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Showing her shopping haul. I know it’s petty but cannot stand the way she says so pretty.

Sophie spent £32 on an outfit for the baby and of course it made SS cry 🙄
I’m sorry if I offend anyone, but I really don’t see the fuss over these kind of outfits and I really do not like them. They look so uncomfortable. Stick them in a baby grow 😭
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don’t forget the classic -

‘I work in the child social care sector and believe me when I say that she’s not a shit mum blah blah blah’

Imagine spending 1.3 mil on a house and then turning it in to that.

there must be an end game, she’s not stupid enough to make the house depreciate in value as such as she seems to be
I never believe people who say that. My job is heavily child safeguarding and part of our role is to warn parents of the dangers of posting photos of their child online. We advise keeping profiles locked down to family members! There’s literally nothing beneficial to the child in posting their childhood photos/life online, the only people who benefit from it are the parents. When you say that to a lot of parents it seems to be a light bulb moment. I usually word it as, “how would you like it if someone kept taking photos of you and uploading them to lots of people who don’t know you?” Some adults really struggle to not see their children as an extension of themselves; Stacey Solomon is a very good example of poor parenting. She posts her children because it does something for HER, her children do not benefit from their memories and childhood being posted online for strangers to gawp at.

Edited to add: most parents get this when we discuss this, let’s remember that, most loving parents do not take advantage of their child to use for clout and free stuff. Thankfully, Stacey is the minority.
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OK... She's really winding me up now as she is on my doorstep.

First off - Marazion (where I live now) I refuse to go to town til she's buggered off.

The park - it's on a rough estate in penzance called Treneere, wouldn't surprise me if that's where she is doing sort your life out, because it is NOT round the corner from Marazion, it's 8 miles down the road!!

However, if she's doing her programme on that estate it would make sense 🤔

It's not a park you just randomly find, especially as there is a gorgeous park in front of ST MICHAEL'S MOUNT (fuck off David, so funny stace)

So I call utter bullshit on her last story, we found this lovely little park round the corner....

It's a shit Park, on a estate, opposite a school, surrounded by the smell of weed.

How do I know? Because I drive past it on my way to work 5 days a fucking week. 🙄
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You know what I’m genuinely happy for them! No woman deserves to suffer a miscarriage. So I’m genuinely so pleased for them ❤
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I actually feel sorry for Rex, he was dropped like a bag of spuds as soon as Roess came along. No more giggling stories with ‘good fuckin morning’ playing over them. His cuteness was over, done, finished!

Roess turns up on skanks birthday (allegedly) so they can share their special day. Roll on hot glue gunning shit flowers to the nursery wall and painting everything putrid shades of pink. Then it’s all about her until…

Tanjo spunky nuts was cleaning the windows down at pickle cottage, skank is drinking a can of Coke watching him like a weird perv with nothin else to do…the coke got spilled…kaboom…another little pickle has been created!

I have previously said this baby will be delivered in the ‘birthing suite’ at pickle cottage on 20th January (tanjos birthday)

Im going to say ‘girl’ called Ruby, Rudy, Roxy or Radgey or just anything beginning with an R.

Rex will be shipped out to the Wendy House faster than you can say Kevin McCallister so he can play home alone, alone.

Roess will be demoted to instant ‘middle child’ syndrome and probably move in with Rex in a year or so.

The older generation boys…who are they again?!?

I wonder if the new golden child will be given a bespoke engraved named hanger and shoe space to match the other 4. Maybe they could do a bogof and get Harry one too? There’s a thought 🤔

Pmsl laughing at the CK underwear pregnancy shoot. Was her dad on another job that day, was he peed off that he didn’t get the gig?!?

