Ali Abdaal

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Literally you mentioned the harmful money/productivity idea - he shouldn't be outsourcing work to poorly paid people in Asia and selling it as some kind of genius idea like he does in his videos - it's unethical and exploitative.
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Literally you mentioned the harmful money/productivity idea - he shouldn't be outsourcing work to poorly paid people in Asia and selling it as some kind of genius idea like he does in his videos - it's unethical and exploitative.
by that logic, you should never buy fast fashion, iphones or most of your consumables ever again bc these things are made by underpaid and exploited labourers from China/Bangladesh
Unless all your clothes are fairtrade/ethically made, all your electronics are ethically made etc. aren't you a hypocrite for slamming Ali
aren't you a hypocrite for slamming Ali
no one is “slamming“ him! We are here to discuss our opinions of him, we’re allowed different ones. you can’t take such a black and white view to people. that’s far to simplistic.
you also can’t make assumptions about the people on this site, how do you know the user doesn’t already do that but that’s off topic, we’re here to discuss Ali, if you want to sing his praises ever post, that’s fine but don’t expect everyone to hold the same opinion as you
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Wow this thread has livened up thanks to the #1 fan.
You've really made a lot of straw man arguments.
Ali is different to a celebrity like Emma Watson or JK Rowling who are liked for the work they produce, their acting or singing or writing talents.
Ali is selling mainly his personality and brand, like many social media people. And social media people do get cancelled or disliked if they exhibit bad qualities. I might be selfish, but I actually don't want to support and watch selfish people and want to be motivated to do good.
I watch another YouTuber Mia Marples who spoke of the Ukraine crisis when it happened, and she has more wholesome vlogs with her family.
In contrast, with Ali, everything always seems to be about money money money. One of his videos recently was ideas for how teenagers can make money.
If I had his platform, I would choose to influence teenagers to be kinder to each other, to look after their health/others, promote family values and teach the younger generation to not be hamsters on the money wheel.

Hence, we are not disliking Ali because he isn't donating all of his money. We dislike him because he is representing the lower human qualities of greed of money and capital consumerism so explicitly. It just isn't healthy.
You'll probably think I'm jealous and assume that I want a Tesla and to show off that I have made millions... these things don't bring happiness. Having a healthy mindset brings happiness.
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i actually agree with you that money is not the MOST important thing in your life.
However, I come from a deprived immigrant family-- my parents came to this country with NOTHING but 2 suitcases --- they hustled and went to good unis and now are solidly middle-class. They never resorted to benefits, crime, sex work etc. like other celebs such as Katie Price and always taught me about the value of education.

My parents' rag to middle-class story is why I admire Ali's middle-class to riches story

But if you find the desire to make more money distasteful, then why watch Ali's channel-- it's his niche. Why not just stick to wellness ones and ignore ali forever?
Thank you for sharing that ^
My parents are also the same. But I don't think Ali would give my dad a job if he came here as an immigrant. Interestingly a lot of his team seems to be Cambridge-educated.

I actually don't watch the money-making idea vlogs. If I did, it would just be to analyse his personality.
It's not black-and-white. I do like some of what Ali produces, e.g. seeing some of his vlogs and there was a deep dive podcast about breathing which I found interesting. He does make some good stuff.. I just wish he made more of the good stuff!
So we're not all haters, but we do call him out for content which we don't think is positive.

I do concede that no-one is perfect and it is like the story of the father and son with a donkey. He'll never please everyone. But we're allowed to have an opinion of what we like!
Take care
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Ironically @herathebeaver a lot of people in Britain had to rely on benefits when their jobs were outsourced overseas, just as Ali has done.

Your snobbery regarding people living in poverty is sad.
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Dozens of other more balanced examples to follow then. You picked one out of hundreds and went all in on it. Fact is he spends a lot of money on a lot of trash, while regurgitating the same generic tips that every money book/money tuber says. There is literally nothing special about his "story" other than having mass appeal for a certain demographic who idolize him. Why even focus on him of all people? Sometimes I wonder if these devoted fans only log on YT to watch Ali videos and nothing else cause they seem to not be aware of hundreds of other channels infinitely more pleasant to watch. Saying "I like his content" doesn't make any sense as his content is written by some random people he hired. It's been a while since this has been his content.

Plus, the only reason he's doing money videos now is that he saw how well it went for Stephen Graham and he's just trying to get that financial CPM. You've seen one, you've seen them all. He literally repeats the same tips over and over in a different package. How can you even watch this stuff? Boggles my mind.
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.... the outsourcing and scammy courses, and not declaring his ads, to name a few again. I have said this. Just because it's part of his business doesn't make it okay. Especially since he doesn't only do it, he also promotes these ideas on his public platform.

I don't care how he personally watches TV but again, he perpetuates the idea that you need to watch on 3x speed for maximum productivity, he tries to tell people to do this as a "productivity hack"

in other news: we live in a society.
no but really, there's a difference between doing your best to avoid fast fashion but still occasionally buying it because that's what you can afford and actively outsourcing work in your own business. There is a difference between the consumer and the business owner in how much power they hold to make these decisions. There is also a difference between those who have the money and privilege to make more sustainable choices and those who don't. And before you try attacking me personally, I have bought hardly any new clothing in like 4 years because I buy whatever I can second hand and I keep it until it falls apart (and even then mend what I can). It's not so black and white, a lot of people are already consciously making the most sustainable choices viable for them.

