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Glad you liked my research 😂 also with eyeshadow may I add!
I might confused ‘white tea’ colors with ‘milk tea’ I don’t remember which one is correct, but I really appreciate Asian makeup concept it’s much far beyond European and American
she really does look shockingly good with human eyebrows.
thanks for your entertaining virtual styling

Nothing says good skin like alcohol…
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Maybe her escort days are drying up
Good point. Would anyone here know how long an escort career can last? I honestly have no idea. Isn't she getting a tad too old for it now anyway? I mean, too old for the rich circles she aspires to? I guess that if she didn't insist on reasonably rich clients she could be escorting well into her 50s (and beyond?) but in the elite escort circles she may well be almost too old now? That's why she's bending over backward to delay the time and resorts to all those desperate measures (juice detoxes, skin lasers, botox, fillers, etc) to extend her shelf life. After all, escorting has been the only reliable source of income for her, and now it's more true than ever before.
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The comment section below the post about her Harry-video is wild. Even Annas most hardcore fans are calling her out on the bs.
"In her old videos she talked about how to be classy" 😆

Although I think even people who don't like Meghan would agree with the person who said she's done more for women than Anna has!
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my dear eleghunt mangoes, Anna could be selling her eleghunt SITC clothing to fund her new latest fad Desperate Housewives. To be like Bre Van De Kamp.
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Maybe? I don't know. It's not as if it's an expensive journey to make from Geneva, so maybe she's paid for it herself. However, she rarely seems to travel just for the sake of it, so am more inclined to think she's there for a specific reason.

What I do think is that she probably, if not certainly, has a fixer, and by that I mean someone who sorts out her escorting opportunities.

Again, I did not use the word fact or facts.

And again, yes, of course it's all based on personal experience and you are sharing your own, so can only apologise if you feel I have negated your experience in any way. What you have said about agencies does ring true to what I know, and exactly why the escorts I know have never worked that way, all have only been indies. Even my younger Russian friend decided against joining an agency as she didn't want to be told who to see. She also doesn't like working late at night/early hours of the morning.

The reason many men tend to opt for agencies over indies, particularly high class indies/companions is entirely down to screening, or rather the lack of screening from agencies - a man can pretty much ring up, request a girl and no questions are asked other than a phone number and postcode. Independent escorts screen, some far more rigorously than others.
Yes and I guess it can depend on some agencies. It was a good starting point as I’d lost my job and was going to get kicked out of my mums house if I didn’t pay her rent by the end of the week because she spent all her money on drugs and I was seen as an income for her rather than her daughter, because that’s the kind of mum she was, so it was really helpful to get me started, I truly had no research or understanding of the escorting world and thought it was all backstreet allies.
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Anna’s horse, Irish Mist, already has it’s own IG account. What about Ted’s???????

The dog obsession is so childish, and as someone mentioned, she is clearly trying to make up for lack of content by posting silly pics of her dog. Will she start bringing Ted on her vacations or will she say that she misses Ted too much to take a vacation? I predict this will be her next excuse for lack of travel content.

I’m not one of her followers but viewing her content over the years, she is constantly contradicting herself over and over again. Like, doesn’t she know that we can remember these things????
Hint of an ‘upcoming ski trip’ - off season again!
No sound mind would take a small dog to the slopes, logistics wise simply doesn't work - the pathological attention seeker doesn't ski anyway so...


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View attachment 2176097
- You look very uncomfortable and your shoes don’t match your dress. The dress makes you look very old. When you saw this dress, you must’ve thought, “very stately and eccentric,”
the funny thing is that it’s still her ‘wedding gown’ but with a ballerina-like skirt on 🤡🤡🤡 (sorry I don’t know the garmen’s proper name in English)
what a sustainable approach to fashion! I’ve seen her in this dress before and after wedding a million times already - it screams pathetic
I knew it looked familiar!! There’s a difference between sustainable fashion and badly repurposed, Anna :ROFLMAO: the top is too “statement” and the outfit looks like a 4 year old made it!
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So did anyone get what a major career change aija was switching to? its a pity I was absent from tattle a lot, so this ‘new chapter’ of hers is something I didn’t quite understand. If no, maybe you’ve got some predictions what she may be up to? I personally have no idea cuz lately I ve lost interest in scammers and don’t know their current trends and what to expect from them
What I noticed is just a yet again recycled content about ‘FaShIoN’ (which she knows nothing about as we all noticed) and that she stopped parting her hair FINALLY but still not being able to tell 3 different shades of white… classics
i actually have no idea what she’s going to pull out next cuz I still see a tired bloated from binge eating face which means that she definitely has no inspiration for new beggings and I highly doubt she learnt anything new since her 1st Sotew started, so I predict something very sad and desperate… would be very interested to listen to your thoughts
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10 Items YOU NEED To Look Expensive On A Budget In Spring

You NEED them. All well-dressed women have them! Anna doesn't care if you're sick of the eight or so previous videos she's released on this subject. She's coming back for more! All throughout the video she talks about what eleghunt water goblins wear in spring, showing off various examples from H&M and Zara. There's only so much she's willing to spend before it all gets returned to the store.

