
VIP Member
I honestly don’t see what people see in Ella . She’s cheap and nasty as a person and looks like every other skinny white privileged girl on insta . But we all know when the boat pics hit in Dubai ....what she is really up too . I just don’t get why she’s full of her own importance ? She’s not funny, she’s not relatable and certainly not likeable . We all need a villain on the show but she’s not even that lol she’s the next clelia looking for anything for a story
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Never thought I’d say this but I feel for amber turner. Just watched the episode from Sunday and Dan really isn’t bothered about her and I think she knows it. Also all this rubbish about having businesses, if you truly want something you’ll do anything to get it, so why not just get a job!!?!! Get some actual experience in whatever field it is that you want to open these “businesses” in, or go and study and get a relevant degree that will help you! He’s just making excuses and she can see it. Sad situation, but he’s a lazy man child and I think she’s only just realising it.
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I'm watching some of the old episodes and omg Chloe Brockett is actually so iconic 😂 when she was screaming at saffron outside the chip shop for being fake, when she took on Olivia and cleliwho wow I hope she's as good this season because her comebacks are quick as fuck I love it
So many people have tried to bully her or gang up on her and she was 19 when she was first on that show and she still always held her own 😭 .. It wound me up so much when people were saying she’s mates with her mum or hangs around with her mum yet I’m sure her mum is like Chloe Sims age and they all hang around with her haha 😳😂 and it was alright when Lydia and Marks mum etc were on the show ffs
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My heart really broke reading all the nasty comments on social media about Chloe’s daughter. Just because she doesn’t look like the typical 15 year old these days doesn’t mean she’s not beautiful and I hope she knows that. No wonder Chloe keeps her away from social media when people can be so cruel with worlds, she’s a child 😔

On a happier note I am delighted for Georgia & Tommy! They were such an unexpected couple when they first got together but I’m so happy they have lasted!
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I’m from up north but my stepdad is from Brentwood area and so my step siblings are from that area. They went to the private school though, so the ACTUAL riches of Essex don’t appear on TOWIE only the shenfield high school fakers lol! However the private school isn’t much better, kids doing coke (robbed from their CEO/city trader parents) driving around in brand new BMWs and range rovers at 17. Brentwood is like new money chavness I swear.

Gemma Collins used to work in a card shop or a similar shop in Collier Row which is the absolute ARSE end of Essex (near Romford) where all the ASBO kids hang out. So not sure where this “GC” Diva came from really.

I’ve been to Sugar Hut before TOWIE was a thing and just when it came out I saw Amy Childs & Sam Faiers walk around upstairs in the club room thinking they’re A-List.
Pixie Lott used to sing there too when she was young. Lauren Pope used to DJ there and she looked like a size 4 plastic sex doll. Kirk came across as alright, always used to drive around in his range thinking he was amazing. Slept around a lot.
The sugar Hut “burnt down” and everyone had to go to the shitty nightclub round the corner (it used to be called Sam’s back in the day it was a shithole lol). It was an insurance claim so Mick could get it ready for filming for TOWIE when it started. He built houses around a village outside of Brentwood but the village is in the middle of nowhere and doesn’t really warrant millionaire houses so he may have lost money there or made very little.

Ferne, Amy, Sam & Billie all used to go over 21s nights at age 16 and moved onto coke at house parties and all that honestly so trashy. Sam’s stepdad has been prison twice now just get a real job...

Will ask my step siblings for more tea they remember anymore
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Nah the yougsters they brought in a few seasons ago were dull AF.
Oldies can be good if they have personality like the savage Carol Wright, hippy Lydia’s mum with Arge or actual business owners like Mick (RIP). Not just a boring mum in a random scene.
What’s missing is genuine friendships and relationships. It used to he hysterical with Joey Essex and his chums, the GC and her latest drama.
Now they are all boring identikit dullards arguing about nothing.
They tried to bring back Amy to recreate the old days but time has moved on. None of her real mates are on it and her boyfriends stay hidden. Yawn! I miss the likes of Mario, Kirk, Lauren G, Mark and Bobby. Those throw back vids had me in stitches.
For all his faults only Lockie has the funny Essex banter anymore.
Time to delete the series link.:cry:
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I think Tommy is just a prick tbh. I'm sick of his holier than thou attitude. Making out like he didn't get a huge help with his trainer business, putting it down to pure hard work. Not saying he hasn't worked hard, but don't make out that you didn't get a better shot than most. Let's not forget how much a dick he was in towie.
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Sorry if this is brutal....

Roman and Dan Edgar are so alike. Zero brain cells and zero charisma.

Danis face and jaw is sooooo long, she looks like she could gobble roman up.

Diags has always been a nasty piece of work and absolutely hideous to boot. His smile makes me want to puke. Completely agree he mind fucked Elma to make her think it was her fault in thailand. Disgusting bloke.

Lockie is a man child, still on the show hanging around with girls just out of college. Isn't he mid thirties? Why is he hanging out with Chloe B? Same goes for Diags (everyone's favourite 🤢)who prob gives her free gear.

Chloe B looks like she's put on 3 stone since she joined and it doesn't look healthy. 20 going on 50 with all the surgery as well.

Saffron is so boring, as is chole meadows and Courtney green. They add nothing to the show.

Junaid is a user and Harry was right. Harry seems to be the only decent likeable one on the show.
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It’s funny how they all love to bitch about Amber and call her cold and hard faced, yet (for me) she had the most sincere and genuine reaction to Yaz’s situation. Far more so than Yaz’s bestie group.
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Dan came across so bitter during that meet up with amber! I thought she came across really well and grown up, I get he might mean it’s irrelevant being told he can do what he wants as he’s single but it’s not a natural situation to be on holiday with an ex so I think it did make sense to clear the air especially when you’ve got so many people in the mix bringing up amber and if she’d be bothered! Did anyone notice in the episode before when diags was talking to Elma he said something like.. I liked you and you weren’t giving me anything back I liked her and she liked me back so I went with her, if I was Jodi I’d feel like such a second choice!
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Frankie bores the life out of me her voice is so monotone zzzzzzzz !

Liking Amber better she seems to have grown up and got Dan under her thumb good and proper which he deserves.

Gatsby is 100% pure cringe

Dani is 100% a user you can see the disgust in her face sometimes when she's interacting with him.

Chloe is a resentful jealous bitch and her and diagz need to grow up .

I like Roman alot and Chloe B is ace.

Yaz couldn't be more in love with herself

For some reason part of me likes Pete ( probably only cos he loves dogs tbh!)
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Lilly long

VIP Member
Next week looks crap , never thought i would say this but would like to see The Sims back to have a go at Ella over Pete

Also Junaid is going live on insta at 9 to watch it and then live at 10 on tik tok 🙄
He really thinks he’s the main star.. his last live had 58 people
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Chatty Member
Chloe meadows is a fucking bitch. Being so chummy with diags “anything for you ☺” when he’s always been such a dick to Amber! In front of her too. No loyalty to anyone. Chloe is clearly miserable and wants to bring others down. Courteney used to be so pretty, but I don’t know if it’s her personality or fillers but she’s so unattractive to me now. Amber looks the best she’s ever looked.
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Anyone remember the episode where Carol said she wanted Big Mark but in Little Mark’s body. Who says that about their son
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