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My management is unbelievable.

I was told by my previous manager I’d be promoted this year. Then new management came along in June and when I mentioned the topic, they said they’d never heard of anything of the sort. I’ve been in the team 2.5 years and bended over backwards doing managerial tasks and getting dragged into every project that came along, only to have the promotion taken away from me and given to an external hire.

I got an offer for an internal role which will promote me into the same level as the one would have been promoted to in this team has they not taken it away from me illegitimately. I accepted the offer.

Yesterday, I announced my offer and intention to transfer to my manager and his manager. Then his manager told me to give him the green light to pull strings to get me promoted this year through an exceptional approval process but I needed to hear in mind I’d be promoted a year early lol (as if I’m not ready lol).

As they did not want to take no for an answer after 40 minutes, I said I’d need to think about it before they made any move of the sort.

Fast forward, today my direct manager tells me he and his manager already sent a request to get an exceptional promotion approved. I never agreed to anything and they went behind my back today.

During yesterday’s meeting, they said if I agree to let them get the approval, I need to give them my word I’ll accept the offer. I said no, I’m not giving you any green light right now. I’d need to think about it and they still went behind my back.

It’s on them now. My decision is made (it was clear they were never going to promote me and they on top of this removed the legitimacy of my promotion by saying I’d be promoted early due to this counter offer when I’ve been working my behind off for years).

I only told them I’d think about it because 40 minutes of back and forth on the call and they weren’t taking no for an answer.

Not to mention, my direct manager said to my face during that same meeting they’d now need to promote another employee in the team because they’re the only one left and they need to keep them around (even though their performance and attitude are subpar).

How vile and disgusting.
So you are leaving that team, I hope?

It sounds horrible and now they don't want to lose you because they know darn well how good you are.
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Agree - it is absolutely toxic. I wouldn't wish this on anyone because this type of environment is mentally taxing.

I'm trying - I've been looking, but nothing has come through thus far :( I'm hoping something will come along sooner rather than later.
Appreciate I don’t know you, but I will keep everything crossed …

I did once walk out of a job with nothing to go to because of an absolute psychopath of a boss, but that was a dozen years ago and the world then wasn’t quite what it is now. In hindsight, I should have played them at their own game and given myself some breathing space with the sick leave I sorely needed, but I was younger, more innocent and it’s so easy to feel very trapped in these awful situations because they nibble away at your health, your sanity and your confidence. I took a paycut (again, not always possible), a temporary contract (again …) and moved to the company that I’m still with now. I don’t love it anymore but I do feel fairly confident that the worst kind of madness would get stamped on. I wouldn’t wish an unhappy work situation on anyone so I hope you get it sorted soon.
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(Senior) people who come at you in a rude way saying your understanding is incorrect and when you pull the evidence back on white supporting your understanding / work (which therefore proves to be correct), they go silent. Not even a "thank you, I understand now". It reeks ego and disrespect to me as they don't even read documents and assume you understanding is incorrect because you're a "junior" person.
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I discovered today that my strange workplace is one of those that frowns upon people working from home if they have cold and 'flu symptoms ... ummm, isn't that what we're meant to do in this Covid era ... stay home, don't pass on bugs to others, and test regularly whilst symptomatic?
Same here. There's no sense about it . Given they have kicked up a fuss, it just means calling in sick and being off completely if that's the way they want to play it. We're on a hybrid model but they are focusing on getting everyone in the office as much as possible
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I know, you’ve got a sodding sandwich on your slack status and most of you aren’t even that important, stop clogging the channel 🥪 🍜

Maybe I’m in the wrong team culture wise but this is just so bloody pointless and gives you a million notifications
This would drive me up the wall?! Are you made to do this?!
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Some People!

Chatty Member
Hahaha I had the same reaction but mine has recently taken to covering the arse crack thankfully 😂 oh mine LOVES leaving the office - multiple fuds runs a day 😂 maybe you should suggest it to yours?
He's been spoken to about the stench many times but it doesn't seem to have had a lasting effect sadly.
Oh great, a third one.

Jealous that your trolleague has developed arsecrack shame tbh.

Mine is seldom at his desk for extended periods, he's always huffing and puffing in and out of the office (he's literally winded from walking up one flight of stairs) - avoiding work, involving himself in something no one asked him to, or yes, going on multiple fuds runs per day. He puts away an astonishing amount of garbage.

I can't imagine a) being spoken to about my stench (the shame!), or b) not addressing that stench, and on an ongoing basis! I don't think I could show my face again after the first conversation!!!
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I think some of it is having kids that are too old for childcare but are still in the house after 4pm
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Got a work meal tomorrow night for someone who's leaving... 😫 :ROFLMAO: I can already predict what will be happening, several will be absolutely trashed (including me, its all paid for by management, why not? 🤪), someone will get emotional by 10pm and say what a great team we are and how much they love everyone, two people who have given up smoking will be smoking outside with a drink, the drunkest will be up drunk dancing (also me), we'll all be half asleep in the ride home by 1pm
Oh god yes!! work events are so annoying. there’s always people that get too pissed and talk too much/embarrass themselves. Can’t stand it lol
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I got a job offer today. Will finally be leaving my toxic manager behind. Have a ridiculously long notice period but there is an end in sight!
Congratulations. Once you have the other offer in writing you could consider leaving early. I had a 3 month notice period in my last job and left after 1. They didn't pay my last travel expenses claim and there was nothing I could do as I was in breach of contract but I was pleased just to get out.
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If you say so...

