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I wasn't feeling good today, I treated myself to a burger after work. Afterwards I stopped by three bookshops, I almost bought a few books that I didn't feel strongly about, because there was a 3 for 2 sale going on. I reconsidered for a few minutes and put them back and walked out 🙏 Nothing added to my to-read shelf, and no regrets about the burger either, as I've been packing my lunch and eating at home consistently. It was needed today and I enjoyed it 🤗
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Love reading everyone’s thoughts and victories and learning opportunities ❤ Sharing this even tho I feel like a freak - mild TW a passing reference to child neglect!

I’ve been thinking about a comment someone made on this thread about thinking why we do things at least once a day since I read it 🤯 Starting with when I’d opened an expired tin of soup and thought wtaf how old must this be to have expired?! Aren’t tins forever! Then realised I’ve probs had this forever because I’m definitely a food hoarder 😱 and it’s something that isn’t serving me/emotionally healthy so something I’ve been slowly working on. It’s definitely because I grew up in a chaotic home & my parents were v neglectful to us so I’ve always seen super full cupboards as imperative to having a good lifestyle/home as an adult, but as others point out having more stuff is just more stuff to manage and inevitably more waste. I also find it hard to eat food I’ve got in stock 🤯 I’ve gone through and checked expiry dates and there was a fair amount of spices & odds and ends that were out of date, which makes me feel SO wasteful but I can’t internalise that shame because I understand the why. Thankfully fresh food is kept in check by my husband who’d chuck things out 20 minutes past best by, but I know that’s because in the past I have let that get a (little!!) past best. I feel so embarrassed writing this all out as it’s fundamentally rooted in shame and sadness but I’m going to keep this at front of mind. We will always need *some* supplies as we’re in a geography where if an extreme weather event happened we might be stuck here for a day or two, but there’s a total difference between prepping for that versus tying my confidence as a mum/wife to having at least 8 cans of everything stocked at all times.

Ending on a cheerier note - found the perfect size leather pouch when tidying the “household bits” kitchen cupboard that I’ll use for my AirPods and some ear plugs etc, was searching online for the perfect wallet/coin pouch for them but had something all along 💫
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Those of you not sticking to low spend due to emergencies, that does not deem you a failure. The point of low spend/being more aware is really to help with those unexpected expenses in the long run. There is ‘always something’ that will crop up, but necessary is very different to the mindless overspending many of us do.
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I always make a point of not buying stuff that benefits already rich people.

So, no bedsheets from Kylie or Holly W. No saucepans from Jamie Oliver. No wine from Graham Norton. Etc No novels by Shirley Ballas or Michael Ball (they wouldn’t be my cuppa but there is a proliferation of titles by celebrities, particularly kid’s books, which have nothing to do with the celeb who has stuck their name on them).

In a way these celebrity products are just the same as influencers trying to flog us stuff.
Mine is do not buy anything from Brands which throw hundreds of pounds worth of goods/products to influencers.
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Chatty Member
I just want to say, it is okay to still have treats/takeaways/bad days! I've seen a few posts where people have said they feel bad or fallen off the wagon etc. but it's not about 1 day. We all have bad days. If we can reduce the OVERALL impact of unnecessary spending then you really won't feel the effects of maybe being a little wasteful.

I know it can feel disappointing if you've been good, but don't let a slip up ruin any good progress you've made ☺
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2024 is the year of de-influencing and saving our monies honeyzzz <3

I am someone who finds themself living pay check to pay check and I hate it! I am very lucky, and have an above average wage for a 24 year old, but I spend it like I'm a friggin millionaire 😂😂
2024 will be the year I realise I don't need everything that is advertised online, and to only buy what benefits me/mr mog/our future <3
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House of Tea

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I genuinely think being off instagram would help a lot. I just saw that someone received a manicure set with little lamp etc for Christmas and off I went to Google it. I’d never ever use it! I do this with books all the time. Someone reads something that looks amazing and off I pop to Amazon.
I am beginning to think that too. I see stylish people, see them wearing a beautiful jacket, realise it is out of my price range, spend ages trying to find a dupe. End up ordering it, and it is okay at best. Decide to keep or send back, which is invariably not free returns. So not only have I tried to add to my already large jacket collection, I have spent ages mindlessly surfing online, then have to waste more time and money sending it back. It is crazy. I am using jacket, but it could be anything!

Instagram is intended to make you want things, why else would influencers be given so much. It is to advertise to us ninnies, and we fall for it. Instagram also makes you feel a lack, a false lack. You want their home, that skirt, that chair, her hair, that golden retriever. Instead of wanting what they have we should appreciate what we have. Instagram is an edited showreel. It’s not real. Our lives are real and we need to just concentrate on our own style and decisions without being coerced by an algorithm.
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On the theme of “use the good stuff” - this morning I started a new £10 bar of soap (only 21 bars to go…) for the shower. What on God’s green earth possessed me to spend £10 on a bar of soap? Will I be cleaner than with the 75p one? 🙄
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The bad news is my car failed its MOT so the money I'd saved this month was spent on fixing the issue!

