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The Daily Mail are complicit in the abuse of Ioan and Bianca. Are there no restrictions on linking them with Alice given they have a DVRO against her?
They're tabloid hacks and are basically scum - see Bogoff who pretended she would give Andrea B documents that only Alice possessed. Unfortunately for IG - he married her and had kids with her and she is making sure that they will be forever linked through her batshit behaviour. I feel more sorry for Bianca - she never even met her but this loon has inserted herself greatly and unwantedly into her life.
Do I spy Alice in the comments? The starving and homeless narrative is making a comeback.

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These sad old fools sho think they are Alice's best friends because she's been "so kind" to them.
Tell her you're visiting LA and ask if you can bunk at hers for a week.
I think she will be unavailable.
That's how close you are.
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The lisp pisses me off.

As for Bianca and/or Ioan documenting Bianca’s symptoms , I do this for my endo and pcp when I have Bells Palsy or seizures with migraines.
Ditto. I sometimes document my VIP with MS spasms and attacks of clonus to show the consultant.

And b is sharing her symptoms for MS awareness week.
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What I find interesting is all the almost-ness of her last post. She is clearly trying to look like she has moved on but she still can’t bring herself to actually do it. The ‘gulp’ at the thought of having to join a dating app - four years after her marriage ended. The suggestion that she ‘might’ be meeting people in real life this month. The mention that the girls suggested she join a dating app (I think this is a lie) rather than it being her own choice. There’s nothing wrong with taking your time to date again (if ever) and I took a long time to trust again after my divorce. But Alice always tells on herself and IMO this performative post reeks of her still being stuck in the past.

Adding to what has already been said about dating in your 50s - there are two big issues I foresee for Alice. 1. She literally can’t post on instagram without it somehow being about her ex. I’d be prepared to bet she’s the same in real life. This obsession would scare anyone away regardless of her age. And 2. She can filter all the pics she likes but she doesn’t look like that. She has ruined her lips, she has no jaw and she refuses to stop frazzling her hair yellow and balancing joke shop glasses on the end of her nose. I haven’t seen a single pap shot during this whole sorry saga where she doesn’t look older than her years. Maybe the one with Lady V and the dog very early on, but that’s it.
Ps I took so long to type this I think others have already made the same points more concisely 😂
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House of Tea

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It is good she is getting out there to earn some of her own cash. Let’s hope she does well and gets lots of re bookings.

Bit of a nerve her throwing some mild shade on Raya clientele. They would say the same about her. She is an undesirable because of her reputation and her RO.
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Just to clarify my position, I don’t think people should be commenting on the con page about Alice’s RO etc, I’m just saying she can’t behave the way she does, and associate with the people she does, and not expect it. As a wise woman once told me ‘if you run with the crows, you get shot with the crows’. Troll and you get trolled. It’s just what happens.
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I don't agree with these idiots doing this, affecting Alice's employment is stupid imo.
Alice supporting herself is a step in the right direction, it also takes monetary pressure off Ioan as well.
Plus she's quite capable of fucking up any opportunities that come her way herself, like she has previously. No way she can sustain any kind of career long-term.
There's a reason she couldn't even get cast in a second Hallmark movie
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The comments on that article OMG 🤣🤣🤣 can you imagine pushing your mate Noshoff to do you a solid with some natty old new catfish pics and a moan about being old & single, and you get absolutely slaughtered in the comments 🤣. Betcha that’s gonna improve take up on your raya profile having that out there, well played Al.

She isn’t completely talentless - if smashing out own goals was a marketable skill she’d be quids in by now.
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The matter has been continued to May 7 for an off the record conference, after which the judge will rule on what to do. Here are the minute orders.

