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Chatty Member
Someone should let him know that being on the ride with a screaming baby is no different than being on a ride with his side-chick KT with her cackling and screaming.

He's clearly being an asshole and saying babies should not be at Disneyland, but should be at Knotts.
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Someone should let him know that being on the ride with a screaming baby is no different than being on a ride with his side-chick KT with her cackling and screaming.

He's clearly being an asshole and saying babies should not be at Disneyland, but should be at Knotts.
Excellent point!!! Her screams and cackles are definitely way more annoying than a screaming baby. At least with a baby, there's an understanding that it doesn't have the capacity to communicate in another way, whereas Katie is just selfish and a show-off.

I'm not a big fan of kids either (hence why I don't have any), but as a human with basic common sense I understand that when I go to Disney, I'm going to a place where there are TONS of children everywhere. This is really not a good look for him.
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So there's this ............

I don't know WTF I just watched but it's the most CRINGE thing I've ever seen...

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Um...anyone catch his live last night?!! Pretty sure if he hasn't already destroyed what hope he had for being a YouTube star that this was the final nail in the coffin...I mean....yikes
I mostly stick to the BLAB thread, but wow, this guy is a world class a-hole! He tried to play it off with humor, but you could tell he wasn't joking. The worst part was that some viewers were blaming the baby and the parents. You are at Disneyland, not some adult only place. If this jerk despises kids so much, then he picked the wrong topic to do his channel on. If I were those parents and heard his comments (which they probably did because he was loud) I would move and sit right next to him. The crying baby was more informative than the crap that comes out of this guy’s mouth.
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New member
Hello, I would like to share my personal experience with this guy. (me) As someone who grew up going to Disneyland, and I am in love with the history of the place, when I first started watching his channel, it was very obvious this guy was new to Disneyland. Yes, he probably had an annual pass for a year or so, and watched justinscarred history videos, but as an "expert" in disneyland, the guy had was giving out so much bad info. So, i politely made some comments on his channel correcting him. Oh boy! he did not like that, so he started getting very defensive, and eventually started attacking me.
Yes, i call it like i see it, and I also called out his obnoxious clickbait videos during covid shutdown.
I know for sure, that he made those adam the woo "hangout" videos for clout. This guy is not worth any time.

Someone should seriously do a scientific analysis on the mental state of disney vloggers. There has to be something going on here.
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Cap'n John Dee

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Oh Brickster.....he's a puzzling chap for me. Some of his content is an absolute homerun for me, and those videos usually entail classic Disney material because it's very clear he does have an affinity for the amazing work the Disneys put into Disneyland and it does seem 💯 authentic. When it comes to the vlogging aspect, any boner I had going for Brickey turns into flop city. The "try hard" comment from @Dennis Reynolds is spot on! His vlogging is cringe. The persona is unnatural, self-important and has the putrid stank of a new age televangelist trying to seduce his flock into joining his cult.

Brickey has an identity crisis, he has no idea who he is and what his channel should be. If he used his real world "profession" as an artist as the base for his channel to drill into the Disney design aesthetics and achievements, he would set himself apart and solidify his channel as a "go to" channel. There is NOBODY doing those types of videos with any kind of authority, to me it seems like the perfect opportunity for him to establish himself as a top guy on Disney design. Instead, he stumbles and fumbles trying to find his "character" as a vlogger and it's not pretty (figuratively and literally). Taking Adam The Woo out of the equation as he is grandfathered in as the vlogging All-Father and is truly an anomaly, NOBODY wants to see a scraggly-looking middle-aged guy in a members only jacket trouncing around the park bitching about kids & babies (you're target audience is MOMS you buffoon!).

Brickey needs to look in the mirror, clean the pepper out of his teeth and establish an authentic identity or his channel is doomed. I predict doom because he is a complete narcissist and cannot see the forest through the trees.
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I'll give him credit for trying something new and different but holy shit.....that was like some high school A/V Club avant garde A24 wannabe shit. Leave it to an edgelord like Brickey who hates children of all ages and prides himself on loitering and getting kicked out of places to introduce "spice" drug addiction into a family hotel experience. So fuckin' edgy Mark!

It really was lame as fuck and cringe. If it was good I'd give him props but it was stupid as fuck and he knows it, that's why he took so long to release it.

Hot Garbaggio

One more thing. "Fan Film" riiiiiiiiight....
Exactly. I've seen some amazing SW fan films, this shit is not even close.
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Tried watching my first Brickey episode last night - are most like this:

“We have a jam packed/earth shattering Disneyland Update for you this week featuring two new beautiful trash cans that have been added in Frontierland AND a check-in on the repaired urinal in the Starcade and if Disney’s choice of plumbing hardware for it is what Walt would have wanted?”
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A few months back I was actually enjoying the style of his videos and a few things he did I really liked. I think his WDW trip really soured me on him as I started to hear a lot of weird tales from him on how much he dislikes children, certain Disney intellectual properties, etc. I also despise self-titled “experts” who need to explain everything over and over. I get the design thing is part of his schtick but it’s off putting and he’s really not that more knowledgeable in design than most. What he says about the park designs has been public knowledge for DECADES.

