Ali Abdaal

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The last few videos have me convinced that this guy is a complete idiot and he's managed to gather the most dumbass audience I've seen in a while. He's already made two videos about Will Macaskill's delusions in the past two weeks featuring big brain advice like "spend thousands of hours exploring careers before committing" and "you could just become a policy maker in China" alongside troglodyte-level comparisons like how many people die from terrorism vs covid.

Behold the ramblings of someone who's lived in a fantasy world where defaulting on your mortgage or rent doesn't even cross one's mind and providing for a significant other, child or family are non-issues. What better way to spend your time than take career advice from someone who's never had a job and by sheer stroke of luck and being of a certain demographic he now thinks that he's providing some great service to humanity. In the Ali universe tyrannical governments that "disappear" you within a day or corrupt megacorporations with shareholders that moonlight in the government don't exist, only flower-power goody two-shoes bullshit and sick vibes exist. He's taking the "what's obvious to you can be amazing to others" nonsense to an absurd degree whereby he's flat out presenting the most stupidly basic solutions to insanely complex problems.

Clearly China and India were just too dum-dum to figure out how to pollute less but good thing Ali viewers and Macaskill readers will now pursue policy change in these inferior countries now that they've been redpilled by these two intellectual titans. Maybe they can suggest windmills that don't topple over from too much wind or switching over to Teslas so Congo can get turned into one big cobalt child labor mine and Chile can just be entirely repurposed into a lithium extraction slave state so that first world Huel drinkers can feel good about their fancy cars and phones.

In regards to the galaxy brain comparison of counter-terrorism expenditure, in the UK alone in the past 20 years at least 40 separate terrorist plots were prevented. These are only the reported ones, could be dozens more that are unreported. That's 2-3 events a year on average that could cause hundreds or thousands of deaths, depending on the objective alongside immediate economic costs of tens of billions and potentially trillions in the stock market. But who cares about that when we can just pull a comparison out of our asses that makes our message look good right? Feels good when BAE Systems brings in 23 billion in revenue in the UK alone, but screw that, let's just cancel those guys, take their money and the money that's allotted to MI6 and counter-intelligence and fund pandemic prevention instead cause that's how medical research works right? You just become a researcher and you research stuff right? "We" can just dump money into something that basically has little to no ROI right? Don't need to beg or borrow for research like the other dummies that have been doing it for 100 years cause we can just feel good that we're making a difference and pay our student loans with IOUs and breaths of fresh air. After all, Macaskill said so. I bet it feels good to get on the subway and know that there's little to no chance you're gonna get blown up on your way to Nando's. That's what that money gets you (and even so, London's not doing too well in that department with the frequent stabbings lol).

Alongside that he has the nerve to tell people to become doctors and researchers after he made several videos flexing about how he gave that up for youtubing. Which is it Ali, should people become doctors and researchers or pay you $5k for your shitty youtube course and become Atomic Habits reviewers for 200 views? Should we become doctors or make you richer so that you can buy real-estate and hire dweebs to write your weak-ass videos? It's not like every stupid zoomer doesn't already wanna be a tiktoker or youtuber and some do an infinitely better job at content creation without the need of his bullshit course and 6 writers on payroll.

I don't think I've ever disliked someone so much in my life. Seeing hundreds of people slobbering over this guy's knob in the comments and claiming his videos changed their lives is one of life's prime disillusionments. At least he's getting shit on more often nowadays and his views are plummeting. Maybe there is justice in the world.
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I dont understand the hype with this guy or what he brings to rhe table orher than regurgitated information that is already out there
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New to this thread - I came here after his videos kept getting recommended to me on YouTube. All I can say is thank god he didn't become an actual doctor, because he has zero interpersonal or social skills. Quite frankly he reminds me of many South Asians I know (I am also South Asian) who end up going into the medical field because of their ego, it's 'respected' and they have the grades. When in reality, they are just not suited for the practical side of it.
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When I started watching Ali, I remember he said, "I wanted to be a doctor who can code". Now he is a YouTuber who can doctor. Also, how's that book going? It's been years since he started writing, must be some groundbreaking repackaging of other productivity books.
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He wants his followers to let him know what to write, he doesnt care about the book, he is more focused on being a NY times best seller
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he's like a child who's got a checklist of things he wants to do so he can be better than other people. 'I want to be a doctor, not to actually save people's lives, but so I can say I save lives and reap the benefits of doing so'
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So he goes and does another studio tour of the same studio he toured 10 months ago. Keep in mind this is a rented space that he had literally nothing to do with in terms of building or setting up, other than the free shit Herman Miller gave him for some unknown reason. Not only is it awkward to tour the same space the second time, but he's leaving in a little while as well. What the hell was the point of that? It's just another video from the content factory. Just another turd spat out by the Abdaal content engine. No rhyme, reason or relevance.

