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Is it just me or she really does look like a fashion victim? Somehow all these items don't look good together. But I'm not a CeRTiFied ImAgE cOnsULtAnT

And again these poses and fake walks. It reminds me of her absolutely ridiculous video when she was trying to teach her followers how to "smize", and was trying to eye the camera thinking she looked sexy, but in fact she looked as if she was trying to hold her piss


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Another aritcle with The Sun, describing Anna as a “Etiquette Expert” 😑
Do you think that she’s back to contacting news organizations to gain more publicity before reopening the doors to her scam coarse soon? Desperate for prospects.

Correction: There are 2 articles that The Sun reported on Anna back to back in the last week or so. 🤔 Something’s fishy.
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Wtf? Accurate? And this is from a page that is complete bs, only has steroetypical American names, and describes everyone as ”beautiful”, ”nice”, ”caring” etc:ROFLMAO:
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This is so funny, numerous posts on here recently that she never discusses donating to charity and being CHARITABLE. Yet all of a sudden she has a chosen charity of the month hahahahahaha after how many years of her being an online blogger and YouTuber who’s a “member of the high society”

she’s such a joke
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Oh the gaslighting again! “Every criticism towards her is because of jealousy”.No we’re not jealous of cheap women like you!There are many ladies out there to aspire to!
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I have people who love me so I'm definitely looking forward to Christmas!

Anna has:

No husband
A gay roommate
Cold mother she doesn't speak with
Stepfather she ignores
Doesn't know who her real father is
No friends, only 3 or 4 Arabs in Geneva who know her boyfriend

Yeah I have a lot to be grateful for. Happy holidays!

Let's countdown the days till Anna goes away so she can finally film in her hotel-homeless style. In the meantime expect old recycled content and copy paste images she stole!
Let‘s not forget walking alone in the woods and hugging trees
Walking on the streets
Posing in front of other people‘s homes
Posing in front of closed luxury shops
Ranting about something (weather, men, ungrateful women, Christmas, pandemic - u name it)
Guiltily binging on chocolate
Posting food pictures from cooking books
Posting videos about how to breathe/fart/shit elegantly
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Unless you’re in a relationship of some sort I think most self respecting men would feel uncomfortable at being dragged to Selfridges to be shown an expensive bag, hinted to buy.

Hints like this are like the child who asks for their birthday present when you walk through the door of the party. The child is allowed to do so.

Buy the bag yourself. This is the worst most basic & degrading advice from a failed escort.
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Chatty Member
I really think her and Joseph have broken up. Her whole vibe and unkempt homeless hiker look screams breakup.
She’s just paving the way right now for her exit out of Switzerland and saying things that “THEY” do not know if they will stay in Geneva or move somewhere else.
With this lie it won’t be too strange for her minions when she actually leaves for real. She’ll just make it seem like they have moved together when In fact she’s forever alone.
She can continue the lie she has a fiancé forever because she never shows him anyway.
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I’m beginning to feel sorry for the average joe boyfriends that these women are putting up with.

Unless you’re bringing A LOT to the table you cannot expect or demand a wealthy guy.

There are alarmingly too many women looking for these rich men who form probably 1% of the population.

No wonder they misbehave. They have too much choice.

Wealthy men spot predatory women very quickly, they are surrounded by them. I don’t think you can strategise into securing one.

Unless you enrol at Harvard & someone in your class falls in love with you. But hold on - you cannot do that because you are THICK enough to believe in Anna...

Anna has little of value to add.
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Her having covid still smacks of a massive lie.

She had symptoms for a month, like loss of smell and yet she never ever mentioned it at the time?

She never mentioned anything at all at the time!
This wasn't 5 years ago where she could claim stuff and most would be hazy on the details and roll with it. This was about 6 months ago and not once did she mention anything remotely to having any symptoms at all and losing your sense of smell is a pretty big deal.

I have many more red flags popping up about that story of hers, but I think we all do so I won't waste everyone's time with a long post.

She's full of shyte.

And I hate this attention seeking bandwagon jumping of "yeah I had it, wasn't too bad", because some people had it 7 months ago, never so bad to need urgent medical attention, but haven't recovered quite yet either and have a skewed sense of smell, dizzyness, out of breath etc etc.

It's the shyte she smells whenever she opens her mouth to make some ridiculous claims and scam people.

The cure is honesty, instantly reduces any smell of shyte.
Exactly!! And it's not like having HIV or cancer that you don't feel comfortable speaking about it. I was following her through the whole year and I really can't remember her being in quarantine for almost one month or being on a 'digital detox' was more than a couple of days! She's so fucked up!!!
She also mentioned a few hours ago having lost 4kg! It's basically just water and not fat and with her nutrition tendencies she'll have them back in the next two weeks :rolleyes:
As I've never posted anything on does it work with these questions? I think you can basically make up questions yourself and just pretend they are being asked from the audience?
And as for the xmas holidays..really curious where she'll go. I'd go to Sweden as they have by far the less lockdown rules in Europe, but could be weird for her 'fiancee' being stuck with a strange family😬
Aaargh I hate this!! Everytime I plan to go on an Anna detox, she pulls some new weird stunt and I stay hooked🤧
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Omg did you notice it’s a gifted collaboration no charity, she got it for free and pretends like she’s care about charities lol
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I asked the site where they air paradise hotel if they could air the season from 2010. They answered that they don’t have the right to air older paradise hotel seasons but that they’ll forward it and maybe in the future they’ll are the season from 2010.

