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Well-known member
Not sweeping assumptions. Sharing experience and never said all, said most. I agree with all you’ve said. I’m not sure why you think I’ve said otherwise but hey ho!
I said statements, not assumptions.

Anyway, that's by the by, and even though I did not agree with some of what you wrote, I did agree with much of it. Escorting is very much about one's personal experience but at the same time, can be coloured by the experience of friends and peers, more so if they're part of a community such as Tattle (but for escorts, obviously) where they're able to be honest about how grim things can be. It's always really interesting hearing what you have to say, particularly as my younger Russian acquaintance is in her mid-20s and when she started, said similarly. After a few really good years, she's really struggling at the moment, she's having to decline more new clients because they're demanding arseholes, and she's realised the 20-35 age range is so saturated, she's considering giving up completely. It's been a huge lesson for her, particularly with regards to saving rather than spending money.

Anyway, and back to Anna

When Anna was escorting in London, she would probably have worked via an agency. She might even have had a handler. She just would not have had the autonomy to decline anyone without some kind of repercussions. If she were to return to escorting properly now, she actually has far more control and it could be very lucrative for her. But, I do think she's too lazy to even consider it - far easier to scam others.

Classy! 😂
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Pardon my French

Well-known member
Where did she get 500K subscribers? If I didn't know that she's broke, I would think that she's bought most of them. Are there really half a million people who follow Scamma?! Unless they do it as a form of guilty pleasure to have someone to laugh at😄
During her trip to Paris ... She was around 495-8k for weeks
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All in all though, some men will pay good money for a woman in her 40s, more so if she's elegant, educated and holds her own. Given her so-called fame, Anna could market herself as one of these and earn very good money.

Anna's too old for Dubai. Her look isn't right either.
Ad this; 'All in all though, some men will pay good money for a woman in her 40s, more so if she's elegant, educated and holds her own. Given her so-called fame, Anna could market herself as one of these and earn very good money.' Banana is not educated. She doesn't know much about anything.

Ad this: 'Anna's too old for Dubai. Her look isn't right either.' Yes, which is probably why she changed her mind about Dubai.
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New member
Hi Ladies, I was wondering; since Anna clearly has no clue what she's on about where would I look for resources and education on 'leveling up' as they call it?
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Pardon my French

Well-known member
The Wannabey tourist guide is coming up... Come on Anna, we know you'd just copy paste some already existing guides, nothing original to bring to your Z list members they couldn't find on the internet for free


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Ugh, that’s sad! I like(d) her but now will be looking at her with suspicions. I know that everyone is in there to earn but when you are getting associated with crooks you start tarnishing your own image.
I am seriously considering unfollowing Dominique because by following Scammabey, she's clearly communicating something. Exactly like you say; Dominique is tarnishing her own image. I used to be very inspired by Dominique (even though I am more than 15 years younger) but not anymore.
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Chatty Member
I still don't get it. What is this "ELEGHUNCE community" and "ELEGHUNCE subculture" supposed to be? Apart from obviously being the community that sets the baseline for "ELEGHUNT values." What is this woman smoking?
This absolute tool of a woman.
She's trying to create this non-existent sub-culture, that's what's she's trying. Because the more she convinces the average ( poor ) Jane that there is something they can belong to with little effort, that is usually an exclusive thing ( old money or the elite ), she can exploit that desire.
There is no eleghunt sub-culture, you absolute twat.
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Well-known member
She's really scraping the barrel content-wise. Given the price point of Jimmy Choo shoes, I would, at the bare minimum, expect the stitching to be discreet and properly colour-matched with the leather.

FFS, stop with the sweeping statements. Also, 10 things that demonstrate someone is well-educated reads far better than 10 things that tell you're well-educated. Using tell is contradicting the point you're trying to make and you're only drawing attention to the fact you're not as well-educated as you like to think you are.

If Anna is going to try to pass herself off as some kind of combination of Professor Henry Higgins, Susie Dent and Drusilla Beyfus, she really needs to spell check and proof her entire website, not to mention the written content on her Instagram posts and Youtube channel too.
I agree, Banana is all out of ideas and can't figure out anything new. Part of that is because her content 'niche' is relatively narrow in the way she presents it. She tries very hard to appear high class, educated and living a truly lavish life while it is not quite true. She is an average influencer married (or was married and now divorced, we don't know for sure) average professional guy.
We know that the credentials Aija flaunts are some courses = which is not bad as such, but I wouldn't say that the color matching course immediately makes Aija very educated. We know that she doesn't have higher education yet she tries to compare her courses to the value of university education which is ridiculous. While her courses may have some information in them, they don't give people any qualifications as such. For the same amount of money Aija asks for her course someone in Eastern Europe could achieve a real qualification that is more likely to lead to gainful employment and new connections. I'd say that even having a nail tech qualification (that can be achieved in a few months depending on location) can give someone much more than Aija's course. Say, a popular nail tech can get wealthy clientele and make connections with people who have money and can help with their business. Of course, it'd take a lot of work, but it's far more realistic for a hard working person who networks well to improve their life than by following Aija's wishy washy fabulous future fakery formulas.
I have worked in higher education and international research so Banana's interpretation of how to appear educated is laughable. Same goes for her tips on being elegant - she would be shocked to see that highly regarded academics with incredible connections dress in a way that Banana would likely describe as cheap, slobby or worse yet, trashy. But these people with a ton of real achievements don't have to fake elegance and status, they already have it. And sooo many people from real affluent circles wear everything Banana hates - especially running shoes. :ROFLMAO:
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I had to log in after a long hiatus to comment. She must have gained at least 30 lbs since the beginning of covid. Those arms and calves are huge compared to her older photos.
I am glad you said that because I had been noticing the same! I mean, she's always had milkmaid calves but but now it looks like the upper part of her body has grown somewhat too. And when I say 'grown' I don't mean she's got more muscles, quite the opposite; Aija seems more soft and squidgy than before. Maybe it's because she no longer works out with her Italian Romanian trainer who probably dumped her out of fear that someone would grass him up.
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Active member
What a liar… she wanted to convince us that the bag from the Hermes boutique (or wherever she was sitting on the 1st picture) was exactly the one she got, but comparing them next to each other… these are definitely 2 different bags

