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That's it! I'm gonna launch a course using these recent "Plain Janes bag billionaires/millionaires" movies as a case study and come up with a general formula. I too wanna enjoy the finer things in life and spend some me time between French Riviera and Sicily.
Who's with me? 🤣
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Oh honey buny - didn‘t u just settle down with your psrtner whom you have been together for 6 yers and whom you moved in with over a year ago to Geneva? Aren‘t you an accomplished lafy in Geneva‘s high society and havent you built a home a literaly brought the table into the relationship, cause you‘re the PRIZE for your partner? Arent you being treated like a goddess and have the means to secure and build a home?


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Actually I have followed her for many years now and in some live stream and QAs long time ago she was very upfront about her roots. Explaining very detailed where she is from (Mom from Russian community in Estonia, Dad from Finland etc).
I don't think she is lying or covering up anything in this regard, just not talking about it anymore. She also said that she understands some Russian but doesn't speak fluently. Im not sure if she can read and write Cyrillic.
Also understanding Russian helped her at times where she was around many 'jetsetbabes' talking Russian to find out some things about their levelling up, she said that a few years ago or maybe it was on her blog (but definelty once she had revealed herself), I remember 100%.

I am from Sweden myself and when people ask me I say that. My parents are from another country, but I was born there and I don't think I would have to justify all the time my Swedish identity! Honestly I have to give this one to her. She really can call herself Swedish, just like I do.

Also to the ones claiming she speaks broken Swedish, she definitely doesn't. Her Swedish is native. And also her English accent, to me, as a Swede, sounded very very Swedish since the first time I heard her speak, just that she has been abroad for a long time so it is not so strong anymore. Also since many people here mock her grammar, yes its not perfect at times, but the mistakes she makes indicate that she then uses Swedish grammar and sentence structure and translates it to English. The mistakes are kind of typical mistakes that slip into Swedes' speaking English.

Also about her last name: To me it sounds VERY Finnish, I actually have heard it in Sweden before. Theres a large community of Finns here in Sweden and I would definitely not say that Finns are ashamed of their heritage here in Sweden. Yes, there are some stereotypes about Finns but they are rather a loved minority group in Sweden, and usually very proud of their heritage. Finish is an elective subject in many Highschools and we get along well with Finns. I see absolutely no reason why she would have changed her name out of 'shame' as many here have said, but rather since she is a public persona and wants some privacy.

I have been following all the threads and have been reading all these assumptions of her origins and her being ashamed of her origins and it just leaves me shaking my head. She has been proudly translating interviews from Russian in the early days and I really don't think she is hiding anything here. I really believe she was honest about her roots.

Hope I could clear up some misconceptions here.

Edit: also somewhere I read that there is Racism towards Russians in Sweden and that's why she is hiding her heritage and is ashamed, but honestly I really don't believe so. Russians make a rather smaller immigrant group in Sweden. They usually are not easy to spot since they are white and adapt very well and work hard. There are not enough Russians in Sweden for Swedes to have firm stereotypes about them. I have some Russian friends in Sweden and they absolutely have no problems or experience inequality or discrimination.
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So I attempted to listen to the latest PHODKHAST to give you guys a recap, but I made it not even halfway through before I through my phone across the room to shut it up. Anna Bey, maniacal narcissist (ANNARCISSIST) needs some friends or a social life. She just doesn't stop TALKING... She thinks she has so much knowledge to share with her listeners and is mindless drivel - she can talk forever! She needs friends. A boyfriend. A life!
I think it's VERY telling that she has essentially disappeared from her Facebook group and the Discord group. The problem with Anna is that she wants to be adored, she wants to share her knowledge and have all these minions nodding their heads in agreement - but if there's a question or a problem, she doesn't want to deal with that! She doesn't have time in her BUSY WORKING LIFE! (...wait, I thought she preached that a woman shouldn't work and the man needs to take care of her.... *shrugs*)

And someone else on here said the same thing I was thinking - Things we WON'T see Anna do over the next month:
- No Christmas tree with family (unless in a hotel!)
- No fireplace cuddles (unless at a hotel, and alone!)
- No homecooked meals
- No photos of family and friends (except Zarvos and Lina and maybe that Polish girl)
- Decorating the tree (even though she bought decorations last year and never showed them)
- A lovely tablescape (AT HOME!!! AT HOME ANNA!!!)
- Christmas morning photos (no presents, sad Anna)

If she attempts to show anything pertaining to the festive season it will be alone and/or in a hotel.

