandma (I assume Kurt’s mum) got regan a dress nightie, she’s probably sick of seeing regan in a onesie for 48 hours straight, but it’s clearly pyjamas, so why doesn’t either parent explain to regan that it’s for bedtime, not to be worn to the shops.

Walking into the shops and Lincoln says he wants a tattoo and soecial k says “you have to be 18, maybe 16 if mum signs off on it” ….. special K, we all know you’ll pull out your gun and engrave him before then!

Cut to the piercing room, and my suspicions are correct / it’s a dodgy place. And all 5 family members are crammed in the room. It’s annoying when people do that. Kurty should have taken the other two away and let special K be there for Millar and help her but special k needs to Vlog every private moment so instead there’s 6 people in the room.

Regan and Lincoln are getting in the way and the staff member pulls out the shitty 1990s piercing gun and slams a hole in millars right ear. All going “well” so far.

Oop she starts crying. And then I realised, special K apparently made a booking at a place that does both ears at once. So something went wrong already and that’s another failed plan by super mum.

Okay this is just frustrating to watch.
The gun gets stuck on the first try on the second ear, something that doesn’t happen with a needle.

Regan is now crying and the whole thing is a mess and the piercer sits in the bed beside Millar to try again. Weird she’s not sitting straight on or suggest Millar to lie down.

Okay so attempt 2 also goes wrong. It sounds like it’s pierced but the gun isn’t removed yet. Honestly those guns are a nightmare. I actually got qualified (over a decade ago) to pierce lobes with those and they are just horrible to work with and even when I learnt they were being faded out and weren’t popular at all.

Okay so the second piercing did work, so the staff member was able to shove jewelry through. Millar was obviously crying during this process (another private moment online) and of course the other 2 kids are upset and regan is crying/fussing. But instead of Kurt stepping away with the 2 other kids he keeps filming. What a good lap dog he is.

They are home now. At 13:23 special k and millar are sitting in front of the mirror as K is brushing her hair into a pony tail. Special k says “I’m glad we brushed your hair last night cause it’s nice and easy to brush now” and Millar quickly says “I brushed it” and special K does a big fake smile and a “did you?” But she’s actually thinking “shut up kid, I need my mum of the year trophy.”

We cut to Special K upstairs giving us a dramatic debrief whilst Kurt is left to look after 3 kids and she phones Aunty Seyena so at least the kids have contact with one Aunty.

It’s nice to see a convo between the three of them but also I find it odd that Special K doesn’t tell seyena that the call is being recorded.

Millar actually steps outside of the camera frame but special k quickly turns the camera to get the Emmy award winning shot.

Then a FaceTime call to Kurt’s parents. Special K adjusts the camera to show the call and we are now at 3 family members unknowingly being filmed and uploaded to YouTube.

The Vlog ends with Lincoln playing with blocks and a dump site behind him.

Kurt’s heard in the background cooking breakfast and wondering how he ended up here.

The end.
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Chatty Member
Watching K’s IG stories- she is completely burnt out guys. Looking after her 3 children on her own must have really taken it out of her 😂 Anyone else think the anxiety came on because Kurt was out until 4am? So she is going to listen to her body and have some S L O W days 🙄
I personally think she did not cope having to parent on her own.
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Well-known member
Yep! Surprise surprise. She's just an endless bag of tricks our specialK.
I don't think it was the ac leaking, it was her cup 🙄
New thread title: Special K’s cup is so full it’s leaking, the podcast is the opposite of peaking; the shop is gone but poppers and roadkill bbqs live on”
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New member
Oh….. tell us more 🫢
I can’t say too much because I don’t want to disclose my identity and being mindful of friendships all I can say is I know they were there, that’s a absolute fact...Unlike the story she is spinning. Making out like her parents didn’t show up at all…some things just need to be called out for what they are.
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and so say we all

Chatty Member
This thread is giving all the LOL! Thanks for all the bits n pieces... just like the gunk in Durty's eyes/toes/bellybutton, you're all bringing the shits from Reeegie's cot/storeroom and giggles from SpecialK's forced over the top fake laugh at anything.
The comparisons and talented memes are the BEST... just like Taylow Swift... you know her... 🎶🎶🎵🎼🎵🎵🎶 come on, daddy and I went to her concert... and yes she is beautiful, well I dunno if you're going to be as beautiful as her but, oh look at yours LinkyDink... Harry styles... you know... 🎤🎼🎵🎵🎵🎵🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎵🎵🎶... you'll know him at some point... "as we were 🎵🎵🎵🎶🎶".
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Chatty Member
Tonight’s vlog: “I’ve been avoiding him, shopping with kids, and I can’t handle this”

Scene opens on the balcony as special K complains to Kurt about the humidity and says “does it feel like Bali?” …. Have either of them been to Bali?

She then says “we are back, coffee chats with special K and Kurt, should be make this a regular thing?” To which kurt promptly replies “no.”

Kurt is shattered, he’s clearly been doing the bulk of the overnight care of the sick kids. Why has she pulled him onto the balcony for a chat? She should send him back to bed, go make him a nice breakfast and leave him alone for a couple hours to rest.

