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She won't stay online forever. I think a few more courses, a partner upgrade, an identity change, and then she'll settle for a low key life.
she already lives low-key life just pretends online that she's 'affluent' and mingles among 'the elite'. In reality, just for the recap, she lives in a shoddy, rented apartment, her 'partner' is hardly making a living and had to move out of UK after Brexit, was associated with gay escorts himself and soemthing tells me even he got fed up with her online presence, she was an escort, stripper and stalked and used many of befriended successful kept women, despite 5 years spent in UK hardly speaks decent English, she travels and purchases things paid by her students both from previous and the new course, she cannot afford ANY of real status items and films in hotels to make an impression she lives lavishly as seen from photos strategically places on night tables during several videos, faked and still fakes her lavish lifestyle and multiple students and even moderators alike have come online to unveil her scams. No wonder Scammabey is addicted to therapy - who wouldn't crack under pressure of appearing rich while being hardly above average plain Jane she so ardently tries to shake off?
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In her "how to live elegantly" workshop, the following lessons:
- how to cook for you man elegantly
- how to submit to any piece of shit as long as he's got a few bucks elegantly
- how to breathe elegantly
- how to take a shit elegantly
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I don't think they're together anymore... I don't see anything that shows she is in a relationship. You can still show that without sharing his face... gifts, gatherings, showing his back even or just a pic where his face is hidden by an emoji ffs --' many girls do that... we never see her in a car with him or on a walk with him... she is always alone. I don't see how a relationship can go without common activities...
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Should I really believe that this was her apartment in London? Wasn’t it small?

I’m may be wrong, but it sure looks like a hotel. 😂 Maybe someone can discover which one. If it’s really a hotel, it would be VERY embarrassing because someone in the comments asked her where she got the bed from and she replied that it’s custom made. If it’s not her actual apartment but a hotel, this would be THE proof that she’s fake. 😂 (not that it’s needed but still) She also only has her black suitcase in the photo, the one she always travels with.
The pic seems so artificial. The pose, staring into the distance, in a tiny room...the cupboards are screaming flat not hotel though. It is also the same headboard I saw in some previous post.

If you go through the dossier people have compiled on her, there are videos and pics of her in the tiny London mansion (haha) but since she showed only 1 square foot at a time, no one can ever know.

This is her strategy from day one of the new Anna Bey Scam of Affluence era.

She never gives detail, so later she can go back and lie and say things that contradict, and there's no proof of it.

Sidenote, on beauty stuff. What @Vanilla&cyanide says resonates with me because I grew up ok, but I know what it is like to go without. I love a bargain and most people with money are actually not just frugal, but very discerning on what they spend money on! I have never gone for the eyelash extension route as to me it looks fake no matter how expensive.

Alternatives: eyelash perming (though this requires upkeep too). Eyelash dyeing, just like dyeing eyebrows, can make it look darker and more pronounced. Or simple and cheap: a heated eyelash curler.

Point is, making the most of what you got, not adding on bits from other people and creatures (think there's some fake lashes made of mink, poor animals!) Same reason I am not really into hair extensions, though they can be great for changing up a style.

When I was single and on dating apps I would get a lot of comments from men about being "classy" lol. My style as I've grown older has become more adventurous, more bohemian, especially over the past year. But before, I always believed less is more. A simple top, minimaljewelry and good grooming. It helps if you are naturally beautiful too because you don't need to do much, but to be honest men aren't just after looks. You can go from a 6 or 7 to a 10 in a man's eyes after he's had a conversation with you or felt your energy in person.

