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One of my co-workers got owned today and it feels very good that I was a part of it.

This person went off on holidays right when they got assigned their first project in 1.5 years and wanted me to cover for them. I politely declined as I was absolutely swamped. They got someone else to take over. Fine.

They proactively approached me a few months ago asking me to train them on a particular quarterly task because they wanted to take over in June. I trained them as requested. We had an agreement that when this task would come around in June, they would handle from this point on. The deadline comes along for this month and per agreement, they are supposed to handle the related work from now on. They sent me an email on Friday saying "I understand you will be handling this task this month. Have a nice weekend". I politely responded and reiterated the fact that we had an agreement which they proactively sought to get into and the agreement was they would handle this piece of work starting June. They then went around and complained to the manager saying "I am being requested to handle all this work and nothing else is being removed from my plate".

The manager organized a call today upon this person's request and ended up looping me in by surprise. We went through every single task this person claimed to be "responsible" for. Each one of their task was revealed as "no action required" from their end and the one task they complained about (i.e. the one mentioned above) only takes 2-4 hours per quarter. After I told the manager during it only takes 2-4 hours per quarter, the manager said to this individual: "This is nothing then, you handle it". LOL.

Not only have they now shown they are a big liar about their workload, but also came across as a chronic complainer.
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I’m about to combust.

I scheduled a meeting with my direct manager today to discuss the transfer date. Then he responds saying “I would suggest to wait until you’ve confirmed your decision to leave to myself and my manager before talking about the transfer date”.

I told them on 02/11 I was leaving then they initiated the whole non existent counter offer thing and I told them I’d think of it. A week later, I informed my direct manager of my decision to leave. Today, I scheduled a call with my direct manager to discuss the transfer date on my contract to make sure they discuss with the new manager if it doesn’t suit.

Seriously. This idiot is my direct manager, I informed him not once but twice of my decision to leave and now he’s acting dumb as if I never told him I was leaving. He keeps resetting the clock meanwhile the process is still moving forward on my end. I signed documents in the system, he’s my direct manager. I don’t care what his manager does or doesn’t do. He’s not the I report to.

Then he went on and put in an email how I was thinking of a counteroffer (counter offer which we never put on the table in the first place).
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VIP Member
I’m about to combust.

I scheduled a meeting with my direct manager today to discuss the transfer date. Then he responds saying “I would suggest to wait until you’ve confirmed your decision to leave to myself and my manager before talking about the transfer date”.

I told them on 02/11 I was leaving then they initiated the whole non existent counter offer thing and I told them I’d think of it. A week later, I informed my direct manager of my decision to leave. Today, I scheduled a call with my direct manager to discuss the transfer date on my contract to make sure they discuss with the new manager if it doesn’t suit.

Seriously. This idiot is my direct manager, I informed him not once but twice of my decision to leave and now he’s acting dumb as if I never told him I was leaving. He keeps resetting the clock meanwhile the process is still moving forward on my end. I signed documents in the system, he’s my direct manager. I don’t care what his manager does or doesn’t do. He’s not the I report to.

Then he went on and put in an email how I was thinking of a counteroffer (counter offer which we never put on the table in the first place).
I feel like punching your boss
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The work contributions. I don't want to contribute to the birthday fund for someone I probably don't like
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Personally speaking, workplace collections and 'shouts' (you bring in the food/pay for the drinks) are never a good idea. They just create animosity over who has/hasn't donated, and who has/hasn't shouted or to an acceptable standard.

I work in what used to be a great place in the creative industry and we're all a bunch of oddballs who typically get along great (we're all so different, and were hired for our individual areas of expertise, which helps). About a year ago, the MD brought in an accountant part-time (previously all that stuff, including payroll was handled by an accounting firm), and things haven't been the same since. She doesn't really fit in personality-wise (on her first day, we hosted a welcoming morning tea for her, to which she blurted out that she'll be putting a stop to events like these) and from her first day there made it very clear that she was going to 'turn things around' ... which is a mystery in itself as the company was doing just fine before. The MD had made noises about selling the business so we assumed he brought her in to streamline a few things before doing so, but it's all turned to custard. In her time there, she's just created friction and infighting about things that previously weren't an issue, while trying to make her mark. A few of us have tried talking to the MD (who used to be a very approachable, open-door type of guy) about it, but he shuts us down fairly quickly. He's also become very stressed and jumpy over the past few months - I think this woman just has a knack for creating problems! She's pissed off our suppliers and clients with her rudeness and introduces herself to people as being in the senior management team (not true - we have a flat structure).

