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ohhh what is this? What did her and Lydia do?!
Both Lydia and Amelia used the same (pregnant) hairdresser but did not follow the hairdresser's instructions for their coloured hair - both of them put oil or hairspray on their hair and then flat ironed their hair - numerous times, washed their hair straight after the colour - they were advised not to. Their hair ended up frizzy and damaged. And red. Blamed the hairdresser. For the last 9 or 10 months both have been bad mouthing the hairdresser on their respective channels - it was pretty easy to work out who the hairdresser was - Nicky Lazou.
At the end of April / beginning of June 2020, Lydia ended up at the hairdresser's home, threw a massive tantrum and verbally abused the hairdresser for over 5 hours, refusing to leave.
The poor hairdresser, who was due to give birth in the next few days, felt extremely intimidated and tried to resolve the "issue" to no avail. Finally at around 9pm I think, the hairdresser's sister arrived to her home and had to throw Lydia and her minion assistant out.
The hairdresser then whilst in hospital (during labour, I think) received a WhatsApp message from Lydia demanding an apology and asking why the hairdresser had not messaged her :rolleyes: During the next few weeks, Lydia and Amelia then allegedly created a WhatsApp group with other influencers in an attempt to sabotage the hairdresser's business by encouraging her clients to not use her services.
We assume things came to a head at Vic ITF's launch dinner for her jewellery collab.
Unfortunately for Lydia and Amelia, an influencer who was good friends and a client of the hairdresser, advised Nicky what was going on. We assume it was Kaushal who has been a client of the hairdresser for one 6 years and who Lydia has since unfollowed.
We Tattlers have named this scandal "Hairgate".... the last few months for some reason Lydia and Amelia had continued to poke the bear until finally Nicky felt she had to stand up for herself.
The hairdresser has 2 vids on her IG reels explaining what happened. Unfortunately for Amelia and Lydia, their badmouthing of the hairdresser is evidenced in a few of their vlogs. As well as how they (badly) style their hair. 😂
Amelia to this date has not addressed the elephant in the room.
Lydia, on the other hand, addressed the issue in a vlog by gaslighting her viewers into believing she was assaulted at someone's home. That she was in danger.
The hairdresser has CCTV evidence which she has not released.

Both Amelia and Lydia seem to show absolutely no regret for trying to destroy the woman's business and their bullying of her for 10 months - she is a single mother running her business in extremely trying times as well as having to support her parents.
Check out Lydia's Wiki page for more info.
There are lots of small bits I have left out, but this is the gist of their bad behaviour.
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The way she blatantly broke the rules in that vlog, even putting “seeing friends during lockdown” in the title. No masks, no distance, probably popped by her parents straight after, just cute little rich girl things. Hope her grandmas already vaccinated with family like that
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She used to look really cute, honestly. She has always been skinny but didn't look emaciated. But her face has undergone such a drastic CHANGE in a couple years! I liked her with dark brown hair, darker lipstick, I didn't even mind the grey tips, like yeih for trying it! Also her clothes felt kinda more her. Sure she dressed revealingly, so what? That was her style at the time, now she just wears clothes that make it seem like she doesn't have an eating disorder with the frills and stuff everywhere that just very unstylish grandmas would wear besides her.
Oh, btw Amelia? This "cringey" style is still nicer than practically every outfit you've worn for years. Top of my list that sherpa outfit/carpet .... let's call it "dress" from yesterday.
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Re the smoking, I remember years ago, probably 2014/15, a vlog with Estee (maybe it was Estee's vlog) while on a trip they accidently filmed cigarettes on a table. They then said it wasn't theirs, it was somebody that was with them... Since then I imagined they will/would lie about it even if they were just social smokers. Keeping that healthy lifestyle brand is above honesty. So I'm not surprised at all the Amelia is a smoker.
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Zionism is the right for the Jewish people to have self determination and return to their ancestral home. It's not just a bunch of rich Jews who are used to buying what they want. That's a completely disgusting comment and reveals the depth of your prejudice and ignorance. 1-Jewish people are indigenous to the area and have been for over 3000 years. They are not "colonizers." Israel isn't a "white country" despite people trying to shoehorn this into an American civil rights rubric. It's isn't apartheid. Arab Israelis vote. They go to school with Jews, work with Jews, eat in the same restaurants, they hold political office and sit on the highest court of the land. The Palestinian people have their own leaders. In Gaza, it is the terrorist group Hamas. Elsewhere it is the feckless and ineffectual Palestinian Authority, which hasn't held elections in 15 years. There's no ethnic cleansing. Palestinian's population has grown exponentially since 1948. They have one of the highest growth rates in the world.

