Anti-Conspiracy Theories #7 Google told me, so it must be true. Sheeep!

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I’d love to see a study into the effects of COVID conspiracies on the trust in media and other authorities

Following the Nottingham incident, there are so many tweets and comments saying that this is the media and police creating hysteria because the police initially did not release the details of what had happened. Saw someone go as far as saying the police is working on a cover up… very publicly of course
yup they are out in force. What i'm starting to notice is all the CT/Anti Vax/Racists/Rightwing type folk seem to make up their minds quite fast & not actually wait til any facts have come in.

And those reading that i'm not calling Anti Vaxxers racists as bound to be 1 reads it that way
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yup they are out in force. What i'm starting to notice is all the CT/Anti Vax/Racists/Rightwing type folk seem to make up their minds quite fast & not actually wait til any facts have come in.

And those reading that i'm not calling Anti Vaxxers racists as bound to be 1 reads it that way
Yes, horrific on twitter regarding the Nottingham tragedy how quickly the racist/right-wing anti-immigration lot have jumped in with their definitive takes before err... actually knowing any facts.
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Yes, horrific on twitter regarding the Nottingham tragedy how quickly the racist/right-wing anti-immigration lot have jumped in with their definitive takes before err... actually knowing any facts.
And then once a few perpetuate it, suddenly others will latch on it and spread it around. No idea why anyone would want to fake that.
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Two worlds of conspiracy theory collide!

“Lady Gaga announces partnership with NurtecOTD (Pfizer) in a new Instagram post.”

Re. Pfizer, I’m sure a some anti-vaxxers will have things to say, and re. Gaga, there’s all kinds of Illuminati rumours about her!

ETA. Apologies, I hadn’t noticed I posted this in the middle of a serious discussion.
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Yes, horrific on twitter regarding the Nottingham tragedy how quickly the racist/right-wing anti-immigration lot have jumped in with their definitive takes before err... actually knowing any facts.
They’re now being fuelled by GB News too who have reported that the suspect is an African migrant and has a criminal past - doesn’t seem to have been confirmed by police or mentioned elsewhere last I checked
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They’re now being fuelled by GB News too who have reported that the suspect is an African migrant and has a criminal past - doesn’t seem to have been confirmed by police or mentioned elsewhere last I checked
They'd have been so disappointed if the killer was white
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If the perpetrator was white they’d be insisting it was fake news or a ‘distraction’ from something and accusing the victims of being crisis actors
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Has anyone else been following this guys story on Tiktok? I’ve been following him since like 2020 and he talks about his relationship with his mother and how it has completely been destroyed due to her obsession with antivax and far right extremist conspiracy theories. It seemed like things were really getting better for his mum and she was starting to move on from it all, but I just saw this new video from him and it seems like she has unfortunately fallen back into CTs 😕.

A bit of back story is that his mum has always had mental health issues but she ended up going off the deep end during the pandemic, and essentially made the decision to cut off her entire family because she just became so paranoid and convinced that they were all in with the government and the NHS and they all wanted to kill her etc. she was also extremely hostile and abusive towards him in particular as he’s gay and she had a lot of funny views about AIDS/HIV. His story is very sad because he has genuinely tried so hard to maintain a relationship with her and get her help for the mental health issues that she has, but this CT stuff has just made it impossible because she doesn’t trust any of the mh professionals as she thinks they’re all just trying to get her vaccinated.
He’s still extremely empathetic towards his mum even now and clearly just wishes she would stop with all of this tit so he could have a relationship, but at this point it seems like he’s completely done with her and honestly fair play to him. There comes a point where you just have to move on from someone like that.
I think situations like this show how utterly parasitic in nature some of these CTs are, they infect the minds of the most vulnerable and cause them to become utterly hyper fixated on them to the point where they become suspicious of their own families and turn their backs on them. The fact that she actually made a secret instagram account to continue to spread these views is just wild.
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Has anyone else been following this guys story on Tiktok? I’ve been following him since like 2020 and he talks about his relationship with his mother and how it has completely been destroyed due to her obsession with antivax and far right extremist conspiracy theories. It seemed like things were really getting better for his mum and she was starting to move on from it all, but I just saw this new video from him and it seems like she has unfortunately fallen back into CTs 😕.

A bit of back story is that his mum has always had mental health issues but she ended up going off the deep end during the pandemic, and essentially made the decision to cut off her entire family because she just became so paranoid and convinced that they were all in with the government and the NHS and they all wanted to kill her etc. she was also extremely hostile and abusive towards him in particular as he’s gay and she had a lot of funny views about AIDS/HIV. His story is very sad because he has genuinely tried so hard to maintain a relationship with her and get her help for the mental health issues that she has, but this CT stuff has just made it impossible because she doesn’t trust any of the mh professionals as she thinks they’re all just trying to get her vaccinated.
He’s still extremely empathetic towards his mum even now and clearly just wishes she would stop with all of this tit so he could have a relationship, but at this point it seems like he’s completely done with her and honestly fair play to him. There comes a point where you just have to move on from someone like that.
I think situations like this show how utterly parasitic in nature some of these CTs are, they infect the minds of the most vulnerable and cause them to become utterly hyper fixated on them to the point where they become suspicious of their own families and turn their backs on them. The fact that she actually made a secret instagram account to continue to spread these views is just wild.
This is heartbreaking, really feel for the guy. Sounds like he's had just about the worst of the covid anti-vax ct cult spiralling into right-wing extremism. It's so insidious, and as you say, parasitically preys on the susceptible. The irony is how often you'll hear, 'think for yourself!' and 'don't be a sheep!' whilst they themselves trundle along following every shite idea that's put out there as if it's gospel, without enough, or any, critical judgement.