1. "Colourful suits" - she shows off cerise tailored trousers and a matching blazer from Zara. The colour is far too bright for her. She gushes that the belt creates a waist. You're still not an hourglass, Anna

2. Denim shirt dresses - thinks it looks youthful and that together with a "conservative" dress makes an "interesting salt and sweet type of mix." WTF? Predictably, the dress she chose looks incredibly matronly on her

3. Silk or satin shirt dresses - again, very granny-hooker-chic, looks like a nightgown with a bit of rope tied around the waist.

4. "Voluminous A-Line Skirt" or in Anna's words "volumous." Anna's skirt finishes at the widest part of her calf (she's not shrieking about "cutting off the leg" now!), makes her look like she has swallowed a beach ball, and is paired with shoes that clearly don't fit because her toes are sticking out.

5. Polka dots - "it's such a CLAHSSIC and TIMELESS piece of print!" She models a sleeveless dress with a sweetheart neckline, this one is from Reformation and a little more expensive. Quote: "we need to have a little polka dress in our arsenal as classy women!" We get a little reference to her HUSBAND who totally loves her in a midi dress!!! Joe's probably more turned on by Arsenal FC.

6. Printed dresses - she goes for a weird geometric print which looks great on the beautiful model on the website, but not so great on Anna Bey. We get a nightmarish Photoshop of Anna on a beach with sunglasses superimposed onto her face.

7. "Pencil skirt dresses" - she means very fitted dresses. Once again she chose one that is an unflattering length and highlights her lack of a waist. Anna thinks EVERY woman should have a dress like this. I'd rather not, thanks

8. Silk dresses - I give up. What is her obsession with silk? She chooses a white version in cheap satin. Quote: "I don't care if it looks like a nightgown." Yeah, we can see that, love

9. Smart shirt - It's wrinkled, made of cheap satin, and in a bright blue that makes her look ghostly pale

Plug for The Eleghunt Stylist. At least put this at the start of the video, not at the end where you have already made it clear you don't have much sense of style at all?

10. High waisted trousers and silk blouse - Makes her look both older and very, very bottom-heavy

She says her next video is ten more tips on dressing for spring. Which means it'll be about something completely different! Place your bets, laydeeeeeez
Actually I think the polka dress kinda cute tbh
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I can't stop laughing at her "typical lunch in Geneva".
This is a typical lunch in Luzern.


My cousin is just a down to earth person, she is neither an influencer nor a millionaire's wife.
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I’ve been to a couple of events with my partner and met some big shots (we are talking net value of quite above €5M) and I can’t imagine them booking her as a companion for these type of events.
A couple of years ago I asked my partner what he thinks of her and he immediately said that she is or has been an escort. No serious businessman will want to have this as an arm candy while on a serious business trip/ at event.
Regarding her business, she is 37 now, and from pictures of various hands I wouldn’t automatically think that those are older men. A hairy 35 years old hand can be mistaken by 50y old. And if a men is of a darker complexion I wouldn’t be able to guess his age at all.
Ok, but what about this guy (pic attached)? He must be at least in his 40s, more likely in his 50s? This was posted in early April on this thread.


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Ah, OK, so regarding FMTY - I wonder if Aija's current trip to Paris is also an escort job?
Maybe? I don't know. It's not as if it's an expensive journey to make from Geneva, so maybe she's paid for it herself. However, she rarely seems to travel just for the sake of it, so am more inclined to think she's there for a specific reason.

What I do think is that she probably, if not certainly, has a fixer, and by that I mean someone who sorts out her escorting opportunities.
Just to point out I wasn’t stating facts. I was stating personal experiences and observations. Locations so vary and the type of men who enquire depends on where and who you advertise with. Things can look different if you work independently or with an agent. How you advertise. I started out with agency and really didn’t like it so went solo word of mouth with clients from the agency that I liked. Mostly much older or Asian men as they were far easier to deal with when I did it. I absolutely hated under 40s and stag dos and night shifts. But The agency and the girls working for the agency were worst than the clients. The amount of money I had stolen etc from other working girls and the agency didn’t really care about my well-being and privacy and exposed who I was to a neighbour of mine. I really wanted discretion. There were also a lot of drugs and alcohol. The agency I worked for, the men tended to want discretion and younger women. The older women were bad. But I generally didn’t have a bad experience with clients thankfully.
Again, I did not use the word fact or facts.

And again, yes, of course it's all based on personal experience and you are sharing your own, so can only apologise if you feel I have negated your experience in any way. What you have said about agencies does ring true to what I know, and exactly why the escorts I know have never worked that way, all have only been indies. Even my younger Russian friend decided against joining an agency as she didn't want to be told who to see. She also doesn't like working late at night/early hours of the morning.

The reason many men tend to opt for agencies over indies, particularly high class indies/companions is entirely down to screening, or rather the lack of screening from agencies - a man can pretty much ring up, request a girl and no questions are asked other than a phone number and postcode. Independent escorts screen, some far more rigorously than others.
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Pardon my French

Well-known member
I think Anna would do better nourishing herself from within, rather than doing stupid juice diets which is you're reading this, all the goodness and the fibre has been removed, so it's really of no benefit to you at all. A bone broth fast would have done you far better, or like I said in a previous post, the Perricone three day diet. Better yet, a combination of the two.
Wannabey is lazy, she's an advocate of 'pay high price for instant results', that's how she's marketed her STOW. The only thing wannabey has been consistent with is laziness

Now is she gonna get a Teddy girl ?


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