TL,DR: Be the best version of YOU!
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I'm 165 and I guess she's between 160 to 165. She can't be higher than 170....
She is actually around 172-173cm I would say. I met her a couple of years ago and I can confirm that she is around that height. Maybe not 175 but over 170 definitely! I am smaller and I found her to be tall (compared to me) but she is not as skinny (as she wishes or thinks she is). She is also not chubby. I think the best words to describe her figure would be healthy and athletic. Like wider shoulders, strong calves (she admitted this even herself) and more of a straight/square body type. And bigger head. Sorry Anna definitely not hourglass like you want to see yourself. And no I am neither her friend or fan/admirer. But we used to know each other superficially. So don’t worry I am not a spy or minion lol. Just wanted to clarify this point about her.
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She is so predictable...or got inspired by what we already wrote here :)
Yes she is predictable...astrology, really? It matters more to her than a proper get together with at least normal food 😂
Forget about covid as her excuse...she is digging a deeper hole day by day...
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Current wiki page:
Anna Bey otherwise known as Aija Raty/Aija Darling/Anna Beyer is a former Swedish/Russian reality TV participant, pole dancer, and alleged sugar baby who has been accused of borrowing generously from her friends and peers to create her "online finishing school" The School of Affluence. Which she has 0 qualifications for, other than pure speculations, looking enviously from the side-lines documented through her jetsetbabe blog and some interviews.

In thread one, we discussed her boyfriend, failed/fake engagement, racist screenshots, content theft, trampy times in Malta, ridiculous song, and inability to match white tones. Insiders from her past continue to come forward with stories about her past as an SB. In thread two, we discussed her sordid companions, terrible botox and racist remarks while she partied in the offseason at Cavo Tagoo with a hairy finance troll. Her being documented topless/naked at club amnesia.

In thread three we discovered her retracting multiple messages to different people after her racist messages was revealed, her bad reaction to this forum and her efforts at silencing student concerns about the breach of confidentiality in her own paid groups when screenshots of conversations have been shared. There was also shared further evidence of her own members of staff breaching the confidentiality. The cultish behaviour exhibited was also discussed along with her worship of Eastern European women and her bad fashion advice. Her being ridiculed in Scandinavian high-society and in the party circuit was also covered. Lastly her infringing on other authors copyright through her membership group was also revealed.

Thread four included an estimation of how much money Anna has made from School of Affluence. There was discussion of the different identities she's used, her history of moving around Europe, past relationship with a club DJ in Malta and her qualifications as a style and image consultant.

In thread five we discussed Anna's unprofessional behaviour and repeated copyright violations, especially with regard to her School of Affluence courses. More former students and followers came forward to share their experiences. Other topics of discussion included Anna's self-centredness, the notable change in her personality and appearance over the years, and being caught out in various lies and inconsistencies. Finally, a poster on another site revealed the identity of Anna's boyfriend: a banker on a fairly modest salary who is certainly not paying for the luxurious lifestyle she claims to have.

Thread six covered more discussion of Anna's boyfriend, various parody accounts on Insta and some of the backlash against her. Posters shared their experiences of the lifestyle Anna aspires to and gave advice for her current/former followers.

Thread seven discussed Anna's poor health, lifestyle, and wardrobe choices; response videos on YouTube; and her frequent travel and hotel-hopping in the middle of a global pandemic.

Topics in thread eight included Anna's horrific "fashion" sense (as well as examples of better-dressed influencers and actual jetset ladies), racism, attempts to cover her tracks, and her general lack of ambition and disdain for education or true self-improvement.



1. Aija Räty: (a Swedish platform connecting schoolmates)
2. Aija Darling:
- a name used during the appearance in Paradise Hotel, a Swedish reality TV show (Season 4)
- a #house song titled 'I am There', recorded with DJ Mykill & Bongo. Play it on SoundCloud
3. Anna Beyer:
- Anna's old Tumblr page
- Anna'sTwitter interaction with a beauty brand Biologique Recherche in 2016. Her Twitter handle has been changed since.
- there are also multiple old posts in her Facebook group where she's tagged in the comments as Anna Beyer around before 2018.
- The name Anna is most likely taken from the hitsong "boten anna" by basshunter
4. Anna Bey: current internet name on Instagram and other web pages


