Vanderpump Rules Gossip Forum

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  1. Vanderpump Rules/The Valley #3

    Carry on discussing our fave ex SURvers and now their new just as chaotic lives in the valley ☺️ So far on VPR - Ariana and Katie have distanced theirselves from the group as the rest embrace a live with Sandoval back in it. Schwartz has hooked up with the resident LA loonball and something...
  2. Vanderpump Rules #2

    Hey guys, time for a new thread….
  3. Vanderpump Rules

    Does anyone else watch?! VPR is one of my all time favourite programmes, such a guilty pleasure. James Kennedy will forever be classic viewing 😭🤣 I’m so pleased Bravo have dropped Kristen/Stassi after their racist behaviour towards Faith came to light. What’s everyone’s favourite episode...