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From what I notice, maybe I'm wrong.
rich men who marry Asians, are aware of their marriages, and even most of the time they are their second or third wives. And they settle their papers with the lawyers so that she will never have after his death or because of a divorce a lot of money. They settle everything to preserve their wealth.

But the Arabs, as I said yesterday. Anna is stupid, because the Lebanese are smart men, and opportunists, just like her. So there is very little chance that she will marry him. Because they continue to play, in the end he can get married according to Lebanese law where the matrimonial regime is favorable to him (according to religion, because Lebanon is a country where there is a LOT of personal status, i.e. civil codes.)
Concerning the Arabs, especially the Middle East, they are difficult to marry, because they already have many wives (they can marry up to 4 women) if they are Saudis or Emirates, the latter are obliged before marrying a foreigner to marry one of their countries.
However, they marry foreigners if they feel they don't really have a bad past. This is why Arabs are difficult to marry. And finally if a wedding takes place. If the marriage takes place abroad, it is not easily recognized in the groom's country of origin. This is why it is difficult to come out a winner, especially when the properties are located in the country of origin (of the man). Adding to this that the divorce regime in these countries has nothing to do with overseas (Europe or UK etc...)
So we deduce that Anna is stupid to have wasted time for nothing. She won't gain anything from him.
Pretty much this.
Sad thing is that Arab guys see western women as less than... most will enjoy their time with western girls then marry a Muslim woman.

Do you remember Miranda Kerr and how when Jho Low was prosecuted, she had to turn over all these "gifts" he gave her to the authorities? I 100% believe that that there is very good money out in Asia for models, both real ones and aspiring ones.

Terrible, haha. I thought I was just unlucky (and wanted to give people the benefit of the doubt) when my fiance and I were holidaying in Bali, and a lot of Filipina girls approached him (he is Dutch/Norwegian). One was about 20 and even telling him how her ex was Swedish and how she loves Northern Europeans when he was waiting for me to finish my yoga class at a studio. My partner ignored her completely and told me he thought she was a bar girl, but I'm guessing a lot of men must fall for this crap.
That's crazy! Most Asian women have morals but seriously... there's this group of women that are just hunting anything with white skin. Many men fall for this especially after 50.
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Personal image (even if fake) is so important to Anna. I’m starting to wonder if she has a false sense of self.

Why was it so hard for her to be patient and wait even just one week before begging her followers to leave her a positive review on her new Apple Podcast? Why not let people listen and give them time/space to share their honest feedback when they felt comfortable?

Nope. Too much to ask from the queen of manipulation! It wasn’t even 12 hours before she was on IG Stories bribing her followers to rate her podcast IN EXCHANGE FOR the opportunity to GAIN ACCESS to “all of her course”? Yippee! Get scammed for free, ladies!

Is that even ethical?

Just checked and she now has a 5 star rating with 529 reviews (on Apple). How authentic do you think some of those reviews are? Will it boost her image enough to snatch the next batch of victims for the 2nd release of her course coming out next month? :rolleyes:🤓
Can someone report this to apple? I wish I had a video of her telling leave 5 stars review. In screenshots she says only review. I gave her 1 Star.
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do people really have so boring life that they make a fashion fan account for someone as UN fashionable as Anna and even keep so obsessively a back up???
Anna is so insecure and OBSESSED with her image. I’m almost 100% positive she has several people working for her remotely who are paid to plaster her face and cheap style (via these “fan pages”) all over the internet (to flood the web with “favorable” images of her.. in case anyone does a google search).

I have a feeling that these fan pages also work as a hook to try and capture big names to sponsor or colab with her.. cause our girl needs the money 😅. It makes her APPEAR less desperate if she’s found through a fan page versus her personal IG page. She can also praise herself by leaving fake comments, which we’ve already proven is happening on her personal/SOA page.

Nothing is by accident with this one. She’s incredibly calculating. Removing (or attempting to remove all the trashy pics :LOL: .. while trying to manipulate what we see when we search for her).

And I bet she’s using Lina Hadid and her attorney privileges/contacts to try and and shut anyone down that dares reveal anything unfavorable about her.