And Jews do not "have all the money and land." Jewish people are .2% of the world population. They come in all races and types of people. There's people with money, there's people who don't have much money. There's people who have power and many more people who don't have power.

The Palestinian leaders have been offered their own state a dozen times. Every time they've said no. They aren't interested in their own state. They make more money using terror. Governing people and making sure their needs are boring. Plus, as a country they'd be open to more stringent review of their conduct. PLO leader Arafat was worth $4 billion when he died. I grieve for the Palestinian people. Their leaders don't care about them and use them to enrich themselves and to hold power. And people are the world use them for their performative social justice measures and/or to venti their own antisemitism. If they cared, they'd be asking why there's no elections, where all the International aid goes, why do they play politics while their people suffer etc...

Case in point. As part of its peace agreement with Israel, UAE has pledged billions of dollars in infrastructure for Gaza. Not only would it rebuild/build energy grids, clean water, new homes etc...but it would provide so many jobs for Gazans. One thing the UAE asked for is no rockets. A ceasefire. Hamas doesn't care. It keeps on firing. Because it doesn't care about its people, infrastructure. It cares about holding power, living lavish lives in Qatar and Turkey. And killing Jews. Read its charter. It pledges to kill all Jews both in the Middle East and the rest of the world. Take them at their word.

Sorry you don't know history. Israel has control of the West Bank because they were attacked in a war. I'm sorry they didn't lose and allow themselves to be obliterated to satisfy your sense of justice.
Oh darling but even human rights watch brought out a report less than a month ago confirming Israel is committing crimes of apartheid against Palestinians. Anyway I don’t think we need to hear more of you; the brainwashing is clear 😉 carry on as you were! X
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Honestly her latest stories are an embarrassment. I agree with the sentiment that if she wants to drink and have a good time, she should go for it. But a) don’t put it on Instagram and b) don’t do it in a public space annoying diners around you.

They seriously come across as a bunch of 18 year olds on their first holiday away from home. Sitting in expensive clothing on an expensive holiday does not make you any different to English louts abroad, disrupting the peace for everyone else.

I also can’t fucking stand Mimi, so I’m going to need the heads up once she starts posting from her wedding, as I don’t want to see one second of it.
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So a couple of things....

1) Amelia Liana Sopher is Jewish - Amelia’s heritage is on display for everyone to see and read. If you go back to the beginning of this thread the website which has her entire family tree is mentioned. She can not hide the fact that she is Jewish. Amelia is hiding it because she is not comfortable with who she is. Whether or not she is Jewish cannot be debated when it is clearly shown in her family tree.

2) Amelia is not honest - Do people not remember her photoshop scandal?!? Did people already forget that she went to Costa Rica “to shoot” Ramei!!?!? Did people forget that she preforms most of her content!?!? Amelia is notorious for pretending to be somewhere she is not and pretending to be someone she is not. I believe it was Guy who said in one of her vlogs that she is not the person who she is on her channel.

3) Amelia is not intelligent - Have people forgotten that her and Hannah used to be locked in a room as children and were not allowed out until she learned something? (The room was probably the same of a flat but still). I believe that Amelia is laughing all the way to the bank. I highly doubt that she is not a shrewd business owner where ever detail is meticulously planned out. I feel like she is the type that would not care who she has to step on or take advance of to be successful.

4) Amelia is the same person on and off of social media - Her entire online personality is an act. Amelia portrays a dumb, sick, funny and struggling human because she wants to be seen as relatable. And, the worst thing is that people believe this is who she is. Do people actually believe that she had to “save for years” for her nose job?!?! I am positive that her monthly trust fund payment would cover it along with all of her other expenses.