2005 - Norra Real upper-secondary school, Stockholm, Sweden
2005 - 2006 Italian language course at Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, Rome, Italy
2011 - 2012 Digital Marketing course at Medieinstitutet (Polytechnic Education - polytechnics focus solely on applied skills training and it's not the same as a university degree), Stockholm, Sweden
2019 - colour analysis course in London at Colour Me Beautiful
2019 - summer course at the Institut Villa Pierrefeu, Swiss finishing school, Glion/Montreaux, Switzerland
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If she didn't find her billionaire in London, she's not going to find him. Plenty of Russian/Arab/worldwide money in London. I always get the impression that European money is discreet and I don't believe any billionaire husband would be happy with his wife/partner revealing secrets on YouTube! Also any high establishment can easily spot the genuine people there and the girls hanging around looking to bag someone. There is the one girl in a million who may get lucky but for every one, there's 10,000 who didn't get what they want and wonder where it all went wrong!
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Maybe we should recommend some proofreader here, so that she might actually go and get that.

Anyone wants to start?
You can probably summarize all she has said in one paragraph:
-I was average looking and middle class
-I wanted to be rich
-I couldn't work or study as I was too lazy
-I decided that the path to heaven must be bagging a rich man
- I got veneers and hair extensions and got TRANSFORMED
-Haven't reached heaven yet but you unelegant ladies don't know that
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Many tend to be, but I think that's down to stress and down to the way that the women compete and put each other down over bs resulting in eating disorders, also the women trying to "hold onto their husbands", who, as @laurensanchez says, are fcking curvy women (which is all stress, really, so back to point n°1!).

Many a woman went skeletal after marrying into influential families, or after becoming famous, it's sadly never a good story and always the result of something negative.

After a while they settle into that frail underweight figure and compete with each other who's skinniest...

It's not attractive to me either. Monica Bellucci is drop dead gorgeous, don't follow "stars" anymore, but back in the day Scar Johansson also had a great figure. Monica Bellucci is one of my all-time faves though!
MB is a queen. She is one of my favorites for ageing gracefully as well. If she has had work done, it is tasteful. Here is a recent pic of her. She's 56!

Sadly not many haigh socieeteeee marriages are happy. They are mainly for convenience and appearances. So these women really don't have great sex lives with their husbands, they compete with other women as far as weight and looks. But it often has the opposite effect, they cling to youth and end up looking like a strange Botox-ed monster instead of a woman.

Not to mention that eating disorders and extreme plastic surgery are a way to exercise control when you feel powerless (I am sure among you girls at least some of you have experienced disordered eating or anorexia/bulimia and can relate!)
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Her guy is a banker and we already know what bank he works for. He might earn easily +150K a year. I don't believe she contributes towards any bills and that's not a big deal and doesn't make her affluent whatsoever.

I know plenty of middle class women, some with children, who don't work and their husband pay for all the expenses. Some might work part time and not earn as much hourly as the man, so they just keep their money to pay for their own car, children's activities, beauty treatments, gifts etc. It's not something that only the elite do as Ana likes to say. Her audience is culturally deprived.

I can't believe a grown up woman with a simple job has never came across some other women who are housewives and loved and supported by their husbands. You don't need to be a banker, a successful barrister or someone born into wealth to have a relationship which later evolves into staying at home (perhaps looking after your children) whilst the husband works.

The lifestyle that Ana sells is fairly attainable and you don't need a stupid and expensive course to archive that.

It amuses me how some ladies find her lifestyle affluent when she displays nothing more but holidays (that any middle class couple without children could have), an Ikea closet filled with clothes (again, any woman with a good job could afford) and that's it!
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did some digging and found these posts:

Titled: "When guy friends spoil their female friends", "It’s not like I hate men, I’m just so over them" and "A Jet set Story from Dubai"
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6- How do I take care of my silhouette and health, especially living the party life? don't eat, just get a few calories everyday from champagne and your Energy from drugs. And go Under the sun without sunscreen, the tanner, the better as it makes you look slimmer and hides cellulite. Who cares about being fit or skin cancer anyway.

