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VIP Member
I did :) I emailed back to thank them and they even acknowledged the thank you 😊

It’s hard isn’t it? I wish I could offer some advice. For me personally, I’ve found that it’s a waste of time and energy to try to explain to some people how you feel.
And I’ve also been in some places where, just when I’ve given up on breaking the ice, something happens and there’s suddenly a breakthrough.
I hope that if all else fails you can take something valuable in terms of knowledge and experience from where you are now and move on to somewhere where you feel happier.
It’s bloody difficult when you think about it though - as was said upthread; it’s like being at school your whole life :(
I agree. Sometimes, not always, but sometimes you discover that there are others who are feeling like a fish out of water too.
After a bout of ill health a few years ago, I ended up in a very hostile set up on my return. Not personally hostile to me, necessarily but it sure as hell felt like it. Awful place, full of fake sh1te.

But as time went on, I discovered decent human beings there. We were outnumbered by the toxic beings but we survived despite them.
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The same person who annoys everyone in the team pinged me this morning at 9.15 to tell me they needed to have a call with me "urgently" regarding something "complex" and we're better off discussing over a call. I'm not taking impromptu calls at 9.15am when I'm working from home unless absolutely critical (which knowing this person I knew it wasn't). I politely said: "I'm in the middle of something, please send me an email, I'll look into it".
Of course, as I anticipated it was a complete non-issue. They wanted to know why some name hadn't been amended in some SharePoint. They know full well it's not within my remit on top of this.

Do we really need a call at 9.15am to discuss this? What is so complex about amending a name on SharePoint?

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people that bitch about their boss and what they will say to them but in reality bow down and accept the shit with a smile
That's my manager, about our MD. And to be honest, other managers and supervisors at our other site. Just slags everyone off, and then bends over for them when they say anything.
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Chatty Member
Update on my situation:

I was about to tell my management “no” to their counteroffer, when HR emailed me saying they want to speak to me this week for an “update” on the role I accepted. I still haven’t received the contract and it’s been 2 weeks since the offer. I’m honestly worried because this request for a call is odd. Why do we need a call at this particular point?
Have you managed to speak to them yet?
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Ours do claw back for courses from £1500 onwards, it’s quite usual in large UK companies with high turnover…
There has to be a policy that stipulates this, though. There's no law that says that they can just do it.
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I’m not really sure. It’s quite a new concept to me. I was just told to book the time I’ve spent which I’ve done. If there are issues with what I put I expect that to be sorted out by someone else.
I’d ask specifically where the time is to be posted to then, and keep your correspondence as back up for moving it. Not wanting to charge so much time on a specific project is understandable, but not giving you an alternative is not, particularly when it’s a new concept for you (seasoned time recorders tend to forget how weird it is for new people!)
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Some People!

Chatty Member
I already had a chat with HR. Not sure if I will have another more formal call. Part of me doesnt want the hassle and stress of it particularly when I wont benefit from it. I have also spokeb to her before on the atmosphere/tone that she is driving in the workplace and it made no difference but caused me a lot of stress and worry.
Yeah, understandable. You've tried! Onwards and upwards!
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VIP Member
This happened at my husband's old job. The MD (small business) employed a 'random' man into a management role that didn't previously exist. They had a different surname so for months, noone knew. Until someone found out the guy was the MD's son in law!! With no appropriate qualifications for the role 🙄 He was hopeless (but never called out on it), and noone trusted him or the MD after that.

Ugh I feel for you. I got lumbered with written warning once for daring to mutter to a colleague about a project not working (it was a shambles). Apparently I was being negative and impacting morale. All I had done was utter an opinion to a colleague I thought felt the same but they effing shopped me. I managed to get it down to a verbal warning as they tried to skip several HR stages just to harass me. It would have been a different issue if I had shouted it to the whole room but it was literally only a frustrated whispered moan to a colleague after a very challenging day. I looked for a job after that. Workplaces need to allow for some feedback or allow employees to have a private moan with colleagues. We are human. Places that stamp on you for having a discreet opinion are the worst.
Christ, that's so bad getting a warning just for being honest! I know I sometimes rant about my workplace but I've never heard of anyone getting a warning for that. In fact, one of my colleagues once said -- and I quote -- "This project couldn't deliver a fucking parcel". I just laughed as he was usually plain speaking and he was right on that occasion.