Anna does not show a luxe lifestyle, not one bit. She has completely switched into sales mode and is trying to find more women who have insecurities and is going to prey on them with her next course. LADIEZZ, listen, she has a LOT of experieunce with being insecure, and she can show you how to TRANSFORM into an ELEGHUNT lady....!
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The last man I met who allowed himself to be controlled like that was a cross dresser. He also wanted me to sleep with other men. That's what you sign up for when you sell your soul for money.
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Her most embarassing video to date. This beats even her sugaring video.
And I totally get why she went to starve: the protruding belly (perhaps flatulence?), zero ass and those love handles 🤦🏼‍♀️
While parading around like a caricature of a model and issuing her commands like a lunatic.
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Anna sounded super bored talking in her own podcast today... like it was a huge effort to her and she didn't even want to do it.

I agree, she barely connects with her own audience at all other than liking a few comments. Bella Hadid, a supermodel, literally replies to more comments than Anna does to her own followers.

I always wonder why she doesn't show anything in her life? Not even "A day in my life in Geneva" video... not even an Instagram story of her kitchen or living room like every single affluent public figure and/or influencer does.

You can still be private and post a glimpse of your normal living area. True affluent and wealthy people don't feel the need to hide so much, for example, they are always posting photos of their new flowers on their coffee table or their flowers on their balconies. Anna doesn't even do that... it's odd.
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This is the exact point I figured she is a scammer. Lol
When she started making videos about luxury goods and showing pictures instead of a personal collection... I went nsync mode (bye, bye, bye).
And one day someone threw "Guru Gossip" in one of her stories comment section and here we are.
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I have people who love me so I'm definitely looking forward to Christmas!

Anna has:

No husband
A gay roommate
Cold mother she doesn't speak with
Stepfather she ignores
Doesn't know who her real father is
No friends, only 3 or 4 Arabs in Geneva who know her boyfriend

Yeah I have a lot to be grateful for. Happy holidays!

Let's countdown the days till Anna goes away so she can finally film in her hotel-homeless style. In the meantime expect old recycled content and copy paste images she stole!
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I just want to say to Anna’s fans who lurk around here from time to time. It’s not that we dig up her past to laugh at her or shame her (at least that’s not always the primary reason). We post info about her past to add data points to the overall timeline of events in her life.. that when you look at with fresh eyes and an objective perspective, you can see that Ms. Raty has not lived an “affluent” life.. pretty much EVER!

Yet she does everything in her power to deceive the public to accept the contrary and BLOCKS YOU/ deletes you on all her platforms if you even hint at disagreeing with the illusion that she presents.. so aggressive, irrational and suspicious.

Since she doesn’t allow for questions or discussion anywhere.. we’ve all found this open & free platform where we can share our thoughts on all the stuff re: Anna Bey that doesn't add up/ make sense. I know her supporters read our posts too and just wanted to remind them that it’s ok to keep people accountable, especially when they’re charging 1K to teach you about how to carry yourself around ‘high society’ yet..they themselves are just as clueless.
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I’m laughing so hard at her stories with the questions that scream “HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW ANNA BEY”? And the options are 100% from Tattle. It’s glorious. Her idiocy is unparalleled.
Yes Anna, we all fangirl over you.
In the question “What happened today?” She left out the option of sitting on her rear end.

And like anyone listens to her podcast? Girl, you are hard enough to look at but your voice is unbearable.


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There you go justifying her reasons to never show him. ;) 🤣
He's not bad looking. He's short though, Anna mentioned that...she said most women don't like men like that but she's open minded.