The good news is that *because* I've been frugal, I had the money available right away and didn't have to panic or use credit. I havent touched my house deposit and I have a plan, thanks to this thread, to put money aside specifically every month for my MOT and insurance ready for next year!
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Chatty Member
I'd value experiences over possessions any day. Who would ever go I wish I'd bought that bag and not gone to the Philippines?

These days I find just knowing a closet is full of stuff a bit stressful. It feels so good knowing things are minimised, even if it's all hidden away.

For travel I think you can downgrade your accommodation as it's just somewhere to sleep, stay a bit further out but somewhere with an express link to the centre. Then avoid the overpriced tourist trap places where breakfast could easily be €20 pp and get a coffee and croissant for €2 on the go. Only eat out at places it's worth it.
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January was going so well for me, I'd only spent £30 on unnecessary purchases and, to be fair, those are products I will use like creatine.

Unfortunately yesterday I went a little crazy and booked someone to paint our hall. It's been an ongoing project since the 6 week holiday last year... We don't have a ladder long enough to paint the stairwell and I just want the project finished. So that's a £180 I didn't have to spend but I'm going to be so glad I did once it's finished.
But because you didn't make many unnecessary purchases you're now in a position to get something done to improve your house! I think that's a massive win!!
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It's important to remember that life should be fun so, unless saving for something particular, you don't want to reduce your spending so much that all you do is work and go home, we are after all social beings
Going for a coffee with friends is cheaper than going for a meal and drinks but buying a takeaway coffee everyday is not really adding value to your life.
Having a takeaway on a Friday night with some wine is perfectly reasonable, ordering off Ubereats or Deliveroo 4 times a week is madness.
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House of Tea

VIP Member
I have just been for a walk along the Thames at Hampton Court (free!) saw lots of dogs.

But this sparked joy on way home. Spring is on the way!

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A little background:
- I had been trying to be sensible and somewhat minimalist about my purchases for the last few years but in 2023, my spending spiraled out of control.
- I have very limited space so whatevet I buy contribute to a cluttered space, even if I actually need what I buy.
- I have become reliant on especially online shopping to pass time but I still consider myself sensible because I buy stuff other than the usual suspects (clothes, cosmetic etc.). Fooling myself really.
- I had a serious book buying problem in the past; buying a Kindle has supressed this issue a bit but I still have tons unread on my shelves.
- I hate clothes shopping because I feel good in pretty much nothing, so finding something I like is an arduous process with a lot of buying/returning and sometimes I just run out of steam and forget/neglect returning stuff I won't use.

I don't have a specific goal for my saving or buying less, I want to be able to buy a flat for myself at some point in the next five years but the housing market here is out of control and well beyond the reach of an average earner. The currency here has lost a lot of value since pandemic and my income, once comfortable, will soon become just enough. Unless I change my frivolous spending habits, I won't be able to budget when I actually need to. So this is sort of a practice round for harder days to come.

I want to:
- Cut down on cab rides. I can walk or take the subway/bus to most places where I live. I need to save cab rides for late nights, when I'm carrying a heavy load or for bad weather. That'll also help me walk more.
- Cut down on takeaway. That is what I have spent most on in 2023, I think. This is a tentative goal because I also want to eat nutritious food and make it convenient for myself until the habit sticks. I'll try to cook morr but if not, I'll go for food that'll actually feed me, rather than give into my emotional eating tendencies for the sake of comfort.
- Stop Amazon and other online shopping time when I'm bored. This is non negotiable, When everything is a click away, it's too convenient.
- Stop buying any more books, at least until I've read half of what I have waiting, and decluttered what I didn't like.
- Get my credit card cancelled and renewed so I won't be able to memorize the number this time. This one did me dirty last year, as I don't even need my purse or card near me. I just type in the info and click buy. I need to make it harder for me to shop randomly.
- Stop buying hobby supplies or clothing for my "fantasy self". I will stay away from stuff I know I won't use or I hope I might use, one day. No more drawing pencils or charcoal or thread or fabric or yarn, I have enough. No more cheap, trendy clothes that I hope will make me look cooler. They won't, they look awful on anyone who isn't 19 and fit. That's not me and that will never be me. Embrace myself as I am.

What's fine with me:
- Dining out once or twice a month, for socialising and good food. If the food will be just junk or snacks, I'll eat before I meet people so I won't spend money on bad fries and questionable chicken at the pubs.
- Having a drink or two, once or twice a month. Alcohol prices are also skyrocketed here and I don't take pleasure in drinking enough to excuse spending loads on it. I won't sweat it if I really want to drink something specific, but if it's just to keep my mouth busy, I'll stick to nonalcoholic beverages.
- Buying clothes when I really need them. I won't berate myself for spending money on a good waterproof coat or good boots or trainers etc if I need it. I have never regretted buying something needed in excellent quality, as I haven't needed to replace it for years and years. But I won't windowshop online or in person, just to see if there is something I can buy.