Chatty Member
When somebody sends you an email or an invite and pings you to tell you: "I've just sent you an email / invite, please let me know if you have any questions".

The email / invite is enough. I'm a big girl, I know what to do. You don't need to ping me.
RIGHT?! It’s always the ones that never seem busy so busy themselves with scheduling meetings and following up with a teams pop up
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It sounds like you manager has passed this up, could it be that you have misunderstood the priority? Perhaps they have identified that there’s not enough communication? Either way, it certainly sounds like you have a weak manager!
There was no enough communication because every single time I set up a call in relation to this particular item, I was stood up. Every single week, I was stood up and asked to postpone the meeting to the week after, stood up rinse and repeat. This went on for months on end. To me, this type of behaviour on a project signifies a low priority / interest from these stakeholders on this project. They led the project, I executed. The problem is they didn't lead at all, so how could I execute anything in these circumstances?

There was no urgency specified in the original's stakeholder's email. It was a generic ask.
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A company I used to work for had a holiday shindig every year. The first year I worked there I went. Now, this company is very clique-ish and I was most definitely NOT a member of the cool crowd. So I got a nice dress, fixed my hair and makeup and drove to the venue. Only to be completely and totally ignored by everyone at the event. I had even set my handbag and sweater on a chair at a table where the other ladies were sitting and left to get myself a drink. When I got back someone had removed my things and set them on a planter. I guess I wasn't going to be sitting there! So I found a seat off by myself in another room and spent the evening alone. The ONLY people who talked to me were the friend of one of the "cool group" coworkers who had been unwillingly dragged to the party, and the nice girlfriend of another coworker. Otherwise I was completely ignored.
The next year the same "cool group" coworker (who, incidentally, was my supervisor) asked me if I was going. I said no. She asked "Why, didn't you have a good time last year?" And I replied simply "No". She seemed to think back and I think she realized I had zero reason to want to repeat that experience.
So no, not a fan of after hours holiday events.
God that’s awful. I had a manager who would actively look THROUGH me at social events but nothing this extreme ☹
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Chatty Member
@jawidjanqndn everything you've said here about your workplace is such a red flag! I don't know how you're managing to cope with them, the manager and the pervy old man sound absolutely awful and I can't believe people are contacting you to say they've been talking about you. Definitely add copies of those messages to your diary for when you leave if you still have them. How is the job hunt going?
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If you say so...

Chatty Member
The same person who annoys everyone in the team pinged me this morning at 9.15 to tell me they needed to have a call with me "urgently" regarding something "complex" and we're better off discussing over a call. I'm not taking impromptu calls at 9.15am when I'm working from home unless absolutely critical (which knowing this person I knew it wasn't). I politely said: "I'm in the middle of something, please send me an email, I'll look into it".
Of course, as I anticipated it was a complete non-issue. They wanted to know why some name hadn't been amended in some SharePoint. They know full well it's not within my remit on top of this.

Do we really need a call at 9.15am to discuss this? What is so complex about amending a name on SharePoint?

The main irritation for me in this situation is someone "pinging" to schedule a call. Just fucking call if you need to chat about it ffs! I get it all the time and just pick up my phone to find out what they want when this happens to me :LOL:
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I’ve got a nosey coworker as well and he does my fucking head in.
We started on the same day, yet undermines me because I’m younger and a female.

Our manager will be training us on something and he’ll feel the need to then explain it again to me in ‘simpler terms’.

Or my manager will set us a task each - but my coworker will always want to be doing what I’m doing - even if it’s the task he complained about the day previous. He comes over and interrupts me to ask me questions about what I’m doing. He even picked up the stack of paperwork I had the other day and started flicking through it 😠 his excuse was ‘well I need to know how this look and get used to it’ - after doing the same task for the previous two days.

You can’t have a conversation without him butting in. I was talking to the lady who sits next to me yesterday about a place we’ve been to and he cut her off mid sentence to say ‘well I’ve never been to that place myself’. He cannot stand not being involved.
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In my experience, “we’re like a family” also means “we have no sense of boundaries and shag each other like some weird sister wife situation”

Just my experience…
Nepotism is rife in our company as the MD has his daughter and now step son working, we saw these two talking a lot and assumed they fancied each other and flirting, we only found out recently they’re related 😝 luckily I didn’t put my foot in it as I would do, but his colleague joked about them and that’s how it came out! 😬
Now everyone who knows is sucking up to them so that they put a good word out to the boss, yet we’re also aware they are spies in the camps as they are placed in HR and IT!
It’s hard to be out of the radar now, even though I get on with them, the atmosphere is of paranoia 😢
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I am literally loosing my sanity with my manager!! I get cannot do anything right! So yesterday one of my children were I’ll so I had to book annual leave as I don’t have any other support to help. Bit of context I work 9:15 - 2:45PM & at 2:30pm my manager sends me a msg to ask am i in work today ? … this is on teams where it’s very clearly visible I am online and have been all day which I stated back. I was then told I needed that have told her I was in work 🙄 where else would I be if I hadn’t book annual leave or called in sick. 😡
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