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In the end the majority has the mentality that if it costs more than it's better. Not always.
Don't go ditching Zara, Mango or Forever 21 just because a pinhead you've never seen before and that only yesterday started to consume from a higher niche said so. Learn what's best for you, from clothing to other aspects of life, by getting the right orientation and through trial and error.
Absolutely agree! Unfortunately, so many of the young ladies that follow Anna seem to have lower self-esteem. Not all of them and I’m not saying they’re desperate for a role model.. BUT Anna’s loud (masculine & messy) “confidence” seems to give them a little personal boost of confidence as well (they feel led).

They feed off of her artificial & superficial “leadership” persona/ aka the “teacher role” that Anna loves to play. She’s the Alpha and her audience are the Betas (submitting to her & following her blindly without vetting her FIRST!)

This is where the low self-esteem applies. Instead of EXAMINING her actual life against what she sells.. they blindly choose the option that FILLS that low self-confidence void they have. It feels so much better to ignore reality & believe the fairy tale. While I do think it’s possible to find true love with an affluent man (as I have).. it has very little to do with the “formula” or “secrets” that Anna dangles in front of these starving women.

Little do they know, Anna has never been lucky enough to know what it means to be a kept woman.. Loved/ adored and with absolutely no stress & financial worries. At most, she’s been able to squeeze several thousands from men here and there.. BUT that does not equal LIFESTYLE. And of course, we can all see that. She contradicts herself at every turn, has no sense of style, has no affluent social circle, isn’t leveling up in the higher education department, can’t even afford to join a private country club or similar.. I mean NOTHING.

It’s hilarious and sad that she’s getting away with so much.. BUT the minute her audience starts to reclaim their critical thinking skills (which comes with self-confidence.. trusting YOURSELF.. what you SEE with your own eyes versus what someone is selling you).. it will all start to fall apart for Ms. Raty.

P.S. I’m still LAUGHING at the fact that 2 hours after we posted about how she had disappeared again from social media (because she can’t just be REAL and show us her bedroom/ living room/ kitchen or even bathroom.. NO, everything must be CALCULATED perfectly so the masses don’t catch on to the charade) .. About 2 Hours after those posts on Tattle, she pops up on IG stories with the ridiculous Quiz questions.. literally entitled “Why am I not posting stories” 😂 .. 1) because you’re a lazy brat, and 2) because you’re too ANGRY that your SCAM is being exposed online!
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So in other words she supports Annas lies and has terrible knockoff hair swept to the side like her comrade?
The comrade side swipe!!! 😂😂😂
Real MLM happening here, that‘s why all her minions have aspirations to teach and preach themselves, just because they wear the hair aideways nd know how to elegantly hold a flute of champagne.
We should set up a countdown to see when dear Anna „opens the doors“ to her distinguished school for the dear elegant ladies. And how fast she‘s adding a more expensive mastermind/class etc
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This! So much this! IF she did earlier actually makes sense even though I understand it's not for eveyrone: 16:8 fasting protocol makes for enough of an eating window while giving the body time to regulare blood sugar and other hormones in the fasting windows. You actually get less hungry and manage your cravings better in this period, but can have a lovely dinner in a restaurant if you please. To me, this is balance. All kinds of extreme fasting, as in for two days and then diet od 900 kcal a day, low carbs, makes no sense and is very dangerous exactly because all of it will bounce back. It's just that, a water weight. Because of this, I'm not a fan of keto - I like my carbs slow and complex, but they're vital, as well as enough fiber in one's diet for obvious reasons. And it should be a lifestyle, two weeks of some fad treatment do not fix a bad diet or disordered eating overall.

Finally I took a look at her elegant walk video and had a laugh. I can see from the way she walks her core isn't very strong. You see, the only real trick for an elegant walk is, that it should not come from legs itself, rather you straighten yourself, activate the core and back muscles and you move the whole body forward. Your legs will follow, obviously. To make a gait light, it should not feel as if your legs are moving, rather, you feel the movement in your core, which should be the center of your gravity.
Also, just step on heels as you would normally do when walking. This stepping on toes is weird. You put your toes or balls of your feet down first either when you run (not jog), because that's basically jumping, or when you dance - in Latin dances most of the time, in Ballroom as prescribed by certain steps, there are also heel-lead steps. But when walking, just buy yourself normal shoes and mo matter how tall the heels are, you should be able to comfortably step heel-first. If not, buy better shoes.
Exactly. I won’t lie the keto works, this dumb thing she did probably my works as well, but for how long?