Having a ct-obsessed, anti-vax, paranoid, right-wing extremism-leaning close family member myself I sadly understand something of this guy's experience. But the additional homophobia and shite about his mmr vaccine causing autism (she says this to her own son!) he's had to deal with from her is another level of toxicity. I admire his empathy towards his mum and it's obvious she needs serious mental health help - but part of me hopes he finds the courage to cut off contact from her before the relationship damages him any further. She may biologically be his mother but she's (for a long time by the sound of it) acted worse than opposite what a supportive, encouraging, proud, loving parent naturally would feel towards their adult son. 🙁
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Wow some of them need help...

Another one I saw doing the rounds is that the Titanic submersile was all fake to distract from other goings on (not sure which) and so that billionaires could go into hiding. 🥴
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My fav titanic submersible one is that the billionaires went through a secret portal and are now living there with all of their wealth 🤣
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(This is a satire account in case you aren't familiar with them.)
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I still can't fathom how quickly some people plunge right into a CT way of thinking when faced with something with a perfectly mundane explanation.

We've talked before about how certain influencers use sm accounts to push a CT-take on an event (like the Titan submersible) possibly without believing it themselves, in order to get clicks, wind people up, create discord, or whatever it is that motivates them. There's a palpable shift towards blaming the Left, blaming Liberal, progressive, pro-choice thinking on a number of subject areas. I've seen people complain about the 'right wing' accusations but from what I've seen on twitter plus various threads here, this is absolutely the case - with migration, lgb issues, trans rights, politics - more and more indignation, anger (rage even) and intolerance seems to creep in. It's a relatively small step to the bigger inolerances and hate crimes that signify a lurch towards fascism. All quite worrying, especially in the light of Jan. 6th in the US. Hopefully it's a small though loud minority on sm that have such intolerant views.

Back to the Titan tragedy this week. It's shocking how many people, especially on twitter, slipped right into believing it was either a fake incident or indeed a porthole for billionaires to slip through & start a new, incognito life! 😩😂 Maybe they believe these ludicrous alternatives because it's more exotic/exciting than the mundane reality: a stupidly unsafe, unregulated, unregistered, tin-can subaquatic 'vehicle' catastrophically imploded.... as predicted by several experts in that field. It should never have been able to happen. Tragic, preventable. Not a CT though.
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Sorry, but what is the submarine thing a distraction from again? Like what is it that it’s supposed to be distracting me from exactly?
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Sorry, but what is the submarine thing a distraction from again? Like what is it that it’s supposed to be distracting me from exactly?
Hunter Biden's laptop? Covid vaccine mass maimings? Wef/Bill Gates shenanigans? Honestly I haven't a clue what we're supposedly being distracted from.... guess it must be working then! 😩😂
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Hunter Biden's laptop? Covid vaccine mass maimings? Wef/Bill Gates shenanigans? Honestly I haven't a clue what we're supposedly being distracted from.... guess it must be working then! 😩😂
I wouldn’t know mate, I’ve got adhd so I’m always distracted. Probably caused by all the aluminium and mercury vaccines they kept injecting into me when I was a child 🤪
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I'm not sure if anyone has listened to it but there's a BBC Radio 4 podcasts about conspiracies called Marianna in Conspiracyland which sounds potentially interesting

Marianna Spring, the BBC’s excellent disinformation and social media correspondent, is out meeting the over-internetted again. The dedicated Spring covers online mistruths, those who peddle them and those who believe them. So in Disaster Trolls she talked to people convinced that the victims of the Manchester Arena bombing were in fact actors. In Death By Conspiracy, she tackled anti-vax campaigners, and described how a man died of Covid because he believed what they said.

This time round, for her new Radio 4 series Marianna in Conspiracyland, Spring considers whether online conspiracy theories could end in violence. She focuses on the UK, though she mentions the 6 January 2021 Capitol riots in the US, and also talks to a German reporter who was attacked by a mob. Mostly, she trains her attention on a free newspaper called the Light. It prints at least 100,000 copies a month, and has 18,000 followers on its Telegram account.

Spring starts off in Totnes, Devon, home to happy hippies, crystal-strokers and other alternative lifestylers concerned about climate change and big pharma. The Light is widely distributed here and draws readers in through its libertarian, anti-vaccine stance. So far, so familiar. Unfortunately, once you’ve drunk the Kool-Aid/ swallowed the red pill/ seen or, indeed, read the Light, it offers up some far less palatable opinions. Such as the idea that people should be tried for “crimes against humanity” over the pandemic. “A lot of people would like to see justice,” says one of the paper’s readers. He’s referring to an idea usually called Nuremberg 2.0, after the Nuremberg trials. Nuremberg 2.0 insists that anyone involved in the rollout of the Covid vaccine should be investigated. “And if they’re found guilty, they face the punishment,” he says. Spring asks him if that punishment should be hanging. “Yes,” says this seemingly reasonable man.

As ever, Spring remains calm when the battier proponents of conspiracy theories articulate their views. Sometimes, though, those who push extreme ideas don’t like to own up to them. Darren Nesbitt, editor of the Light, mealy-mouths about “free speech” and “people making up their own minds”, while offering the hard stuff – extreme rightwing views from horrible organisations such as Patriotic Alternative and Alpha Men Assemble – on the Light’s Telegram. Nesbitt is nice to Spring when she interviews him, calling her “a smart, bright journalist full of energy”. Later, on Facebook, he publishes a poem that describes her as “shilling for cash”.

I applaud Spring’s careful, reasonable reporting in this fascinating series, which features a good cross section of believers and sceptics and ends with Spring, lightly, wondering about her own safety. I wonder about it, too.
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