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Encouraging this kind of mean-spirited comment

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Warrants this

View attachment 2901394
Like @welp , I won't mention her looks. I'll just stick to humor. ☺

I like that Bianca mentioned on her post about being kind and respectful and that you don't know what people are going through. I feel like it's not only targeting those that troll her but also letting people know she isn't looking for nor will she appreciate or thank people attacking Alice or her FM's in her name. She isn't looking for a public mud slinging match with FM's on both sides, she just wants justice and for Alice and her FM's to leave her alone.
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Weed needs to be legalised posthaste. It’s ridiculous that in the UK, one’s given the worst possible drugs for the system (I’m on high doses of opiates and other toxic meds for fibromyalgia, arthritis, sciatica and a crumbling spine) which are addictive, while nature has provided us with something that has dedicated receptors ih our brain and has been written about since the 12th century for its many therapeutic properties. I’m sick of feeling woozy and agitated all the time due to pharmaceutical meds, but without them (and the fact I recently injured myself), I couldn’t cope with the pain. Spain has allowed citizens to possess and use three marijuana plants for aeons, and they’ve never had problems. Germany, Israel, Portugal, the Netherlands, the US, Canada - why are we so backwards in the UK? I really hope you can find something that helps you, S&P, and I’m so sorry you’re struggling.
Rant over.
Like Minsy, I neither trust Malice’s latest ‘tee hee, heart eyes’ act nor celebrate her for getting two bloody days’ work. Whoop-de-doo. She had three years of having her La Mer and booze subsidised (and her recent claims re: giving up drinking - ha! Always assume the opposite of what a narc says; ergo, she’s tanked 24/7). And she’s managed one con before this and some shitty, self-referential Cameos. She doesn’t deserve praise for this. She should have been out grafting a month after the maeriage breakdown and pulled herself up, thus increasing her self-respect (narcs have none for themselves, oddly enough, and certainly none for anyone else). I think of all the hardworking women on this thread, myself included (I start work at 0500 most days, and have carried on working through ill health, situational depression and injury), and I feel like laughing contemptuously. She’s never going to get enough work to pay her own bills. She’s always going to find someone to steal or grift from. She’s a parasite. I’m just waiting for the ‘tee hee’ mask to crack.
Meanwhile, poor Ella is so isolated. I really grieve for that girl. Yes, her behaviour has been appalling, but directed by a manipulative, psychotic Mummy Dearest. I wouldn’t be surprised if, in an emotional context, she is stuck at the age of 10 - because Malice both parentifies and infantalises her, and she has no opportunity to learn from others in the real world. Home schooling and chats with denigrating, bullying online creeps. What a life for a teenaged girl.
Second rant over. Love to all.
Thank you for this. I got three jobs with five children to put a roof over our heads when I was in my post first husband pre Mr Mimsy phase. Even to this day I take the youngest kids with me if needs must so they know the work we put in to paying our way.
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You know what's weird? Alice never smiles with her teeth. Just a plain simple, normal smile. Like Bianca. Alice has her mouth clamped shut and smirks, or grins, or has her massive gob open but never actually smile smiles (if you know what I mean?). I wonder if it's because she can't make a smile meet her eyes, in which case you just look manic. Has anyone else noticed this? Just weird.
Or does that weird tongue thing that I now know is “mewing” as she’s doing in her age 51 (lol) photo!
The Cameo is terrible. More fool anyone paying for that. What the hell did they request? “Make me a cameo where you talk about yourself and absolutely acknowledge nothing about me other than my place of residence”.
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I took the kids to a coffee shop less than a mile from my house. And out for a drive. Actually maybe both things were done together and she drove the 0.7 miles. Two outings in one.

This is Alice "doing stuff" with her kids.

Fuck Disneyland.
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Alice really needs to remember that her character is on full display unlike most dating apps.

She left her own daughter ALONE during a fake restraining order trial. No matter what you say, no matter the situation, she left her barely a teenager daughter to defend herself in a cold, institutional courtroom.

She's not a good person.

Anyone interested in dating not a good person should not be allowed to be around her underage children.
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I love that she’s saying other people have too much time in their hands because she’s got a couple of days work planned. Don't go straining yourself there Alice. 💅🏻 🍿
But I’m glad she’s making an effort at long last and I hope she finds all the gigs she needs to pay her bills. The more she’s living a healthy and productive lifestyle the better for everyone, especially the girls.
That’s not to say she shouldn’t face legal and financial consequences for her vile harassment campaign against Bianca and Ioan and of course the alienation. Justice still hasn’t been served for all that. Let’s hope it’s coming soon.
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So she has to put her Instagram link into Raya. Then anyone looking at her profile sees all of the above... Yep, definitely the age that's the problem 🫣
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