A couple of our colleagues resigned a while ago and are currently sitting out their restraint of trade, before they set up in competition; a few of us have been invited to join once they get things properly established. Such a shame how things have turned out. Just one rotten egg can really ruin it for everyone!​
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Can I ask people's opinions on this? I am finishing up in my job in less than 4 weeks. A few weeks ago (after i handed in my notice) my manager asked me to put together a file of all my passwords for my log in details to our tax authority (our equivalent of HMRC) where we file tax returns etc. I have two issues with this

1) I will no longer be an employee so why do they need my access. Instead they should sort access for other people and
2) I use the same password for these as I do for personal things (i know I shouldnt but i try and reuse a certain number of passwords).

Am I over reacting here? When you submit a return there is a warning something like knowingly submitting a false return is an offence. I cant remember the exact wording but you enter your password then as a digitial signature of accepting this.

I stupidly ignored the email but didnt want to say anything as she has been in a good mood and now she has asked me again. All via email despite us being in the office together a lot. I would prefer to speak to her about it but have been delaying as I know her attitude to me will change and she is a big part of the reason I am leaving
They should absolutely not be asking you for your password, they should close yours when you leave and set up a new one for the incoming person. Otherwise they could do stuff in your name, which is dodgy.
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Chatty Member
So my office fitness fanatic is in overdrive at the moment.
Someone brought sweets back from their holidays and she went out and bought a load of fruit so people could have that instead.
We are grown adults and can decide if we want a sweet or not.
She has arranged a keep fit session for today and then salads for lunch.
She mentions this at least 15 times a day on our teams and I actually tired of her now.
I will be staying at my desk as do not want my lunch judged by her today.
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Did anyone ever come across a colleague who can't do enough for everyone, says all the right things, gets involved, smiles and is positive but you just don't trust them and their vibe seems off despite everyone else's seeming to rate them highly?
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Chatty Member
I'm being blamed for something that my colleague failed to do and I am FUMING. I have no supervisory responsibility (said colleague is in fact being booked onto various training to put THEM in a good position for any supervisor positions that come up) and no responsibility for this area, yet I'm the one who got a call about it last night and am getting blamed for it. I've just told my manager I feel I'm being blamed for it when I did actually raise said issue with the colleague and was told they'd get back to me if they needed me to do anything. Manager keeps saying "it's just one of those things". Sorry but no, it's not - it's me being expected yet again to be in charge of everything our team does whilst still on the pay level and respect level of everyone else. Thank God I'm leaving.
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When I was growing up, office workers in films and TV shows had these little cubicles they worked in or seperate offices to just get on with their work, and honestly it looks like it was bliss!! I don't know who came up with the idea that modern offices be communal, open plan, noisy - it just looks like chaos to me. Must be great if you're a chatter and need constant company around you, but if you just need to get your head down and work it must be a nightmare. I work in nursing so I sometimes fantasise about having a peaceful job somewhere in an office 😂 but even that doesn't seem to exist anymore.
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I'm one of these people who can easily switch off from work at the weekend. Which is great in a way, as I don't want to be thinking or worrying about work in my down time, but it makes Monday mornings harder. 😂

I've just had another effing meeting put in my diary - I swear one of the projects I'm on has at least 15 meetings a week (I kid you not). Every time a new one gets put in I just want to scream.

Even my Outlook gave me an automated warning on Friday saying: "It seems like you have a lot of meetings next week, why not book in some focus time?" No shit, Sherlock. If I book in focus time it'll just get ignored.

Rant over. :D
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Men being excused from important project admin because it’s ‘not their skill set’, but it coincidentally is automatically assumed to be for woman who then end up picking it up.
No, it’s obvious what’s going on there and it annoys me so much that it’s enabled.
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I signed the contract / written offer for the new role. My manager’s manager turned down the meeting invite I sent to discuss / turn down the counter offer. Time zone restrictions, supposedly.

I therefore went ahead and told my direct manager I’m moving forward with the new role. The discussion lasted 2 minutes because he was “busy”.

