
VIP Member
If anyone is still supporting Paul after this then they need to be on a fucking watch list, he is so far beyond vile I can’t believe it.

I hope someone sends this live to his ex, and that she uses it to keep him away from her child forever.
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Screaming at the video of someone recording him walking round London 💀💀 he just looks like a little lost weasel.

Can’t wait for the take me back to LDN posts in a couple weeks xoxo
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Did anyone screen record? I missed the live because my selfish child decided to swallow a peice of Lego. Such an inconvenience
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It's Christmas Eve, you're 14 years old and your Dad is on Tik Tok live moaning about doing Cameos which you know are probably in order to pay your Mum child support payments.

You wonder what your Dad is up to and since he doesn't visit you, for reasons only he knows it seems, you decide to check his latest Tik Tok video. Is it a heartwarming message about loved ones? Knowing that deep down he might not be able to see you on the day but he's sending a message?

Why no, he's miming to a song about paying for pussy. Merry Christmas.
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So on the other platform someone has made a post that a group of girls had a phone call with Pool and he’s said some really weird shit.

The girls are apparently writing up a transcript of the phone call because they don’t want to get sued for releasing an audio of a call where he didn’t know he was being recorded. It sounds like they’ve played the audio for Boo so she’s verified it’s real. I don’t want to get my hopes up that this is his downfall but 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
Sadly, at this point I'm not going to believe it unless I hear it myself, there have been so many people faking screenshots and saying they're going to "reveal" something and then nothing comes of it. It just muddies the water.

And I know you're saying boo has heard it, and as much as I do like her, what makes her the seal of approval that we can all trust these girls are telling the truth? She's a human just like the rest of us, capable of being deceived. We're all anonymous at the end of the day, we don't really know each other in the real world or whether we're reliable sources. I wouldn't expect any of you to just take my word for it if I came in here with big claims and no proof.

And this next bit is in no way aimed at Boo, in fact, there's quite a few people it applies to in regards to Paul. There have been a few creators on Tiktok who have spoken about the super secret conversations they've had with the people surrounding Paul and it just doesn't sit right with me. All of them have alluded to having big info on Paul because of these discussions but funnily enough, nothing ever seems to happen.
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If you choose not to post on this thread, then don’t post. You will only be identified by any information you have given away or through contacting him.
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I tried to post this on the ‘other site’ (rhymes with geddit), but since it seems like all the mods on there are on Boo’s payroll I’ll say it here instead as I know they’ll be reading.

In my opinion they’re all as bad as each other

Quirks had a relationship with a 17/18yo when he was much older, like Paul.

Boo is now seemingly suicide baiting in her latest video, like Paul did to Grace.

Weeks ago Paul made comments about Quirky needing to be quiet as he knew information about him, and Boo was the first to jump to defend Quirky by threatening to reveal personal messages from Pauls Stepbrother (that he hadn’t consented to be shared) as retaliation.

Now we’ve just found out what was trying to be hidden.

This whole situation has been handled extremely poorly, and the only real victim here is Grace. A young, vulnerable, autistic girl who was taken advantage of by a predator, and pushed by Boo and Quirky to be the perfect victim for their continued campaign against Paul.

I hope Grace steps away from every member of this Paul Cinematic Universe and gets the help from real professionals who have her recovery and mental health as a priority.
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I'm on a 12 hour shift today, planted the seed this morning by lying and saying I've got a uti so no one will think twice about my toilet breaks to catch up 😂
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That live when Sophie spilled all about pool was honestly top tier. I feel like il never experience a high like that ever again
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I do have to say, I cannot stand Quirky's "impressions" of Paul and have to turn off the minute it comes on my FYP (I also couldn't get why he was impersonating Dinner with Jon when Jon is the most beautiful soul ever) .
However when he speaks in his own accent, calmly and rationally about Paul he is really articulate and gets his point across so well. Last night I was really impressed with how he handled the Joanne thing.
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I transcribed Paul's latest video because clearly I have nothing but time. Normal font is his words. Italic is me replying because why not. I love a good analysis of his midnight meltdowns. Honestly, I think he doesnt help himself. He says he needs to come off social media and wants to kill himself - & this isnt the first time he's said it. He's said it a few times now but he still won't delete, and if he does, he'll be back again within the week. He's addicted to social media, the attention it gives - good & bad. He can't help himself.