It’s too bad for our dear Aija that the gossip sites are on FIRE at the moment 😹🍿 with this Anna Bey Scam of Affluence topic!! Keep it up ladies! The truth must never be hidden!
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We all know that she is shit when it comes to rich man. But has she ever had any average bf?? Has she ever been in "normal" relationship? I cant imagine her beeing gf/ wife/ lover/ misstres. Cant imagine her in any female role. Maybe its her birt chart. Aries scorpio capricorn... its very masculine chart.
Yes she dated an average Joe when she moved back to Sweden after her first go at being abroad after Malta (before she went to South America for the reality show I think ). That’s when she was studying digital marketing. She wrote on her now deleted jetsetblog that she would be studying during the day and also doing cleaning job at a college at night to save money to leave Sweden and start afresh. The guy she dated cheated on her multiple times and didn’t treat her in terms of lifestyle either. She said the guy did have money but wouldn’t spend any on her
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I know a couple of older men that are single or looking for a side chick, should I notify them of her when she is in their area? Would be fun to get real insider gossip :D
Would be a pricy way to have fun, but I could make them set up some "accidental encounter" between them :) The relation will last max. 2 years anyway.
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After reading the first thread and this one, i must thank you all.
First of all, excuse my english if it's not grammatically correct, i'm french, but i'll do my best 😅
I came across YT videos of Anna some time ago, and as long as i remember i always wanted to upgrade myself beyond my primary education, did every research i could in my spare time and did the work on myself, with good results, but as i'm very naive, i almost bought her course... It was a time where i was emotionnaly weak, and despite that, a little warning light inside my brain was telling me that i should do research first. So i went on to find some online threads about her. And ended up here. And then, reading all your comments, seeing all that, i must thank you all for sparing me the cost of her course, which would have ended up being "money thrown off a window" (french expression). Btw, i have also russian origins, so i also went on reading what russian women were thinking of her, and oooooh lord, that was funny, they also are trashing her and it was funny to read them descride her as "some sort of tasteless peasant girl turning into a ridiculous shameless show-it-all woman". Russian humour is delicious..

I must also thank one of my best friends, who is from an old money-nobility background. His opinion might enlighten you about what old money people are thinking about her...
One day not long ago I linked him Anna's videos and told him about what i learned here, asking for his advice, because as he worked in fashion and has a exquisite taste and deep knowledge about fashion-art-antiques, etc, he could light me a little about that. He began trashing her the minute he saw her, ("her eyes screem ESCORT") and we went on looking at her clothes (warning : he might be harsh at times, so do not take it personnaly if you own some items described further on...) : "gucci ? he said, no, that brand has become shitty since the arrival of their new art director, same with Hermes, look at their big H on belts and sandals, it's too much, all of these houses are now selling their names instead of real quality, and that woman shows her lack of knowledge by bying all that crappy stuff and telling this is absolute class, and furthermore showing it off like a publicity campaign, which is THE thing real money people don't do : showing off." etc, etc... We then looked at this hon-fitzgerald profile, and he screamed whith disgust "what on earth is this tasteless snobbish wannabee noble "?
Well, that was a funny afternoon. He kept going :
About a picture of Anna at Annabel's : "english gentry are even more sticky with their own kind than french, even for me it would almost be impossible to get a membership, so if she was there it was because they gave her a "guest" entrance for one evening"
About her bracelets : "Van Cleef's Alhambra ? Come on, it's so updated and out of style and fashion because everyone wants it nowadays. Cartier love bracelet ? that tasteless cuff ? Because Meghan Markle wears hers most of the time recently does not mean she's an example of taste, quite the contrary..."
"And look, she's wearing them all the time and they appeared recently, so her jewelry box is quite new, few pieces, and globally basic with no persona whatsoever".

So, after this good afternoon of laughing, he definitely dissuaded me to buy her courses, telling her "knowledge" is very basic and not even put in in an interesting way to watch.