Translation: she settled for him.

We've seen DJ Mykill, she doesn't care about looks😂
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Anna Quote ” If your face is a little more negative try to soften it up” She’s softening it up, dear. Obviously.....🙄

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Nothing says elegant lady like a foot that appears to be twice as big as a normal woman.
The look on her face - I can't hahaha. She looks so pissed!
You can literally feel her cursing Lauren in her mind: (evil voice) 'It should be ME living the jetset life in Monaco!! Screw that plastic bit**! She's not even close to being as elegant as me!! I'm the most elegant of all of them! '🤬

Girl..forget all that LOA stuff for now and focus on going back to the roots. I totally agree with all the previous comments about how she seems unhappy and depressed. Well that's what happens, if your scam job starts to influence your whole life. I'm sure by now she's not even able to distinguish between what's her real and what's her internet persona..
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So many valid points mentioned, completely agree with the lack of awareness of the world one can enter exposing themselves to certain places in a very particular way aka scort vibes.

As an example of this let me share a case of a woman thrown in a millionaire's yatch in Marbella (Spain), it is not the only story I have heard from friends that go on holidays there or Ibiza which are common spots for yatchs and the entourage that comes with them.

This is not to depress anybody but to reinforce that this is real, this happens, the outcome of the course is not $$$$ prince $$$charming $$$$ knocking on your door when you print your diploma ready to surrender his centurion card.

Print your diploma and centurion card gave me a chuckle lol.

No but seriously, here's another billionaire yacht staff who died suspiciously. Sinead McNamara. Found hanging off the back of the boat hours before she was to meet her mother and sister. They CLAIM it was a suicide. The billionaire supposedly left 2 days before.

Now I won't be silly and say all people with money are evil. But I will say that if they are, money allows them to get away with much more. Epstein, anyone?
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Chatty Member
It’s such a classic lazy thing to pull out the they’re-just-jealous-card whenever you get criticised. Aija people are not jealous of you, just like I’m not jealous of Trump when I criticise him.
With her own logic this would then mean Aija is jealous of everything she criticises in her videos? Of course she’s not, it’s a childish argument.
Women have no obligation to support other women who behave like assholes, lie and steal.
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Disney princess syndrome is soooo true. These women think it is very easy to find a rich guy and marry him. They dream a modern fairy tale.
Lot of desi women follow Anna with the hope of marrying a rich desi guy. I cant help but laugh at them. I also think that these women feel entitled to someone's money without an ounce of hardwork. Just feminine energy does not entitle them the gains of somebody else's hardwork. Lol.
"Fairytales" do happen but even then, the woman is usually successful in her own right or has at least something going for her. Kate Middleton was intelligent enough to get into St Andrews University and had enough social skills to join the same circles as Prince William. Meghan Markle was a successful actress with a role in a hit prime-time show, Amal Clooney was a very accomplished lawyer. Queen Letizia of Spain had a good career in journalism, Countess Sophie of Wessex owned a PR firm. None of these women got where they are by looking pretty, knowing how to hold a champagne glass or hanging out in hotel bars

Speaking of "Disney Princess Syndrome," I really like the novel The Surface Breaks by Louise O'Neill - a modern retelling of "The Little Mermaid" (mostly based on the original story but with some elements of the Disney version.) Some lines are very reminiscent of Anna:

"I was so stupid to come here, to give up everything that I have ever known, ever loved, in an attempt to seduce a human man. A ma I didn't know, a a that I had seen once and decided would be the solution to all my problems."

