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Active member
I've been doing Step 2 for the last 5 weeks and have lost 17lb so far... I have 3 products and a small 200 calorie meal.... I've done this type of diet before and lost 7 stone and have the same to lose again after regaining over 15 years !! Actually finding it easier as working from home and not going out..... manage to drink 4 litres of water most days...... I enjoy all the packs..... only a couple flavours I don't enjoy...... I write it all down as it helps me..... get weighed in once a week and my consultant is really good and supportive and sends 'head stuff' to do .... as for me I think that weight loss isn't just eating right food it's understanding why you over eat etc...... it's about changing my relationship with food and not using it as my crutch ..... 😊😊
When does Your body adjust to all the water I’m forever peeing


Active member
I honestly drink SO much water, I have a bottle from Asda. Just a cheapy one but I’m honestly filling up every 30 mins to an hour. I don’t know how much water I can drink before I drown myself 🤣
It won't be that bad a bit of (sugar free) lemon juice, the jury is still out whether citric acid affects ketosis. My bars have citric acid in them 🤔 however I do tend to keep away from it to be sure but you might get away with it.
SJ Strum has done some really great videos and recipe ideas if you haven't seen them yet, I really recommend watching them

Also just saw today that the Aldi version of Pepsi Max doesn't have citric acid! 🥳 it tastes so much better than rank Coke Zero imo
I’ve been having fresh lemon in my tea. Not thinking.
ooh that’s good to know as I hate Coke Zero!


VIP Member
Thank you! I’ll have to keep commenting let you know how I’m doing it can be my motivation 😂 does it get easier after the first week? Will definitely have to go get some water from the shop
Yeah it gets easier, just keep remembering why you're doing it. The scales and measuring help keep you focused too! The lower more limited steps aren't forever either you'll eventually move back up to proper food etc. I've allowed myself to live too - if I've had a super special event or like Christmas (only gained 3lb over Xmas and that was about 10 days?) but I'd had to take lovely painkillers for an injury which clogged me up good so I'll partially blame that haha


VIP Member
Ok seriously how do people do this? The only thing I can stomach is the ready made chocolate shake and it still leaves a rotten after taste.
I simply have to give this the best crack I can I have so much weight to lose but can’t seem to get past day 1

Any advice? 😢
Most of it is mindset - why you want to lose weight, and then your commitment to it. I like most of the bars and shakes fortunately. Wasn't a fan of the Savoury meals bar the chicken noodle one but I'm happy with the sweeter things I do have (cookie bar is lovely and I also love the peanut).

They'll never taste like their "normal" counterparts. The taste does become more familiar (its usually down to the level of vitamins/nutrients etc in them).


Active member
I went off for a good while now on week 4 of step 3 although this week I’m going step 2 and losing better on it - I have 22lb to go I’ve kept a stone off but some crept back on . I am aiming to go up the steps and learn to maintain


Active member
Really tempted to give one2one diet a go, keep reaching for rubbish quick things as have a newborn and a toddler so think it might suit me as it’s quick to prepare! Also I’m the biggest I’ve ever been so desperately want to do something about it quick!


I know it's a while since this thread has been active but is there anyone starting on the one to one plan next week? I'm starting on Tuesday and have a lot to lose. I've done it before but have to lose the weight this time and keep it off. My weight is affecting my health.


Well-known member
That still amazing well done!

I think it’s lockdown, I work in hospitality and we aren’t opening for at least another month, it’s all mentally knocked me, my boyfriend also works abroad so god knows when o will see him again. So as much as I wouldn’t say I was eating awfully of anything I can’t seem to get fully in the mindset. I think once we can properly see a consultant it will help me. As I get more competitive with myself then.
I did 1a to start with then switched consultants as the other was really pushy and fake, I was told I should never have been put on such a low step for my size so I stick to step 3 now, hasn’t seemed to interfere with my loses and I’m a lot less grumpy and miserable when on step 3.
Ahhhh I totally understand that. I found being at home I ate way less than being back at work. Strange how it goes to show it’s all mindset and we all deal with it completely differently!

If you don’t mind me asking, does this mean you were too light or too heavy for that step? It’s nice to be aware before I meet up with the consultant! My sister did this for her wedding and lost 110lb so I’m going to the same consultant she used x

Reading this is super interesting. I am d3sperate to lose weight (about 3 stone) but haven’t found anything I can stick to. I love the idea of a consultant, but all of them strange processed food worries me a bit...

anyone know where I can find like a weight loss consultant who will hold me accountable?!
I don’t know too much about the processed food element but my manager at work is a proper nutritional freak and counts macros all that jazz and he has let his wife do this diet , checked it all over and says it gives you everything you need without additives etc I think it’s also recommended by doctors but I may be mistaken ? X


Active member
Oh god I need to try more. I ordered loads of strawberry shakes thinking they'd be nice. My consultant said they were popular but I just get a weird after taste

Are the porridge's actually like porridge or do the have a weird consistency x


VIP Member
So three weeks into 1 to 1 again. Been smooth running and tbh I’m so depressed at the moment it working perfect as I’m not getting the hunger like I would usually. However I’m not losing much at all. First week 5 lbs but I also cut out booze takeaways sweets chocolate crisps so I knew I’d shed some water weight. But the last two weeks on a vlcd I’ve only dropped 2 lbs. I’m literally the penguin from Batman I’m huge morbidly obese. The bloat is still with me and I’m not losing weight. Anyone else who’s massive having this issue. I can’t believe it’s down to pcos. My bloods came back fine from doc when I requested for thyroid possible issues