I also think with his “edgy” personality (bitching, calling things out, etc.) he decided he was gonna go full “Bill Burr” for his channel personality to separate himself from the rest. It’s not working out obviously.
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I’m skimming through the GSC video and WTF is going on at the 5 min mark? Was he putting drugs in his drink and then rubbing coke on his gums? I really don’t understand.

This narration might be the most annoying thing I’ve heard in a long time.

View attachment 1157583

Link directly to the time stamp:
He just loves to hear the sound of his own voice and film his ugly mug nonstop, even in the parks.

This guy is a complete weirdo and he hangs around with blab. His Walt Disney World videos was like so boring and he was so emotional I wanted to gag. He’s such a know it all thinking that he’s the best out there and the best podcaster also. I think KT has the hots for him because Spencer's too old for her. It’s funny I’m the same age as Spencer and he looks about 10 years or so more older than I do.
It's all that booze!

Not really sure why he uses that nazi eagle as a logo for his channel. Seems a bit out of place for a DL vlog.
Yes, I have always noticed that and commented to him several times, always deleted.
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Hey Brickey,

You know what the difference is between you and crying children that you were complaining about?

They don’t have the luxury, like you do, of driving alone in their car to an abandoned parking lot to cry dramatically.

You are soft and unlikeable.
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View attachment 989139

the big problem with these channels (like blab) is theyre rude adults but they try to play the whole "family friendly" vibe
It's one thing to laugh it off and say something entertaining about 'crying-babies' but when he began singing the song from Kentucky and talked about beating children I was like,...huh? Does YouTube monitor channels!! The video, to say the least, was cringe worthy and shows that Brickey (who does have talent) jumped the shark on this one. Dude! You don't have kids, we get it but dang, when you put beating and child into the same sentence I'd say it's time to close up shop!! SMH
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Cap'n John Dee

Chatty Member
Holy shit...... 11 and a 1/2 minutes of gobbedly goop to explain a simple name change. This guy is a classic narcissist. If he's such a great fuckin' designer why did he copy the "Hey Disney" logo, surely a self-proclaimed artist of great magnitude can come up with a logo for the new channel name on his own. To top it off he says he has proof that he came up with the name "Hey Brickey" before Disney came up with "Hey Disney" as if this is such an uncommon combination of words.

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He hasn't even responded to her comment.

Something has always seemed off with this dude and this is bad.

Not to mention imagine paying the $6k for a room and your travel and your cosplay all to end up being followed and in someone's creepy film about drugs.
I feel so bad for her... I also feel bad for all the workers who were subjected to his bullshit. Hopefully he did a good job cleaning all that brown sugar he spilled on the piss covered floor of the men's bathroom. Also, I feel like the worker named Miguel wasn't quite sure if the Drapester was genuinely upset or if it was just an in character bit. Miguel was probably worried he would get in trouble and lose his job.

I have to say this video was so unintentionally hilarious since Brickey thought he was creating a magnum opus Martin Scorsese picture. It was so bad that it was a great comedy.
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What's up with Brickey and Josh Gad? 🤔

Brickey blurred out Olaf on the frozen ride on one of his recent videos. There are several comments like this.
I didn't watch it, but the fact that he took the time to blur out Olaf instead of just not including him in the edit proves he's just looking for attention. And apparently he got it in the comments. :rolleyes:

I agree with @BaBeemo - I highly doubt Josh Gad even knows who Brickey is. I mean, maybe Josh Gad is a dick, who knows. But the fact that the brickster would do this shows how immature and unprofessional he is. No wonder he's friends with blab. They're all peas in a rotting pod.
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What's up with Brickey and Josh Gad? 🤔

Brickey blurred out Olaf on the frozen ride on one of his recent videos. There are several comments like this.
That's funny. He's trying to make it seem like Josh Gad actually knows who Brickey is. Lol! He probably tried to approach him in the park for his lame vlog or something and Olaf wouldn't give the master the time of day.
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I watched all of Mark’s WDW vids, my first exposure to him. I really liked him at first: attention to detail, wonderment. I saw a lot of things I’ve missed over the years. His constant telling us that he’s been to DL over 700 times was super annoying. He seems aggressive at times like he could haul of and pop someone. Also don’t like that he likes to find a hidden area to chill after the parks close instead of leaving so people can close the park down and go home. He kept commenting about places he would do that.

Fake humble, know it all, and hidden aggressiveness.

And I fully expect him to show up here. 😁

Nice red dyed beard.
I have to check that out.
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Fantasia Freak

VIP Member
Not really sure why he uses that nazi eagle as a logo for his channel. Seems a bit out of place for a DL vlog.
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Chatty Member
I watched it and seriously this guy can fuck off. He's being louder than the baby and annoying everyone around him. Do these asshole vloggers not understand that?
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