7- Should I have a plan B or does your course guarantees success for 100% of students? If I do need one, what should I do ? come on, you don't need any plan B. Education is for plain Janes who look like shit, unlike you my dear elehgant prey. Savings are for ugly and stupid girls who don't even own a Classic Flap Bag and you my mango will get thousands of them.

8- A sheik's employee DMed me on Instagram, he wants me to send pictures for a casting and if I am chosen, I'll get a free flight to Dubaï and some money for good times "any things that come". What should I answer? Oh you should definitely send naked pictures showing as well your full face. And your passport's picture as well. It's your Lucky day, you really should go for it, what can happen to you right?
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A guy I dated (met on a normal dating app funnily enough during the first lockdown) who I found out later on was old money wealthy stayed at the Dorchester for a month (before lockdown happened) whilst arranging to move into a new property. He mentioned there’s lots of hookers/people looking for sugar daddies hanging around the Dorchester and the bar waiting to be picked up. Apparently the Arab men would approach them, pick them up etc as they were just looking for fun and even offered him one of the ladies they picked up.
When he was describing this he was saying it in a mocking way making fun of these women. How these women in Anna Bey’s elegant ladies lounge don’t realise how obvious they come across sitting around in these bars. These men aren’t dumb, even if they find you hot the fact you’re sat in a hotel lounge bar gives off the message of one thing and one thing only (unless of course you’re staying in the hotel as well over night and you happen to be at the bar. I’m here talking about women dressing up to the nines to solely go and visit the Dorchester and sit in the bar)
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Okay ladies, so I went to watch her workshop. I couldn't finish it because she is so annoying and speaks aggressively.. she was talking about some bs of how you can change your mindset and be delusional like she is. She also showed 2seconds of herself doing cardio in an empty gym (probably shot just for the video 😅) anyway I got you this gem:

And the famous picture of her "defect" teeth:
I personally I can't see where the issue is, given how much she was emphasising it I thought it's really bad. But that looks like any 10 year old to me 🤷‍♀️ don't we all look like that when we get our "adult" teeth on our small kid faces ?! Please if you see it enlighten me cause I truly don't see anything wrong there.
If I have more time to kill I'll keep watching and get you some pics :p but I guess staring at a white wall is more rewarding xD
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Ok... Anna Vague bingo (yep, my new nickname for her):

- Liar? ✅
- Attention seeker? ✅
- Always play the victim? ✅
- Inconsiderate? ✅
- Arrogant? ✅
- Greedy? ✅
- Deceptive? ✅
- Hypocrite? ✅
- Envious? ✅
- Self-centered? ✅
- Fake? ✅

And, the one that's on the top of my list...

- Racist? ✅✅✅

There goes your "modern elegance" coach.
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Gingersnap 29

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She just continues to complain that there's nothing to do in Geneva because of lockdown. Sorry your life is soooo hard while people are dying sweetie. This is hard for everyone, you're not unique in being inconvenienced (though apparently not inconvenienced enough to stop flying around every 10 days)
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You girls are the real DEAL !!!!! 👏👏👏👏 Thank u for doing the right thing and exposing her, i'm sure a loot of young girls saw this and avoided being scammed by that creep of nature. ladies if u need advice about anything look it up from reliable ppl on yt or the internet in geenral, this bitch is not living anything she preaches, that's the first sign ! what irritated me was how racist she really is, but pink pill exposed the shit out of her while being classy!
If you contrast the Pink Pill's heartfelt video with Anna's lack of response, you see who has more class.

In a year where most of us changed our ways and were trying to fix our inner racist views, Anna stole from a black creator (Christelyn looked super hurt actually so she probably pretended to be her friend). Nasty piece of work all around.

The ironic part? Even "white men" don't want Anna at all and she has settled for the assorted Arabs of Geneva as her only friends. Her racism doesn't help her get a man. Yet she thinks blond, thin, superficial ideal of beauty is a worldwide standard.
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