no one doubted her hermessas were fake but just look how different they look

A christmas present you guys 🤪😍🤩🤩🤩
Unbelievable.. saggy and undistinguished for an Hermessa you received as a present. Anna Bey, don’t you have shapers for your designer bags? It didn’t cost me more than $40 for shapers for my “tacky” monogrammed Louis Vuitton.

Why would an elegunt, affluent laydee like yourself wear Hermessa’s on the street and train like Michael Kors bags you despise? That’s reckless and telling for a replica bag. I even rotate my premium designer bags to preserve their conditions, and especially for a poorly structured fake Hermessa, it will be torn up very quickly and you’ll have to say you sold it since Hermes would refuse to repair it!!

A cautious, self-respecting affluent lady would never endanger herself by sharing every single expensive bag on social media unless her security and personal details were up to par. Plus, your outfits & appearance are too plain for $5-15k bags. No decent, financially conscious wealthy woman would depreciate $15k bags, clothing and her reputation so quickly to appear better than everyone else IN COMMON PLACES!! Not even at the hautest exclusive event, but at storefronts and public parks!! NO TYPICAL, AFFLUENT WOMAN WOULD WEAR THESE AS DAILY BAGS!! Maybe a well loved Hermès or banged up vintage Chanel worn once in a while, but not a new fucking bag.

Only an impulsive, attention deprived, boring & friendless loser would make brands and Hermessa’s/Chanella’s focal points of their clothing.
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i must agree with dunhill on this one. i'm vanilla as hell, few friends of mine are into kinks/fetish or bdsm life
from them i learned these are very delicate topics, whem an individual is looking for things like that they should go to specialists, its not for everyone
and i asume not all sex workers offer just everything, right?
i rather avoid this generalizing thinking pattern like "oh shes like that she must be into alllll those", its just not (wait for it....) elegant 😎
Most of the sex workers have very clear limits of different sexual activities that we do not do. I would say that most women offer vanilla or girlfriend experience, since it is the most demanded. There is another group of women who offer slightly more extreme or very extreme experiences, but they are usually the minority IMO.
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I thought that rich people have access to the best food the planet can offer, instead, Banana has lemon water, celery juice and microwaveable meals in her fridge, that's sad, she must be starving! I mean, we have known for some time that she's short of money but is it really so bad that she cannot afford anything of substance? Thankfully for her, her clients take her out for a meal once in a while as part of her escorting job....
Yea fresh organic and exotic fruits and vegetables.
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Active member
Erica is kind of weird but at least I can respect that she has a real day job and the fashion stuff and TikTok happen on the side as her hobby.
Why she is into Anna - I have no clue since she represents everything Anna loves to rant about!
I thought it was a little funny Anna said she watched her for years before she made her own YouTube channel, then talked for years as well but Erica doesn’t have her on her page. I recognized her from TikTok, at least Erica can put her money where her mouth is 🤣🤣
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Omg thank you!!!!🥹❤ I just did something I wanted to do for a really long time because I’ve always been confused how she could mess up her given features so much and there’s no way it’s the best she could look
I wanted to love this 1000 times!
I've always thought that Anna was really cute before cosmetic procedures and that with a little basic maintainence (skincare, proper makeup, haircare) she would be a stunner.
Sadly she went the stereotypical Russian hooker route with fillers and Botox.

I loved the picture with the hat - so beautiful!
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This may be the best post on this thread.

@ElegantWOC you've just summarized nearly everything that I find problematic in Anna Bey.

She cannot even live up to her own standards!

She is hypocritical and tiresome.

She doesn't own the necessities of a middle class life (things like a bed to sleep on, a car for transportation, a place of her own to live in), yet she trashes women who are not khlaaasy.

She can't even keep up with her own charade! Every year, like a snake shedding it's skin, she "rebrands" - AKA backtracking on what she's posted before because she can't even maintain her own farce.

My dhear eleghant ladieeeezzz, let's have a round of applause for the pioneer of modern elegance!
it should be replaced to a tattle wiki about Anna! 👏🏻
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Well-known member
Trying to make this decent for SEO so that more people will find us, but still rhyme.

Anna Bey #38: Unfiltered failure, scamming nature, absent husband, escorting quickened
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