I agree, I need to come off social media. I want to kill myself. I don’t want to be here anymore, but I’m too scared to end it. So im stuck. Stuck in this weird limbo land of nothingness. No, im not happy, I cant find happy because everytime I try and find happy, or be happy some weird person will step into my life and do some of the weird actions I have ever known in the history of fucking man.

Paul relies on women to make him happy. He thinks that by being in a relationship then automatically all his problems will go away, they will become his little stepford wife and he will be man of the house. I don't think he wants to kill himself, people who are suicidal don’t record videos of themselves and then posts them to social media. He’s just pissed that Frankie entered Sophie and Sharane’s live last night & confirmed that he would turn up unexpectedly to her work place. I mean, the guy needs a restraining order if anything!

How many times has someone tried to befriend me, spoken to me for months and it turns out they don’t actually like me in the fucking end anyway. Who does that? That’s not fucking right. Who goes into a relationship with someone, then tells everyone that it was never a relationship. Then bullshits about that person, continuously. Don’t they have anything in their lives to talk about? Who does that?

To be fair to Paul (and I will only say this once), without Paul, Sophie has nothing to talk about. Everyone knows she curls her hair with her straighteners, that she buys her clothes from H&M, Primark, Zara and gets her homeware from B&M and home bargains. The girl is dead behind the eyes and has zero personality. Every picture and video she uploads she is has slapped on loads of make up and then wacks a filter on top. She doesn’t look like that in real life – and you can see it when you scroll further down where she’s looking like a pale gale complaining about how NOBODY mentioned her mum bod. Without talking about Paul – she has nothing.

Who sits there, spouting body confidence but then will rip into someone for the way they look? Who sits there and goes on about mental health but its okay to bully, harass and have a go at someone else. Who the fuck does that? It turns out the majority of fucking people do that. I am overwhelmingly tired of this weirdness that I walk into every single second of every single day. I am tired of caring for people & that care being thrown back in my face because people seem to be so fucking self-centred that it’s the normality to twist it to make themselves really popular or whatever fucking thing you wanna do, but im tired of it but I cannot escape it.

Paul, you are talking about something that you can control here. The weirdness you walk into every single second of every single day – that sounds like a you problem. Delete your socials, make new friends, get in the real world. The internet is not real life.

There are a few of you that doesn’t count too, and I am so sorry for saying it but im just fucked off, im lost and I don’t know how to say goodbye. I don’t kno how. I don’t know who to trust, who to speak too, I don’t know whos real anymore. Because of fucking social fucking media. Wow. Fucking tiktok, insta, snapchat, fucking facebook, fucking social media. Its an escape from the reality of the real world.

Again, the internet is not real life. It’s not an escape from reality is it if you’re using it to communicate with young girls… sounds like a dangerous reality to live.

You all sit there spouting, spouting, spouting mental health , oh I love everybody. Fuck off man, no. you really don’t fucking at all. You live most of ya for yourselves. Im not the best of friends in the world. I keep forgetting to message and do stuff, but I always try to care. But if I do care about you, you call me creepy or fucking anything else. I have never known a world full of such fucking lies in all my life. None of you live through what I live through every fucking second of every fucking day. Continuous weirdness thrown at me. In the most bizzarrest of fashion. And im sitting here going “well I actually know the truth” and this is me questioning what I actually know, actually happened or didn’t happen, or has happened or going to happen. I find it fucking, fucking, fucking bizarre. & I don’t think I am right for this world. I really don’t because I don’t understand it. I don’t accept this normal recognised behaviour.

Again, all this drama, all this “bizarre unrecognised behaviour” is from the internet. Your problems all stem from the internet but you just cant seem to let it go. Why? Imagine if you put this much effort into your son, or your work life than you do with social media. You could be thriving. Living your best life, but here you are. Recording rants on social media.

