Anti-Conspiracy Theories #7 Google told me, so it must be true. Sheeep!

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I'm sorry to her about your dad.
It's the same story with my MIL. Never smoked a day in her life, lived in a non smoking house, etc but had aggressive lung cancer.
I can't think of anyone I know who hasn't been affected by cancer in some way whether it's a family member, a friend or even a celebrity we admire.
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I just love the irony of CTs spending hours posting disparaging memes about the sheep who spend hours on the Internet
i’ve particularly enjoyed seeing, on twitter, how many of them are retweeting that obviously AI generated video of the baby “scrolling on a phone” in their sleep. it got debunked and proven as fake within about an hour of it being shared and yet i keep seeing it being reposted as awful evidence of internet sheep starting young (lambs?) - i thought CTs were able to identify AI super fast?!
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Sorry to hear about your MIL, too. Like you say, everyone knows someone who's got or had cancer. It's a sad fact of life.
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I’m sorry to hear about your father and uncle and I agree. You can practically see the delight when some of these ghouls hear that someone has been diagnosed with cancer, so they can chalk it up as what they’ve decided is another vaccine related illness and sit there and basically say “I told you so”. We know what causes cancer, we know why it has increased in recent years (spoiler alert: it has been steadily increasing for years since before covid even existed).

And exactly, whilst only a small percentage of cancers are caused by specific heritable genes, all cancers are triggered by genetic changes. The problem is that how these changes are triggered is extremely complex and very difficult to unpredictable as well. Some people unfortunately lose the genetic lottery and end up with a lifetime of crappy diseases, others win and are able to smoke, drink and eat shit their whole lives until they finally kick the bucket aged 94 having suffered very few health problems.
Despite years of research, we still can’t accurately predict the development of it and often can’t even detect it until it’s too late either. it’s scary and can happen to anyone, which is why I think it’s comforting for some CTists to convince themselves that the vaccine is a cause of it, and then say “well I didn’t have the vaccine so I’ve got less of a chance of developing it”! False sense of security really.
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Also, lots of people who spend lots of time online are tutting about a child spending time online.
Yeah exactly. My mum is always making comparisons to other people she knows who are far unhealthier and older than my dad was. Obviously she doesn't begrudge them their situation, but deep down it's natural to think why did my husband die much younger than these older and unhealtheir people. Like you say, it's the genetic lottery.
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Do CTs not get the irony of comparing being asked to get the vaccine to Nazi Germany whilst using Nazi terms like "pureblood" to refer to themselves. Also feeling proud about having a certain blood group is strange, again quite ironic they're going down the "my genes are superior" route but wah wah literal Nazi Germany made me take a vaccine.
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I have to be honest, I’ve never seen a CT refer to themselves as a ”pureblood”? Has anyone genuinely seen this happen? I mainly see CTs on Twitter, and their usual anti-vax chat is along the lines of “hhmmm, this person died suddenly” and so on.
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Unless you're from somewhere like North Sentinel Island there's no way your blood is 'pure'.
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People think being born with a certain blood group is an achievement? The bar is literally on the floor these days if you’re patting yourself on the back for that.
Yeah, some people take the pure blood thing really quite seriously. In Australia they actually made a (now banned) pure blood dating app lmfao for people who want to only date other unvaccinated people .
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Just search #pureblood on Twitter and you’ll see them. Some of them even put it as their name!View attachment 2285253
View attachment 2285257
Yikes. Thank you both. The pure blood thing is so weird and nasty.
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Also why is it that information from any source other than random-blog.ct featuring photoshopped graphic is seen as bad? Could it be these sources are often more truthful (not always of course) and this shatters their world view?

Strangely enough MSM and other popular sources of information suddenly become gospel when they might be saying something CTs agree with. Funny that!
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So-called pure blood is overrated anyway.

It's like a menthol cigarette, it just leaves you gagging for a proper one afterwards.

Pro tip, add lime and cinnamon - these will make all the difference, with freshly ground black pepper if you want extra zing possibly offset with a dash of honey but always check the notes on the label, you'll need to use white pepper if it's pescatarian.

Stick of celery optional but recommended, being excellent for both gesturing and informal duels alike
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Good point. I treat most media with some scepticism as well, given there's a lot of bias out there and it's good to question what we read and see on the TV. When I read a headline, my initial reaction is usually "okay, but what's the detail?" I'll regularly read a punchy attention grabbing headline, but when I read the whole article, it makes the headline look inaccurate or lacking in detail. Or it just has inaccuracies which makes me go and read other sources to see what they're saying for comparison.

While there can be a lot of dross out there, I don't label all of MSM as "fake" or untrustworthy, because while some of it's questionable, I don't feel it all is. Whereas conspiracy theorists will often label all of MSM as fake and untrustworthy (usually because it doesn't align with their view) while they post dubious sources as gospel.

I think they take healthy scepticism of MSM too far (is unhealthy scepticism a thing?! ) which essentially pushes them into the arms of people who peddle far more dodgy theories. But because those sources aren't "mainstream" they don't seem to apply any scepticism. In other words, if an article/blog post aligns with their beliefs, any critical evaluation goes out the window. And that's why when they say they "question" things it makes me smile, because their questioning is usually very selective.
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My nuttiest CT friend posted a YouTube video yesterday (I don't watch them for fear it'll skew my recommendations/adverts etc!) criticising the concept of 15 minute cities. Like wtf. I then did an incognito search on Google - apparently CT's problems with them is the idea that you'd be fined if you left your district of the city. Give me strength. This girl doesn't even live in a city...
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