Not how I wanted to do it but it’s done now!
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Chatty Member
I’d not be polite enough to use office jargon like loop in and remit
I’d be saying “I’m making HR aware of your stalling” and “I’ve told you I’m leaving, sort yourselves out”
Or indeed, in the interests of brevity, "Stop pissing about, knobheads"
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This weird thing in my current job where everyone is obsessed with age! Little cliques for each age group. So strange. Never experienced it before. The younger ones act like anything over 25 is ancient.
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A colleague kept sneezing out into the open air during a meeting today. He then proceeded to violently snort snot to the back of his throat approx every 10 seconds for the duration of the meeting. At one point he excused himself, presumably to wash his hands because he returned only to wipe his hands on the tissue he'd been snotting into 🤮 plenty of senior colleagues present do you think even one called him out on his vile germ spreading. So thanks to the selfish tossers inability to stay home, we're probably all incubating covid or flu as I type.
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I’m so sorry to put the cat amongst the pigeons here but I don’t agree with this viewpoint literally at all apart from the 50/50 client thing. I will say that sounds like a sarcastic joke on his part to me, but I’m not you, I have no idea.

Some of the things you’re saying just makes me think of the person that brags they did 3 hours overtime and glares at the person that leaves bang on at 5pm. To me, that’s a bad work/life balance on the person doing overtime’s part as well as a lack organisation or you need to speak to your manager about workload. Not having a lunch is not a flex. Please don’t put yourself on a pedestal because you think you’re better than somebody else. People are allowed to take breaks and if you feel so strongly about them being shit at their job role, develop them, give them tips on how to do better, or tell their manager that ‘X asked me how to do this, I think he would benefit from doing this,’ if you don’t think it’s in your job role to develop them. It’s also not in your job role to bitch about them.

One of the things that I’ve learnt in the 18 months or so I’ve been in my current job role is come up with solutions instead of moaning. Yes everyone bitches to their teams about things, but it’s risky as it can drain people and negativity will spread if the bitchiness becomes too regular. In turn this will kill motivation and then there will be more people like the person you are describing. It’s a vicious circle.

Just focus on yourself, it’s great you’re doing a good job. Just drop the arrogance, it might come back to bite you.
I mean, this is a thread where people can complain about their coworkers? I didn't get the same impressions as you from their post, all they said is when they're at work, they work. Not their job to support their coworkers in their role if the coworker doesn't try themselves
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I’m so sorry to put the cat amongst the pigeons here but I don’t agree with this viewpoint literally at all apart from the 50/50 client thing. I will say that sounds like a sarcastic joke on his part to me, but I’m not you, I have no idea.

Some of the things you’re saying just makes me think of the person that brags they did 3 hours overtime and glares at the person that leaves bang on at 5pm. To me, that’s a bad work/life balance on the person doing overtime’s part as well as a lack organisation or you need to speak to your manager about workload. Not having a lunch is not a flex. Please don’t put yourself on a pedestal because you think you’re better than somebody else. People are allowed to take breaks and if you feel so strongly about them being shit at their job role, develop them, give them tips on how to do better, or tell their manager that ‘X asked me how to do this, I think he would benefit from doing this,’ if you don’t think it’s in your job role to develop them. It’s also not in your job role to bitch about them.

One of the things that I’ve learnt in the 18 months or so I’ve been in my current job role is come up with solutions instead of moaning. Yes everyone bitches to their teams about things, but it’s risky as it can drain people and negativity will spread if the bitchiness becomes too regular. In turn this will kill motivation and then there will be more people like the person you are describing. It’s a vicious circle.

Just focus on yourself, it’s great you’re doing a good job. Just drop the arrogance, it might come back to bite you.
No arrogance. I work part time so there's no flexing about a lunch. I don't work enough hours a day to get one. Absolutely don't glare at anyone leaving on time I won't stay a minute past my hours unless I'm talking to a client. The solution is for the person to get better at sales. Make more calls and don't go out for multiple 10 minute vape breaks outside your alloted break hours. All of which isn't my job to tell them. I keep myself to myself. Sales is a braggy job to be honest. We all congratulate each other and create a buzzing atmosphere if you can't sell enough to reach a good band of commision don't bring me down. Leave and work another job. Can't take the heat fuck off out of the kitchen. You sound a bit like you'd be a downer so perhaps you're projecting onto me. I'm bitching on tattle not to the person in question. Also wtf would I develop them it's a sale job I'm not getting commision to sit side by siding someone. Especially someone who's been quite snide to me.
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Chatty Member
Did anyone ever come across a colleague who can't do enough for everyone, says all the right things, gets involved, smiles and is positive but you just don't trust them and their vibe seems off despite everyone else's seeming to rate them highly?
Been there

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