Pretty sure he'd have been frogmarched out the building if he worked at the same place as you!

Thing is, it's obvious when people are told off for "being negative" they know you've got a point. If they didn't agree, they'd take more of an interest as to why you felt that way.
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Chatty Member
My junior team mate is fine most of the time but can be a lazy git.
He also seems to have no thought for anyone else.
We work in a really old old building that is weird heat wise. It never really gets warm no matter the weather outside and he just strolls in and opens all the windows in here and I know it sounds daft but Im actually cold now. Its not very warm in Dublin today and its the fact he didnt say do you mind? Nope he wants the windows open so he does.
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He was clearly in the wrong. Like you say, office working is good for collaboration. It’s not for sitting with your headphones in and ignoring people (other than to be rude to them).
Indeed. I didn't say much, but my colleague was fuming. He kept talking about it all day.

I mean if you don't want to see people interacting then stay at home?!
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New member
The Director over our team is driving me insane. She doesn't have a partner or children and she seems happy with that, she's flying up the ranks at work so great for her! However pre pandemic she wanted us all physically present in the office 9-6, 5/7 no exceptions. She would constantly schedule team building events, drinks and demand our team travel together for a year conference (at your perril if you cant go) She uses hustle language
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That one member of staff who is usually fairly older than everyone else, bald, single and thinks he's the life of the party. And when work dries up he'll play the same old shit pranks or say the same borderline sexist jokes and it becomes physically painful to fake laugh any longer at them. The amount of times I've wanted to pull an original prank back is unreal but I can't bring myself to cope with the shit revenge prank and once you start that's it :cautious:😆
  • Haha
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VIP Member
This so much!!!!11

Our Xmas day is mandatory (🙄) and there's an evening element that all the cool kids go to until the wee small hours. Hate going, hate seeing SLT doing fucking skits, hate everyone getting wasted as soon as the bar opens, hate eating with them all. I fucking hate mandatory fun.
Some of them really, really look forward to this all year and I feel like that's a bit sad? Imagine looking forward to getting dressed up to hang out with work people who have to be there and getting wrecked in front of them all and being subject to gossip and banter forever more.... No ta. I'd literally rather be working.
exactly!! My colleagues are like this but they will look forward to the stupidest shit. My work does a summer competition for all departments. I say no, cue everyone “omg why? it’s so much fun”

uh… because I can’t think of anything worse than spending my evening (non work hours btw!) in heat that resembles the devils ball sack doing sports day like I’m in year 4
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My office takes people on as trainees and puts them through college or uni depending on the job, and it’s in the contract that you have to stay for at least 2 years after you qualify or you have to pay the fees back.
Yes, it's in the contract. If the OP doesn't have it in her contract, she has no obligation to anybody. My employer doesn't require this.
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VIP Member
I swear some people in my company are the epitome of insane.

I am working on a deliverable for which the deadline is Friday. I have been busy with a million other things and this deliverable is just a voluntary support to someone else in the team. I'm already doing my work, covering for someone who is off sick and on top of this supporting this person on this additional project. It's quite a lot, not to mention this deliverable is a) very complex b) in a language I do not master at all and I have to use Google translate for everything because they're refusing to hand it over to our US colleagues who speak the language and manage the project more closely.

The project lead reached out to me asking for an expected timeframe as to when the deliverable would be finalized. I said it would be finalized by tomorrow COB (meaning a day before the deadline). Then his response was: "Why tomorrow? You've been working on this since last week, it should be done by now".

Is he serious? I'm only supporting someone on their project voluntarily with a whole lot of obstacles. I have my work and also doing the work of someone who is off sick. He's lucky I'm even planning on delivering this on time. I'm absolutely swamped and this guy is complaining it is not delivered
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