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VIP Member
"Some people just put their left foot in or their right foot in, they don't put their whole self in". Is he actually trying to motivate people to buy his ding dinners by quoting the Hokey Cokey? 🎶

And the Tampax meals are now the cure for depression apparently 🤔
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Anyone watched his stories today?
He’s claiming that his new bars will be making him £1.2 million a year.
£25k a week, £100k a month 😂😂😂

At £2.50 a bar he’s guessing he’s selling 10,000 bars A WEEK!

He says ‘that’s without them even not being in the shops’

He’s actually insane. There’s not a hope he’s selling that many . Also is he forgetting his regular 30-35% discount too!
Suppose he needs to make back the £250k he spent on bullet proof packaging ! Lololol
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VIP Member
Man that was a hard watch. It's the most contradictory thing ever. Nico I don't care about but all those people called out first name and surname for simply tweeting in reaction to the LA bollox is completely unwarranted. Fans of his are immediately going to jump on their accounts and hound them relentlessly for being so called trolls, thus continuing the cycle. This is not a good idea at all. It's really really sad to see a man in his mid thirties using putting other people on blast with no fan base unfortunately to back them up to RISE. It's piss poor company promotion.
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But @mccooeysnewry was spot on what she said the night he knows what he’s at

Fake Rolex? What’s this never heard
It’s all fake, the man hasn’t anything. Running about with bundles of £10 notes 😂

some guy Downey on Instagram that sells raw dog food sold him it and outted him for it.
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I started following the Chris suitor guy on the back of this, absolutely no idea who he is, DJ maybe?
He's quite vocal about Andy.
Mr Belfast himself, hes a suit tailor. Good lad and a good laugh but has an inflated sense of self importance. Nice guy in person, but his insta is also a cringe fest

Cant help but feel that Suitor and Nico Vanhorst are a slightly envious of Malones infamy.. All 3 are battling it out for the no1 im mote importamt than you instagram spot
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Princess Baskin

Well-known member
Big Andy has definitely schooled people, just not in the way they think.
Whilst his followers watch and discuss how he built his business, how he drives a lambo where he goes in that jet, and whos a troll, they have been tricked into handing over their personal info under the illusion and false pretences that this really wealthy entrepreneur was going to give one of them £50k. Some people might laugh it off, some might appreciate that it would be going to a good cause in the end. But people need to be careful.

The question is what did he do with the information he collected? Did he store it safely? Does he spam people now with his own offers? Did he sell them on to 3rd parties for marketing purposes, therefore profiting off people's info that he got for free to turn a profit from it himself?

Andy has some explaining to do.


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Hes another narcissistic twat of the highest order.. "be humble" Nico wouldnt know humble if it smacked him clean in the face.
Him and that suitor guy are pissed off because Malone is stealing the limelight.

Look at the newspaper articles on Nico, drink driving while banned and lying to cops!
Ahh you don't have to tell me. Found it hilarious Chris Suitor plugging his new 'mentoring' business when discussing ampx. 😂

And im sure Chris would have loved to give Andy a big hug...
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Chatty Member
Just quickly scanned through his video. These fucking shit influencers need to look up the meaning of “trolling”. Not one of those people went onto his personal socials and messaged him. They aired their opinion on a public platform which they’re allowed to do. He’s an absolute knob of the highest degree!
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Some people focus on the external….new cars new clothes and……….hold on Tampax isn’t that you??? Him and thon Dream guy are just really bad entertainment. Starting to sound like the people ringing you about your Amazon account being blocked and need to confirm your details. Scam Scam Scam.
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Active member
Right folks to enter just send me your name, address, bank card and pin number. Up the rise 😉

The amount of people I know who have entered the competition is embarrassing 😳😳 What do you think he is going to announce on Friday?
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Well-known member
Andy pet if you don't give a fuck about what people think then WHY THE FUCK are you STILL bangin on about it. And making this stupid troll buster shite. Wise up 😂😂😂
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Andy is to be more pitied than laughed at tbh. His ego is big, massive in fact. He was doing great at the PT and when he partnered with the chef, his meals were class! He took his wee child on holidays etc, treated her like a princess when he had her regardless of what anyone says. Now in the last year he hasn't seen her? Now if no one thinks that is so sad, I don't know what is. He has also broken it off with his recent relationship with another beautiful baby girl. How much does he see her? Once a week? Eventually with the actions that he is portraying now, he won't be seeing her for much longer. This has to be a front, the whole money and car situation. The story is folks behind the cockiness, is a broken man, a man that doesn't have a good relationship with his kids, a man that feels the need to take something to get high (rise lol) and a man that is alone...
You make a very good point there.. To be pitied.
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Chatty Member
Hold on. Is this a new 50k competition? Or is this the same as the old one that people have ALREADY liked, shared and followed that post. Something isn't adding up.
Also, I am really unsure of why they need both your email address and phone number to qualify for this. It just seems really shady. What are they going to do with that info? GDPR springs to mind....
This is literally my thoughts too!! That sounds like BS to need an email address and phone number. He just wants contact details to hound people with 🙈 and “winner” announced on April fools day 😂 are people actually thick
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1st of May lol the story will be told wat a ejit. Hes gone too far now this is the worst case iv ever seen
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Holy FUCK. If anyone here has Andy's address can you please send him A buckin' Thesaurus because all he says is "big big big".
I've also noticed he talks to his audience like we are his therapists "I feel good I feel great". Andy needs to realise we are in a PANDEMIC and the majoriy of is are at our witts end and can barely get out of our leggings so why are you dickied up as if you're meeting the pope you narcissistic knob jockey.
Generally when someone is so keen to tell people how fantastic and great he is feeling constantly, the opposite is normally true. I’ve just recently discovered this guy, he can’t be real surely? Is this a joke? What a complete arse. What’s with the wanky quotes written on the walls?!
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Well-known member
I can’t believe I have missed this thread to now!!

Anyone who thinks this fella is a marketing genius needs their heads tested along with Andy. Another 30% off this weekend. Meals are so good that he keeps reducing the price. Genius alright. There is not a chance he is getting sales off the back of these stunts. He is doing his business more harm than good in the long run to be honest.
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Well I don't follow him anymore.

The day he posted a video about going into the Holylands and feeding the students, he was such an ego, I just unfollowed.
I don’t either! Just have the odd nosey cringing behind a cushion lol
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VIP Member
How can this be turned into a fantastic marketing tactic?
It wasn't marketing it was lies. And if people hadn't twigged he would have continued lying.
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Active member
Fucking hell. It's one thing him being the absolute sham that he is but when he's selling food that could possibly make someone seriously ill, that's not on.
Has he even got a food hygiene rating or anything?
He's a fucking liability.
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