"I was so anxious to make Oliver fall in love with me so that my 'real' life could begin, I forgot to stay still and appreciate what was around me"

I think some of her followers will have to learn this kind of lesson the hard way
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Just watched her new video - but couldn't make it till the end.
WHY is she always looking up the ceiling while talking??? It is so pretentious, overexcited and artificial. Her whole mimic and steady shaking of her head is like the second line in a village theatre. Wo taught her this??? A pantomime teacher???
Anna, if you want elegant body language and talk elegantly please take a look how Kate or some other Royals use their face and body while talking - or even Jackie O. She was famous for her hypnotic and elegant speaking.
I rather the real faces she makes in split seconds. 👇

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Another one of Anna Bey’s, (Ajia Darling / Ajia Raty’s), many blogs:
P.S. Peep how she was creepily obsessing over Megan Fox.
These quotes & posts remind me of how obsessive in nature she is. They also reveal how lonely & insecure she really is inside. Unable or unwilling to connect/ bond/ trust people.

Seems like she was really hurt by a past relationship and decided to detach emotionally completely from everyone and everything, including herself. This is why she gets therapy. Nothing wrong with therapy. But someone who’s this insecure and operating from a space of hurt.. shouldn’t be “teaching” others anything.

Explains why she’s so cold, careless, detached and prefers to be alone in the woods.. You can practically feel how annoyed and irritable she always is.

YET she has no problem MISREPRESENTING herself for the sake of SELLING the appearance that she’s a charismatic/ charming networking queen (anything BUT :rolleyes:).. who can teach YOU how to be the most desirable/ unforgettable woman that a HIGH VALUE man could ever want! (Yeah right, she seems more like a man hater who hates sex and is only waiting to see what he can buy her).

Never mind the fact that she’s socially awkward and a total hermit in real life ..not to mention, possesses none of the qualities I listed above that would make someone fun, interesting, playful, easy going.. aka memorable & worth spending time with.

All she cares about is making sure you’re falling for her lies.. NO QUESTIONS PLEASE, no questions, don’t DM me, don’t email me, don’t ask for examples or clarification.. DON’T ask me any REAL LIFE shit because I can’t answer! AND She’s right, she can’t!! Which is why she doesn’t. What a coward, right??!
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Now I'm going to be the one to make the sweeping statement.....

That's not because he's wealthy, but because he's Arab.
Coming from a place in the world where multiple wives are possible and men can do anything as they please and women have impossible standards hoisted upon them to follow.

Those men who admit to cheating with ease - I mean we only get here a very small portion of their "background", their alleged wealth.

What about their cultural background (amongst others: country of origin, country of residence, religion, education), upbringing (amongst others: parents' marriage and dynamic, values and morals they were raised with, friends, social circle), education (amongst others: level of, place of) and so much more.

It's many things that make these men up, wealth is only a small part.
When you grow up with the mindset that you as man can do anything, but a woman who shows her hair is bringing shame on the family and is a "whore" for "exposing herself", then you'll have a skewed world-view and a different set of morals.

I have known men from Middle Eastern backgrounds and the double and triple standards are out of this world. It's why they often marry their own but continue to "have fun" with women they actually fancy (but view them as whores at the same time; literally as in the example above).
At school as kids already these young boys were different to Western boys.

This is all very broadly speaking, there are always other cases as well.
But my experience has been enough to firmly say that Middle Eastern men's mentality does not gel well at all with Western values in terms of relationships.

Edit: Granted, you didn't write "all wealthy men cheat", but the exclusion of "all" didn't really change your statement, "wealthy men cheat" very much means "all of them".
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Was watching Lauren’s stories ( and couldn’t help but to think of Anna when Lauren shows her husband serving her a plate of pasta with the text: “I love my husband”. Felt like an unintentional jab at Aija! 😬🤣 I mean, Anna could potentially do the same and show her MAN, but she doesn’t.. I wonder why? Lol

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The genuine gestures speak more than money. Lauren has a secure marriage and a man who clearly adores her. For those of you who follow her (as I only do it sporadically) do you remember if Anna was subject to a similar display for her birthday? It's in the springtime from what I remember.

Were there any shots of her "man" serving her food or giving her flowers, hell any kind of presents? Due to her obsession with Russian jetsetbabes I'd assume she'd be gifting herself those huge ridiculous bunches of roses often. I've never seen her show a single gift, flower, dinner, lunch, coffee, with her invisible man. This is clearly a relationship based on business not love.
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