That's all I can think of. So far I have only purchased some disinfectant wipes to restock my bathroom cupboard, and shampoo as I detested my current one and I can't finish that regardless of my budget. I have logged out of shopping websites, deleted my card info on them and I already don't use the apps. I'm also decluttering slowly, trying to be less sentimental but we have had a loss in family last year and it affected me in a way that makes me anxious about letting go of anything that I've received from my parents. I'm trying to be better. I also have doctor's appointments and some treatments waiting for me in the upcoming month, the medical expenses won't be cheap. Eventually I'd love to see my credit card bill cut in half or more. Wish me luck.
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Little essay from me about a bit of a realisation…

when I started the ‘do I want it’ thread I referenced social media a lot. I have since gone on to unfollow every influencer I was following which has helped a lot. However, I do still follow some ‘home’ accounts as we live in a project house and I need ideas. One of the things I keep seeing is perfect spice jar organisation - identical jars labelled and stored somewhere visible.

my spice jars are in a drawer and are a mix of brands and sizes, but all have the name on the top so I can find what I need in seconds. I was so close to spending £3/jar (£200 ish) to replace all of these and make it more aesthetically pleasing but honestly…why?? It’s not solving a problem. It’s buying shit for the sake of buying shit.

I feel like it’s not really about the spice jars but an analogy for my purchase habits up til the birth of this thread. I would get sucked in to the idea that I needed this thing to be more efficient/organised/tidy/presentable when actually I dont need it at all.

My new approach is that if I have an actual issue - e.g. need somewhere to store x, buy storage for it - that’s fine! But I have to stop letting shops/socials create issues that lead me to spending.
Rant over.
It’s realising that the answer isn’t the £200 spice jars isn’t it. That next TikTok buy won’t actually change your life. We are all sucked into this consumerist mentality of buying all these things will improve our lives when actually it’s the total opposite.

We went out yesterday and played Pooh sticks in the woods, my children absolutely loved it. Just a reminder to me that it’s not just stuff they want or need, it’s the little things too.
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Hello everyone

I’ve had a really rough few weeks with health and stress, I really felt like I was losing it at one point.

I have felt so overwhelmed and felt a massive need to remove stress and ‘downsize’ everything I’m dealing with. I deleted Reddit and Instagram last night because not only are they a huge time suck but Instagram in particular makes me feel like my house isn’t good enough/ clean enough and like I need new clothes and makeup.

I also unsubscribed from promotional emails and deleted about 500 spam and old emails from my inbox.

plus, I cancelled a trip to Paris. That might seem disappointing but honestly the whole thing was stressing me out like crazy. We have two people with differing food allergies in our house that means food shopping and eating out is a real stress. I just couldn’t mentally get my head around how we would deal with it in France. Plus, paying all the money for the trip was causing me a headache. I’m not ruling out a trip or holiday at all but that one was causing me more stress than excitement to think about.

I’ve sold a few things on Vinted and I’ve got a few more to put on. Planning a trip to ikea in the next week but with a set budget and only buying what will be useful and used a lot.
Forgot to add that I’m considering lowering my work hours. I got promoted and they offered me longer hours on my working days, which I accepted gleefully thinking of the money.

however I’ve come to realise that those longer hours have robbed me of my balance. I previously had 90 minutes to myself a day to go for a walk, have a breather, sort stuff out in the house and chill before I need to be on mum duty. Now my days are hectic from start to end and I feel suffocated.

I’d feel bad asking for a reversal tho. And I’d be giving up about 3 grand a year.
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Went shopping yesterday to get some useful basics that would go with everything. Hubby and I both got paid more this month and in the past I’d have been thinking ‘let’s spend it up!’ and bought loads of makeup etc, but I went intending to spend what I made on Vinted on gaps in my wardrobe.
Got a top and a black cardigan in Uniqlo and then found lots of stuff to try on in H&M including a satin maxi skirt. It fit really nicely and I was dithering because where am I actually going to wear it? I wear jogging bottoms on my lower half while working from home all week and jeans when I’m out and about. I’m a mum and clothes need to be practical, so I put it back. Just bought a striped jumper in there.
I love how my thinking has changed and I’m thinking of money as wellbeing rather than something to get rid of as quick as possible on crap I don’t need.
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Not Now Bernard

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I should say (for anyone going through the same) that we are now totally debt free, have sone savings, and have managed to work our way up to better jobs. Just want to give some hope to anyone struggling out there.
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Iconic Member
Y’all out here saving a grand in a day…

but I bet you didn’t get 2 selection boxes for the price of one today so who’s the real winner. 😎
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