5) Lockdown/Covid-19 - Amelia has suffered in lockdown and during this entire pandemic. I can say this because her life revolves around shopping, travelling and eating out (or pretending to eat while out with friends). She has NOTHING else in her life besides walking Duke, visiting with her family for their weekly dinners and maintaining her online personality. Her life is empty and only appears full. Someone wrote at the beginning of this thread how she really doesn’t fit in anywhere in London’s circles and that is quite evident.
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She is absolutely lying to avoid saying she's Jewish. It's probably one of the top 3 things that annoys me about her. I'm not going to say no Jewish person from Iraq or Iran never calls themselves an Arab. But most don't. I have family there. They would identify themselves as Jewish from that area. And she likes to say she's from India too. Sorry. Maybe she had family that moved there and maybe even represented the country in the Olympics (people haven't been able to confirm that) but she doesn't celebrate Indian culture. Case in point. Her jewelry line was just coincidentally launched on Diwali and she never even mentioned it. I'm sure somebody who strongly identifies with their Indian heritage would have mentioned the holiday. In her VLOG she often hides that she's having a Shabbat dinner by calling it a "family dinner" or attending a cousin's Bat Mitzvah or Bar Mitzvah is a "party." Or when she failed to say the charity that was honoring her mother for her work with them. It's a Jewish charity. Or when she gave her mother her "Christmas present" on Chanukah (so very early for a Christmas present). Calling herself a "fellow Arab girl"? I'm sorry. There's no way a Jewish person, even if they lived in UAE (for example) would say that. Especially somebody who comes from an obviously observant family. I'm sympathetic if she doesn't want to mention being Jewish because of antisemitism. It's on the rise, too. But why mention being Arab. Just say you're British. She is. It's the lying. I would never pretend to be Christian. I just couldn't do it. But I could avoid talking religion or background. That's what she could do. And while I'm sympathetic to her being scared to face antisemitism, I also think she should just be open about who she is. Maybe that's a step towards loving herself a little bit more. Sorry. I've been a lurker for years about this topic. Had lots to say!
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I was doing my usual run on Saturday evening along Hammersmith riverside, which is where the River Cafe backs on to, and spotted Amelia out by the river smoking with friends. As someone who’s followed her since I was a teenager, disappointed doesn’t cut it! I wish instagrammers were honest about these things!!!
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Chatty Member
Is anyone else thinking that her new collection looks cheaper than the one with SkinnyDip!?!?! 🤯 I feel like this line is targeted at people aged 12-16.

Her face is a separate issue. 😬 I thought that maybe her family moved her to the country to sort her out but I was wrong. 😂
Wow. She looks like a curious mixture of a bug and Cinderella’s evil stepmother and the jewellery looks incredibly tacky. Bad design decision in my opinion.
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Amelia doing stories of Dior items she already has and she’s tagging Dior. 🙈 Amelia the Dior Cruise is launching in a few hours, you didn’t get invited! Stop begging🤫 They invited you last time and you showed up with InTheFrow. Then, proceeded to behave like you’ve never been out the house with loud laughter and selfies galore. The Dior team took notice and said, never again! So stop tagging them with the shit you already own. 😂
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Ohh now she’s Indian. I know she said she had an Indian grandfather (I believe) who competed in the olympics. But she can’t own the fact that she’s Jewish.
Oh my god I was just about to post this! It makes my blood boil. No Amelia, you’re not Indian! Maybe you have some percentage of Indian ethnicity but that doesn’t make you Indian. I would like to ask her if she’s ever even been to the country and seen what it’s like? Or if you have been tell me that you’ve stepped out of your 5 star hotel and walked the streets of Mumbai? tell me that you know even the most common facts about the country?
she thinks by saying these things she appears more modern and cultured but she remains a blank canvas overloaded with tacky jewellery!
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Chatty Member
In her latest stories she’s at a fancy looking restaurant again, standing on the chairs and screaming at the top of her lungs. In the background of her video you can see everyone else at the restaurant just sitting at their tables trying to enjoy a meal. If they want to behave like that, go to an actual club or stay at your private residence. I just cannot get over how incredibly obnoxious they all are! Money sure doesn’t buy class. She’s going on about drinking & taking shots as though she’s a barely legal 18 year old who has still not gotten over the novelty. Amelia, drinking doesn’t make you cool. Standing on chairs and carrying on doesn’t make you cool. None of this masks the fact you’re a supremely boring person with no real life goals, no real purpose, no real interests outside of buying bags and looking skinny.
Just watched her stories and felt the exact same. She's calling them "the most fun table" but they just come across as obnoxious. She mentions that her mum said she doesn't want to see her drinking on her stories any more. Fair enough it's her life and her instagram but to mention her mother twice more after that is quite disrespectful and a very obvious FU to her.
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