Special K says she has avoided it, (it being the illness going around the house) Kurt says he’s had to be tonight, and then Kurt says “ she’s been avoiding me that’s why” …..
Actually, special K has just been avoiding the kids, that’s how she is, it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.

The rest of the balcony chat was so fucking boring and mindnumbing. I skipped forward in the video.

To end the balcony chat Kurt asks “is it bad to leave a kid in the car while we go in?“ He is asking about leaving Regan in the car while him and her take the other two kids into the classroom or daycare. He is a fucking idiot.

Princess K swans downstairs whilst Kurt is in the kitchen cleaning and tending to the kids.

Regan is having store bought lamingtons for breakfast. Good work parents.

We cut to them in the car after they have dropped Miller off at daycare and they are on the way to target to buy costumes for the kids. I’m not sure what the costumes are for? Special K says that she has to have a look at the books and that she can’t go into the shops without looking at the books. Kurt reminds her that it depends on how well Regan does and then special K suddenly goes “true” as she struggles to remember that she’s a mother of three children and not the next ghandi.

Special K picks out about $60 worth of gloves and then says they need toilet cleaner and gloves. Isn’t that something every household already has? Kurt says they will get special K sized gloves and she rolls her eyes. Hahaha good one kurty, you know she’ll be upstairs reading while Kurt is scrubbing the shitter.

They get to the car and realise soecial K didn’t get the first book in a series, only books 2,3 and 4. Haha she’s such a big book fan, shouldn’t she know what she’s buying?

They get McDonald’s in the car and karma slaps her in the face when they forget her hashbrown.

When they get home regan changes into a princess costume and Lincoln has a captain America costume. There’s an outfit for mila literally thrown on the floor. I have no idea what these costumes are for, I must have missed it.

Vlog wraps up with K sitting on the floor showing us her 6 new books, retail of $75+.

Another bland vlog full on consumerism, boring conversations, kids acting out, fast food, poorly prepared meals and zero chemistry.
I’m blocked on Spesh K Insta

But weren’t you ladies all talking a few pages back that if Millaaaaaaaa wasn’t at the costume store then they Definitely dropped her off at school less than 48hrs after her gastro - which is a big no no - all schools and day care require the child to be spew and poo free for min 48hrs before returning

But we all knew Big tits wouid drop miss M off regardless because she’s a twat hole.

Also this made me think of spesh k and kurtyyyyyy


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Chatty Member
How pumped was she to say she was drunk. Actually acted like she was 16.
Probably an act so she could be in bed by 10pm and not "party" with Kurt.
She us just so full of shit these days.
Yesterday, sitting out.on the balcony saying she isn't even wearing false nails anymore and today she's waving the stick on talons around. Kurt must have asked her to change the bed sheets or do some housework so she needed the excuse.
The vlogs are getting ridiculously boring. Can you imagine, getting your kids to settle down to colouring for 15mins and you grab a coffee sit and watch some YouTube and it's of her kids colouring in 😒 Who is interested in that. Then them scooting down the street, pan to pictures of the beach and then her knees with a book on them.
And Mila is now reading a book out in nature.
To you and I, that's sitting outside reading a book.
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Trying to drum up some interest in the podcast this morning.... so many lovely messages apparently. She's a liar. She had ONE comment on her podcast post.. and that person was telling her its quite common for kids to sleep in the wardrobe. I don't believe for a moment she's had so many messages.

The podcast is sitting at #112. Dying a slow death. Give it up girlfriends!

Also, I only listened to one ep but from the clips she uploads she basically just agrees with everything Ashy says and says "yep 100%". Does she have an independent thought in that brain of hers? She would never say anything contrary to Ashy. She's such a pathetic little slave to her.
Possible scenario of what has gone down-
Ashy: k the podcast is doing crap, we need to do something about it
Loincloth K: oh we have had sooooooo many beautiful messages telling us our podcast is amazing, we are amazing, so do yourself a favor and listen to our amazing podcast because you will be amazed how amazing it is!
Public: 😂😂🤔🤔🙄🙄😂😂🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Any school mums on here from Millas school? Just curious how you feel about the “bitchy school mum” segment on the podcast. Not the best way to involve yourself in school activities. Oh wait, MrsK wouldn’t be involving herself in school activities would she. I just wonder how other parents see her.
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Active member
***** VLOG RECAP****


Video opens with special k making coffee at 6:30am in those ugly Mr and Mrs mugs. Kurty hugs her from behind but sans stiffy this time.

The place is a tip with shit everywhere and we see kurty carry kitty out to it’s enclosure as special k has mind numbing convo about the weather to millar and lincydincy.

Another comment about it feeling “like Bali”….. have they ever been to Bali? This is the second time in 2 videos she’s compared warm weather to Bali.

So Millar wants her ears pierced and soecial k has made an appointment (first time in her life she plans an activity) for a place that does “both at once” aka, the local shitty piercing/jewellery combo store that do guns and not needles. C’mon y’all, guns are so 2000’s, anyone and their mum knows needles are far better especially for kids to make healing process (and piercing process tbh) better/easier.