Is sticker sister peed off as they’ve chosen a really long ‘R’ name like ‘Rapunzel-Rudy-Radgee’ and she can’t spell it or it just doesn’t fit on the onesie she was gifting it?!?
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Right *deep breath* here we go…

So, the last thread started with poor Stacey rushed off her feet as Joe was away ‘working’. 🤔 As to what this ‘work’ consisted of, well your guess is as good as mine but you can only imagine a ‘celebrity’ (and I use the term very loosely) version of show was in dire need and scraping the barrel for contestants hence old Tango Man being called to appear. Either way his absence had Stacey all over the place and rushed off her feet having to sort the kids out in the morning doing the school run and, erm, well yeah, that’s about it! 🤦‍♀️ Oh yes, despite being a task that countless parents undertake of a morning before they undertake their usual daily activity, this small act of parenting seemed to render Stacey nearly completely ineffective for the rest of the day. I say nearly completely as she did have time to fit some right clangers in which gave us Tattlers a field day, so it wasn’t all bad! 😉

So it’s from here the wedding dress saga was born! With Joe being away Stacey and the undead sister played hosts as wedding dress shop staff complete with dresses arrived at Pickle Cottage from Northern Ireland, as to why, who knows; one can only imagine Stacey’s cadged a freebie?!🤷‍♀️ Whilst not much was given away apart from a shot of either bizarrely coloured or highly filtered net curtains/wedding gowns, what did emerge from the day was a photo of Joe and the wedding shop staff on the shop’s Instagram! Yes, that’s Joe who had supposedly been away working leaving poor Stacey run ragged! D’oh! 🤦‍♀️😖🤭

Anyway, whilst the photo soon vanished (presumably after stern words from our dear Stace) obviously it had been seen and so needed to be explained. Stacey therefore, devious as ever, choreographed Joe in what I can only imagine she considered an Oscar-worthy performance in which he explained that unbeknownst to her he’d sneaked back with a bag of washing whilst she was picking her dress and then sneaked right back out again. Presumably he bumped into some random strangers hanging around the house in the wedding shop staff and so had his photo taken with them before sneaking back out but that explains that right?! Er yeah, and if you believe that you’ll believe anything! 😳😆

That little corker aside it’s been much of the same! Despite protesting her embarrassment and not wanting to show off previously, Stacey has once again proved what a load of guff that was as the swimming pool/patio area has never been far from our screens. Handy and helpful as ever and showing once again her relatability, Stacey also proved that stand still too long in her presence your liable to be spray painted beige and then pebble dashed, as not wanting to compliment the thousands she’s spent on her outside space with decent stone planters which cost firty paund each she instead ‘transformed’ four paund fifty plastic ones, classy as always is Stace. 😬

Getting there… in a rare and unprecedented move of parenting more then just the golden two, the annexe lads were treated to some trips out over the bank holiday, all of which in true Stacey style. The first trip to a water park seemed to show them having the run of the place with Rex decked out in a wet suit five sizes too big for him supposedly taking part even though the website specifically states ‘no under 6s’. Whether he got to take part is unknown but still, Stacey once again allowing the wrong impression to be given ‘cause it suited her. 😖

If left out of the water park excitement then there was no way that Rex was going to miss out on the trip to Nickelodeon World which was supposedly for Leighton’s birthday. Indeed, less for Leighton the whole day seemed more for Rex’s benefit but Stacey was as usual oblivious to how this treatment of her middle son might come across. 🫤 Rounding up the weekend’s activities then there was a family trip to the cinema with everyone, even Roess despite being 6 months old, included. Fair to say what with a baby and Stacey munching and crunching her way through a vat of popcorn the sound in that showing might have been somewhat disrupted but why would that bother Stacey? Selfish as aways…🙄🫤

Lastly the previous thread cannot be summed up without mention of the poor turtle. I’d like to say that no turtles were harmed in the mention of this recap but it’s not true sadly as Stacey managed to turn a perfectly usable and recognisable children’s turtle sand pit to the same as everything else in Pickle Cottage and its surroundings; beige and soulless, devoid of any colour or excitement. Indeed the lack of colour is probably the only clear theme that runs through ‘Pickle Cottage’ decor with even the children’s toys not managing to escape Stacey and her leftover beige/brown/cream/greige paint, helpfully used in the bodging up of anything. 😖😆

So there we are, once again it’s the same old Stacey story; if she’s not bragging she’s lying, the golden children are her favourites and if it doesn’t move, paint it beige. With the wedding of year looming as well as the finishing of the new Olympic Stadium, sorry Pickle Cottage swimming pool, we can only imagine there’s much more to come and look forward to, deep joy… 🤭🫣😆
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Putting it out there that in a few days time there will be another montage along the lines of “we didn’t know what your name was at first but after getting to know you, we just knew you were _____” or some other bollocks along those lines 🙄
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While I feel for her and the losses she has suffered, to say they have been trying for ages and didn't think it would happen is so insensitive. Her youngest is 2, so at the most she's been trying to conceive for 2 years.