So again, thank you all for writing on this threads about her and about what you know about her, here is me not throwing my money for a scammer thanks to you ❤❤❤❤
Keep going, you might save other girls as well.
agree with you keep going I wish more and more people would know the reality not know but also see because if we think about it knowing the truth now it all falls together. I gotta admit I was thinking about buying the first course but then I just thought its too expensive so totally dont understand the people who bought the second one but obviously depends on ones financial situation anyway your friend is so right and also other girls here already wrote this before. No high end personality I mean elegant high end person doesnt have the need to show like Ana does furthermore the fake fashion accounts etc. f.e. I follow Ann Andres and did she ever brag like Anna ? No I mean wealthy people dont have the need to show off but the thing is naive people do fall for that and it an indicator for them oh she has that lavish life
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Some kind of grotesque mythological sea dwarf ... Very infamous near santorini.
Looks like very elegant and classy company. The type to sue his wife's lover. Or was it the other way around? I forgot.

Agnes is certainly working hard for her money. There's no sum you could pay me to lay on my back underneath that. And this is what he looked like before the beard and weight loss:

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I thought these were all rumors that she was escorting I’m shocked that she actually was! All the “match making” she used to do also always looked like she was trying to be a madame to be honest. Because we all know she wasn’t in any sort of elite circle back then (even now) so these men that she was setting the girls up with were a 100% past clients or friends of clients. She always mentioned girls must look immaculate.

I found out her real name probably 6 years ago now and did some digging back then but unfortunately she didn’t have a gossip threat yet at the time! I eventually leaked it to GG a few months ago and know for a fact from public government sources that she lived in a very bad area in north London before she moved to Knightsbridge. So you wouldn’t need much of an income in those areas to afford rent.

I believe she was also working in online marketing for a gambling company whilst she was living there, she mentioned this in past live videos (where she was working, not living).
She used to live in Brixton and Stockwell. Very dodgy areas.
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It would actually make sense if Aija Ratty was into new age/black magic. There is something off about her.
Btw i noticed many newcomers to the forum, right? I think a while ago there were hardly any new users. How did you guys find us? Google search? I know this thread was mentioned in a Instagram beauty theme forum 2 days ago, maybe thats why
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Found this Tweet referenced on LSA. Glad to see more discussion on this topic across multiple platforms. More women need to become AWARE of what exactly they’re purchasing and from whom.
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Her doctors and dermatologists really suck. Even her nose looks like a dorito sometimes

Sheneka Aadams is another fraud. They all want women's money
Never heard of her before, checked her insta and it really reflects that all these level up gurus literally have no clue about bagging a rich man, levelling up and moving amongst the wealthy circles. What am I levelling up to if I follow her tips? She looks trashy af! I think it’s safe to say I’m levelled up far beyond what she’s flogging.
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Very telling that a stream with someone of Lauren's status was not saved.

Could it be a bit of jealousy/insecurity? From what I read in the post about Ann Andres, Aija has a history of befriending women then turning viciously on them. She either realised she could not hold a candle to Lauren or regretted the temporary slipping of the mask to show her evil, nasty personality on that rant.
Exactly. The livestream she did before the one with Lauren (with the guy called ?hon.fitzthomas) I could understand why it wasn’t saved permanently on her Instagram as I think at the beginning of the livestream (before she switched off the comments) the viewers wrote some rude comments about him/his appearance So maybe she didn’t want those to show up. Also on her Facebook group a lot of people were confused by the guy and why Anna did a live with him.
However everyone loved the live with Lauren and wanted to know more about her, very telling indeed that Anna didn’t save that livestream on her insta when she has other vids on her insta live-streams of random countryside in France and her grotesque wig like hairstyle