So now they announce next year Lincoln and Millar are at school 5 days a week, and they are enrolling regan into their preschool program. I feel she’s quite young for that but who knows. 3 kids in private school settings now, time to sell some more crap special k.

Okay she just clarified regan will only go 3 days.

They talk about watching live island and having a raging night consisting of a Baileys on the balcony. Fuck me she is sheltered.

Regan is going to the shops in a dress grandma got her and Millar. It’s pyjamas. And she has it over the top of another outfit. What the fuck are these 2 drongos doing?! Why is regan wearing multiple outfits and then you’ll whinge about washing? Grandma (I assume Kurt’s mum) got regan a dress nightie, she’s probably sick of seeing regan in a onesie for 48 hours straight, but it’s clearly pyjamas, so why doesn’t either parent explain to regan that it’s for bedtime, not to be worn to the shops.

Walking into the shops and Lincoln says he wants a tattoo and soecial k says “you have to be 18, maybe 16 if mum signs off on it” ….. special K, we all know you’ll pull out your gun and engrave him before then!

Cut to the piercing room, and my suspicions are correct / it’s a dodgy place. And all 5 family members are crammed in the room. It’s annoying when people do that. Kurty should have taken the other two away and let special K be there for Millar and help her but special k needs to Vlog every private moment so instead there’s 6 people in the room.

Regan and Lincoln are getting in the way and the staff member pulls out the shitty 1990s piercing gun and slams a hole in millars right ear. All going “well” so far.

Oop she starts crying. And then I realised, special K apparently made a booking at a place that does both ears at once. So something went wrong already and that’s another failed plan by super mum.

Okay this is just frustrating to watch.
The gun gets stuck on the first try on the second ear, something that doesn’t happen with a needle.

Regan is now crying and the whole thing is a mess and the piercer sits in the bed beside Millar to try again. Weird she’s not sitting straight on or suggest Millar to lie down.

Okay so attempt 2 also goes wrong. It sounds like it’s pierced but the gun isn’t removed yet. Honestly those guns are a nightmare. I actually got qualified (over a decade ago) to pierce lobes with those and they are just horrible to work with and even when I learnt they were being faded out and weren’t popular at all.

Okay so the second piercing did work, so the staff member was able to shove jewelry through. Millar was obviously crying during this process (another private moment online) and of course the other 2 kids are upset and regan is crying/fussing. But instead of Kurt stepping away with the 2 other kids he keeps filming. What a good lap dog he is.

They are home now. At 13:23 special k and millar are sitting in front of the mirror as K is brushing her hair into a pony tail. Special k says “I’m glad we brushed your hair last night cause it’s nice and easy to brush now” and Millar quickly says “I brushed it” and special K does a big fake smile and a “did you?” But she’s actually thinking “shut up kid, I need my mum of the year trophy.”

We cut to Special K upstairs giving us a dramatic debrief whilst Kurt is left to look after 3 kids and she phones Aunty Seyena so at least the kids have contact with one Aunty.

It’s nice to see a convo between the three of them but also I find it odd that Special K doesn’t tell seyena that the call is being recorded.

Millar actually steps outside of the camera frame but special k quickly turns the camera to get the Emmy award winning shot.

Then a FaceTime call to Kurt’s parents. Special K adjusts the camera to show the call and we are now at 3 family members unknowingly being filmed and uploaded to YouTube.

The Vlog ends with Lincoln playing with blocks and a dump site behind him.

Kurt’s heard in the background cooking breakfast and wondering how he ended up here.

The end.
Honestly the whole time I was just thinking why the hell did the whole family have to go to that. As if Mila needed Regan crying out for Mummy and screaming and carrying on while all that commotion was going on. Just ridiculous and then to top it off she has a camera shoved in her face aswell.
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Chatty Member
She's just doing a bit too much and she needs to listen to her body and slow down guys.
Just throw some bits n pieces on a platter for the kids dinner and call it a night.
Bless her bleeding heart. Hopefully she can -
Slow down
Have me time
Do some reading
Maybe a workout at the gym
Or workout at home
Go for a walk to the beach
Lay by the pool
Play guitar and sing
Write her own novel
Listen to a podcast in bed
Light a candle and have a bubble bath.
Have Kurt take care of their children, maybe cook her a steak, then he could clean up the kitchen and bath the kids and put them to bed. He could sleep with them if one gets sick.
He could put some bits an pieces on a platter for said children to keep it simple.
Oh wait - this is just her normal day isn’t it 😜
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VIP Member
Hey kids let me just set up my camera then you come sit on my lap and we do a sweet scene so I can act like I actually give a shit !!
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Chatty Member
My goodness!!
I feel so sad for her lovely parents!!! MrsK shame on you!!
She is just a fucking toxic nasty bitch.
Completely unnecessary to post that Kurt's parents were there. If anything it should make Keiara sad. Not gloat !
That's a different level...from someone who endlessly preaches to be mindful of what they say and do and to be kind...absolute tragedy for those kids too.
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