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New member
To be fair I think it certainly runs in her family as her brother Keegan I think is autistic, she may or may not have a proper diagnosis but if she shares traits it's kinda valid (like the hyperfixations she gets)

Also v hard to form any opinion as to the kids ! If you look at Jairus' social media he doesn't post the kids either, I think it's a fairly common thing for some people who are online now - you get a lot of dark web pedos putting people's kids on there! e.g that one blonde 3 year old on tiktok was on there apparently


VIP Member
Finally. She definitely couldn’t handle being called out and caught out all the time though, Jairus getting a job is a miracle too.


VIP Member
Babe this is a trash thread and Brin has always been the golden child. Fairly obvious in the way she’s posted the most and how we see she gets treated. Acacia is the exact same age as me and I haven’t gone through nearly as many phases as that weirdo has. Make a rave thread for her. 😘
'Babe', it's possible to have a different opinion, doesn't mean I idolise or want to make a rave thread for her lmao. Tattle is for critique and commentary, not just 'trash threads'.


Well-known member
her threads on guru gossip and ytmd have totally dried up because people have lost interest... yes, she was and probably still is a neglectful parent, as Rosie the disabled middle child now at the age of 3 still can’t move, can’t eat normally (still tube fed by choice as she could eat normally if gotten used to it) she can’t talk, cannot sit up for long, cannot crawl or walk...she’s basically suffering while her parents get high and complain that their lives are so hard. They have NEVER worked a day in their lives, they stupidly decided to have 3 babies all at once and are already burnt out before the age of 25 lol
She still receives a lot of hate but she usually deletes those comments. Instead of diving into rosies medical condition and sharing her journey which I’m sure a lot of people would be interested in, her she hides her from the world because 1. She isn’t doing shit to help her, the bare minimum 2.the HATE is strong and people are calling her out 3. She’s far too lazy ...don’t like her and jarius. They are the biggest self righteous SJWs that you’ll ever come across. They are what’s wrong with today’s society...
That’s so bad.
I have seen a lot about the neglect of Rosie breaks my heart. I cannot stand people who have kids for content because half of these influencers definitely do. She’s probably pissed off that she didn’t get the perfect child she dreamed off so hides her away. What a horrible women she flaunts the other two about a lot. Why have her family not stepped in 😓 I get that it’s hard having a disabled child but you can’t just neglect them! Sort your shit our you have birth to her so look after her! It’s not as if they are hard up for money so can’t afford her care. Selfish idiots.


VIP Member
Damn, that's shocking. And I found the rest... I feel sorry for her pets and, mostly, for Rosie.

She gives such a false impression of who she is though, had me properly hoodwinked. Like in her insta bio - 'I’m a gentle parenting, mental health advocating, plant eating, rainbow loving 🏳️‍🌈, body positive, mama.' On the surface she seemed like a good person.

I wonder how long she'll be off insta for now. Saw she deleted her post explaining the preset theft and put up some vague one about leaving.