Girls I would like to know how did you find Anna. I found her on my recommended IG page first I think it was back in early 2018 before all the fame. She had 10k followers and then somehow her FB group showed me in recommended on FB I think. I don't know still how she managed to get such a huge following obviously it loads the easily the more people follow you but back early 2018 I dunno how she got there tbh. Was it because she was blogging basically from 2012 and she had a good base? I ask because I would like to grow my Youtube and Instagram because of my business. Its not in English though but in my native language. Obviously its harder and harder to grow these days as there is so much content everywhere but I think its still possible. Any ideas?
Thank you
The reason she got so many views so quickly was because she revealed a lot more information in the beginning and was one of the first few people to publically on YouTube talk about men providing for women. Media attention caught wind of it and she was invited to speak on morning TV shows. She said controversial things at the beginning and didn’t correct the whole “billionaire matchmaker thing” until much later on and those things gave her more attention. Tbh at the beginning when she was doing her live-streams in 2018 she was much more likeable and honest than she is now
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My dear nearly elegant Anna!
I really like the color of this pants. What I don’t like about them is that they are too narrow on your hips and showing also cellulite that you don’t have. So either a size bigger or different cut. We also talked about the length of the pants last time. They are just too short! Try Carrot cut or slim fit. If you want to wear this length of pants because of you JUST MUST WEAR THEM, then try to wear them with shoes in same color. It will at least optically mask it. Like this you look shorter than you are. Also you should try to tuck your blouse in. See how it has a hem just on the widest point of your hips? Well it makes you look fat. Overall better than the last time, but please, do your homework 🐥
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well, I got this interesting Screen shot a couple of min. ago. They said it's some of the "new books" being shared in the groups

well, I got this interesting Screen shot a couple of min. ago. They said it's some of the "new books" being shared in the groups
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Too much botox for a woman in in mid 30s
This and the fillers are dissolving (as they always do) and she's constantly getting more of it to "maintain" her face, but it makes her look clownish and old. Her face is literally melting or stuck in certain positions whenever she gets too much done.
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Digital Media Law
“In most states, you can be sued for using someone else's name, likeness, or other personal attributes without permission for an exploitative purpose. Usually, people run into trouble in this area when they use someone's name or photograph in a commercial setting, such as in advertising or other promotional activities.”

One of the ways Anna FOOLED people into thinking that she was “elegant”, high society, elite, Jetset etc. was by using other women’s photos (i.e. their “likeness”). Have you noticed that up until recently when she launched her 2nd course, almost ALL of the pics she used in her “presentation” were not pics of her? Similarly, in most of the Instagram Q&A’s she’s done in the past, she’s always been very calculated re: which pics she uses as backgrounds when answering a particular question. SAME with her YouTube videos.

She created her brand early on by using other people’s pics. And she is now literally profiting from that “image” she created on the backs of others. This is probably another reason why she took down the JSB blog. She’s never been “one of them”. This is why it’s so easy for us to “gossip” about her. Because no matter how she spins it, she’s just an average girl. Her lifestyle is not luxurious. She’s a dime a dozen with a partner who either isn’t wealthy or isn’t very generous.

Strip her of all the pics she’s ever used that don’t include her PERSONAL possessions, vacations, and experiences and you’ll see what she’s left with. She even regurgitates fashion advice. The woman is a NOBODY without all the stuff she copies. She is creative at repackaging other people’s shit, but that’s about it.
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She definitely reads these forums and realizes not everyone is a mindless lemming.

Her holidays are garbage. She was complaining about the pool cabanas at her hotel and comparing it to camping. Wrong. Wealthy people value privacy and those cabanas were perfect to enjoy time with family/friends without interference. She was just mad she couldn’t stalk out people to social climb.
I personally saw this right away and even the Russian ladies pointed this out, but Aija has a super hard face. You can tell it's the face of an escort/schemer whose desperate to social climb and failing at it, hence how aggressive and mean she constantly looks in photos.

I think Aija realizes that she's way past her expiry date and despite more than a decade of trying to climb the London/Switzerland social scene (which she presumably tried in Stockholm before but failed), she knows she's failed and is now turning to her "school" instead because that's the only place where people believe and are willing to pay for her. No decent man would dream of bringing Aija home and she's way too old and unattractive for them to pay for her time.

In one Facebook group, someone asked if the new course is worth it. There were some girls who took it, so the discussion focused on re-packaged content & her credibility. A few found it worth it, but most said all the information is in the books and YT anyway. Then one woman said AB told the students that she's married in her new course (let the defenders leak it?). I remember her saying she wouldn't announce engagement on Instagram but then she did say that she's been happily engaged for a while. This is right around the time that the ring was introduced in her videos:

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LOL @ jealous women comment. Because everyone wants a random, old, bi-sexual Arab private banker? You can throw a throw a rock and hit 10 private bankers in Switzerland and most other major global cities. Or perhaps they think Aija is married to her fat, Malta DJ from her stripper days? :ROFLMAO:
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