I got skinnier, lost all the weight I wanted - developed a terrible relationship with food, teetered between bulimia and anorexia, binged eat in all or nothing phases.... HATED MYSELF and I told a professor of mine that I didn’t like myself anymore and they immediately shipped me off to therapy. I’ve never shared this with anyone (but the anonymity here is wildly empowering).
Don’t do things In a bid to get a quick fix.... it backfires tenfold.
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Aija succeed in building a community of social awkward women that can't entirely benefit her in short term (this is certainly what annoys her the most). I'd even go forward and tag the majority as women with Disney Princess Syndrome. All counting on men to change their lives, but instead of a pinky innocent fairytale, they're all heading to something written by Stephen King.
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Stumbled across a website Anna clearly made about herself, “Ms. Bey”. The media gallery pictures are a couple years old, her face looked so different before she injected it all with fillers. Hadn’t seen a few of these photos/poses of hers before. I guess she Is no stranger to creating multiple webpages or Instagram pages about herself 😂. Very narcissistic and vain.

Notice she writes about her “13 years of experience with rich people and jetsetting around the world”... Who? Dj Mykill?

P.S. are these the fake purses people have reported she used to wear?



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This is very true. She is trying to glamourize escorting. Trying to use it as a business transactional thing but it doesn’t work like that. Men probably don’t want to feel they are paying for this kind of thing.
It wouldn't be as bad if she admitted it. A lot of escorts are upfront about what they do, and everyone's fine with it. What she's doing is teaching naïve women to act like escorts, at best setting them up for embarrassment and to not find a husband/partner, at worst putting them in danger
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probably inspired by my post about the mentor who encouraged her students to use pics of hotel food and pretend it's their own cooking.

Gorgeous home decor from a Geneva based lady

It‘s only stupid. It‘s one google away to learn how many really great and EXPENSIVE places for interior design there are in Geneva.
And since you are at decorating Anna, what about art? Or is Gagosian Geneva not affluent enough for your taste?
What a clown!
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Going a bit off topic now..but did anybody of you know thats she's following Dan Bilzerian on IG?!

For those who are unfamiliar with him, he is a self-proclaimed poker millionaire, loves guns, orgies and throwing porn stars off roofs.
He literally promotes degradation and objectification of women on a daily base!!

Which normal woman with at least one functioning brain cell or drop of dignity would follow this mf?! Especially while preaching about 'levelling up' and elegance?😬

Here, a few highlights which sum up what he's about.


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I cant believe she did this. Its so narcissist =D like I cant lol. Who does still even like her really? So full of hereself ew
I don't get it. Were her followers supposed to know the answers? How does it work? Does she think anyone actually is interested? We all know her life is boring. She won't regularly post unless she goes away for Christmas, then we can expect constant shots of hotel doorknobs and her twirling like a middle aged maniac in an empty breakfast room.
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@Pinkgrind you come across a little smug and condescending. The type of attitude that pressurises women to marry the wrong man. Societal pressure. I don’t think “everyone” looks down on these “desperate” women, I think other smugly married women do.

Also, what you seem to be saying is you tried all these and when it didn’t work you went for a “normal” guy and left London?
Yeah her whole posts seem like a humble brag. We don't need your life story in order to understand that Anna's tactics are horrible advice. Her own life she leads is proof enough.