Yes. I need to watch Anna’s season. It’s a trashy and tacky tv-show soooo 🤣


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Geneva has so many options! From art, to furniture to quality of life, schools and education to gorgeous outdoor activities.... she isn’t using any of it. She’s doing a disservice to the city by insulting it’s accommodations.

Everything is so face value, nothing deeper. She goes to places that are “popular” on IG or that the Jetset girls she adores go to because obviously “they must be the best places with the richest men” when in fact, it’s quite the opposite. She chooses the Four Seasons? Really? Lovely as it is, there are so many more gorgeous hotels. La Réserve is gorgeous!

Here is a tip Anna, try filming in the Swiss Luxury Apartments and pretend it’s yours while you do a minimalist “walkthrough” on YouTube. 🙄
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Think this is like third message I received on my IG in this sense. It was all worth it for all the shit hate I am getting. Happy it can help someone
Good work.

If you’re receiving hate it doesn’t mean others aren’t benefiting. They might be watching without commenting & you have have influenced their buying decision.
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Please don’t be inspired by this for weight loss.... those of you who bloat quite a bit during your menstrual cycle KNOW how much of a difference water weight can make. She barely at carbs for 2 weeks, her glycogen stores are depleted and the water that gets stored with it is gone! Her body will now gobble up every bit of water weight and carbs it gets a hold of.
Slow and steady... I think you know the maxim
This! So much this! IF she did earlier actually makes sense even though I understand it's not for eveyrone: 16:8 fasting protocol makes for enough of an eating window while giving the body time to regulare blood sugar and other hormones in the fasting windows. You actually get less hungry and manage your cravings better in this period, but can have a lovely dinner in a restaurant if you please. To me, this is balance. All kinds of extreme fasting, as in for two days and then diet od 900 kcal a day, low carbs, makes no sense and is very dangerous exactly because all of it will bounce back. It's just that, a water weight. Because of this, I'm not a fan of keto - I like my carbs slow and complex, but they're vital, as well as enough fiber in one's diet for obvious reasons. And it should be a lifestyle, two weeks of some fad treatment do not fix a bad diet or disordered eating overall.

And one of Aijas specialities; walking in heels like your have diarrhea and smizeing at the same time
Finally I took a look at her elegant walk video and had a laugh. I can see from the way she walks her core isn't very strong. You see, the only real trick for an elegant walk is, that it should not come from legs itself, rather you straighten yourself, activate the core and back muscles and you move the whole body forward. Your legs will follow, obviously. To make a gait light, it should not feel as if your legs are moving, rather, you feel the movement in your core, which should be the center of your gravity.
Also, just step on heels as you would normally do when walking. This stepping on toes is weird. You put your toes or balls of your feet down first either when you run (not jog), because that's basically jumping, or when you dance - in Latin dances most of the time, in Ballroom as prescribed by certain steps, there are also heel-lead steps. But when walking, just buy yourself normal shoes and mo matter how tall the heels are, you should be able to comfortably step heel-first. If not, buy better shoes.
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There was a saying going around when the 50 Shades movie first came out. The book / movie is a love story and seen as aspirational because he has money. A meme with a trailer park was shown, saying, if Christian Grey lived here, 50 Shades of Grey would be a horror story.
:ROFLMAO: so true!

I also think that wealthy men can get away with a lot of awful stuff. Some girls are just okay with everything as long as they get their pictures for Instagram taken in front of an affluent backdrop or a handbag or some cash.

Anna is painting a simple picture in black and white: Average Joes and cheap men are to avoid but all wealthy and affluent men are classy and gentlemen. Then the girls complain about casual coffee dates being cheap but I bet coffee and cake at the Ritz would be okay?
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Another one of Anna Bey’s, (Ajia Darling / Ajia Raty’s), many blogs:
P.S. Peep how she was creepily obsessing over Megan Fox.
Her obsession with Megan Fox was translated into her dark haired Aija Darling persona - she was trying to emulate Megan, in the combi with „heroin chic“.
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I've been wondering the same lol. I am very interested in cosmetics, perfumes etc. and kind of interested in fashion, but even for someone like me her stories and posts are just too boring, monotonous and superficial. But maybe she is different irl, who knows
Her Insta is a sale page for those coothes and makeup and I think she actually keeps way lore private than Anna. Lauren just inserst tiny bits of private life to make her more real, relatable, personal - it‘s an image she creates and presents. She‘s doing it better than Anna though. Not so sure about Lauren being provided for - why in the world would she advertise then for cheap imitations of designer clothes?
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The power of trees... 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
This new Pocahontas way of life is too much for me.
This could be totally her new a survival guide for nature enthusiasts or homeless (?):

'Living off grid with Anna Bey'
- Which trees barely lose any leaves in winter and provide shelter from the rain?
- Your daily morning routine in the stinky river.
- How to avoid getting shit on by birds.
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