I've been trying for 10 years and had multiple miscarriages and still yet to hold a baby in my arms, so her comments just hurt and come across a bit insensitive to me.
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anyone know how I get a restraining order? The woman is obsessed!

FYI I don’t love it Stacey, I think it’s tacky as fuck
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The whole thread will be locked and people banned if people don't stop talking about finding an address.

That is not what tattle is about. This is a public site that anyone can read. You might not have bad intentions but others may do.

All talk of address is strictly offlimits, please understand why this is important for everyone.
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Unfollowed her the second she posted a pic of herself with Mrs Hinch 🙄 her caption ‘women supporting other women’ or me a favour! Mrs H has made millions off the back of her ‘army’ by using the mental health card, as we all know. Evidently Stacy didn’t get the memo. If that hadn’t made me unfollow then the #ads would!
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The way I read her insta post is they haven't just found out but found out when she was a good 4-6months along but wanted time to get their heads round it. I dont think she is implying they have just found out. No one is that thick, with a belly that size. My guess is she found out 8-12 weeks ago. I think she is due early Feb as she said this time next month it will be nearly time to welcome you. So this time next month = end of January, I think baby due Feb.
I know I keep repeating myself but what's with all the vagueness/lies? Why can't you say "we have known for a little while but wanted to keep it quiet for the prime time Xmas engagement'

Wouldn't it be wonderful if she said 'we found out really late on, we've known for a couple of months but thought it would be fun to do a surprise reveal when the baby is born but the tabloids found out and forced our hand to announce, would have been a fun reveal but hey ho! That's the British media!'

Wouldn't that be so refreshing 🤣 a bit of honesty for a change!!!
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Roll up, roll up, welcome to Swollomon’s Circus and amazing magic show! Be prepared to look on in awe as you experience wonders that you have never seen the like of before, for all your senses to be stimulated and for you to come away utterly amazed and exhilarated, knowing you’ve been witness to something oh so very special! 🎪

Highlights include:

The great unwashed and human milk machine Stacey! Truly a marvellous sight, she defies the laws of nature by constantly providing milk for her child. But beware, this spectacle can get a little overwhelming (especially on a hot day!) so prepare yourself (and your nose) for something you’ve not come across before!🤢😉

Tango Man the human wotsit! Never before will you have seen a man so orange! From the top of his head to the tip of his toes (don’t worry, he keeps his clothes on!) Tango Man practically glows in the dark, surely a sight not to be missed! 🎃

Zach and Leighton the mysterious annexe boys! Rarely seen and even more rarely talked about, these two older offspring have slowly dropped down the pecking order as other children and partners have arrived. Observe them in their natural annexe habitat for the first time in history! 👏

Mad Mick, the feral terror! Marvel at the trail of destruction that such a small person can create! Not to be missed, Mad Mick is like a human Tasmanian Devil as he manically crashes and bangs his way around a room! 🤩

And last but by definitely no means least;

Opal Fruit the baby with the amazing colour changing eyes! Blue one moment, brown the next, just what is the real eye colour of this small human?! The only way to find out is to come see for yourself! 👀

So there you are and with only limited spaces available the Swollomon Circus is truly an experience not to be missed! Come and get your tickets today and don’t be left feeling like you’ve missed out on something never seen before!

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I just watched a bit of Your Face Or Mine and Joe tells the story of how they first met and it was when she came out of the jungle. He said she stood out because she stank worse than anyone else who’d come out of the jungle 🤢🤢🤢
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