All the fans are posting comments of how inspiring and whatever else that video was... Why? What's inspiring? That he made a bad financial call which would've been obvious to anyone with common sense and now he finally realized it was dumb? Or that the people who built that office space had decent taste in interior design? How does that tie in with Abdaal in any way? Why's nobody asking this stuff? Either he's deleting any negative comment or this audience is so drunk on his koolaid that their brains simply cannot judge properly.

I really have the feeling that the people who watch these videos are low IQ as hell, they just instantly appreciate anything and everything cause it comes from Ali's mouth. There are so many weird and dumb ideas in his videos nowadays and people just fawn over this crap. I wonder how these people live their lives not getting scammed 24/7 if they're this gullible.

I've attached the perfect example of an Ali Abdaal fan below. Reality is stranger than fiction with these people.


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"We've decided to downsize" is a funny way of framing it. The dishonesty is hilarious almost. Just admit you spent money like an idiot and it's starting to sting. You're the one paying the rent dickhead, it's you that decided to downsize cause you were getting nothing from a fucking office in central London as a middling youtuber. You just like saying the words "business" and "company" you silly twat and you spent $150k just to delude yourself into thinking you have one. Imagine taking financial advice from this buffoon.

I wonder what the next cost cutting measure's gonna be. Feels like a bunch of people are gonna be left jobless maybe. It's mind boggling that people are fans of this guy and find this garbage inspirational. Can someone check if being part of the Abdaal fanclub includes a free lobotomy or something?
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The "org chart" is gonna look pretty bare in a few months
Noooo what will their "Head of Marketing" do now

What a fucking idiot playing at being a big time CEO and putting peoples lives and careers on the line when he doesn't even know what he's doing himself.

This is why reading a bunch of books is not a substitute for actual life experience.
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Noooo what will their "Head of Marketing" do now
He'll be chatting up the Head of Public Relations at the dole office.

If views and engagement keep going like they're going, they might have to sound the alarm at Abdaal HQ and call in the head of HR, the COO, the CFO, the vice president, head of Crisis Management, regional managers and global branch managers and organise an ayahuasca vision quest on the balcony to figure out the next step. Although going by how things have been operating recently, they might smoke the office potpourri bowl and just pretend instead.

I would be embarrassed as hell if I thought my videos appealed to a certain class of people then took a look at the comment sections and discovered it's a cesspool of spambots, arse lickers and brainlets. It's gotten to the point where the spam bots apologise to human commenters for the crap quality of videos. I'm not even kidding, spam bots are evolving and turning into Abdaal himself. To be fair, he also seems like he's been morphing into a spam bot for the past couple of years so it looks like everything is converging to a single peak of cringe.
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I am excited to see his end of year finances this year to see just how much money he wasted on this venture of creating and fitting out an office.

He won't admit it was a mistake until about a years time.

Very funny he did one final "tour" video of it before literally packing up and vacating it a few days later.
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I haven't seen any of his recent videos so I skimmed the studio tour and my jaw fell to the floor. I had no idea he got such a BIG SPACE for what??? In what world did his content actually warrant this kind of space? Just WHAT?
In what world did his content actually warrant this kind of space?
Strictly the fans' fault here. If so many dimwits didn't buy his courses he wouldn't think that he's the "CEO" of a "company" and he wouldn't further delude himself and everyone else by paying people to be his friends on a 40 hr/week schedule.

Alas, people nowadays buy farts and bath water so the bar is set quite low for what internet people will spend money on.
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