To get back to Anna: I really think she is a lost cause when it comes to fashion. Her scam course has opened new doors to accessing many more designers than the usual Zara + H&M. Her lack of options before helped her not make so many poor outfit choices. (The Chanel beanie, the ugly vacation dresses). Just because something is designer or made from non-synthetic material doesn't mean it looks good.
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This! I thought about this so many times before, all the stolen pictures of women Anna use in her material are white women with more or less the exact same features, almost all those Instagram models Anna stalks looks the same.
She has one or two pictures with a black woman as the possible get-me-out-of-racist-accusations-card but other than that she doesn’t give a shit and calls them ratchet behind closed doors.
Anna doesn’t use pictures of black, asian, middle eastern/arab, Indian women etc in her material because it doesn’t interest her to do so.
It would be absolutely racist and ignorant to believe there are not crazy wealthy societies within all these parts of the world and I can assure you that the beauty standard of these women and preferences of men is not the generic white Eastern European Instagram escort.
Sounds like the entitlement of a narcissist: as a failed generic Eastern European blotched escort to deckare herself the highest autority of elegance. Anna wouldn‘t recognize elegance if it hit her in the face! She just acts like a madam in a bad Russian movie telling her girls do that, dont do that, sit like that, don‘t ask, don‘t abnoy, look naive and ask for presents
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Indeed high quality material for high quality women.

EDIT: Regarding her outift, I think she took the "spice up your life" advice too seriously. Guys, I've spotted a frame with that picture of hers with the most escortish vibe, her with the satin red dress, in one of her old videos. She loves looking like that. It's feminine. 🤦‍♀️ 👇

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Isn't this the Four Seasons?!:eek:
Pls don't tell me she brought a photo of her in a hotel room...
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where are you going for Christmas? Why not bring some joy into your sad little corporate condo? Where did you learn the word “novel virus”? In your googling covid symptoms? Every time you showed the detox centre there was absolutely no one around.... lots of friends,hmm? Lifelong friends? How is your bowels? Irritated? First time you’ve ever mentioned getting tested, but it’s happened quite often now? How did it feel? Having fun on Pinterest trying to show everyone that you loveChristmas and you’re not a heartless soulless mango?
She’s full of shit! She really is - always trying to make her life seem more enticing than it is... Anna:

- you don’t have a partner
- you are “in between” places to live (meaning they broke up and he’s letting her stay until she finds a place)
- you have no family or friends
- you can’t keep up with your lies
- you’re restless and unhappy living this falsehood of a life

all the Christmas pictures she posted were so traditional and not like an eleghunt lady Christmas
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So many valid points mentioned, completely agree with the lack of awareness of the world one can enter exposing themselves to certain places in a very particular way aka scort vibes.

As an example of this let me share a case of a woman thrown in a millionaire's yatch in Marbella (Spain), it is not the only story I have heard from friends that go on holidays there or Ibiza which are common spots for yatchs and the entourage that comes with them.

This is not to depress anybody but to reinforce that this is real, this happens, the outcome of the course is not $$$$ prince $$$charming $$$$ knocking on your door when you print your diploma ready to surrender his centurion card.

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Aija is giving hopes to these naive women who thinks they are entitled to someone else's hardwork/money. Stay-at-home Spouses have a huge load of responsibilities and need to support their working spouses. Aija, on the otherhand, thinks she and her minions can just exist - no responsibilities or support. She is just using 'traditional roles' to excuse her lazy behaviour.
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So now she has to show what she bought at Hermès to prove that she did indeed buy something.
Showing a haul/purchases is so new money. It reeks of nouveau riche.
Plus! Those aren’t her hands holding that! Her nails are painted red. It must be Lina’s purchase. You know, gotta #FreePalestine!
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Aija, how the hell do you wanna succeed in life when you act like this?
Scheming, scamming and lying won't take you anywhere.
And don't take the women in this forum as fools! We ain't your general sheeps.

EDIT: It's been a whole decade you've been walking this path. If you had worked hard, fair and square this whole wasted decade, you'be enjoying all the material things you crave for today. All the struggle you go through now serves you right. Must hit deep in your guts going to designer shops with Lina and not being able to buy a single keyholder. It's Karma, girl! And it's gonna get worse.
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They build up a persona based on lies & forget they are being watched.
You said it perfectly! 💯 “They build up a persona based on lies & forget they are being watched.”

This reminds me so much of why there are so many inconsistencies/ contradictions between what she says and how she lives.. which is the reason why many of are on this forum to begin with.. to dig up the truth and make it make sense.

I don’t understand why it’s so hard for her to share glimpses of her actual life. She must be seriously ashamed of how she lives. She obviously has massive CONTROL (micro-managing) issues and refuses to show anything that she thinks might go against “her brand”. Yet, ironically.. her theme/ niche is all over the place as she tries to be everything to everyone and in the end is good at none.
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