They never resorted to benefits, crime, sex work etc.
And that's great for your family but let's not demonize people who do have to rely on benefits for various reasons. That's what social systems are in place for and it's not a moral failing if you have to rely on them. I really hope you can educate yourself on the social and economic factors at play when it comes to people "resorting to" crime and sex work (and benefits). This is such a toxic attitude that will never facilitate any real change if you genuinely just think people on benefits or even criminals or sex workers do it because they're lazy and just don't want to hustle
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I grew up below the poverty line. I had a single parent household and although I’m living a solidly middle class existence now, the first ten or so years of my life definitely shaped me as an individual.

I know so many lovely, amazing people who have had to be on benefits for one reason or another. It is not a badge of shame as you seem to think it is, it’s simply another way to stay afloat. You might have to use them at one point in your life - especially with the cost of living rising.

Your parents are admirable, but demonising sex workers and people who need to resort to dealing drugs or getting involved in gangs to provide for their families is not it. They are admirable to. To do whatever you can, even at detriment to yourself, to put food on the table and send your kids to school in clean clothes, is amazing.

and am I saying I’m better than Ali Abdaal? Well, don’t live in a £2.1 million apartment - I live in a shitty student house with four housemates, and I can’t leave sometimes because of my agoraphobia. I don’t donate to charities because I’m poor as fuck and can barely pay my rent. And to you, this means I’m worse than him. Even though, y’know, I’ve grown up giving a shit about people worse off than me and will give a quid to a homeless guy on the street. Would Ali do that?

morality is not black and white, and you are incredibly naive for thinking it is. I’m sure even you have your good and bad sides, just like you, or anyone else on this thread. But please, for the love of god, learn how to formulate a better argument or leave. I’m losing braincells over here.
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what i like about ali is that he resorted to his intelligence to make money, not his looks, victimhood, sex work, crime etc.

anyone in the uk can make money in a decent, legal manner, no need to resort to crime, unethical or dangerous practices or to begging others for support

you can work multiple low paid jobs like cleaning etc. to pay for causes that upskill you into higher paid jobs eg. computer programming

and how do u know ali isnt donating to poor people in secret? maybe he doesnt mention ukraine etc, bc he knows he cant really help the ukrainians that way--- he can help them better by donating and multiple media outlets are covering ukraine anyway so to mention ukraine as a money/productivity youtuber is just virtue signalling

granted, ali could engaged in more ethical business/personal practices but none of his business practises harm others in the same way as being a criminal
even if ali is outsourcing his work to poorer people abroad, he is still paying them enough by their standards to live, his not engaging in slavery like the fast fashion industry
Problems I generally have with Ali:

1. Sells himself as a doctor for the prestige despite being non-practising. He's started saying he's an ex-Doctor now which is progress at least.
2. Promotion of immoral business practises eg. selling expsneive courses, outsourcing work to cheaper workers half way across the world, crypto
3. Lack of original thinking - he will regurgitate the opinion of the last person he's interviewed on his podcast or book he's skimmed through as the new objective truth of the world rather than form his own view.
4. Tendancy to see the world through peoples theories and systems and rules and games. I think this is a very dangerous way to think about the world especially when viewing relationships etc because they are not simply
5. Focus on money above all else especially the way he sells his content. I have no problem with people giving financial advice or strategies (Martin Lewis from MoneySavingExpert is a legend and has done very well off this) but Ali's advice is simplistic, comes from a position of extreme privilege and isn't actually useful to anyone who is struggling in any sense of the world. Someone who is on the breadline or working a minimum wage job isn't going to turn their life around by buying one of his courses and starting a side hustle.

Problems with herthebeavers arguments

1. People can criticise Ali because he's built himself as a public figure and puts himself in the public lens.
2. Criticising people for being on benefits or doing sex work is stupid. I'd rather pay for someone's OnlyFans than giving Ali some money for his course. However they're both valid lines of work.
3. Criticising people for not giving their entire disposable income to charity is stupid.
4. Ali has climbed the ladder and become rich but doesn't mean he's done it without privilege. His mum being a Doctor would help with the application process that non-medic families won't have had to by affording him opporunities for shadowing work placements etc. that would look good on his application. As a failed medical applicant myself it was a nightmare to get work experience like that and I'm sure Ali had things a lot easier with his mum being a Doctor.
4. Criticising people for participating in a capitalist society which we are forced to participate in is stupid. I'd like my phone not to be made of slave labour, but the alternative or not having a phone is probably something like starving because I an't apply for any jobs because everywhere uses the internet now.
5. Bringing up other random celebrities like Emma Watson is pointless.

Is the bar really so low now that you praise Ali because he's not doing anything illegal or criminal?

And that he's giving money to poorer people abroad?

Is that really how long your standards also.

Also nothing wrong with making money off your looks or sex work. Ali is hardly ugly anyway. Would love to see if his channel had kicked off like it did if he was really ugly.
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I agree with the rest of your comment but would not equate being on benefits with drug dealing or being in a gang. The latter two are extremely antisocial behaviours with devastating consequences for society and many of someone elses' children. Ali is benign, albeit a peculiar fellow, in comparison.
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tell me you’re from a privileged background without telling me from a privileged background. Pray you never have to be in that situation.
Reactions: 2
tell me you’re from a privileged background without telling me from a privileged background. Pray you never have to be in that situation.
Tell me you have never worked with the population (including children) devastated by the effects of drugs and organised crime without telling me. As tough as your life was say your thank you prayers for not being a newborn with malformations addicted to heavy drugs and dial down the patronising. Take care
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