That all you people seem to just use. I do not understand it. because fucking paul snapshoteye is on fucking social media. Wow. Absolutely mental. So yes I said at the start I need to come off social media and soon that might be very much a reality. But it depends on whether I can be fucking brave or not.

I’m sorry, what? You need to be “brave” to come off social media? Why? What is so scary about the real world Paul? Is it because you can talk to young girls on here freely without being *judged* and I use that term loosely because we all see you. Is it because you can scout for your next potential girlfriend online, because its easier… because as you said yourself, you don’t date? Because online you can hide behind filters and “I’m such a nice amazing guy” but in reality, women can sniff out the real you?

Im tired of being used and im tired of people stepping in to my life to be fucking universally weird. Just be mad, just be fucking normal. If you don’t wanna talk to me, don’t talk to me, if you do want to talk to me then but don’t fucking … *shakes head, stares off to the wall* Im tired of it man. Its not right, its not normal. It’s the strangest thing I have ever come across. I find it fucking bizarre. On top of that, they call me controlling and manipulating. Of who? Can 1 of you put your hands up that youv been controlled & manipulated by me? But my life is being controlled and manipulated by loads of other fucking people writing bullshit all the time.

Come on now Pool! Just say what you really want. You want someone young, vulnerable, ideally someone who has had a bad relationship so you can swoop on in and save the day. You don’t want a woman with her own voice and her own thoughts and her own opinions. You want someone that is easily controlled, easily manipulated. This whole video right now is you trying to manipulate the situation. If Sophie had never done that live, if Frankie never entered the life and spoke a few words about the situation, would you even be doing this video? Of course not. On other people’s lives, you cant control what they say. You cant mute people and boot people out, you cant put it on subscribers only. You have no choice but to watch them speak their truth and you cannot stand it. so, what do you do to gain that power back? You do this.

Oh, but I see, im not very good at it at all it doesn’t seem, Seems im not a good judge of character. Seems im not a good judge of people I end up going out with. And if I get angry like this then its obviously because im an angry person. If I go quiet its obviously because im a weak person. I live a life where I can’t actually do anything or say anything without it getting used against ya. Try for 2 seconds. My life was happy. Before I was attacked on a daily basis, continuously. Im trying to work out who the fuck wants to be in my life and who doesn’t wanna be in my life, whos pretending to be in my life to amuse themselves to get through their fucking pathetic life. That’s why im unhappy, that’s why im at this point in time where I’m done in life. Seek professional help. Stop fucking being fucking weird then nobody would need to seek professional help. Do what you want with this video. Laff at it. take the piss outta it. enjoy it whatever the fuck you want. Cuz I am done with absolutely everything. That’s it. im done.

You’re unhappy because the narrative didn’t play out like you expected it to play out in your head. You’re unhappy because these women are seeing you for who you really are, and you literally do not know what to do with yourself. You cannot believe that there are women out there that don’t think the sun shines out of your bum. Being in a relationship doesn’t automatically equate to being happy. You have to be happy within yourself and you’re not. You do need professional help or failing that, a restraining order because turning up at peoples workplaces unannounced & turning up to someone’s house with all your belongings after a week to move in is some next level red flag stalking shit!! Oh, and saying only weird people seek professional help – After your pick me vid on mental health & bipolar the other day? You can get in the fucking bin. So uneducated. So pathetic. So hopeless.
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Thread recap - Paul is still a groomer and should be in jail. Quirky has been caught messaging a 17/18 year old girl and thinks it's okay because he changed his mind about the age difference but still met her and considered a relationship with her when he was double her age. Whoever said twin flames is spot on.

He isn't excused because he owned up under duress. Boo absolutely knew about this and enabled it with her stupid threats to Paul. If this doesn't cancel the pair of them, I don't know what will.

I hate to say I told you so, but I feel like I'm vindicated now that I never liked either of them from the start and thought they were chasing likes and attention. Hopefully this puts an end to that impression too.
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